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No I know my mental illnesses are real because I can actually feel them and their effects. Not like a pseudo intellectual retard like you can understand anyway.

I know god is real because I can actually feel him and the effects.

Well memed. origarao

schizo's are funny people. Theyre so broken that they literally have to believe theyre gods else theyll go mad from inadequacy.

I'm a schizo and you have the complete wrong idea about how we think.

Stop posting this please, it scares me.

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Are you telling me that your condition is other than a form of transcended narcissism?

>literally in their own state of reality where they see and hear things no one else can see and hear
>bro it's just le transcended narcissism!!

A pedophile? A sociopath? A narcissist? A tranny? Which one could you be?

schizos are incurably sick, they need to be executed for the good of man. Hitler had the right idea, we have to eliminate the illness at the root

We don't think we're gods at all. Far from it, you're confusing mental illnesses. Schizophrenics often feel like everyone thinks they're worthless and everyone hates them.

Also pro tip, schizophrenics not on meds are way too insane to function. Anyone who tells you "bro im schizo" but is not on meds, is a lying edgy attention whoring faggot.

this has got to be such a terrible feeling. being completely certain you hear and see things while other people tell you they dont exist. must be very hard to deal with

thanks to dr. shekelstien i get neetbux when there is nothing wrong with me

It is. People will also hate you for it. I'm going to die alone and never find love because no one wants a mentally ill weirdo.

itt normoes can't fathom living in your own seperate reality that makes it hard to live life normally


forced anti-psychotic medication is worse than death

I have sza and it is most definitely real. I don't need a doctor to tell me that. Thank god for meds. I'd still be wandering the streets stuck in psychosis if it weren't for them.

its not about punishment buddy, its simply about removing the issue. mental illness does have hereditary factors and so if we eliminate the crazies, then they can't procreate and have crazy children

Not how it works dude.

You sly goose. What do you supposedly have? Assburgers?

all mental illness is just jewish labels for being weak in your mind

Ah yes. I suppose you think praying to Jesus Christ or whatever deity you believe in will fix it as well, right?

sure there's other factors but genes remains a major reason for the crazies

Schizophrenia is a mutation. It gets passed on by a recessive gene. If you kill off all schizophrenics, doesn't mean you got rid of the gene. You just killed a bunch of mentally ill people for no reason. But I should know you're a retard anyway if you actually take Hitler and Nazi eugenics seriously.

Yes but genes have variance and dominant genes and recessive genes basically appear randomly in an individual. You could kill all schizophrenics but people will always have the variance in their genetic bloodlines for it to randomly show up again. 2 completely normal people can have a child with schizophrenia because their great x11 grandfather had it too

Yes, you get it. This was one of the Nazis' failings. We know how that high intelligence and creativity is linked to schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. That isn't to say that high intelligence is necessary in a National Socialist state - it isn't - but a good enough IQ is necessary to lead. Will and determination are the prime attributes to be reproduced.

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well its a place to start, all persons with dominant schizo gene will be executed, anybody else along the line will also be put to death

>We know how
we know now

schizophrenia. i make up the symptoms as i go along.

>high intelligence and creativity is linked to schizo
Not quite. I'm a schizo and I can tell you this is not true lmao. But please, do give me a free state mandated gf just cause I'm schizo. Also stop learning about genetics from nazis, pick up an actual biology book.

>all persons with dominant schizo genes
You mean like Hitler? The vacant eyes which people mistook for "staring into their souls" tells the whole story.

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Your therapist was a retard if he couldn't tell you were faking it.

All therapists are retards. He probably fooled a psychiatrist

No, schizophrenia is incredibly obvious. Actual schizophrenics are hard to miss, and it's nothing like the movies. No we don't see 'shadow people', no we don't use our voices as a way to get people to do stuff for us. Those are people who fake it to get free shit, and they give us a bad name.

>No, schizophrenia is incredibly obvious
Not so fast. I have derealization disorder to the T, but my psychiatrist and psychologist define it as on the schizophrenic spectrum. Sometimes when I'm drinking I hear sex noises (I usually hear them by the woods near my house after I've seen a young guy or girl walk into the woods), but I never hear voices. Also, there's no way I'm actually hearing them unless the alcohol is making my hearing way more acute (which used to happen towards the beginning of the illness).

There are very clearly higher-functioning schizophrenics, dude. I don't speak word salad. I can dictate points to people and if I'm not drinking, can keep decent hygiene (but I'm on the computer all the time and a NEET)

Yes, I know schizophrenia is a spectrum, I just know that a lot of people fake it and I know how to point out people who do. My ex left me because she thought I was going to harm her because of my schizo, because her ex was faking schizo to get her nudes. I don't speak word salad either, but I do get people telling me I have a unique way of speaking.

I thought you were leaving and never coming back buddy what the fuck happened?

>but I do get people telling me I have a unique way of speaking.
I probably do too, but it's because I have high verbal IQ. The way I phrase everything when I speak is nearly exactly as I type because I see the words in my mind. I'm very exacting.

When I had breakdowns I punched my dad and also battered my grandmother (it was all the woman hate threads and red pill knowledge that did it). I hated women, but now I've become so accustomed to my mental illness that, even though I'm on autopilot, I can restrain myself during confrontations.

I chose to stay because I started being interested in trannies with big dicks again and don't know how to cope. Also enjoy seeing big white cocks. You guys convinced me enough that there are lots of big white cocks and now I'm back to hating myself. Good job.

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Interesting. I feel like my verbal IQ is lower, when I speak the words just flow out of my mouth consisting of information I already know, no second thought is given and I can't see the words in my mind. I can still speak fast and fluently but I can't articulate myself nearly as efficiently as I can through typing, I will occasionally have to take second long breaks to do so.

Meanwhile, I have high visuo-spatial IQ and pattern recognition, I can invision a mechanical appliance in my mind and can take it a part, I can literally see every interchangeable part and how it operates to get the desired outcome of the mechanic. I can take a desk top PC apart in my mind and rotate its separate pieces, and when I'm trying to understand things like DNA strands and RNA, cells or electronic mechanics I can zoom on individual pieces of importance and can label them with their info in my mind.

no, you were just desperate for attention, faggot so kill youirself

I'm not desperate for attention. You kill yourself, retard. I don't even know what your fucking problem with me is

That wasn't me, that was some other faggot. Based on typing style I reckon that's the user who posted his dick. I don't have a problem with per se, I just couldn't allow you to pass your faulty method of measurement and data gathering off as fact to support your theory. I have an autistic obsession with truth, you see


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But it WAS accurate. Even according to the average on dick size calculators. Tell me what you think the average white dick is and I'll tell you why you're wrong.

I'll say the average white dick is 6-6.5". The global average is brought done because of chinks, Indians and south Americans. The US' average is lowered because of Hispanics and it's middle east and oriental immigrants. For accurate data analysis there would have to be a racial specific study but that won't happen because muh racism

>find a few examples of retarded normie behaviour you don't like
>meme it as a normiephrenia disease
>just because you have a degree everyone believes you
>find a few normies who want to feel special and make them lecture on Tedtalk, preferably if they cry in the end and make a lot of unfunny jokes throughout the presentation
>proceed to lock every normalshit in the world into psych wards
>we inherit the world and make it comfy while all the normalshits rot in their cells painting walls with shit

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>I'll say the average white dick is 6-6.5"
Not true. If you have good spacial awareness you will easily be able to gauge how large an amateur guy in a video is. The average is 5-6.5 inches with very few reaching 7 inches. But if you want to remain deluded, then go right ahead. The Western average would obviously be raised by niggers as well, which should offset your little idea about chinks and Indians. Also, South America? Have you seen Brazilian trannies, dude? They all have massive cocks because they're mixed with niggers

We can't locate the consciousness, but most agree that it exists. Mental illnesses are hard to pin down to a specific area of the brain but the symptoms are fairly common in people so we can classify it. The brains a complex organ but maybe in a few decades we can unravel its mysteries and hopefully upload our consciousness into a simulation so we can live forever.

>If you have good spacial awareness you will easily be able to gauge how large an amateur guy in a video is.
I don't watch that much porn, but from what I've seen, caucasians usually have 6-6.5 inch dicks and anything smaller than that is surprisingly rare in my findings. Usually the caucasians with dicks this small are always fat.
>The Western average would obviously be raised by niggers as well, which should offset your little idea about chinks and Indians
Per capita. Niggers (male) make up for merely 7% of the US population while Hispanics (male) make up 9% and other foreign small dicked races (Asian and middle eastern male) combine for another 7%, making the total percentage of racially small dicked men 16%. More than twice the population of negro males.
>Also, South America? Have you seen Brazilian trannies, dude? They all have massive cocks because they're mixed with niggers
I haven't seen any Brazillian tranny porn but don't forget, south America is an entire continent which consists of 12 countries. We can throw Central America in too, which consists of 7 countries. Amongst the countries, a great majority of men have dicklet Indio DNA coursing through their veins.

I can't believe I'm having serious average cock size debates, what has my life become

It's because you're wrong, dude.

Erect lengths average from 12 to 16 centimeters (4.7 to 6.3 inches).
Erect circumference is around 12 centimeters (4.7 inches).

I had all sorts of 'metal illnesses' in the past, (anxiety, BPD, PTSD, paranoia, insomnia) - everything gone now, after merely realizing that societies forced morals and pressures are inheretly hypocritical and useless.
It's all based on self-punishment, shame, guilt and frantic fear of death.
Psychologists are just cunts with narrow minded views, whose only goal is to force you back into our dysfunctional society full of fucking lies.

Fuck that shit. Trust me user, going back will result in only brief feeling of success, then stragle you with more anxieties than ever. Normies are metally ill and so is their world - just look at them. Then unsubscribe.

Stop fucking caring, let go of that filthy normie mindset and stop taking stupid experimental pills they're giving you. Do whatever the fuck you like, even if it's just nothing.

This is extremely fucking based. Well done, user.

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>i-i just discovered nihilism!
based retard, this is what stopping your meds looks like

>fear of death
>dude anarchy lmao

Morality and the fear of death stem from religion and theological belief. These religions are nothing more than a means of controlling and maintaining power over the public and the commoner. You think the elites aren't raping, ritual sacrificing and eating children? Fool. All this morality and the concept of good and bad are fear inducing tactics, making people scared of hell and aiming for heaven, when in reality neither of them exist. These morals lead to false self inflicted guilt and guilt placed by others who are also affected by these concepts of morality.

I agree. Nietzsche knew what the truth was, as much as he's derided as being an emo fuck. He knew that everything led to nihilism. The secret though... and a religion that you really need to look into, while nihilist... it is STAUNCHLY nihilist... is Hinduism. Read the Upanishads.

I'll definitely read it, thanks for the recommendation. Got anything else you would recommend?

Nothing but the Upanishads. Read them and fully realize them. They will be the most uplifting passages you will ever read. They were also influenced by the Aryans (if you're a Yas Forumstard like me)

I've felt similarly as a teenager actually, without really knowing why - it came naturally I suppose. The difference now is that I've tried out the other way, to have something to compare this mindset to. That something turned out to be complete gash and made me very ill. But I don't regret it necessarily, it's important to understand yourself and why you do things. Ignorance isn't a bliss.

I don't want anarchy, but I'll accept it, if needs be. Maybe it'll be fun, a puzzle, that life throws at you to solve. Although I do realise that you only claim this, because your approach is that of shaming. Crabs in a bucket etc.
Stopping your pills doesn't look like anything, because telling this to any normie outside of anonymity presented here would be plain stupid. Just consciously lie and tell them what they want to hear, without your mind being clouded with guilt or pressures of 'doing the right thing'. To me this feels extremely liberating. As long as they are tricked, no pills are ever needed. They even end up respecting you somehow.

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What are you fucking 12? I cannot believe I spent time reading this horrible shit post.