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Islam has to be one of the most degenerate pagan religion I've seen. Muhammad was a raping caravan raider that made up revelations to fit his lifestyle. Muhammad had sex with his adopted son's wife and called it holy. Muhammad implemented idol worship, the kaaba, and the black stone. He married a prepubescent girl. The list goes on, please reject the memes you see, and seek the Lord Jesus Christ.
Based OP. Faggots BTFO
how about you seek deez nuts
youre just mad jelly that muhammad was a bad mother fucker and a pimp (pbuh)
the weak fear the strong thats just how the world works, thats why islam is the fastest growing religion in the world that still wages holy war, and christianity is dying and secularized in the west
deal with it fag
Still doesn't get you salvation, you're as pathetic as Satanist.
our priest says muslims are all raging homos, because they don't want to look at their women
>We forbid degeneracy
Fucking BASED
Reminder: The hadiths were manmade, written 200 years after the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him passed, Some of the hadiths are ok but others were written by ZOG types (e.g, circumsision). Either way, with no true way to verify them, we should not follow it.
islam is stronger because its the true religion, you cannot deny this. atheists are satanists so keep up you fake insults.
because your priest likes it when other men look at his wife, he likes to watch other men fuck his wife.
yeah, but he wasn't fucking gay
you dont like fucking wives? what are you a homo?
>because your priest likes it when other men look at his wife, he likes to watch other men fuck his wife.
but looking isn't fucking, dude. how do you even know how your wife looks before you marry her? and in the supermarket: who do you know which wife is yours when they all look like batman?!
So why do you fuck little boys and goats
God doesn't have a relative morality, his morality is absolute. Muhammad is a degenerate by the standards of God.
There you go habibi, a relationship with the almighty God isn't a religion. God didn't pay the wages of our sins to create a religion. Islam contradicts the Bible, it's clear as day that muhammad was a false prophet, and that he preached a different god (a moon god). All will be judged by the one true God who said "I AM", Jesus will judge the world, the only way for salvation is him.
Bump look how many people are ignoring this thread
You have a lot of excuses as to why you think being a LITERAL cuck is okay. They are excuses and you are a cuck first and foremost
>kike on a pike is going to judge us when he couldn't even have good judgement enough to not be betrayed by judas
lol your God is LITERALY dead and you are too insecure to accept it
I'm not even muslim but none of these criticisms are true. The kaaba is not worshipped, worshipping it is strictly forbidden in islam. He also married prebuscent girl like everyone at the time cause people died younger and things were different back then.
>Lets kiss a stone, and go around in circles like the other pagans of mecca but it's totally not idolatry.
>Hurr durr let's use relative morality to make an immoral practice ok, completely forgetting that muhammad is supposed to be the pattern of conduct for Muslims.
And you're not a Muslim trying to justify your false prophet?
No I'm an atheist, but not the fedora tipping kind. I respect other peoples religions, no matter what it is. And the kaaba is not worshipped, if you told that to any muslim they would say you're spreading blasphemy
Jesus rose from the dead by his own authority. Am sorry your pagan God isn't loving enough to pay for your sins so that you may be a better person through him.
Jesus was perfect bro, I don't know if Mohammed is the same.
some schizophrenic who is a heretic even by christian protestant standards is not worth talking too.
Keep calling other people false prophets meanwhile youre making your own build-a-bear-workshop form of christianity you schizophrenic idiot.
Islam will grow stronger every day never forget this.
Oh you're an "atheist" that can't see that Muslims are doing the same practices as the previous pagans of mecca. Again, their committing idolatry just like the catholics.
How are they committing idolatry? Muslims literally destroyed the idols that pagan arabs used to worship, and forbade associating Allah with any image or idol. You're not making any sense.
both catholic churches are based on the very first church
youre just some schizophrenic idiot heehaw motherfucker from kentucky who doest know shit. i feel da holy ghost jebidiah!
You've basically described Islam, if you're having a hard time making a case for your false prophet's immorality, then you need to reconsider your false religion. I hope that you turn to the Lord Jesus Christ who became flesh and dealt amongst us, and out of mercy died for our sins so that we may not suffer eternal punishment, but that we may find our identity through him. Glory to God.
It's not my fault that Muhammad is a false prophet. He destroyed the idols he didn't like, but kept the kaaba, and the black stone. Paganism is paganism.
By that logic, having crosses in christianity is idolatry and you worship crosses. Do you see now why your logic is flawed?
>You've basically described Islam
I did not. keep peddling your nonsense, idiots like you are a dying breed
>Old means true
Well if this is the case then the Gnostics and the Arians must be the true churches too, no? Your knowledge of the Holy Bible is weak, a church isn't a building or an institution. The Church is the body of Christ, and the true Christians of the early church were persecuted by the church of Constantine, the pagans of europe and by the Muslims.
>Heehaw from Kentucky
Is this your best insult pagan? Or is this the fruit of your false prophet or your false god? Isn't Allah the best of decievers? Sounds like Satan the father of lies.
Do you speak koine greek?
Christians were mostly persecuted by the romans, who also crucified your god. But keep blaming muslims for everything
Lmao your hadiths don't even say that Jesus died, in fact Allah tricked people to think that Jesus died. You moslems need to read your sources more, now excuse me will I suck Aisha's breast.
When Christians begin to bow down or begin to circle the cross like a bunch of Pagan, yes. Am sorry to say that if some of your Christian friends are worshiping the cross, you need to warn them about their idol worship.
Did I ever said All Muslims were persecuting Christians? No I said that religions want to kill the true followers of God. And to this day many brothers and sisters are persecuted in Muslim countries because Muslims kill people who leave Islam.
>Romans killed Jesus
That's a funny way of writing the Pharisees but ok.
Do I need to get my friend on here and post his degree from Fuller Seminary? It sounds like a bad argument that I need to learn a simple merchant Greek language to fully understand God. God made a promise that he will keep his words intact. And in English the KJV are God's words. I wouldn't trust a modern translation because some atheist bible scholar said so.l
christians killed and genocided many jews in the middle ages
christians killed or force converted every last muslim and jew in spain and italy
there are still christians and jews in greece, syria, turkey, egypt, north africa after almost 1000 years of muslim rules.
never forget what youve said. you christians tried to kill the true followers of god many times, and in the end you lived to see christianity become a secular joke and a moral-relativist fashion statement for pigs like Trump.
Islam is stronger, and will never die,
It's literally the opposite, many Palestinian arabs are getting killed by the israeli military and those arabs are muslims. Afghanistan got invaded countless times by american catholic soldiers, and the afghans were muslim. The list goes on. Muslims are literally the most oppressed group on the planet
>pedophilia and bestiality isn't degenerate
Lmaoin@ur life
based poster. the faggots on r9gay literally justify their semi-raid under the guise of "it's a blue board"
so you people are all fucking coomers but can't be damned to go to Yas Forums?
why are you posting pictures of greek people
And let's not forget the mass rape of muslim arabs in Iraq and Afghanistan. "Good Christian american soldiers" literally mass raped all the Iraqi and Afghan women and boys they could find.
if it bleeds she breeds you low testosterone beta
>christcuck doesnt reply
LMAO. Another christcuck owned with facts and logic
>never forget what youve said. you christians tried to kill the true followers of god many times
I never said that, I said that the tru Christians (followers of Christ) have been persecuted throughout history.
>and in the end you lived to see christianity become a secular joke and a moral-relativist fashion statement for pigs like Trump.
So is this the true power of the followers of the false prophet muhammad? You've tried to twist my words, and now you call me the moral-relativist, when your religion stands on lies and covering up your prophets immoral behavior.
>Islam is growing
Its growing alright, but not from converts but from your women having many kids. And still this is a bad argument for your false god. I hope that you turn away from your pagan god, and pray to the Living God of the Bible.
>women having many kids
You do realise the birth rate of arabs is so low now that they're below replacement right? And many of them adopt secular views, and many of them get mixed with euros or africans. Arabs will probably go extinct at the end of the century and what will remain are mutts
>Good Christian american soldiers
You literally called America a godless relativist country.
How is getting btfoed by secular governments, and Satanist related to the persecution of Christians?
??? I have not called america that, and you're fooling yourself if you are going to conveniently ignore the fact that Christians invaded muslim countries and mass raped their women and children.
What sources are you using?
You sound like a cringy atheist, am not here to debate am here to evangelize.
Google. The birth rate of Israeli jews is 3 children per family, while with palestinians its 1. In qatar, locals barely make up 10% of the country. Arabs will actually go extinct soon if they dont get their shit together
If you're referring to the Catholic crusades then I need to remind you how Catholicism isn't Christianity but a form of paganism.
Google says birth rates are to be attributed for the growth of Islam.
I'm referring to the american invasions of the middle east. It was done by Christian soldiers. Was jesus happy when thousands of christians started raping war prisoners? Is that what your god teaches you?
Interesting how arab birth rates are declining then
>things he understands the bible more than anybody despite having never read the original bible in its original language
>insteads some bastardized KJV shit that has lost meaning from being translated many times
meanwhile the quran is in its original arabic 1000 years later.
islam does not open itself up to heretics, unlike christianity which lets any heehaw hillbilly make up his own religion
>I'm referring to the american invasions of the middle east. It was done by Christian soldiers. Was jesus happy when thousands of christians started raping war prisoners? Is that what your god teaches you?
Are you really going to make the claim that every American is Christian, and that a war by a secular government is comparable to Muslim invasions because Muhammad said "fight those who do not believe in Allah"?
read your own source, it says taliban had death penalty because thats what happens when real muslim government takes control.
regardless, aint nothin wrong with a little yung boipussy
>secular government
this does not mean christianity is not the major religion and children dont make an oath to the hebrew God every morning before class.
one nation under GOD. In GOD we trust. its on the money you idiot.
you are such a delusional schizophrenic and you try to argue with people which is pointless because you only believe what you want to hear and dismiss ALL OPPOSING ARGUMENTS like a child sticking his fingers in his ears and saying nanananana
you are useless. if you are what the best of christians have to offer christianity is indeed doomed
It was on the news you mongoloid, and many of the soldiers involved in the rapes admitted they were christian and said they wont apologize. Your "christian brothers" raped people en masse and justify it by saying the victims weren't christian. How disgusting
>meanwhile the quran is in its original arabic 1000 years later.
The quran most muslims use nowadays is an egyptian quran, all other qurans that were used before were burned. But even more embarrassing was the fact that many verses were taken out of the quran because quran reciters couldn't agree on what to put in.
>islam does not open itself up to heretics, unlike christianity which lets any heehaw hillbilly make up his own religion
Is it any surprise that Satan what's to corrupt the Bible because it is the truth?
I give up, I pray that one day you find Jesus.
Don't Muslims rape camels and other farm animals? Hardly Haram imo
For anyone interested goolge 'Bacha Bazi'. It's basically a Muslim activity where old muslims get little boys to give them lap dances and then the old muslims rape them and keep them as fuck slaves. Sounds pretty gay but idk guys
FPBP top kek
mohammed was a baby raping niggerfaggot homo and your religion is shit, that's why your dog shit people are flocking to western countries. I piss in mohammed's mouth.
Muhammed was a sand nigger and therefore Islam is a low tier religion (lower than judaism)
I did Google it and turns out you're just a retard sharing misinformation. Nowhere does it state this is a "Muslim" activity. Just because it's done in a country with a majority population of Muslims does not make it a "Muslim activity".