Why don't you ever pursue the fat girls user?

Why don't you ever pursue the fat girls user?

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Their size intimidates me

Not enough dick for a fat chick

I am chatting up fat babes on dating apps right now, but I think they are not interested. I dont know how to talk to people, I havent had a conversation in 6 years.

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goddamn she is sexy as fuck flaunting her big belly

I do. Wasted my youth following this easy route instead of bettering myself, don't do this.

That's the perfect body right there. And I have. It's just that they don't like me.

Also that girl is dressed like she has a big ego. Fat does not mean insecure. Lots of fats are straight hoes out there.

They usually have a bad hip to waist ratio.

Fat women still have hordes of orbiters and are still hypergamous. There is no woman out there who doesn't have lots of thirsty retards after her, no matter how repulsive.

My ex was fat and sex with her was awful
My co-worker was built, in phenomenal shape and sex with her was elevating.
Can confirm fatty fuckers are so desperate that they're below virgins on the scale of respectability.
At least if you're a virgin you aren't resorting to pathetic measures just to be able to say you're not a virgin.

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What's so bad about it?


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their pussies are disgusting, but i like everything else about them.

But I do bro.

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Nice shilling, hambeasts.

Nope, there are plenty of us out there who are genuinely attracted to chubby women

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>Why don't you ever pursue the fat girls user?
because they are disgusting

because i dont want to deal with the bullshit that is "dating"
i just want to molest them in public but no thats a crime

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misspelled morbidly obese user

Posted this in the last fat girl thread so I'll post my comment here

user who was KHV up until a year ago here, I've got a fat GF and can answer any questions you lads have got.
Yes I was into fat chicks before I met her, always preferred bigger women, she's 5'8 260 pounds. No fat chicks don't smell, anyone with good hygiene won't smell. It's great cuddling with a fat chick in winter but in summer they're literal space heaters. The sex is pretty good, she's the only girl I've ever bee with so I can't compare but I will say that some positions are out of the question or too much effort with a fat chick.
Honestly stick to doggy or missionary with a bigger girl.

I know this is gonna sound like emotional manipulation and a horrid thing to do but make use of the fact that fat women, regardless of what they say, are insecure about their bodies. If they think a guy is genuinely attracted to them physically it sets them off in a way it doesn't for conventionally attractive woman. A skinny chick isn't worried about whether a guy would rather look at a fat chick, but the reverse is sure as shit true.

There is a vast difference between a "chubby woman" and that THING.

Because surprisingly few of them are as hot as the bbw models I find online, but more importantly most of them are now psychotic SJWs with self-righteous superiority complexes. The very few that arent are too low self-esteem to date.

Even then, I sort of dread growing old with a big fat cutie GF after seeing what my obese aunt went through in the last few years of her life with all her medical problems, and how miserable she and her husband had become because of it.

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>If they think a guy is genuinely attracted to them physically it sets them off in a way it doesn't for conventionally attractive woman. A skinny chick isn't worried about whether a guy would rather look at a fat chick, but the reverse is sure as shit true.

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Skinny women are used to two types of physical desire, both people talking about how cute they look in a general sense, and guys actually hitting on them, flirting, and asking them out. Fat women for the most part are gonna get less compliments about their looks, and they sure as shit have less guys hit on them (especially in public). When an attractive skinny girl gets hit on by a guy in a public setting it's normal for her. However for an attractive fat chick having a guy publicly acknowledge that he finds her attractive is exponentially less common. I even talked about this with my gf, a few of her friends are conventionally attractive and fat, and the rest conventionally attractive but skinny. When they're out in public the fat ones will never get hit on, at most the guy will message them later asking for a hookup, they don't experience the same public adoration that skinny chicks get.

>However for an attractive fat chick having a guy publicly acknowledge that he finds her attractive is exponentially less common.
i thought they didnt like it because of the whole bbw fetish thing
even tho its a preference for me

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Well I guess that disproves incel bullshit. Fat girls do have it harder.

I am attracted to some of them but im not sure if i have enough length for it to work

Obviously don't say to them "You're sexy, I love fat chicks", it's a preference for me as well but I wouldn't tell that to a fat girl when you first message her. If anything it makes her feel more positively towards you when you two start hitting it off if she doesn't know you're into fat chicks specifically

>Awful pussies
>No energy
>Usually done before you are
>Literally guaranteed to be pillow princesses
>They look gross unless you're mentally ill.

ill be honest
i dont know how to flirt, with girls of any size

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so we are just not gonna talk about how absolutely bonkers this bitches spine is? Ok

>If anything it makes her feel more positively towards you when you two start hitting it off if she doesn't know you're into fat chicks specifically

Women are so fucking retarded. I get this kind of shit from my gf all the time. She's not fat, but she is a little bit chubby and - guess what - that's part of why I am attracted to her. If I didn't like chubby girls I would not be with her. I flat out told her this a while ago and she acted like I had hit her with an atom bomb. "What do you mean you're only attracted to me because you find me attractive?? How DARE you."

I'd find her just as attractive if she was skinny as well, I just happen to like both skinny girls AND chubby girls, and she has the nerve to get pissed off that this is the case.

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I had someone tell me they like me because I'm chubby. It made me feel terrible, no one wants to think the person they love is with them because they are fat. Fat is ugly, everyone tells you you are ugly your whole like because you are fat. It's disappointing having it confirmed that the only reason you have someone is because they are a chubby chaser and you are in fact just a fat pig. It sucks.

See, this is the kind of shit I'm talking about. Everyone tells you that you're not attractive, and then when someone comes along and tells you that you are, instead of simply being happy that you found someone who wants you, you find some retarded way to spin this into a negative. Fuck off with this shit. Are you trying to die alone? Because you're going to die alone if you keep this up. It's self-destructive insanity to behave or think this way.

why is she pulling her boxers up over her belly?

I'm not going to fuck off with this shit. You're a tard if you think it's not hurtful to hear someone only likes you because you are ugly. You're so insensitive, I imagine you didn't listen to your gfs feelings on the matter at all and had an entitled attitude about it. Same thing with the guy I was mentioning. How DARE I feel bad that my bf confirmed I'm an ugly fat ass. Try to keep an open mind next time so you don't make things worse with her.

Because I would rather stay single. Case closed

Fat != ugly
Deal with it fat uggo

Can confirm this. When I was thinner, I received a lot of compliments about my looks but after gaining a lot of weight, things have completely changed. One that probably struck me the most was when I was heading home and this guy who walked past me whispered right in front of my face, "You look nice only if you weren't fat." I was never confident about my body to begin with (even when I wasn't this big), and comments like those just shatter my self-esteem even more. Now, whenever someone says something nice about my looks, I don't really believe them because I know they're just saying that out of pity. I'm not in any way looking for validation from anyone, I just want some respect since I never wanted to be built like this anyway.

I agree with this, obviously if i like you i like heavier women sometimes, but it doesnt have to be some degenerate fetish

>hurtful to hear someone only likes you because you are ugly.

You dumb fucking cunt, how do you even breathe with an IQ this low? How do you read what I wrote and come up with this shit? Fuck you for wasting my time. Not even my gf is this fucking stupid. You're a whole new level of retarded.

It seems like the word 'fetish' has devolved into meaning 'any type of sexual attraction that I don't like'

Yes dumb faggot. Your gf took it that way because to her being fat IS being ugly. You told her that she's fat. To her she heard ugly. Are you autistic or something?

semi-related: how do you guys take sneak pics of girls? there's a girl i work with that i want to fap to but can't ever get pictures of her. has big butt and boobs.

It's not being fat that makes you ugly.
It's being ugly that makes you ugly, and ugliness comes from the heart.

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Don't project your dumbass insecurities onto a woman you've never met and know nothing about. Stupid cunt.

Why do you think she was upset if not for the reason I said? Did you treat her like this, too when she said it bothered her? Did you even listen to her concerns at all?

Shut your ugly face. Nobody wants you because all you ever do is argue. Even if you were 11/10 I would reject you. Please get the plague and fuck off.

You obviously don't really have a gf I don't know why I wasted my time trying to explain the situation to you. You're a dumb ass.

Ugliness is 100% subjective. I wouldn't find a male peacock's large tail sexually attractive at all, but a peahen would.
We are all just a lumping of atoms. How an organism's brain responds to that lumping of atoms varies widely.

Shut the fuck up. I never asked you for your dumbfuck opinion (you simply inserted yourself into a conversation you weren't a part of - typical female) and I have NO idea why you embarrassed yourself by giving it. You have no fucking idea what you are talking about. All of these ridiculous posts you're making is just you whining about how YOU feel, it has nothing whatsoever to do with my life, and your pathetic attempt to make me feel bad or guilty because of some shit that YOU are dealing with inside your own head is FUCKING RETARDED. Now fuck off and get AIDS you shitty little emotional vampire.

>You obviously don't really have a gf
This is Yas Forums. We all have girlfriends and wives here, are you some sort of newfag?

when your belly gets so big that's how you wear them otherwise they don't stay up, see woman in op wearing her pants at the same level

I wonder why they don't design underwear that supports the FUPA.

So you didn't actually listen to your gf when she was upset or try to understand why? Do you love her? I'm sorry I gave my opinion, I just thought you might like an outside look into it since you don't understand why she was upset. It genuinely feels like you are being told you are ugly. If you don't care about what I'm saying or that your gf probably felt similar that's fine.

Yes I've grown to understand that. You don't have to be conventionally attractive to be seen as attractive by some people. I was just trying to explain how it feels to get hit with the knowledge that the person you are with likes you because you are fat. It's like being told someone likes you for being less attractive. It doesn't mean they think you are less attractive, it's just hard to get over the way other people view you and the way you view yourself. No one wants it confirmed they let their body go.

>Do you love her?
Holy shit, the only way that I can read this is in a hissing snake voice.

>likes you because you are fat
but if after to getting to know her its the only thing id like surely that's on her for having a shit personality?
not him btw

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It's the fat faces. I don't mind pudgy, or even outright fat, bodies on women, but I don't care for fat faces. Not a great reason, but it's an honest one.

I would, I love fat chicks, but unfortunately are right.

Just use MySpace angles or put a bag over her head and you're good

>13 Images

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I do not persue anyone. It is a waste of my time.