Why are women really this casually cruel to even average men? I just don't get it. Once when I was a kid on a school trip to a camp, a girl from a different school was talking to my friend group and said I was the ugliest person she had ever seen. I hadn't done or said anything to her.
Why are women really this casually cruel to even average men? I just don't get it...
The sad part is I bet you're not even that ugly
>before reading the text think that the guy in the pic is good looking
>"You're grossly unattractive btw"
what the fuck
>btw you're fucking disgusting, bye!
That made me laugh but what a cunt, try saying that shit to someone's face
she was mad she got rejected and he saw it so she attacked him to feel better about herself
her soul is grossly unattractive.
Shit imagine coming back home to that cunt.
The uglier the girl the meaner sher is
>not surprised that dude ghosted you
Wtf, she just told him he was ugly for no reason at all, he didnt even do anything g wrong to her. What a cunt
Is this supposed to be an ironic post or does op not get the context of his own pic?
Women are sad creatures who need to be eradicated from this Earth. They have too much privilege and will never amount to anything decent.
lmaoo what a mean bitch. sorta funny though
that's the happy part I would say
probably this
You probably would think a balding neckbeard is good looking.
She's uglier than he is by far
The second pic is ugly though.
Hopefully he mustered something similar.
Guys I am genuinely confused here. On the one hand, as far as I can recall, I have never been called gross or ugly in my entire life, but on the other hand everyone on here says that if I were attractive I would get lots of attention irl. I get told I'm "cute" online but that's hardly a good thing and I have never once received a compliment on my appearance in real life.
I don't think I'm above average or anything, but the lack of clear indicators either way is confusing.
if you didnt roast her back with the force of a thousand suns (you had the fucking setup handed to you, the guy already ditched her) youre an absolute SIMP and deserve to die
>balding neckbeard
That's literally what he is?
Women say terrible shit about people they're attracted to. You're just too autismo to realize this, OP. Stop taking things so personally.
>"Well maybe if you weren't such a hostile cunt to everyone who talks to you longer than 5 mins you wouldn't have people avoiding you like you have coronavirus. If you smell shit everywhere you go you should check your own shoes :)"
*blocks number*
cute isn't hot. cute is just generic and inoffensive. if a girl calls you cute it isnt much of a compliment
source pls. that doesn't seem right
That's why I said it's hardly a good thing.
It's not. No woman would call Chad ugly even if she was mad at him and wanted to hurt him because it wouldn't make any sense and wouldn't achieve the desired end.
Welp, she is almost certainly a very dark skinned negress, who are typically foul attituded as a result of their hideous skin
>source pls
>that doesn't seem right
Don't even bother applying logic to the actions of women.
That's my point, in addition to: I'm not surprised a board full of other balding neckbeards thinks he's okay looking or good looking. LMAO
>t. faggot that's never flirted in his life
You're sitting there trying to apply logic to women. This isn't going to achieve the desired end you think it is.
Can someone tell me what's unattractive about this guy? He looks bang average, seems to have a union job that's likely somewhat stable. He's not disfigured or fat, from what we can see. Seems to be eating a Mexican pizza or a shitty dominos slice.
Like I know I'm fat but if I lose weight is this what I have in store for me? I guess I'll just lift for myself.
I was called ugly by a girl who had a crush on me. "An ugly piece of crap," to be precise. But we were children. And also this was relayed to me by another girl, who may have been lying to hurt me.
This happens to me to this very day, Satan. I'm old(er) too. It's just women fucking with you, but in a good way. It's no different than if you told her she had a big forehead and she laughed it off but got extremely insecure about it.
Women are really fucking cruel. I have dated probably over a dozen women at this point and I can tell you that "mean" is the best way to describe them. They're extremely resentful and bitter towards men because deep down, despite what society tells them, they know they can't be men and can never be as "good" as men in any way except for their wombs.
Women are really, really fucking cruel, and the image of the "pure, kind, demure woman" is entirely a male fantasy. Just like tomboys, just like the warrior woman, just like the woman who is chaste of her own choice. Men need to brute force women into these roles, or else women default to catty, cruel and myopic.
"Average" is ugly, dumbass. Women consider men below the top 20% to be hideous, we have the data to confirm this. It's obscene that it's not fully understood by everyone.
ok roastie, kys
hmm, do you have like any anecdotal evidence? i'm just curious because i don't think i've come across a situation where the woman thinks a guy is attractive, yet calls him ugly.
That's not cruelty. That's spazzing. She's obviously mortified and taking it out on him. Why in the good fuck would he EVER take that seriously?
No wonder Andrew dipped on this vile bitch. Going about shitting on people to make herself feel better, fucking cunt.
actually nevermind it seems it does happen to people, looking at the other replies in this thread. odd
How fucking dense are you? He never even implies he was a woman.
> Hahaha i see why he gave you a fake number, loser
If this is bait it isn't very good
Women are generally more altruistic and definitely less aggressive than men. I've had bad experiences dating too, sometimes being treated in unecessarily callous ways, but it's worth remembering that many women have had the same experiences with men.
Men and women both have the capacity to treat others cruelly. I highly doubt women have a monopoly on this.
>Women are generally more altruistic and definitely less aggressive than men
Women are altruistic if it means giving away the stuff of others. You know, like voting for social policies and such. They're not altruistic on an individual level. I have had men help me out in times of crisis far, far, far more than women have. Hell, my experience with women has solely been that they get mad at me when I have any sorts of issues in my life because it distracts from their myopic problems like not being able to stream The Office for five hours.
It's not really too odd when you think about it. Most women carry this line of reasoning from elementary school when you'd "play" with them (by pushing them around and calling them names for being weak / goofy looking); vice versa for boys. A lot assume this means you like them. They just flip it around on you when you're older. Suddenly they start doing whatever that's called to elicit an emotional response from you. If you don't give it to them, they'll just keep prying for attention and sometimes even going as far as trying to make you jealous by hitting on your friends / deliberately making you feel worthless to bring you down to their level. Women are very simple creatures when you take a step back and assess them objectively and without projecting your own biases onto them.
Personal and second-hand anecdotal experience have made me realize that women really dont care about people's feelings.
Generally speaking. There are people women care about, and there are situations where women feel they should be nice. However, I have found that women don't give a fuck how they make people feel, generally speaking. I know a girl who considers us "friends", yet she only ever talks to me when she needs something, and never even asked me how I was doing despite her finding out that a friend of mine committed suicide.
There are good people and shitty people. People are generally shitty. Women are no different.
Though, women get forgiven and don't get held accountable way more often than men, I would say.
women seem to be rather self-centered these days, i'm not sure that's what i'd call altruistic.
YOU KNOW WHAT A DOUBLE STANDARD IS? WOMEN WEAR SO MUCH MAKE UP. WOMEN ARE THE UGLY ONES NOT MEN. I don't need plastic surgery or make up or fake nails or boobs. So how am I the ugly one
It's literally the fucking reverse of this what the fuck u smoking
My response would have been "I get it, you're mad you got rejected so now you're trying to bring me down to lift yourself up. Pretty pathetic and immature desu, I can see why Andrew hit it and quit it"
i see... so they're just desperate for attention huh? i guess it does make sense in that context. but if they're too mean like in the case of the op then i think it kinda works against them
>but if they're too mean like in the case of the op then i think it kinda works against them
I think we can all agree that women aren't too bright when it comes to foresight.
Slow day over at r/femaledatingstrategy, cunts?
>A literal nigger calling anyone ugly
>Men vote for more socialist/government spending programs than women
Interesting take.
>I have had men help me out in times of crisis far, far, far more than women have.
That could be because you might interact with more men in platonic ways than women. I know I do. When I do ask women for advice or help, they may help but they're more likely to help with personal problems and emotional stuff.
Just look how many women out there act as mommy's to their partners though, it's gross but shows women do take on roles which directly benefit men, even if the guy isn't doing the same for them. I try to stay clear of generalisations myself because there's lots of biases which can lead us to false beliefs, and because sometimes we really have been unlucky.
I don't know, if we're considering the statistical data of this thread alone there seems to be a majority consensus of anons having negative thoughts and experiences with women. You seem to be the only one saying they're altruistic. Perhaps your personal experiences gave you false beliefs, and you've just been lucky?
no you are just indulging her. That response makes you look weak. Just ignore her
Probably said that to make sure she communicated her lack of interest. Still a cunt move though, could've just not said anything about the guy unless it was relevant. Women are truly autistic creatures.
Wiseanon is wise. It may seem like you've been stung, but it's best to just ignore.
>Why are women really this casually cruel to even average men?
You need to get outside more. Because you're in this echo chamber where most posts about women are in a negative light, you're being programmed to think the average woman is like tinder thots seen on Yas Forums. There's a lot of cunts out there but most girls are just normal. They may not compliment you but they wont rip on you either unless you're a dick. And lets not pretend guys dont talk about girls' appearances behind their backs either. Cheer up.