What should I buy with my inheritance user?
Pop Pop's estate is finally settled
An education and employable skills.
not sure if I could afford house but that's what I would aim for
i already went to college and i'm in grad school now so
I could make a down payment I guess but I don't know if now is a good time to buy
In what area?
Personally I'd keep it to live off of for the remainder of grad school and maybe afterwards. I think we'll be seeing trouble due to this corona virus mess.
Columbia University in NY
What subject? And what degree?
Buy non perishables, water, guns, bullets, and gold in case shit goes down. Other than that a decent car if you you don't have one, and I would agree that now probably isn't a good time to buy a house; but save some money for that to buy later.
Invest now nigger, Microsoft and jewgle
Buy me an xbox controller. I smashed mine the other day and now I can't goom while in quarantine
Can you buy me Doom Eternal?
Masters of Business Administration
not looking for investment advice. i've got the nice people at schwab for that
Alright well then fuck off and kill yourself richfag
buy a tapir and let it fuck you in the ass.
You could almost buy a house with that. Invest it instead.
you guys are very boring and very gay not to mention this is so vague
What did Pop Pop do? I think you should spend a portion and do something in honor of him.
bring gibs
Pop was a great man who grew up in the depression and started a company recognized on Forbes small giants
If we really are headed into another recession 3-6 months from now when the market bottoms out that'd be a good time to. Housing prices are very high right now.
Just remember if you are buying a car, never tell them you will be paying in cash / without financing. Dealerships make most of their profit off of car payment interest, you'll get a better deal if you agree on a price before discussing financing.
Alright, spend it high class escorts and try every drug you can get your hands on all at once. Post results and document the effects. Film yourself fucking the escorts and post it here as well. You wont, pussy
shut up coomer dork
Cunt could buy a mansion on a good amount of land, and have money left over to start a small business in my state.
but who wants to live there? nobody
I would snap your faggot neck so fucking fast
How about you buy me a plane ticket to where ever you are and we record our fight where I beat you to death?
I've been to your "non-flyover" states, and it's exactly the same, except more crowded, expensive, and the people are rude. So probably most people would want to live here if they didn't fall for the flyover meme.
you wouldnt do shit im 6 foot 205 i'd ragdoll your twink ass
Downpayment on a house once the prices crash as a result of the coronavirus panic.
Wanna fucking bet? Fly me over right now sheltered rich faggot, you've never been in a fight in your life, you're soft. I'd beat you to fucking death
no i grew up in one and moved to new york when i went to college i'd never go back
yeah yeah internet tough guy
Yeah you know it's true pussy, I'd make you my fucking bitch
>Yeah you know it's true pussy, I'd make you my fucking bitch
Alright clearly there's no point, you're too much of a pussy to fly me over so I could beat you to death.
post body or stfu nerd
Fly me over and let me beat you to death faggot
thats what i thought twink
inspiring. any aspirations to become great like him?
There. Now fly me over and let me beat you to death faggot
Come on bitch. I'll snap your faggot neck. Now buy me a ticket. Unless you're too scared.
There can be no evidence buddy I'm not posting my body I have tattoos that can be used to identify me after I kill. Fly me over right fucking now pussy faggot, I'm ready to die I'm ready to go right now fly me over let's fucking go faggot I'll break your fucking ribs and stomp on them until your lungs rupture
I'm gonna work in Banking for a while then once i FIRE i'm going to try to write movies.
You're too fucking stupid to use proper grammar how are you going to write movies? You a filthy fucking jew or something? Fly me over so I can stomp your tiny brain into mush
i saw your body bro. ur a twink
any ideas what you want to make?
Neither of those were me only weak fragile whitoids are built like that, quit dodging me jewish rat let's fucking go
I've got an idea for a divorced guy who loses his job and decides to kill himself. he goes on a bender in mexico and then finds beauty in the world
You can buy my boipussy
Wow real fucking original, that totally hasn't been done 20 fucking times already stupid faggot
>20 fucking times
name em
what do I do with the other $273,440.54?
>market crashing and burning
>InVeSt XdD
buy salted caramel ice cream
I'm worth more than that!
>Falling down
>Dead man on campus
>Reign over me
>Assault on wall street
There's just a couple unoriginal faggot
honestly, buy a lot of real estate and rent it
have fun as you wont have to lift a finger for the rest of your life
wish i'm so lucky to have parents that thought about my future
although maybe they are thinking about my future but are keeping it a secret, eh only time will tell
>have fun as you wont have to lift a finger for the rest of your life
my dad owned some properties and honestly it seemed like a hassle
Depends how long it takes for them to increase and how much they increase. Could buy cheap, wait, and sell high
nope you're wrong mine is different coomer
Same fucking premise, in yours he just goes to shithole Mexico instead as if that's a place where people "learn themselves and gain appreciation for life" and not a place where they get beheaded by the cartel as soon as they step out of their resort
my parents are renting a flat in the center of belgrade (capital of serbia) and it seems like free 200 bucks every month
im afraid you are just too dumb to understand my brilliant screenplay. stick to cooming
Your screenplay is unoriginal dog shit, but don't worry right, because uncle Schlomo will make sure it sees the big screen where it will tank because it fucking sucks
nope you're just too stupid
>200$ for rent
Nigga what
>thinks of shitty unoriginal boomerflick
>calls others stupid