
Come on and make a hew fahkin thread already edition

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Amer "SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UPPP" Hussein why are you ban evading

2nd for waifus and Mayuri

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>starting a new job tomorrow
>feeling a bit ill
going to have to go in anyway, apologies to my new colleagues

Poleaboo aka """Moni""" aka Amer is a bloated, greasy nonce who needs to leave forever.

Cough on them to assert dominance.

just think about this hysteria with corona, boomers literally had the same thing all their lives with the threat of nuclear war
no wonder they're mental

Its odd how he has such an aggressive reaction to his co hosts asking about remarks he supposedly didn't make, remarks about children at an arcade being "cunnies"

your post has given them the little ego boost he needs, keeping him in the thread for a little longer

>look up a girl i used to fancy
>got a bf
>also got fat
One part of me thinks I dodged a bullet but how can I save the girl I end up with from the same fate??

Dont remember asking you a fooking thing user, jog on.

Wonder why he won't explain his reasoning?

Not really, Amer AKA Poleaboo AKA Moni is a roach, Only way to get rid of him would be for him to be bought to justice, but the filth seems to have other ideas, protecting one of there own and that (nonces)

>Cunny onesssss
>Starts smacking his head

>jog on.
much like poleaboo wont do, since you people who claim to hate him literally talk about him all day

If I were asked what I meant by words I didn't even say, I'd calmly say 'thank you for your interest in my affairs, I did not say said word' rather than this style of sperging out.
Also does the dimwit not even realise, he's the host of the show and so could cut them off/turn their volume down rather than drown them out like that?

>much like poleaboo wont do
Weak and uninspired response, verging on gay.

At any rate, the stupid nonce wont leave of his own accord.

He ended up abruptly ending the show hahaha
Also if he really wants to do this properly he needs to invest in a phone instead of using Zoomer MSN cause this stuff doesn't happen so abruptley (you can usually suss out prank calls)

fuck sake they're shut the shops lads, no clue how I'm going to get buckfast tonight

he will if the thread stops talking about him constantly ffs

thought i told you not to reply to me

as for my mental state i am perfectly calm, you on the other hand have been BTFO and need to stop replying to me

you may be laughing now, but some of the more vulnerable /britfeel/ers, such as pigeon lass, the 40 year old, and shippy (diabetes), are likely to die if they contract corona

Understand this lad, I'll seethe at whomever I please. You can whinge if you like but that'll just make me seethe more.

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First for fuck boomers

>a ruthless corporate lawyer (Jonny Lee Miller) starts to suffer vivid hallucinations that inspire him to change his ways and fight one the side of the 'little guy'
no idea when and why l downloaded this. Watched 3 eps anyway. lt was okay as a quirky legal drama (the hallucinations range from George Micheal appearing in his living room and singing to him to being a solider in the trenches). Reminded me of Ally McBeal or Boston Legal. There's some drama stuff; the visions are caused by a brain aneurysm and he has loads of issues with his dead dad and fiance. The cases themselves are quite politically charged but the tone still stays light. Wont watch any more but it got a 2nd season so someone liked it

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every supermarket is fully booked solid for deliveries

how the fuck am I supposed to eat? I can't go out

>Alright goys I MEAN boys?
>First for fuck boomers
>Those boomers eh? Manipulating us all and that!

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>go out on a date with bumble girl on the weekend
>spend 4 hours together, we click
>make each other laugh
>agree to go out again this weekend
>text on and off since
>takes ages to reply
>hasn't replied to my message from last night
s-she's just busy right lads? and I shouldn't overthink it?

>I can't go out
Yes you can

She found someone better, I'm sorry lad

Im sorry lads I just dont think boomers deserve to be wiped from the face of the earth, not all of us had unhealthy relationships with our parents

nice reverse psyop schlomo

Lads how are your grandparnets holding up?

Did we ever get to the bottom of why nubs lied about that rape?

Holy fucking LOL
Mossad is SEETHING tonight

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all been worm food for years now

Then you're weak minded and will be dragged down with the trash that you protect. And I'm not even referring to my parents, who are not boomers. A lot of people are boomer-minded yes, but I'm specifically referring to the old and weak who are a burden on us all

but they've been that way a while now

rotting in the ground to be honest lad. yours?

>parents arent boomers
ok, zoomer

>She found someone better, I'm sorry lad
no fuck you. she was really into me

All dead except for one that I haven't seen in about 7-8 years. Maybe I should go visit him, if he's not been corona'd already

one of them's been dead for nearly 50 years, rest of them have been dead for around 5-15 years

*points behind you*
haha wtf is that? look!
*votes moni while nobody's looking*

I hope nubs is having a nice time planting seeds and away from seethers x

So lads how are you all coping with the increasingly shite situation? Am supposed to be fucking well moving my entire life up to Scotland in like 3 weeks and the world is literally going to shit. Am just getting as stoned as fucking possible whenever possible.

Yeah she was caught out for being a slag on soc so made up a lie about rape to garner sympathy.
Those are the facts, I'm not judging anyone make of it what you will.

Shit is it the '/britfeel/s next top nonce' competition already? I'll be voting Shippy

don't care, all i'm doing is staying inside slightly more than usual

Hope nubs sees this bro. Very white knight pilled.

Scotland seems like a better bet than down here lad. Unless you're like moving to Glasgow or Edinburgh or somewhere, in which case you're still fucked

not really noticed anything different tbqh, mum bought the wrong carrots tho

>made up a lie about rape

If she wants to be a personality she should be prepare for the seething that comes with it

is moni around? does she want curry or kebab for tonight's treat?

>she want curry or kebab

If poleaboo moved out he's not going to be there to intercept all the letters that get sent to send his father

Are you lads actually ordering food to Amer's house? Excellent banter if true.

Claims she was raped then backtracked and said that the police didn't take it seriously or something so she wrote it all down on the back of an envelope.
It was a really bizarre lie.

>Self isolation is the easiest way, the better way, and that is how we will go. Anything more?
>Don't put Coronavirus under the herd immunity.
>Are you frightened to self isolate, Mr Christian? Are you a coward too, sir?

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Theyre discussing not treating people with a bmi over 25 for coronavirus in america if it gets bad.
It's gonna be a chumba wumba killer
>tfw BMI is 31
Im dead

Why are you lying? Where's your proof?

This is very true
However, can his father even read English?

>tfw I spent the last year and a half slowly getting fatter
is it too late for us to start exercising you reckon lad?

I was in the thread. That isn't how it happened.
What's wrong with you? Are you a compulsive liar?

That's not backtracking. l'm honestly not an orbiter or white knight just seems a bit mean to instantly claim it's a lie then bring it up every thread.

People with a BMI over 30 already in the "with a pre-existing medical condition" category. You are an unironically fucked if you get coronavirus.

I'm not lying, you can check the archive. She claims she was raped, and then didn't want to post any proof and is now ignoring it and pretending it didn't happen.
It's a disgusting thing to larp about to be honest with you.

so americans are getting $500-1000 a months

what do we get?

amer ban evading again?

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>what do we get?
to starve, but don't worry just keep calm and carry on

probably fuck all knowing big bozza

not him but what proof would you want? Video?

Tested "hanging" myself earlier. Was surprisingly easy to set up a little noose over the door and it even felt like it would potentially hold my weight. I only tried leaning on it a little just to sample what actually falling on it would be like, and even that was a little bit scary. I have no emotional holdups about kms ("it's selfish", "people would be upset" etc.) but even just leaning into the noose a little bit somehow woke up some sort of unconscious survival instincts or something. Felt this kind of weird fear that made my heart race and it actually made me stand back up and say "fuck, not today".

With what's going to happen in the next few months it might be more easier to actually go through with it if I felt I absolutely had to, to evade martial law/looters/war/a worse strain of the disease etc. But still it made me realise how hard going through with suicide would really be, even if you do want to die.

Yessa sir, my boy Yasin is no slacker, sir! He is always pleased to do the needful, sir!

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He has never served a ban and openly flouts them. He openly bragged about it on his blog, about how'd reset his router to get a new IP.

>so americans are getting $500-1000 a months
based Yang gang won in the end

I need to lose 3 stone to be a healthy weight before I get corona.
I think Im fucked. Only got fat because Im on anti-psychotics. NHS fault im fat in the first place.
Havent read this do you have a link?

It's alright lads, stiff upper lip. We got through 2 world wars etc. Everything will be fine, just keep consuming

consuming what? Everything is shut or cancelled

Fuck it lad, we'll make it through this. Cant be a death sentence for all us large lads

You just made me check my BMI. Fuck it's 28, and that's just me guessing my weight. I don't know my actual weight but if it's higher than I'm guessing it to be then I might actually be obese. Fuck I'm so fucked, why didn't I sort my body out before it was too late

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SP health update:
>still got the cough
>inner ass cheek spot has stopped bleeding/ puss

>consuming what?

ok fren pls stay hydrated and medicated

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I know it's a good question. I guess you'd start with the police report, maybe some news articles, or any court records etc. But it was such a bad lie that she got caught out straight away and then it became even more ridiculous instead of just owning up to it

Just checked pre-exisiting conditions is 40+ BMI aka morbidly obese

Cant be bothered to check the archives but my default position is to not believe anything posted here. Too many people get off on bullshitting

>Maccies Squad nervously searching BMI categories in terms of pre-existing condition severity

y-you too mr profeshunal news man

Exactly. I think the LARP jar has done this thread a world of good.

I hope you lads stocked up on non-perishables.

I don't even think it's possible for a functional member of society to reach 40 in fact obesity really starts at 25

My Gran is 95 and is recovering from a hip fracture. She's probably going to die from carona.

>there's going to be fuck all left in the shops by the end of the month when i get paid

I hope they're able to recover the hip replacement. Those are expensive.

>accidentally bought 100 quid worth of fruit and veg
Lads send help it's all shrivelled

I've always got plenty of non-perishables, what I'm lacking in is booze and irn bru and vegetables other than onions and mushrooms so while my prediabetes and cirrhosis might become a bit less dangerous, I'm also going to get scurvy.