Porn is filmed rape

Porn is NOT consensual sex. Just look at this example
At around the 3:40 mark the girl (still a teenager) breaks down in tears after her throat is violently fucked by multiple men who continue degrading her, calling her a whore etc while she is clearly extremely upset. This is NOT acting, those are real tears. The fact she may have agreed to do this video DOES NOT make it consensual. Consent is continuous: for it to be valid consent it must be withdrawable at any point. Women in porn are constantly put into positions where they feel pressured not to say no, even when they are in extreme pain and discomfort. This is a video of a girl being gang raped by a group of men on camera and its being hosted by one of the most popular websites in the world. And this is not a unique video, far from it. There are countless videos on pornhub and other sites showing women being raped, abused and subjected to extremely degrading treatment. Pornography must be outlawed and all porn producers and male actors must be tried for sex trafficking and rape.

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Wait why would you post it on r9k? You realize most of us will die alone after leading a miserable life of no accomplishments or human warmth? The fuck would we care when no one cares about us just because we were born disposable men instead of princesses.

I know you fucks sit around jerking off to porn all day

I don't even watch real porn and I refuse to click that link because I know it's going to be disgusting. That said, I don't really care. It's exactly the same as the shit women get off to, it's just that guys are fantasizing about doing it while women are fantasizing about having it done to them. At the end of the day both are equally disgusting and neither side has any right to complain about the other.
Stop being a cumbrain and then I'll consider what you have to say.

I do not care. Porn make pp hard. Porn makes Coom.

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I hate women and I like to coom so I don't see the problem

I agree and it makes me fucking sad.

>where they feel pressured not to say no
Literally her fault for not saying no,walking in there,and continuously saying yes. She is responsible and frankly set herself up for this.
>male actors
Oh,so they never feel pressures putting them on the spot. I hate porn,but I have the way you bitch about it even more.

>There are countless videos on pornhub and other sites showing women being raped, abused and subjected to extremely degrading treatment

yeah it's great

Consent is not the same as "havin a right laugh at all times" and making this stupid claim undermines the POWERFUL AND LEGITIMATE arguments against the exploitation of stupid whores by the EVIL pornography industry.

Stuff like this is just sad, not clikcing it though. Obviously a lot of porn isnt rape though

The thing is that they do it to themselves.

''The fact she may have agreed to do this video DOES NOT make it consensual''
Don't sign the fucking form then. If she really wanted to stop it she should have just stood up and walked away, "pressure" is just a fucking stupid term you use to make it look like they don't agree to it. To make a video public you have to get a sign from everyone participating in it.

The porn industry is so fucking evil, It's like cocaine in addiction levels and people just ignore it say "Is healthy loelelele"

Holy shit that's hot oh God I'm cooming

This exactly. Women need to be more accountable,not less. If anything the roasts should be punished more.

Sex with women who aren't your wife is rape.

Sex with paid whores is prostitution.

What can I do to help? Poor girl..

unironically stop watching porn and supporting the porn industry.

Porn could have been banned in the 1970s. Imagine how much better the world would have been.

I use adblock and only watch amateur stuff. What's the vegan porn way?

don't fap to anybody.
fap to hentai.

if the second wave feminists had their way then there would be no people like epstein and weinstein, you're right

This is the proper way to be a simp. Based realism user

I'm pretty sure they agreed to take part in these films (in the very most cases), so it's consensual sex
you can't just say that you didn't consent just because it isn't perfect

I clicked the link only to see if it was bullshit.

It is bullshit, OP is just a retard. The whore is just using crocodile tears probably because she can't handle deep throating, which is why they have to literally help her with timing next. But then she proceeds to moan in pleasure when it's time to do vaginal.
This is exactly why the guy filming is still treating her like a whore. She is a whore, he is used to filmed whore, of course he knows how to handle their fake "oh no i didn't want to do porn :( now pls pound me harder"

Another reason to hate men desu.

>The fact she may have agreed to do this video DOES NOT make it consensual.
LOL, so why did she consented to it to begin with?
She either did it because of money or any random stupid thought her little brain could conceive.
A lot of people are unwise and start things they did not thing of.
Porn is disgusting and only trash would like to participate in this foolishness.
>Women in porn are constantly put into positions where they feel pressured not to say no
Sorry but if it's a matter of your good health and life, you shouldn't be care about pressure. They're too much of a wimp to stand up for themselves and want us to do it in their stead?
No way bitch.

Anyways, it's all natural selection, if her and all her kind would suicide after this, I wouldn't bat an eye. I hope the guys will also overdose on drugs.

Amateur shit has alot of sex trafficking in it. idk what you should jack off to

women's empowerment was the best thing to happen in a long long time.

i say let women do whatever the fuck they want, i honestly could care less. circumstances in life are so optional now. i'll be okay no matter what happens, it's not like i'm forced to go die in a war or gold mine or something.

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>The fact she may have agreed to do this video DOES NOT make it consensual.
Wrong. Or you think women can't be held accountable for their decisions, in which case they are just like children.

Anyone who signs up to film a facial abuse scene is pretty much signing their dignity and part of their soul away. A lot of pro pornstars wouldnt even touch that (((studio))), so the fact that amateur inexperienced girls are signing up for it shows they must be particularly self hating and mentally deficient.

Theres not much you can do if people are going to be that willingly retarded. No one put a gun to these girls heads and forced them to do a scene.

t. captain save a hoe

I literally do not care.
At the end of the day, whores and pornstars do it because laying on their back being a meat hole for cocks pays the bills and is a lot easier than doing actual fucking work.
If she didn't want a dozen hot dogs clogging up her windpipe maybe she should have got, I don't know, a normal fucking job?

I love how the commenters are saying you can respect women while also throatfucking them. No you cant. Its degradation porn. Thats the whole point.

>could care less

I agree. This is a total travesty. Do you have more examples so I may know what to look for better in the future?

Women cannot be held responsible for their decisions though, they literally are children. The problem is if we allow men to make decisions for them men end up abusing and taking advantage of women. So its a catch 22.


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>needing attention so bad you nitpick peoples post this hard

>goes for anal after

lol, thered be a shitload of serial killers

>Agree to a contract knowing well you'll be put infront of a camera in degrading position
>Show up to filming
> Not consent
Even if she suddenly changes her mind mid-shooting she can just stand up, say fuck it and leave.
Even if she feels preassured to stay after realising it was a mistake she still put herself in this position knowing well what's going to happen.

She consented to selling her dignity for money, unless she was manipulated by someone or threatened to sign up for this, it was fully her decision and she has to live with the consequences of her actions.

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based post gets ignored cant blame r9k

>still a teenager
She looks 30 fuck you and your fake advertisement

Before their paychecks, some employees frown sometimes. Slavery?

>Porn is NOT consensual sex.
Then dont participate in it then.
>At around the 3:40 mark the girl (still a teenager) breaks down in tears after her throat is violently fucked by multiple men who continue degrading her,
Her fault for agreeing to do it. She should have gotten a low paying job at mcdonalds but now she choose to degrade herself for 5k in cash.
>calling her a whore
She is a whore
>The fact she may have agreed to do this video DOES NOT make it consensual
>for it to be valid consent it must be withdrawable at any point.

Fuck off you degenerate slut. You choose to to do, so did every other cunt you see on porn hub. Its not your fault you regretted it when you realised you didnt turn into the next Sasha grey.

Shutup you dumbcunt roasite.

Women deserve to be sexually humiliated.

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I hate pornography so much
It's evil
Yas Forums should be a blue board

Wish there was more real rape porn but its almost impossible to find

>Agree to a contract
>Know full well its porn
>Defintion of porn is sexual or lewd acts that are filmed then distrbuted for viewing pleasure
>Accept money
|>Willingly do shoot knowing full well whats going to happen in it.


I dont give a damn about the plight of these cunts, their excuses, their upbrgining. Thats not an excuse for being a slut
>I could pay my rent
Get another job or stop living outside your means
>They said it was just modelling
No one believes this. Everyone is aware of how porn producers get girls. That aside even if it was modelling people will see it
>I was tricked
You werent, you accepted the money and agreed to the contract.
>They told me no one would see it
Biggest load of bullshit cope ever. Everyone knows what porn is, you dont make it if no one is going to see it.

These cunts deserve what they get. Public shame, ostracism, suicide, unemployment.

Porn is degenerate BUT the girls who star in it are lower then the jews who make it.

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>I hate pornography so much
>It's evil
Then women shouldnt agree to star in it.
>Yas Forums should be a blue board
No you should just leave.

legally that doesn't work, so...

ok radical feminist

well said, well said

well originally said

look at the woman in the video
she barely has any agency
she's fucking brainwashed and being exploited
pornography should be illegal
>No you should just leave.
No, you should.
I really don't understand. You coombrains, faggots, trannies, etc. all have your own boards. Do you really need to spam trash here for no reason? kys

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> almost impossible to find
haha true, there is none out there, right?

unless it was completely out of left field or it was never mentioned even in the contract, its completely you fault if you dont know what you're getting into if you sign up for PORN of all things..

Then, she shouldn't have any rights as an adult, wouldn't you agree?

They signed up willingly and are getting paid for it. Yep, it sucks, but the reality is that most peoples lives suck. This is no different than someone breaking down after realizing they wasted their life flipping burgers.

>multiple men who continue degrading her, calling her a whore etc while she is clearly extremely upset
god that sounds hot as fuck. Where do I find a gf that will let me call her a worthless pathetic whore while I fuck her bros?

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I did. She could have backed up out at any time, handed back the cash and left. She didnt. More over the fucking company is called 'FACIALABUSE.COM' wtf did she think was going to happen?

In the end she chose to do it. I dont give a fuck what her situation was, whether she was abused as kid, had no money etc etc. Too bad. If you cant get ajob then go on welfare. Theres more dignity in being on welfare then taking dick for money.
>she barely has any agency
No my problem and all the more reason she shouldnt be doing it
>she's fucking brainwashed and being exploited
Shes not. Everyone knows whats involved in porn, she agreed to do it. Again there is no excuse.
>pornography should be illegal
Yes it should be. However if that happened then ALL of these girls would be on social media or storming the white house demanding rights for sex workers and their right to be in porn.
>No, you should.
No you should. This isnt FDS, its r9k. Women are not welcome here.
>I really don't understand.
Because you an idiot cuntoid. As far as im concerned you, the trannies, faggots and coomers can all fuck off back to your own boards and websites.
>Do you really need to spam trash here for no reason?
Says the cunt who posts garbage like this everyday.

Get off my board and die of cervical cancer you cunt.

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If you stick your hand in a fire you are gona get burned. "I didnt know fire was hot" is not an excuse.

If you agree to do "FACIALABUSE" porn then you're get FACIALLY FUCKED AND ABUSED. "I didnt know that people would see it" is not an excuse.

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>tears after her throat is violently fucked by multiple men who continue degrading her, calling her a whore etc

>knows it's going to happen
>says yes to those guys
>turns me down for friendly time

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No need to strip people of th it rights you dumb cunt, porn companies that produce violent or assaulting material should just be shut down, simple as.

Oh my gosh this is so sad, can you link some more examples? We need to get the word out there about this sickening filth. Please respond.

Their rights*
