Part 2
Original thread: Post your ideal bf
Fembot's ideal bf thread
> likes to cuddle
> gentle to animals and children
> not aggressive
> makes me feel safe
This is all I want
Appearance? Hobbies? Anything?
I doubt that is your ideal
Original and true location?
>tfw no jreg bf to centricide with
Why must it be this way anons?
I originally had to google that in google
Cease this garbage thread
uh ohhhh BUMPING hahahaha bump bump
>likes hc and listens to good metal
>lifts at least a bit
>calm demeanor
>above 5 foot 10
>not fat or skinny fat
>short clean hair
>plans to live on their own eventually
>at least one hobby
>taller than me (i am likes to talk and tell stories or tell me about things in general (i like to listen)
>would be willing to take long, silent night walks with me
>will be emotionally available and talk to me when he's upset about something, and not keep it inside, or at least is willing to work on this
>okay with not having biological children (having children would be a very dangerous thing for me and the child)
>kind to children and animals
>doesn't date around and wants a serious, intimate, and long lasting relationship. ("swan romance.")
>able to be playful
>enjoys quality time in silence, just holding eachother and relishing in one another's touch and company
i know it's kind of lengthy but i just really long for somebody i can give my life to, like a soulmate or somebody i can trust no matter what
What are your life achievement and age requirements?
Why make a new thread when the last one wasnt any close to bump limit?
anywhere from 19-30, honestly, i don't really have much opinion on age as long as the relationship is pretty equal and it's the right person. also, for the life achievements, probably somebody that at least plans to get out of his parents house if he isn't already out. i would prefer a virgin because i am as well but i'm okay if he isn't.
>at least 6'1 tall
>has his own life
>rich/good income
>highly educated and intelligent
>reads philosophy
>big dick and great at sex
>perfect row of white glowing teeth and pink gums
>not balding
>has that sexy mysterious charm and charisma
>respects women
>knows himself and what he wants from life.
>a little bit arrogant and douche sometimes
Why do these threads go for 'ideal', and never something more modest and attainable? It's not like just one missed quality means you wouldn't be extremely happy to have someone close to that, right?
In Vitro Fertilization + rent out someones uterus.
Why is having biological children a no go for you? Otherwise top quality ideals here. 10/10 would marry.
And why would I be with a shitty partner when I could be with a good partner/the right one?
Letting perfect be the enemy of the good will leave you alone forever.
It's better to be alone than in shitty company.
>that feel when girls SAY they dig guys who like philosophy but have never actually read it themselves and turn into the Sahara desert when you want to talk about Plato or Kant or some shit.
I fit your post exactly. We're out there.
>Anything not perfect is shitty
you won't ever find someone like this for you.
i have a genetic disorder that doesn't really impact me too much but i was heavily advised not to have children because
>very likely to pass on the disorder to the child, generally gets worse with each generation
>quite possibly die in premature labor and lose the child due to heavy bleeding, tearing, or prolapsing
i love children and want to adopt or foster someday and it breaks my heart i can not have kids of my own.
That sucks. But considering what you're looking for the right guy will understand and agree. I fit the criteria too, but unless you live on the east coast near philly ltr are not the best bet. Your ideal is definitely not unrealistic though.
I hope you find the right person for you, this seems like it was written by a very considerate girl :D
Personally, I technically fit all criteria, but I am somewhat tall (6'3") so I'm not sure how it would work
are you EU femanon?
glad to know the ideal i have isn't unrealistic and at least achievable. hope you find someone for yourself user
>mfw 6'4
>have own life
>Still in school, but semi rich parents
>High IQ
>Certainly above average dick
>Don't know about perfect, but deff had my teeth fixed
>Very thick hair and even my 80 year old grandpa isn't bald yet
>I make people laugh very easily and am certainly charismatic
>Social interaction is what I enjoy most
>I don't know why I wouldn't respect women
>I'm very certain about what I want and am pretty confident that I'll get there
>I'm confident, don't know about arrogant tho, but I might just be tooting my own horn
Only 7/10 face and not that muscular (180 lbs) + European
How very sad
6'2 at least
own car
>are you EU femanon
no lmaooo
>preferably a little taller than me (I'm 5'8)
>short curly hair
>baby face
>shy but has a good sense of humor
>innocent virgin
>will let me dom him
>circumcised and trims his pubes
>likes tits so I can smother him
are you cute? where are you located?
>he must like hip hop/r&b
>athletic body
>not a virgin
Friends say I'm cute, idk
are you a cute boy? I'm kinda interested...
>makes me feel calm
>likes noise music and dirgecore
>into psychs
>has one or more comfy grandpa-tier hobbies that require leaving the house such as fishing, gardening, or bird-watching
>pure virgin
>prefers villages/small towns to cities
>calls me his weird/cute little programmer girl (even if I'm the taller one)
>shows love through cutesy bullying
The last time I posted in one of these threads a guy replied who claimed to fit all my criteria and I think it gave him a little confidence boost in the moment. i asked for his throwaway and he gave it to me but I was too much of a socially anxious autist to contact him. It's haunted me ever since so I'm not doing it again.
are you cute user?
im somewhat tall but id love to call you cute little programmer girl
fair enough oreganoginallyti
I don't know how to judge if I'm cute or not
I pretty much always have stubble and my face looks kinda douchy
Combine that with a semi douchy haircut and I'd say i lean more towards the 'manly' side
I do have dimples in my cheeks when I smile tho
Lemme guess youre white girl
This is bait or you are in the wrong place
My ideal bf?
live with his parents
cannot drive
no savings
no career
lack of self esteem
porn addiction
Maybe one day I'll find this perfect bf
tfw i can't even meet all the requirements in this bait
interesting, you said you're in europe? Or are you just ethnically euro?
Very much 100% Belgian, living in Belgium
Explains the height ;)
I am. Are you my perfect bf?
hell yeah
>live with his parents
you bet I do
I don't even have online friends
as white as it gets
sry, gotta disappoint you on this one
>cannot drive
YES, never bothered learning it
>no savings
I have around 5 euros to my name
>no career
never even had a job!
>lack of self esteem
I'm too shy to talk on vc
I have at least one big anxiety attack a day
I'm blind without
>porn addiction
I jerk it 3 times a day
Please marry me fembot
Haha don't get too cocky. You seem nice but i'm all the way in Canada. You should try finding another European fembot for now.
>tall (over 6'1)
>green eyes
>big dick
>makes me feel protected and safe
>loves me
>8/10 ideally
>good at fucking
Age? Skinny or fat?
My requirements for a personal roastie:
>rich and pays for all my stuff
>at least a 9
>not a thighgapless subhuman
>giant bimbo tits and ass
>at least 1 phd in a stem field
>okay with me banging hookers you pay for
>buys me gaming pcs and games
>cooks all my meals
>cleans moldy food and piss bottles out of my gaming room
>Skinny or fat?
Skinny about 6'3
From europe
> fembot bf thread
Get your own, retard
sorry, you pass the 6'0 - 6'2 sweet spot. You are just plain lanky!
No worries, not really looking for a gf right now since I'm focused on other things, but looking for someone in my region might indeed be a little more practical haha
Either way, I hope you get to meet someone great anonette!
you're the reason ideal gf threads fail
what would you rate yourself facially, neetbot?
>im not balding, i can drive, dont have glasses, and am not addicted to porn
almost there
that's totally me! insta?
no, they fail because that one user arrives with his bait pretending "she" wants a black dude
So you want a mommy gf
>you pass the 6'0 - 6'2 sweet spot. You are just plain lanky!
6'3 is the perfect male height
shut up!
shut up!
shut up!
>what would you rate yourself facially, neetbot?
Got rated anywhere from 2-8/10 on soc but desu I would say 4/10
d-do you dislike me now for being an ugglo fembot?!
Awwwhh not at all. What accent do you have while speaking?
My gf must be
>between 16 and 50
>not fat
>medium titties
>own job
a-accent? I'm german but way too shy to use my voice
whoopsie I messed up
Do you like to be dominated
>smart and wise
>has a good fashion sense
>has a soft spot for animals
>musically inclined
>likes to pick up creative hobbies
>knows how to respect people
>likes fitness and health
and somewhat like .
Sounds like you want a faggot bf!