Why not just be nice to women?

why not just be nice to women?

Attached: umf0scam8zh41.png (1676x2196, 591.29K)

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Because they're all cunts and deserve death. Fuck them and fuck you.

I'm nice to everyone, unless they give me a reason to treat them otherwise.

I already be nice to women. Why not women be nice to me?

I am nice to women in real life. I just vent my frustration on Yas Forums by calling them roasties.

I'm nice to everyone usually

I don't know any women so I can't be anything to them. I try to encourage my female relatives and build their confidence, though.

Haha pussy faggot.

>Why not just be nice to people who hate you and ruin your life because of the way you look?


Women dont hate you user. I doubt they even notice you.

If you want an honest answer: they seem to treat you like shit (sometimes downright abusive), the nicer you try to be. But, if you're deliberately be a dick to them, they respond more positively to you.

I'm in my thirties, and I still can't figure that out.

Attached: youwotmate.jpg (605x605, 113.6K)

Everyone gets my baseline level of respect, and I try to avoid the particular exceptions who have earned my disdain.

However I'm an aspie and it takes a bit of forethought and active effort to affect an interest in the shit other people have going on, so a girl will probably have to do something outstanding for me to care about her.

Essentially they want men to be psychopathic. They do it through conditioning and work as a hive-mind. Women only serve to get the result we are getting: chaos. Psychopathic Nazis vs. psychopathic child diddlers and fags

>I doubt they even notice you

Hmm, I doubt you even know what youre talking about. You're probably a pussy whipped cuck or a cunt anyway. As far as I'm concerned you are a nobody, an anonymous little twat who comes here to point your finger and laugh at other people because something about yourself hates yourself. Kill yourself lol

Femcels are a myth. women can't be incel

Seethe moar, inkwell.

I'm going to disregard you, captain save a hoe. Go sniff a coochie you weak little simp

Because they've hurt me deeply in the past and what's the point if I'm not good enough for them in the end? I'll just collect toys and play vidya with my like minded bros. I'll be polite and civil but otherwise I'm keeping my distance.

Attached: bi[tlpepefort.jpg (720x398, 53.36K)

Don't trip on your own hypocrisy simp, emotionally damaged people and especially women are never 100% normal when they get fucked over in their younger years of life by some sociopathic sack of shit. Can happen to literally anyone, even you, the high and mighty egocentric normalfaggot.

Being "nice" has to be earned and appreciated, before you do that you get same hands-off treatment as your wrinkly old granny would get.
Funny how angry it makes girls when they are not getting the red carpet treatment and big fawning smiles right from the start just for their looks.

i am nice to women. virtue ethics dictates me to do as such.

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This image is so funny to me, partly because its obvious a tranny made it.

because a majority of them actively try to hurt my feelings on a daily basis

not a chance STACY



Attached: 1584238713112.jpg (182x250, 4.98K)

Fixed version of your shitty post. Go back to discord your your orbiters tranny

Attached: D6A13186-6540-4856-9BAC-515F35EF348B.jpg (1676x2196, 455.87K)

This is funny as fuck, but can you edit the Nirvana part to say BTS instead?

Done brother

Pussy fag

Attached: E62BFB62-5222-4B39-B90C-D19C9A00954E.jpg (1676x2196, 454.86K)

Kek, perfect, thanks user.

Being angry doesn't solve anything who hurt you??

My sister was a giant cunt to me until I cut her out of my life for a few years. Same goes for my mom. The only woman in my life that I haven't done this to is my oldest sister, but she'll be dead soon enough anyways.

I tried. They either thought I was hitting on them or was some creeper.

being nice to a woman while being unattractive is considered creepy. In real life, showing apathy towards them is your safest bet for the average robot.
Online you can be as misogynistic as you want.

I literally don't even interact with them, I don't have the chance to be nice, and I mean I'm pretty decent looking and there's nothing too off about me, so I don't really understand why lol

Hahahah holy shit that image is SOO MEEE. Only I'm not a rancid spic. Fucking christ how scary. I've been listening to ASMR bf roleplays and other things for almost 3 years and the headphones are really taking a toll on your ears. You actually get ear damage from sleeping with them. I recommend to just leave your phone on low sound and move the speaker close to your ear if you have your own room.

why not just be nice to men?

Just get a boyfriend it's insanely easy as a female literally just go on hinge or ask here and you'll have hordes of guys wanting to cuddle with you.

picture in OP is literally the average simp dialouge

>Only I'm not a rancid spic
move to Australia and be my gf

Yeah I'm thinking you're retarded. It might be the most normal thing for normalfags like you but I'm not interested in short term relationships. Imagine ever wanting to get into a relationship only for the male to cheat on you 2 months in. I'm sorry, just not made for this stupid cancer shit, but males are (coolidge effect). The word ex shouldn't even exist. I wish I had a loyal man that would love me forever and we'd become lifepartners and enjoy eachothers company till we both die of old age but men simply don't work that way. I learned that through Yas Forums the past decade. Just go to Yas Forums and you'll have everyday comments men stating that they would love to fuck their girlfriends sister(s), female friends, female family etc.

I can only hope for society to advance into the next stage evolution and things like love, sex, relationships, and other blights will no longer be here. It will be a glorious future.

>I wish I had a loyal man that would love me forever and we'd become lifepartners and enjoy eachothers company till we both die of old age but men simply don't work that way

I work that way

>I wish I had a loyal man that would love me forever and we'd become lifepartners and enjoy eachothers company till we both die of old age
marry me

>I wish I had a loyal man that would love me forever and we'd become lifepartners and enjoy eachothers company till we both die of old age but men simply don't work that way
Do you want kids?

>i want to lock down Chad despite being a comparatively low value female why wont chad commit to me despite having far better options available

Why is the guy white?

You're a stupid bitch if you think men are incapable of being loyal

You're all pathetic simps

Nah you really don't lol because males are uncapable of it. How old are you and how many relationships have you had (including online flings and shit like that, crushes). And the sad thing is males will very often lie their way to get a girl. It's really depressing thing males do. This whole love game is luck and rng. You have a low chance of ever getting a decent husband.

Men are incapable of monogamy, many of them bullshit others and then themselves into thinking they are, but they are absolutely not. There is no such thing as a truly nice guy. Just wolves in sheeps clothing.

No I don't care how someone looks. I find 95% of males my age to be attractive. Personality is all what matters. Their character and values/morals.

>How old are you and how many relationships have you had

Zero relationships, I've had two crushes, but they couldn't develop beyond that because it was not reciprocated and both took me years to get over.

Far better options, in manspeak, just means whoever has a prettier face/bigger tits/nicer ass. When given the option between a 7/10 homely wifely girl or a retarded 10/10 slut, they will always choose the latter. Any man who denies this is a bold faced liar.

More like they wife the 7/10 girl so they can have someone to do their laundry, but still chase after, fuck and simp for the 10/10.

foids have the same boring personalities anyway so might as well go for the hotter one when you have the coice, can't blame Chads for that

I am nice to women I meet, but not femanons because they're subhuman attention whores.

>why not just be nice to women?
I still am, but women notoriously shit on guys that are genuinely nice to them. Often they'll do this until a man snaps and then they'll screencap a text block and post it on leddit's nice guy sub.

Moids are all misogynistic assholes who will cheat on you so might as well go for the hotter Chad ones when you have the choice. Cant blame women for that.

>When given the option between a 7/10 homely wifely girl or a retarded 10/10 slut
I would take a homely woman who is genuine wife material over a slut any day.
I want a woman to spend the rest of my life with, somebody who will be a supportive wife and a loving mother to our children who will teach them good morals and set a good example for our daughters.

dont be upset when he pumps and dumps you then

You sound like a good guy. Not really wasted goods. Hope you find one that completes you or whatever lmao. You could try SEA if brown skinned gook girls don't bother you (after the quarantine is over.) Those countries have that hookup lifestyle men crave for and the race fetishes they can full fill.

Best to just focus life on the creative pursuit and spend all time into your skills and hobbies instead of relationships, women. It's a kike dream shilled upon us when we were young, unconditional love and all but there's really not many males who would ever want a monogamous relationship for the rest of their lives with a single woman. It's not in your genes.

And dont be surprised when Stacy cucks you.

>implying Stacy would even look at a robot

More like pretends to be interested in them just to toy with their feelings and make them think they stand a chance with her, then ghosts them so they end up greentexting it on here before blowing their brains out. Lol.

WHY ARE (ALL) WOMEN SUCH WHORES the faggot cries.

How old are you? Still in high school, newfriend?

Because having a vagina doesn't entitle you to shit(contrary to societies portrayals kek) I'll be nice to those I deem worthy

You realize men usually don't date up?
Hypergamy is strictly female behavior, very rarely you'll see an average guy with a 10/10 Stacy, while average women have realistic chances of scoring a 10/10 Chad, but getting him to commit is a different matter entirely.

In order for a Stacy to cuck me, one would have to be prepared to date me.
In order for anyone to cuck me, someone, literally anyone, would need to be prepared to date me.

This doesn't happen.

I'm the opposite. I'm cold and almost hostile even if i maintain decorum unless they give me a reason to consider them like decent human beings.

Muh hypergamy.
How come over 75% of males below 40 are fathers and less then 85% of women above 40 are mothers?

imagine parroting red pill like a christian cuck and getting offended cuz someone memes ur dumb point back at u

Proves his point, more women breed than men. That means men breed with multiple women. Sounds like hypergamy to me

Your anecdotal evidence just isn't good enough. I'm sorry, try again. Do you go even go outside a lot and photograph couples you repulsive goblin? Or is this all from memory?

A lot of men dont even like/want kids you retard.

Stacy cucks you by you simping for her. Stacy doesnt even have to do anything. She lives in your head rent free.

How is this 20/80 then lol? It doesn't say shit. There's so many factors. Men being more career oriented and less social compared to women. Men being more likely to be mentally ill because being testosterone fueled can be actually harming in some way.

yet women still have them, again proving the point

My man only speaks wisdom

Did I say 80/20?

No coochie? aight death will be

You don't even know what that word means, nice going retard

Having kids is one of the milestones of a womans life. Most men are ambivalent towards having kids. Women cant just go around stealing the sperm of men who hate children, obviously they have to find donors.

>why not just be nice to women
how about just be nice to people

You are on this board talking about Stacy right now. Face it, she lives in your head rent free, which makes you a simp by proxy. Let it go you faggit lel.

This is a totally unrelated topic user.
We're talking about women, not people.

I really hope that virus kills off a fuckton of you normalfaggots. I want to see you all die first.

Nah, simping is giving the cunt something in return for nothing. The cunt isn't getting anything from me by me being here and trash talking that bitch. Nice try, dumbcuck

Yeah they have to find someone, the best they can get. Not a difficult concept. Sperm donation is totally a thing, so is fucking a robot. Most women wouldn't tho. My point is that women are hypergamous in this regard

You're entitled to your belief man. The data and my own life experience reinforces hypergamy. I'm from northern us