This is the thread to separate oneself from the zoomersphere that is modern Yas Forums and its gay e-girl fueled drama, to chat among ourselves about life, work, NEETing, gaming etc.
I made a 30+ thread yesterday, and the general consensus was that I lower the age to 25+ to include more younger late 20s millennials, so I've made that change.
I've also made a discord since I figured it would be interesting to speak to those who remember the 2008-2012 days of this board, however if there isn't much demand for this idea, I'll retire it. Invite string below:
Im 24 but I remember what the board was like in 2014. It was funnier than it is now people used to make greentext threads all the time
Colton Powell
29 soon no job no education no license no friends no social media no skills no hobbies started refusing food
Eli Johnson
I feel you, but I also feel like 2014/2015 was the beginning of the e-girl era, so I don't have fond memories of that time. mystery.jpeg in particular left a sour taste in my mouth.
>no job
Is it a long term thing user, or have you recently been laid off?
Wyatt Lewis
Because everyone allowed leddit niggers and discord trannies to stay and engaged with their faggotery instead of dumping gore and bullying them off of this board, and now here we are with a dead board full of nothing but low quality b8 spam by trannies, coomer threads, and discord faggotery.
Yeah, that's why I created the discord link, I've come back here after an extended absence and honestly, it feels like all the old guard left but forgot to turn off the lights.
Are any of you who remember the old days still here?
Michael Bell
29, doing okay. Got a mediocre but comfy job that I'm somewhat enjoying, but I recently met a girl my age who makes a lot more money than me, and now I feel like I'm a fucking kid, several years behind.
On the flip side, it was a much needed shot in the arm that I needed to get my shit together and try to finnish taking all the steps of me becoming a deacon, so it might have been for the best.
Why 25? Seems like 28 is a much more reasonable number because. The robot who is sexually attracted to a woman will need to understand that the ideal age gap between a woman and man is the man being 10 years older than the woman in question and age laws regarding pornography are set at 18 in most of the worl.
Nicholas Perry
Got diagnosed with ADHD recently. The medication has made such a massive difference in my life. I'm getting distinctions at uni and work is no longer a chore. Sucks that it took this long (27)