What happens to BPD females when they get older? Do they calm down or do they burn out on drugs?

What happens to BPD females when they get older? Do they calm down or do they burn out on drugs?

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I think they might develop schizophrenia.

What makes you think that?

(Fuck you robot)

Right now I'm posting on Yas Forums while living off of my neetbux. Still single, never had sex, no family, no friends. I find I am neither calmed down nor burned out on drugs. It's just more of the same.

They often wind up alone, bitter, and likely everyone doing their best to avoid them.

Ever had an aunt who was crazy, but energetic, likely drunk 90% of the time, but could never marry or hold down a marriage? That.

I think the suicide rate is 10% and otherwise symptoms decrease naturally with age. I know I'm calmer.

This is a very accurate description of BPD females.

>never had sex


my mom has bpd and she's just gotten worse with age. I read online it's supposed to be the opposite though. Just stay away from bpd females or at the very least please don't have children with them

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I am BPD I just also have agoraphobia so I don't get out as much to meet people. In the past I've clung to friends and been possessive over them the way a lot of BPD people do with the person they are dating.

This guy is right

I'd agree with that but everyone's broken and mentally ill now days. Time to rope.

(Vulnerable femanons lurking be careful of sadists that enjoy harming women.)

Overdose, suicide, or if they survive that long wine aunt. Therapy and experience calm things down a enough to cope but they're always going to hurt and have no where they really belong because of all the burnt bridges. They'd be pitiable if not for all the pain the cause to anyone unfortunate enough to cares about them and moreso the lack of remorse and taking of responsibly for it all.

No offense but I thought all women had it easy mode, why would they die alone?

Young women live life on easy mode, women over 40 without a family are treated as disposable.

Oh okay, my bad kek.

Miserable cheating harpy of a wife who settled is possible too I guess but they don't last. For instance I used to know a older BDP women in her 50s on her 6th marriage and last I heard that failed too. Mercifully pets are a thing, an animal will love even a crazy backstabing borderline cunt nigh unconditionally. It's good something can because they need it.

That's not very romantic. I just want to fall in love and have it end well.

ever seen those trashy crazy hags in their 40s and 50s who hang out in front of liquor stores and the like?
that's what happens to them.

Homeless bag ladies?

The appeal of dating someone mentally ill wears off around 30 and they merely get left to rot.

>What happens to BPD females when they get older? Do they calm down or do they burn out on drugs?


1. Become porn stars
2. Become criminals/drug addicts
3. Become successful sociopaths in the upper echelons
4. Become hanging ceiling decoration

There's no in-between. BPD women are the worst.

You forgot "They fuck someone famous and make their life a living hell".

most take their meds until one day they randomly decide to stop. then they have a suicide attempt and have to go back on their meds. it's a cycle

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That falls under the successful sociopaths in upper echelons category.

Of course, I forgot it wouldn't be under their own power.

Anything BPD people get is never under their own power. They always manipulate to get what they want. A supposedly successful BPD woman in anything from acting to business got there by whoring around with their boss, Professor, or some other well-to-do person and, as you said, making their life hell. I unfortunately dated a woman with BPD and I was able to psychoanalyze her behavioral patterns.

I don't do drugs or drink for that matter, and have no interest in ever doing both. Either I'm going to be a bitter spinster with a decent career/inheritance, dead, or married with kids. I've already started calming down, hopefully once I start DBT I can learn to manage my emotions better. Most likely I'm going to be a spinster or dead.

i used to talk to one, she claimed to be 'better'
she still showed every sign of bpd and was still self-harming, behaving unpredictably, etc. this chick was 28 and would rip her hair out and punch herself in the head while screaming over a minor argument with her bf. basically they have just learned to hide it as much as possible, but it is not possible.

thankfully for me she just started ignoring me for no reason and would hide it as much as possible. she didn't do drugs but she'd chug alcohol after someone didn't like her or something.

>would rip her hair out and punch herself in the head while screaming over a minor argument
Is this something that is symptomatic of BPD? an ex I had used to do the same thing and it was terrifying because he was way bigger than me. He always accused me of being crazy with bpd but I always wondered if it was really him because I've never been told I act like I have it before.

as far as i can tell, it's common. she would send me links to mental health videos and shit that she identified with. she was also offically diagnosed and had quite the large mental institution history. honestly though bpd is female: the disorder. i would bet there's quite a few women who think they have it but they really aren't that severe, it's hard to tell because they fluctuate anyway. maybe its just natural self hate from being a woman, but i would think that would go away with age. maybe just after getting a stable relationship/kids.

but yeah your bf may have been bullshitting you, it's not just bpd girls into psychos after all.

they never change
they just stay a crazy fucking whore

My formerly best friend was BPD. She liked to see people suffer, I always thought. And she wanted others to suffer more than her. She had a bf, a really nice guy. Two times she broke off with him for another guy so far. And he always takes her back. She is just bad, drinks more and more alcohol and searches for people who like her at first sight everywhere. She will never be happy.

Friend of mine got the worst of it with his partner. She has known about her BPD for several years and she doesn't give a shit. Despite taking antidepressant a few years back and stopping after she had gone ape shit about their dog needing more room in their appartment which made the poor guy (or moron) move into a smaller room, she simply uses her BPD as an excuse for all the batshit insane things she does... like taking LSD with his brothers and acting like she have never had a single soul in his family liking her a few hours later.

Lets be gay kek.

Admittedly there is the prostitute mentality wherein taking care of their appearance is priority number one so they can feel what they are given has been "earned" even if there's no vocation attached to their appearance.

I knew a girl who said she had BPD when I was 17. I met her off this board and we met up IRL eventually. She was into little boys around age 8-12.

She only liked me because I was significantly younger than her at the time. She was a drug abuser and also drove some people to attempt suicide.
That was one of my only experiences with BPD.
Second was this older woman who was 25 years old. And I met her from this board. She wanted to be my girlfriend as well. She pretended I didn't exist one day and cheated on me. She also identified as having BPD. She also only liked me because I was significantly younger than her. All of her past partners were around my age. But I was 18 this time.

I dox'd both of them in the end. And now I know to avoid anyone who calls themself BPD or is diagnosed with the disorder.

I only know that the second one was last inviting people to her server and being an attentionwhore as usual. I learned it from my friend who let me use his vpn service for free.

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>Still single, never had sex, no family, no friends. I find I am neither calmed down nor burned out on drugs. It's just more of the same.
this but im a male and i highly doubt youre a biological female

Why would I want to live with another BPD female? I can't even take my own shit, I don't want to deal with someone else's. Unless they have a dick.

Geeze woman. You'll see the light.

>drives a man to ripping his own hair out
>believes she isn't BPD

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I have no idea why this board is so obsessed with BPD and labelling every crazy they meet as a borderline.

Probably because so many femanons here identify as BPD. It's not like people just pulled the term out of think fucking air lmao

He also constantly threatened to an hero and cheated on me. I've never done any of these things so I assume it's not me who is the one with BPD and he was projecting onto me. I'm still not sure, he made me feel like I was crazy or overreacting all of the time.

I don't believe most of them actually have it and are just using it to excuse their shitty behaviour. My psychologist and psychiatrist were very hesitant to diagnose it. What's even more puzzling to me is robots that fetishise it.

>I don't believe most of them actually have it and are just using it to excuse their shitty behaviour
Yes that's exactly why they say they have it. It's why robots bring up BPD so much. It's almost like the term "incel" at this point. It's lost its original meaning in certain communities online.

But yeah some robots probably fetishize it because they have low self esteem and they believe they can't find anyone better than a "BPD" chick. At least that's how I see it.

I weren't in mental health for a while and I met quite a few women with BPD and a few were in their 40s and 50s. It doesn't change as they get older, they just get even more annoying.

Do you feel better now? If you still feel crazy, it might be you.

I know a slutty BPD girl called Kimberly from here

I know a slutty BPD girl called Karen from here

Well my first and so far only ex is BPD-ish, met her 3 years ago, she's still subhuman garbage but hides/controls it a bit better. Still breadcrumbs everyone around her into giving her attention and validation and pretends she doesn't want/need it, still turns everything into a push/pull power game, still expects everything to always be centered around her and be all about her. I couldn't believe someone could be so incredibly self centered they don't feel bad about the pain they cause other people as long as they enjoy how it was done (i.e. cheating) and it never ceases to amaze how the issue is never what they did or why they did it, it's you for bringing it up and ruining the mood. Gas em all.

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Remember every bitter, bitchy teacher you ever had? The ones in their 30s-40s who flipped the fuck out or even cried when they got pissed off, never mentioned having a husband or children, hated your ass but loved chad and stacy for some reason despite being garbage people? That's what happens to them. I call them emotionally incontinent.

I don't really know, I feel confused about everything. I keep questioning myself like am I really crazy? He said I am all of the time? I don't know.

they become fat and fight over toilet paper at walmart. lets get real here. these girls are nothing more that semi cute poor white trash

i just got out of a relationship with a BPD girl, and i really can't believe you just described her to a fucking t. i decided to split with her because of her constant emotional/psychological abuse and shit behavior, but i communicated everything tactfully and with kindness, which resulted in her erasing me from everything and straight up ghosting me even after saying i was the most important person in her life. i tried multiple times to communicate with her and even to apologize to her (for what, i still don't know), but she just told me to fuck off. i absolutely gave her everything and treated her like she fucking royalty, simped out and paid her rent a few times, helped her with groceries, cleaned her kitchen and room constantly (which was ALWAYS stained with cat shit and piss form her two retard cats). our relationship was 100% always about her and her needs and her comfort, if i ever stepped out of line with something i needed, i was either neglected or met with hostility. fuck women.

angelina jolie chopped her tits off

37 old fag here, my x who is 36 we hooked up 13 - 18 last I saw a year ago had nudes posted on Yas Forums getting pounded she moves around and works shitty jobs hooking up with dudes in between drugs and psyche ward visits

also that last bit about never responding to hurtful things they do is 100% spot-on. any time i would bring up her shit behavior she'd just flip her shit and eventually cry until i apologized to her for doing it. fuck it pisses me off that i ever invested any emotional capital in her (not to mention financial) and that i still think about her shitty fucking being.

fuck women? nah fuck yourself for letting you be degraded over a lil bit of pussy, pathetic people like you making it harder for normal people.

you'd be surprised at people's capacity to deceive, retard, maybe if you talked to anyone other than your mother or siblings you'd understand that.

Had an aunt exactly like that. Only I suspect she may have become schizo as she got older like said

nice assumption, I lost my virginity 16 years ago, like I said, thanks for making it harder for everyone else you dipshit.

I had sex with this fat chick named leta, she thought it was something cool to do worse lay of my life. So OP they become whores lol