As a counterbalance to and describe your ideal gf, preferably along with a picture.
>Kind, sweet, caring >Yas Forums-esque sense of humour >We can make each other laugh >Not easily offended, enjoys some banter >Laid-back, easygoing >Not in a hurry to start a family but might want one eventually >Open about her feelings and needs >Mentally stable >Enthusiastic about her interests, wants to show me them >Can enjoy quiet >Homebody/shutin/hikki-type with indoorsy interests >Into music and at least appreciates what I collect/listen to >Nintendo vidya >Healthy sex drive >Virgin
>White >Blonde or brown hair >Blue or green eyes >Soft features >Average to a little chubby >Big butt
>>Healthy sex drive >Virgin Yikes. Pick one or the other.
Joseph Myers
>Living >not a whore
Brody Lee
>Healthy sex drive >Virgin Do robots really
Dominic Fisher
Are we really doing this niggers
Virgin but she'd like to have sex regularly within a relationship
Lots of virgin femanons schlick pretty often
Andrew Morgan
>nice >virgin but willing to do other things in bed, i would do what she wants as well >not obese >easy to talk to >is ok with me being mentally troubled >dont care about race really >not a weeb or into video games >good taste in music >not too extroverted
Grayson Williams
god I wish these types of females existed.
Nolan Diaz
Hold on, I was saying that as a joke for (You)s, but are you implying you want a virgin gf and, while still unmarried, you want her to have sex with you? Kill yourself, you're what's wrong with Yas Forums, you absolute narcissist. If you're willing to take part in premarital sex, then you deserve Chad's sloppy seconds.
Luis Evans
We can dream, bro.
Jason Ross
ideal gf is a cool guy who was transported into the body of a hot girl and given an attraction to men. with no downsides taken on his personality because of the hole biology. there is no way a female could reach any kind of ideal.
Ideally she'd be a virgin because she hadn't dated anyone before
Hell I'd be okay waiting until marriage
Anthony Rodriguez
Offensive jokes but still nice at the end of the day
I've talked to such femanons, they're rare but they do exist
Luke Diaz
Qualities in order of importance
EXTREME TIER >Kindness >Intellegence >Non retarded political views BIG TIER >Funny REGULAR TIER >sexually compatible BONUS TIER >azn >physically attractive
James Sullivan
>nice, kind, loving >won't cheat or abuse me >not a porn star, cam whore, prostitute, e-whore, ERP whore, Discord orbiter collector or similar >fat (chubby to obese, doesn't matter) >over 30 or at least 25 >very hairy >not into humiliation/abuse/rape in bed, healthy self esteem >willing to travel/relocate when we get married or help me do the same
>Isn't an NPC >Biologically female Sadly such a woman does not exist.
Lincoln Evans
>attractive >loves me >has her own beliefs but tries to understand mine >has aspirations and wants to better herself >wants kids >is taller than me just so i know she loves me for who i am
Christopher Taylor
>likes me >lives in Canada >non-virgin >my age or slightly older. >doesn't like avoiding conflict >has a couple autistic interests and/or fetishes >will play vidya with me >femdom in the bedroom but normal otherwise >tolerates how much I talk >white or black >bigg tiddy Obviously my standards are much lower than this.
Connor White
>we get along and can joke around with each other, even when we have an argument or get pissed off we know that we still love each other >not fat, bit chubby is fine, sticcy is good too, just not fat >has a pleasant sounding voice >doesn't want me to choke her or fuck her like a whore, i want a cheesy loving type of sex life >kind of short, like 5'2-5'4 is ideal, prefer small titties, and a cute butt. brunette or red head, dont like blondes >i'd love it if she was a music teacher, i fucking love music teacher girls
Connor Roberts
>i fucking love music teacher girls
I do too but I'm intimidated by women who have skills and talents
Benjamin Robinson
thats one way to look at it, or you lick their pussy while they solo over ii V I's
Easton Walker
>Quiet but sweet >Tender but reserved >Dignified rather than haughty >Calm, but if she gets mad she stays mad >Frosty at first, takes a while to warm up to people >Cautious of men, even me. >Likes old things, wearing and collecting them >Likes animals of all kinds, often more than people >Says she hates kids but always plays with them >Quit all her social media. She's not sure why, and she doesn't tell other people to quit their social media, she just doesn't like how they make her feel >Is at home in a bar in the city or a creek in the woods, but has no tolerance for a club >Very serious about art, unironically enjoys gallery showings (although she pretty much only goes to one if the artist is a friend) >Much better versed in music than I am and has long-winded idiosyncratic opinions about everything if you ask enough times >Buys and listens to vinyl but is almost embarrassed by how hipster it makes her seem >Long brown hair, probably shoulder-length at least, with long bangs. She doesn't know it, but it's because she likes to hide behind it. >Grew up in a rural area, but the city isn't everything she imagined it would be >Guards her secrets closely >Doesn't laugh often >Smiles faintly
>is a girl >likes me Not much of a point in having higher standards. There's no reason to narrow down a pool of precisely zero people.
Andrew Carter
I don't have an ideal anymore. I'm done, bros. I've accepted my fate as a bum who won't ever make it with girls. I'm constantly told I'm attractive, cute, hot, sexy, whatever. I just never make it, no women are ever interested in me. I don't know.
Constantly told by whom? Because my friends tell me that all the time, even though it's patently bullshit. Friends are incapable of looking at you in an objective or harsh manner.
Joshua Myers
Friends, I have some girls approach me, coworkers, etc. I've been diagnosed with autism though, if that gives context.
Get off Yas Forums and socialize exclusively in real life
Ryan Gomez
Self-pity is masturbation, in and of itself
Sebastian King
>Virgin >Introverted >Not completely hideous >Cuddly >Kinda clingy >But also can appreciate time apart >Willing to submit to me >But not completely dependent on me >wants kids >Most importantly loves me and wants me 3.5 billion females on this planet and none of them are capable of that last one
Owen Richardson
someone who loves me for who i am. i know i have it now but im afraid i'll lose it
Zachary Bell
I'd post a picture but that'll be a dox because she browses this board. I guess my ideal gf would be her except she's back with me.
I don't see the difference between those two things.
Joshua Gonzalez
Would you rather have a girl who is a stupid ugly obnoxious bitch who puts up with you, or a kind and beautiful girl whose personality complements yours perfectly
Ian Roberts
Well, the second girl doesn't put up with me, so the choice is obvious, I'd say.
Cooper Young
Holy shit you dense autismal fuck
Describe your dream girl already
Logan Bell
>kind >caring >supportive >introverted >enjoys simple things in life >happy with a modest lifestyle >maybe a bit of a sperg >does not take part in normie society outside of what is necessary >analytical view of society and social dynamics >traditional values (pro-marriage, pro-family, anti-divorce, anti-abortion, anti-promiscuity, hates fags, wants to expel every single jew from the country, etc) >Christian, or at least amenable to it >does not use pornography >happy to let me provide for her while she takes care of the house >happy to let me lead (once I've actually demonstrated that I'm capable, of course) >serious about marriage and having children, wants it in the next few years >will let me name our daughters after flowers >will be a good mother >good with money >speaks openly with me and lets me confide in her >does not define her entire being by the media she consumes, knows TV is the electric jew >willing to give me time for my political work (not to the point of neglect, obviously)
An objective 4-6. I find the women who are rated that more attractive than those rated higher. They feel comfy.
No, I'm not talking about the "Why don't you date a 5/10 girl" with a picture of an instagram model meme threads.
Benjamin Wood
A 4-6 seems like you could reasonably be in a relationship with them and that they could love you back Above it and it's just an unrealistic fantasy or she's just playing you
Nathan Kelly
>cuddly >loyal >likes outdoor activities >loves vidya >likes to talk >has hobbies she's passionate about >artsy
>not girly >mature personality/views >kind >some shared interests >not libtard >religious but not a nut >wants kids >OK with waiting until marriage (they don't have to be a virgin though) >fine with living in southeast US/from southeast US >tan >healthy bmi >cute face >sexually dominant
>Slim >Girl mustache >Perverted >More intelligent than me >Will play twilight snuggle and go on cute dates I don't actually no what real women look like o no pic related
Julian Martin
>kind, being selfish or rude is my biggest turn off >at least 5'7, so I dont have manlet sons >skinny, for me to fatten up later >white >blue or green eyes >no retarded hair, sometimes dyed is okay but most of the time it isn't >pro life >not dumb
Jacob Kelly
i dunno if there's any point in posting but whatever kinda like pic related. >girly but can be like a best friend to me (i usually feel there's a gap between me and girls so someone who doesn't have that). >likes teasing and is assertive but knows my limits >really in love with me >weeb interests would help >close age to me or bit older >not needy (presents and stuff. can be needy with hugs or something like that but only if she initiates it) >sexually compatible with me... hard to describe this. i'm not even sure what i want
I want her to kinda be like my mom, which is weird but >ambitious >self sufficient/take care of self >strong If at all possible someone that enjoys indoor activities, but doesnt mind the occasional outdoor like going kayaking one weekend
Suppose I could post it It says 'ideal', mind you >18-24 >dark sense of humour >doesn't want kids >isn't too (or at all, actually) clingy >will drink and do drugs with me >doesn't take sex too seriously (as in the way a lot of you retards do, all that "purity" crap and whatnot... It's fun, it's free, have at it, just try not to end up pregnant or with an STD) >decent taste in music (i.e. please don't listen to pop or edm) >generally not taking life too seriously >intelligent >enjoys literature >bonus points for playing an instrument
>tall (175cm/5'9 and up, I'm 6'3 and don't intend on throwing my back out just givin' your midget ass a kiss) >slim (which I believe is fair to ask for, given as I am as well) >6-8/10 face (generally how I'm rated, so I presume also my range) >dark hair, glasses (okay, that's just preference. I'm well aware there's nothing particularly attractive about near-blindness, but fuck it, I'm attracted to girls with glasses for whatever reason)