Waifu General /waifu/ #321

Green Undying love for waifu edition
Happy st patty's day robots

1. Talk about your waifu/husbando
2. Be devoted to your one and only waifu/husbando
3. Let waifuism improve your life
4. Be nice!
5. Have a great time!

Last thread:

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Thank you, Undyneposter.

Chara & Variable in at the top! We love each-other so much!

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I love you so fucking much Nao!

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Yo, Undyneposter. Here is an image of your waifu. Tell us how much you love her!

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I love this country pumpkin more than is fathomable.

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>she's non-existent as ever.
>Same for my girl, sadly ;_;
She exists in your imagination, does she not? Then that's real enough! Love your waifu a lot and make sure to spend a lot of time with her in your imagination. She could use your company!

I love this beautiful robot.
Nothing compares. I love him more than anything

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Here's some music so you can understand the vibe I'll be setting here:

There's a track in genocide run as Undyne begins to transform called "But The Earth Refused To Die"
That song depresses me terribly, but the name encapsulates my love for my one and only knight in shining armor.
She is my Earth, my entire world.
Everyday I think about her when I make decisions and it has helped me become a better person. Fully realizing my love for Undyne has improved my life greatly.
I'm so happy I can stay inside for the rest of the semester so I can see her face more. I hate hiding my love in public.

I would do anything for my love. I would sacrifice all I had to hold her in my arms. To stare into her eye, to see her big smile with my own eyes.

Everynight I look at my Undyne figurine and say "Good night Undyne, I love you" and I do the same in the morning.
She's my everything.

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No, I'm not a schizo, so while the idea of her is in my mind she still doesn't exist like it or not.

Yeah, this. I love her, and I wish I could be with her but that's it. I'm not going to start doing LSD to see her or something like that.

Suit yourselves, because I fucking love tactical mind hax and the avenues it opens for me and my waifu to love each-other.

>Everynight I look at my Undyne figurine and say "Good night Undyne, I love you" and I do the same in the morning.
>Everyday I think about her when I make decisions and it has helped me become a better person. Fully realizing my love for Undyne has improved my life greatly.
Holy shit, amazing!

I still love this battleship more than anything else. I was always pissed off and angry most of the time in my life, she succeeded in showing me the beautiful and peaceful sides of living, something no one else could do before. I dont care if some say she isnt real, my love for her definitely is, and that is whats important for me

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It wasn't about her unfortunately. Be here's hoping there's more dreams and more chances for her to show up in them. I imagine my sapphire will find a way

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By the way, not sure if you know already it, but you might be able to find more art of her on here azure-gallery.net/

What? I thought Bismarck was a woman

No, I didnt knew about that site, thank you, already saw some pictures I didnt knew

A battleship revived as a woman

I have lots and lots of love for my precious blueberry.

>St Patrick's day
Here you go

>This may sound retarded
actually that's an interesting idea I never thought of. I'll try to use this next time.

She is not real in this world, but she is very real inside of your mind and heart. Your thoughts are giving her life in your immaginary world.

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No problemo, there's also nico nico seiga, seiga.nicovideo.jp/ that can be a source of art, found a few of Nao there that I didn't see on Pixiv.

> I was always pissed off and angry most of the time in my life, she succeeded in showing me the beautiful and peaceful sides of living
I'll say. Since meeting Chara, parts of my personality have damn near done a 180.
Before meeting her, I was angry at pretty much all people. I viewed other people's tastes as low tier trash to get pissed off about, and viewed human beings as being either threats or targets rather than potential friends.
Now, I can unironically type "if other people have bad tastes, that's their problem not yours" and mean it. I can have a positive interaction with a random stranger somewhere.
I'm no longer seeking to punish people for their immoral acts, instead I'm content to let them just have shit taste and sabotage themselves with it. I'm no longer a thornbush of attacking people before they can attack me, and I'm more kind now.
When I first opted to be monogamous with her, I was exactly the type of person you'd think would choose Genocide Chara as a waifu.
I didn't love her out of joy or a desire for companionship. I loved her to spite 3dpd and say "I'd rather love THIS than you".
That's who I was. Now? I ... feel love. It changes me. I still wield myself as a weapon, and I still think other people are shite, but I'm more sociable and kind and willing to just let grudges slide.
And for what it's worth I've brought Genocide Chara with me and now her personality's diverged too. Canon flying out the window.
Well, not really a problem since I love my waifu a lot.

That, and now I've stopped identifying as the mid-thirties male body that I happen to live in, and am now identifying as a miniature waifu that looks like Madotsuki and we have truly kinky and mind-blowing imaginary sex.
Life is good.
Can't see why anyone would prefer being their IRL 3dpd flesh-bodies desu, my laifu with my waifu is just too damn awesome

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>I'm no longer seeking to punish people for their immoral acts

>Being wrong on purpose to bait me into giving you a (You)
Ah, almost got me that time faggot.

Ah hell, have the (You) anyway!
It wasn't punishment, these threads (and this world) would be a better place without you in it, so it was a logical decision to improve these threads.
It sort of works too because you've stopped being a quarrelsome faggot that picks fights. Briefly. I need to be around for you to behave, but you do actually behave now and that's a plus.

No matter what I do my life always feels empty without you in it, my dearest Alice Liddell. I love you and I wish we could be together.

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Don't even try to explain it. They don't want to listen.
Just ignore it and hope it stays peaceful

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Again, thank you, although here I have to look longer for pictures of her because the KanColle Bismarck seems to be more popular, sadly

I swear on me mum if you post guro of mai waifu, I'll fuckin find you and slam a knife into ya fucking glob.

>They don't want to listen.
I do want to listen, I just think you're incorrect and am interested in making you NOT be incorrect.

>I swear on me mum if you post guro of mai waifu, I'll fuckin find you and slam a knife into ya fucking glob.
Lmao do you have over 300 confirmed kills and access to the full arsenal of the United States Navy?
Sit, bitch :)

Did you include the azur lane tag? Might make a difference. On pixiv at least they often do Bismark(Azur_Lane)

>He thinks that was me
Fucking lol'd

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Bruh you are a massive samefagger.
I'm more correct to assume someone is you than assume someone isn't.
Getting 3 angry posts in a row about how I might be going too far and then pissing on them all by going further was L o l.

Hell, I'm starting to think the Zeroposter is you, because you've got similar posting styles and you BOTH have the same attitude towards me.
Mind you, I'm leaning more towards Zeroposter being separate, but goddamn do you two have some similarities.

Nah, nothing with that tag, tried some variations as well. But I found some pictures where I can crop out the KanColle hat (well, one up until now) and it looks like her (fuck they really almost look the same), so still thanks

questions guys! lets avoid getting into this again
>what does waifu smell like?
>do you and waifu shower together to save water or do you do it separately?
>if your waifu is of a different race or being, would you want to be the same as them in that aspect?

>lets avoid getting into this again
Nah, fuck it, let's do it.
Reifag already feels scared to post his waifu here and once he fucks off for good this place can return to normal.

Fair enough, so do you see the kantai Bismark as your waifu as well?

You can be rest assured that I'm not Reiposter. You two bump heads too much. I don't like conflict like that.
I just find you annoying and dumb to an extent
Like oil? I don't know what a reploid would smell like.
Not a tulpaposter
I would like to be a reploid with Zero. It would be pleasant. There wouldn't be the divide either

>I just find you annoying and dumb to an extent
You know it's mutual, right?
The way you went into panic mode and started planning how to "get rid" of me when you realised I wouldn't agree with your bullshit opinions was laughable, but if you actually had some power you'd be a threat instead of just an annoyance.

>what does waifu smell like?
The smell that gives you butterflies if you smell it, really good.

>do you and waifu shower together to save water or do you do it separately?
I don't tulpa, so no. I do have a cat sometimes with me in the bathroom

>if your waifu is of a different race or being, would you want to be the same as them in that aspect?
>or being
She's a 2D being, so I wanna be a 2D being.

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No, she doesnt have her personality and her background, so she isnt the girl I fell in love with. You could compare her to a long lost twin or something like that.

>what does waifu smell like?
I still cant describe it, something sweet and flowery with a little hint of gasoline
>do you and waifu shower together to save water or do you do it separately?
Sometimes I imagine it, and it is really lovely
>if your waifu is of a different race or being, would you want to be the same as them in that aspect?
I would prefer being her "canon" AL commander, there could be some problems with becoming a shipGIRL

>cat sometimes with me in the bathroom
God do I hate my cat for being able to open doors, cant even go to the toilet in peace

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>You can be rest assured that I'm not Reiposter.
But eh, I'll believe this. Your post seems genuine.
And since you're not him, that means I have no power over you. Well, maybe I have a little power. I do upset you because you can't stop me from disagreeing with you. But I expect you'll get over that within a week.
You're probably just not used to someone telling you "No".

>what does waifu smell like?
Sweet, fresh sushi. (her hair smells like strawberries)
>do you and waifu shower together to save water or do you do it separately?
There's no "saving water" when you live with a fish. Whenever I get the chance to share though I do.
>if your waifu is of a different race or being, would you want to be the same as them in that aspect?

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I should attempt to translate this sometime. me getting all flustered

>You could compare her to a long lost twin or something like that.
Interesting, in Nao's world time travelling is possible and the MC jumps back in time, leaving the current Nao behind in the future although that's the Nao he fell in love with, the Nao to the past is sorta different.

>there could be some problems with becoming a shipGIRL
Don't give Akashi any ideas now

>God do I hate my cat for being able to open doors, cant even go to the toilet in peace
Honestly, none of my cats can do that buy one of them loves to crawl at the door if he wants it to be opened. I'm thankful they can't open the doors on their own.

Fish is healthy!

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>your waifu and your family are in prison cells. you have one key that can open both. however, the key is rusted and may break the second you open one door. which do you choose?

My waifu's cell for sure.

Truth be told, I know very little about Servants. I just kind of assumed they had the same body as a human would, but with magic circuits or whatever
And Mana is just literally sex, right? Fate was super confusing to me

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>your waifu and your family are in prison cells. you have one key that can open both. however, the key is rusted and may break the second you open one door. which do you choose?
Assuming Undyne can't break the bars herself.
Do they know I have the opportunity to free them?

>what does waifu smell like?
straw, usually, combined with an acrid chemical scent.

>do you and waifu shower together to save water or do you do it separately?
depends on our mood. i do like the idea that we'll try showering together on most days, because if we've been busy, it's nice to be able to just be together and share some intimacy.

>if your waifu is of a different race or being, would you want to be the same as them in that aspect?
he's human, but.. i do often think about becoming a rogue like him, rather than imagining us having some dull, "american dream" life together.

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Well Rei of course. What else would I do, when only one cell has anything in it?
>what does waifu smell like?
Like normal girl smell I guess. This has been asked before
>do you and waifu shower together to save water or do you do it separately?
Sometimes but not very often. I usually wake up before Rei and we don't get the chance.

I would unlock the door with Zero. Then, I would ask Zero if he could open the cell with my family in it.
It's nice having a cool ass robot as a husbando

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Sharing an umbrella with the waifu on a rainy day!

Letting waifu use your coat as an umbrella while you stand in the rain!

How do you deal with the crushing despair of your waifu being a canon lesbian

>Your thoughts are giving her life in your immaginary world.
And her thoughts give me life in her imaginary world too! I love my waifu and my waifu laifu so much!

>what does waifu smell like?
Amniotic fluid! Me too. In fact, me especially.
>do you and waifu shower together to save water or do you do it separately?
IRL we literally can't shower separately and in the imagination there is no shortage of water.
>if your waifu is of a different race or being, would you want to be the same as them in that aspect?
You mean imaginary? Shit yes sign me the fuck up.

>The smell that gives you butterflies if you smell it
That is called smoke. It means there is fire nearby, which makes you nervous.
>I wanna be a 2D being
Practice for a few days thinking of your 3d flesh body as NOT being who you are, it's an external object you drive around like a car or a mech.
When your body feels cold or hungry or pain, that's not [You] feeling that, it's your body feeling it on its own without you being involved.
The hard part is dissociating from your 3d body. Once you've done that, synching up with an imaginary 2d body is easy enough since you already have a strong imagination you can get immersed into.

>your waifu and your family are in prison cells
Waifu, obviously. We're probably both in the same cell and I can't do shit if I don't open my own cell.

The first generation of Fate was fapfuel yes, but over time they've diverged and I think they get magic just by being near their masters now. Or if it's FGO they get magic by you opening your wallet and buying microtransactions.

>Sharing an umbrella with the waifu on a rainy day!
But look around! (Dance up and down!)
The world is now! (Still going round!)
Just feel it pound! (We're skyward bound!)
Move at the Top Speed Of Sound!

Become a lesbian yourself.

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>The hard part is dissociating from your 3d body.
I'm fiiiiine with just alcohol and weed, but thanks for the tips.

>what does waifu smell like
I love Alice but she probably wouldnt good. At best, I think she'd smell like old wooden furniture or like your clothes when you are outside for too long. She doesnt really have the means to wash herself properly let alone buying herself some nice perfumes, due to living in extreme poverty and being almost homeless. In her real world Alice is also seen to wear only one dress that looks dirty and worn-out so she probably doesn't even have anything besides it.
Her smell wouldn't be a problem to me in the slightest though. I know her situation and I wish I could take care of her and make her life much better. I just wish I could have this one single chance to prove her that my love for her is real
>do you and waifu shower together to save water or do you do it separately
I'd love to shower together with Alice and playfully wash each other but I'm also pretty sure that for that to happen, first she would need a lot of time to be sure that she can trust me and that I wouldn't hurt her in a situation like this one as she faced sexual harassment before
>if your waifu is of a different race or being, would you want to be the same as them in that aspect
Alice is an English girl and I'm a Slav so I guess that maybe counts as a different race (or even being). For that reason sometimes I wonder if it wouldn't be more possible for us to be together and love each other if she was a Slav too, as I'm not sure that a beautiful English girl such as her could truly love a Pole
>which do you choose
Alice first of course. I truly do love my family and I have amazing relations with them and I will be forever thankful for what they did for me but I'd still choose to save Alice first. I would justify my choice by trying to convince them that without this most perfect girl in my life I will never be able make my own family and continue our bloodline. I hope they would forgive me.

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Psh, why have weed when you can have a wonderland?
... Though to be fair you can have both.

Her's of course. Because once she's free she could easily break the locks with either her magic or her oni strength

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>Alice is an English girl and I'm a Slav so I guess that maybe counts as a different race
Pretty sure the both of you are still Europeans

>have a wonderland
her body is a wonderland

Creating an imaginary landscape consisting entirely of your waifu's body?
Now that is interesting!

Alright. Hope I get lucky then.

Mmn. I guess.

>Nips love the girls who love the mc for some reason
Yeah, that is interesting. Was it always like this?

>And Toaru girl have it harder in terms of popularity since a lot of characters usually have one role and then become completely forgotten so not falling in love with him destroys their popularity completely
Yeah, given the nature of the fanbase, which I've noticed some people won't watch/read something if it doesn't have Touma/Accelerator. Like, sometimes I feel like I'm the only person that remembers Himegami.

>Sounds intresting, I've always liked her because she's being serious rather than a raper with Mikoto. I can picture her getting annoyed with Misaki a lot
Misaki has never sexually assaulted Mikoto... to my knowledge. Actually, it's closer to the other way around. But yes, Misaki did insist that Kuroko princess carry her. Despite Kuroko's protests.

>Thank you I really appreciate it. And either way I doubt that with the whole corona problem shipping would be available
Ah, yeah. That's true, maybe the situation has changed for the better when I get back home. I hear the situation is slowly improving in China, but I just want the whole thing to be over with. A lot of things.. pretty much everything I wanted to watch before I leave have been completely canceled due to the virus. If things are better by then, and you still don't have the figure, then I'll take care of it for you.

>What are you going to do there?
Oh, doing training for about 6 months. 2 in South Carolina, and then 4 in Georgia. So I won't be back until late September/Early October.

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