Whats the appeal of games like dark souls? they are tedious af imo

whats the appeal of games like dark souls? they are tedious af imo

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in order to be good at DS you must choose the class you feel more comfortable with, and you must be calm when playing

its something difficult you can accomplish unlike other things in life

Dark Souls is art you stupid redditor

you feel good whenever you make progress
like how an actual videogame should feel

I fucking hate those games, but watched a playthrough of a dude playing every game back to back without getting hit ONCE... and it made me appreciate it.
As in... if he got hit once on the 3rd game... he had to go back to game 1 and not get hit again at all.
He did it, like every game, no hits at all.
FUCK THOSE GAMES, but props to people that can complete them.

>I fucking hate those games
>but watched a playthrough of a dude playing every game back to back without getting hit ONCE
literal cuck kys

Mostly atmosphere and lore. The gameplay itself takes some getting used to but like the guy in the first post said, find something you're comfortable with and have fun with it. Any weapon can be the "best weapon" in the game if you like the feel of it, and sorceries, miracles, and pyromancies are certainly manageable if you build a character around them specifically.

Because le epic roll and time swing le dodge backstab ebic skilled combat!!
Le hard game play through die a lot le slow progress death count!!

normies like anything that's popular

even if you dont like the gameplay there is atleast a lot of worldbuilding and atmosphere to appreciate
unlike the sequels however

>great OST
>feels satisfying to dodge things
>bonfires are great at giving a feeling of progression, they're the epitome of relief
>difficult but in a fair manner
>a type of storytelling that some may hate and others love
>pulls of a dark and hopeless atmosphere well
>many ways to build your character

when you get good at the game it feels really good. breezing through the game casually after playing it a million times is a calming experience for me(up until o&s that is).

Genuinely great games and I actually feel sorry for you because you can't enjoy them, damn, that sucks

>difficult but in a fair manner
Do you like dogs?

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this. it's not a game you replay a lot though, even though it has new game+.
i didn't even bother with DS3 dlc bosses because after a while of playing the games, every boss fight just feels like a drawn out dance where you go through a bunch of motions in a very repetitive manner, its like karate class.

also summoning people to help you on levels feels broken, it makes the game so easy it's laughable. this is a design philosophy inherent in the game, you have to choose between playing with a friend or the game being a challenge.

what kind of game do you like?
run to the stairs

The quality of the game makes up for the difficulty, its like those old 2d platformers like ghouls and goblins but good enough to justify the hardships.

fast past action games or role playing games that requires strategy but its mostly about exploring

the visuals and music are absolutely SUPERB

also you should invest time into reading dark souls wiki lore pages just to learn about the world. check it out for yourself man. youl find out why so many of us love it

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Playing with your friends at the time it was popular

You can't enjoy these games the way the were meant to be enjoyed anymore after they are past their prime

>unlike the sequels
>implying Ds2 isn't the best "dark souls" title

>be me
>had a great time with bloodborne and easily beat sekiro
>can't beat the tutorial boss in DS3
Guys what the fuck is wrong with me?

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Customization, just like pokemon, there is a huge number of combinations and they're all technically viable. you could beat pokemon with only using grass types or only using yellow colored pokemon or whatever, basically having some arbitrary rule for why your team and attacks are what they are and won't impede on you beating the game, dark souls has that with the armors weapons and stats, you have a huge pool of options for solving a problem and once you already know how to solve the problem (in that you've beaten the game before) it becomes even more fun to try again with a different arrangement.

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Fpbp. Best advice is be calm and time your actions. Then its fun and manageable. If you panic and button mash your fucked.

ds2 is ugly as fuck and the level design, specifically shit like the spider town, is fucking atrociously boring and unfun

I fucking hate pokemon so god damn much. It's just rock paper scissors stretched out to be a 25 year old franchise. It's the shittiest form of turn based """"strategy"""" in existence.
The designs are cute, the cartoon was fun, and the card game is find, but god damn if those games aren't shit.

>God tier level Design
>God tier gameplay
>God tier lore
>God tier Ost
>God tier characters
i can go on

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>uh whahhah spider town boaD!
>it UglY!

>implying the level design and ugliness isn't the same in all the games

1 is fun, 2 is bad, 3 actually is tedious because everything about the combat is slow as fuck I don't know how they fucked up so bad immediately after making something as good as bloodborne

Yeah, that's why you play monotype nuzlocke. Pokemon can only be enjoyable if you place arbitrary rules, vanilla pokemon, where you just start catching everything and then you pick your the strongest isn't playable and you drown in the options, or playing by only leveling up one pokemon and then plowing through the game with a lvl 100 starter, that's no way to play.

You have to play with the self imposed rules
>you'll only catch one pokemon per area (with the exception of special/unique encounters, like pokemon that you catch fishing or on trees or you can buy)
>the pokemon you catch has to be the first you see unless you already have that one
>no legendaries for max emersion (no way in hell a legendary pokemon could ever be caught by a normie kid)
>you have to do permadeath (if a pokemon faints you have to toss it in the box and then "Release" it

If you do that, you'll find the level of difficulty ramps up, you can't level up past the Ace pokemon of the gym leader either because your character is just a child, there is no way a kid can have a pokemon as powerful as a gym leader, if you do things this way, it's nearly impossible to beat the game, also limit the amount of healing items.

Staying faithful to those rules makes the game incredibly addicting, It's a little too punishing and unreasonable but it's doable, you'll find it that you get a more immersive experience if you do it this way; You put yourself in the shoes of the character, you catch one pokemon per route, then you train it up to being competent, not a slayer, just competent. it's almost like a play, you gotta act like you're the character, actively do things that would be true to life, if pokemon were real most people would be mediocre trainers with mediocre pokemon, so you train your pokemon to be 2 maybe 3 levels below the strongest pokemon that the gym leader. It will really get you thinking about your next move because you will be adding weight to the desicions you make.

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Maybe bait? Just keep playing and they become easy or manageable. Good games circlejerked by redditors and losers on Yas Forums. They're rewarding to beat and have good design and art direction.

it delays its hits on purpose, try dodging right after you think is the right time to

I-I don't think I can do that. I just feel, not think.

Fucking hated that shit. Felt smug when I was the first to get through that shit against my cousins.

that's bad, you need to retrain yourself for some games
be flexible like water

>he thinks redditors don't like dark souls
they're the biggest memers for that series dude

I have 650 hours on the original dark souls on steam...

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It's for edgy people who want to feel even more edgy. It's about a power and control fantasy

>It's about a power and control fantasy
Literally the opposite. It's about overcoming powerlessness.

it's a game contrarians love to shit on due to how popular it is, and for good reasons after all

that's all there is to it and all this thread is about

Actually used to think like this until I played Sekiro and got 100%. I then figured I would try DS which I did not like as much, but this past week I have been playing the shit out of DS1. It really is an amazing game, you just have to learn play well and figure out where to go.

Overcoming powerlessness by gaining power and control.

i haven't touched a game in a while but i remember having 1k+ hours in ds3. and i fucking hate ds3.

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I've beat ng+4 in dark souls 2 and have the rings for beating the game without dying and without using bonfires and I legitimately hate dark souls 2

The first came out at a time when games were saturated with extreme hand holding and meaningless encounters and challenges. People loved the fact that the game actually tested their reactions, planning, and thinking as they progressed.

The market is kind of over saturated with souls-likes now with shit like the Surge, Code vein, Remnant, etc.
No one seems to mind though

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>Thinks Dark Souls is boring
Lol kys fag as said, this game is art, and I belive that you're dumb enough to not recognize it. That or you have shit taste.

its really not that hard of a game
just learn the mechanics and you'll easily progress

>beating game without dying
shit, i still need to do this

>Run to the top of the stairs and into that little corner to the right
>Block and then attack to kill the dogs
>Cheese the boss with firebombs or pyromancy
>If he comes up the stairs to hit you with his leap just block
One of the easiest boss fights on the game only losing to pillwheel and Asylum deamon

They're just really well designed. The environments are cool, the gameplay is simple and engaging, there's a hefty weight to the combat, and the difficulty is just right.
It's not a hard game really. The fact that it's so popular proves that.
I've only played Demon's Souls and Dark Souls though. I played Dark Souls 2 for a while but I hated the changes to the feel of the combat and just lost interest in future games.

You were obviously supposed to use the stairs to not get surrounded and get rid of the dogs so you could focus on the boss, beat this shit on my first try
Bed of chaos was actual trash though

I completely and utterly despised darksouls when I first played it. I heard a lot about demon souls was staring at games on the shelf thinking I wanted something but all the options looking boring. I use to love RPG's and stuff. So I just grabbed Dark Souls on a whim. Popped it in to play and that fucking asylum demon must of killed me like 15 times in a row. I was going to just go trade the thing in at a game store I'd never sucked so bad at a game before. For some reason I was just determined to try and beat that demon even though I was almost entirely sure it was impossible. Turns out you were just suppose to run away from it and not fight it. Then I had to fight it, actually having a weapon of some sort helped a lot. Really I was just so fucking bad at this game the art and stuff was really the only thing driving me to continue, the map looked insanely beautiful and I loved the secret passages and stuff. There was a ton of different weapons and styles to try out. Even though I played before I read any bezerk and noticed it was a rip off. It had a lot of great art to it. Personally I hate fantasy games to the extreme now, but dark souls was honestly pretty insane in a good way. Some of the environments just blew my mind how majestic it all looked.

Dark Souls is up there in my favorites. MGS1 and MGS3 also up there with favorites. Diablo 2 also up there with favorites.

Dark Souls is one of the greatest games ever made. You're missing out. I guess some people just can't get it.

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wtf user
I beat it first try after playing only DS2

>Dark Souls is up there in my favorites. MGS1 and MGS3 also up there with favorites. Diablo 2 also up there with favorites.
Very based taste user. Funnily enough I showed two friends MGS3 a year ago and they kept whinging throughout The End fight that it was too boring and nothing was happening. I didn't even know what to say. Some people really just don't get it as you say.

Gwyndolin best girl.
Footfags kys.

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After Hotline Miami 2, the souls games do just come off as dependent on cheap tactics to make the game feel harder.
Denaton have a way better understanding of how diffculty is supposed to work than FromSoft. Just make not giving a shit if you die rewarding.
Even look at the pedantic ass videos people made of DSP.

Sekiro is pretty cool though.

is this some kind of larp shitpost

in dark souls the starting weapons are some of the best weapons in the entire game, weaponchoice is almost solely the moveset you enjoy using

There is not a single moment like this in dark souls

mental fortitude and challenging your mind,

people find them tedious because the games should be viewed not as a way to wind down but as something to be conquered instead

There's literally a part in ds2 where lighting pots of oil outside the stage makes the boss easier
I don't remember which one because that shit is a feverdream.

dark souls 2 was made by a completely separate team and has nothing to do with dark souls 1 whatsoever. It's literally a fanfiction game that is dark souls in name only

the lost sinner is what you're thinking of. not that hard a boss anyway but important to the lore, since she is the original witch of izalith.

I'll let you know when your faggoty elitism for a game you only like because Yas Forums told you to is even remotely argumentative.
As of now: still not.

(no that user)
user, I just think it's very unfair to criticize the souls saga by pointing out bad design in DS2, since it was not made by the same devs.