I refuse to believe anyone is actually having sex. how does it happen

i refuse to believe anyone is actually having sex. how does it happen

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Someone is making a cream pie on a woman's pussy right now. Fucking crazy. Crazy world.

i am shocked the old please respond thing didnt work

that is absolutely the most based thing I've ever seen.

I just want a hot guy thats autistic, and lonely and will worship me.

I dont ask for much

You bring a girl out to a nice bar and start drinking you beer her wine, when she starts to like your jokes you compliment her but hold it off till it's time to deliver, also wear cologne and be 6 feet tall, and care about her and make sure she wants to have sex with you for fun and not to please you, and wear a good pair of jeans, what else?

>You bring a girl out to a nice bar

>how does it happen
Well, one of them takes their pee-pees, and another takes theirs, and they play with each other.

Why do you like shit b8s? is it the (You)s or the thrill from retards believing it or what exactly?

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Are you biologically female and in Europe?

you have vapid empty conversations mixed with flirting and you make eye contact unless theres no chemistry/dont hit it off, and touch eachother on the arm a lot and you go over to some secluded area and make out, and 2 or 3 times one of you will ask to go out to the others place

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doesn't seem that crazy to me. what does seem crazy to me is that most women you meet day to day have had sex. to me 90+% of women seem straight up asexual. I can't imagine them even pretending to be horny.

Yes and yes. How hot are u?

I am in good shape, I'd say. I get compliments on my looks from women unrelated to me (including in person).

How autistic? Would you play video games infront of me? My ex played games and would make me watch

Yeah, sure. I can make awkward smalltalk in an awkward voice and draw too.

Hot autistic guys deserve pure virgins, not used goods roasties.

I had sex 3 times this weekend.

Its as natural as drinking water or going to sleep

First observe the greeting ritual, make a connection, and ask a question to prompt a response
>[Girl name], how are you doing? Going stir crazy from these college shutdowns yet?
>>Haha, I have just been chilling with my friends and smoking weed
Respond to her answer with some feedback. Ask another question, one that you have an interesting answer to.
>woah, thats crazy! Hey, have you ever tried DMT?
>>No, never. I only do weed and alcohol. Anything else is a bit too much.
Now you share your answer, thus showing part of your personality.
>oh man, you gotta try it! Its really an experience. A friend of mine gave me some guided my trip, it was unreal.
Now that you have her interest you ask to meet.
>Do you want to hang out this weekend? I have some weed, we can smoke and grab a bite to eat.
>>Yes! That sounds fun.
Then you hammer out the details and stay in contact until the date. Its easy.

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Nigger that's not easy at all

Fuck off

Discord? Xx

No hymen no diamond, said user in an original manner.


Really? Thats ridiculous, you can break your hymen doing gymnastics

>Being able to think of all that shit on the spot and deliver it confidently

Sorry thought other user was u, ok ill add u x

It's just a rhyme, the real meaning is "no marriage if you're used goods."

Its as easy ast it gets
>common ground
>loaded question
>prepared answer
>ask for date
7 steps for pussy.

It gets easier when you have some practice. Swipe right on fat girls to test your skills.

No problem, add me and let's chat.

I've never amanged to have that much of a conversation with a girl

PLUS you have to make eye contact and shit, not fuck up anything during the days leading up to meeting, not fuck up the date despite being an awkward self-concious mess, and do everything right in order to convince her to go to a place where sex can happen

>Implying I even match with those

I also don't have interesting questions/answers

I see the problem. You are suffering from low self esteem. Dont worry, there are many things you can do to become a basic guy.
>start working out
>go hiking regularly and take photos for your social media and dating app. Dont upload ll the photos at once, release them slowly to look more active than you really are
>eat at restaurants, ask the waiter to take a photo of you with your phone
>read a book
Boom, now you have some basic hobbies and photos that are appealing to women. You are now an intellectual, athletic, rugged man. Wow, dont you sound appealing?

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How will those help with self-esteem when I know it's all a sham

I think you have to be good at lying to yourself and others in order to be a normie and get laid, and I'm not good at that

I am a sex-haver and even I struggle to understand it. I'm 29 and got my first ever gf about 6 months ago and it's extremely surreal to be having sex and to be sexually desired. I'm still struggling to make sense of it and I don't think it'll ever be a normal thing for me because of how I completely lacked it during my young adulthood.

be attractive while avoiding being unattractive.
there is no secret code, no "game".
If you are attractive the women will make it super easy for you, if not she is gonna give you one word replies and ghost you.
simple as.

This seems like all kinds of useless
First of all, what good is posting shit on social media?
I hate that plus I'm not sure how having 5 followers is gonna impress a girl
But more importantly, how is any of that going to help when I'm ugly and I can't talk to anyone let alone girls in a romantic matter?

>just walk up to her and shoot the shit about weed bro

People are doing it.

Source: Having sex with my fembot gf again tonight.

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Go get decapitated

Ill do it to you myself

You're welcome to try, champ.

This is simply egotism. You are acting like there is some pure true-self that is inherently precious and must be preserved in its raw form. The reality is that you have created this awkward character through your choices. If you choose to go hiking monthly, to work out regularly, to go to restaurants, and to read, you really will be an athletic, intellectual, rugged man. That will be you, not a lie. You are too attatched to your identity, even when this identity hurts you.

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It will just ad evidence to the character you are creating. You are probably not as ugly as you think you are and ugly guys still get some girls.

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the idea of faking it till you make it is legit. like, at the start going hiking was a thing you did for tinder photos. but fuck, you get up there and it's just fucking lovely. super peaceful. getting out and moving about for a few hours felt really good. next time it's easier to go. you drag along a friend or maybe something finally happened with tinder and the girl wants to go hiking. that date didnt go anywhere but it was one more time getting up there. few months down the road the hiking thing isnt really a sham anymore. you legit like doing that shit when you get a chance. that's how a lot of that shit goes man. Pretty much everybody is going to feel wrong trying new shit. and if you're trying to look cool on a dating profile or something yeah it's a bit disingenuous. but hey maybe the fear of getting called on some of the bullshit is the kick in the ass you'd need to actually dive in on some of said bullshit. and some of it you'll fall in love with. and somewhere along the line you'll actually find yourself being a person you'd like to be.

You guys are joking but I would state what OP has sad absolutely and unironically.
It's like saying every person you know turns into a fucking demon for exactly an hour at 11:25 PM every evening. Sure people might do that on TV or in vidya but I've no reason to believe it happens in real life.

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aye. definitely not playing on easy mode but it's amazing what you can accomplish if you're genuinely interesting and pleasant to be around.

Hard to imagine those things changing my personality when I have no genuine interest in them

I don't WANT to work out, I don't WANT to hike, I'll just be doing it so girls will find me less gross

Plus how will I actually be able to share anything in common with modern women?
I can't stand modern music
I don't give a shit about zoomer shows
I don't even play video games so even gamer girls are out

I don't do that sort of thing because it's not engaging enough to drown out my own thoughts like video games, YouTube, porn, etc.

I try reading but I get too distracted by my own frustrating thoughts and have to browse my phone instead

This is why I only bother talking to girls from Yas Forums, IRL women are all carbon copy thots from my experience

there are a weird group of people that love working out. get fuckin fed by those endorphins. frankly though, those people are weird and for most of us working out is miserable. two attitudes with it. you do it because it's worth it. because being more attractive and being able to take some stairs without being out of breath is worth the hour or two of pain every other day. or you do try to commit to something physical that's proper fun in its own right. (I recommend rock climbing personally).

as for the rest, the hiking vein of things. fuckin try em man. never know what you might being falling in love with. nothing wrong with expanding horizons a mite

That's what I've done. Really time consuming and expensive and only works sometimes. Then there are these guys that hit them up on tinder or meet them in a bar or party and take them home and fuck them that night for free. Fun.

honestly I feel that shit. Lotta nights going to sleep fucking hurts. I want to stay up till im exhausted just so I crash so Im not alone with my thoughts. I dont know, I find it helps to try to shift a mite when I feel up to it. try to stop drowning it all out. lay out on a beach and you may be bored and annoyed and plagued, but maybe it works. just feeling the heat and relaxation and shit.

barring that podcasts and audiobooks man. download a couple and hit the hike with those dude. to this day I still cant run without something blaring in my ears

These posts show how clueless Chad is. He thinks it's so easy and simple because for him, it is. He can say a rogan meme to a girl and she'll go along with it and fuck him. So obviously he concludes that all you have to do is what he did, that's what worked after all, right? He has no idea that his actions only worked because of what he is.

your intuition is not so far off base. most people rarely have sex and when they do it's boring, careful, a bit awkward and penetration takes less time than foreplay. really only young, athletic people have sex like in porn and even that's usually with the lights very dim.

This sounds like manipulation but i buy it, will try next time!

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At least you know how it feels

The main problem is that I've always had a hard time connecting with people and it makes everything else feel pointless

He gives off sociopath vibes for sure

do you genuinely picture everyone who's every given that sort of advice as a super hot, charismatic dude?

Thank you for telling me this. Sex is often played up here as some godsend, but I doubt it's true. I'm glad someone who I assume has had sex can confirm it.

OH C'MON You would do the same if a stacy did same thing to you.

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