If a girl like military stuff, what does this mean about her? If she likes military history, iconography, guns, warhammer, etc - what things can we infer about such a person?
If a girl like military stuff, what does this mean about her? If she likes military history, iconography, guns...
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I like those things, except I prefer hoi4 and eu4 to warhammer. Just militarism in general. Here's something I've noticed I have in common with girls like me.
>has an interest in history, and usually politics
>is either a commie or a nazi
>probably has a uniform fetish
sucks off her dad regularly
has unlimited mobile data
has had sex with at least 5 strangers
is on birth control
has a snapchat
>likes the convenience of military wear
They are a tranny
She's a tradthot who thinks it's men's job to simp for her.
Infer?.... maybe that she has the ability to appreciate the beauty/romantic side of death and dark things
If a girl like military stuff she is strange af, tomboyish and maybe a tranny.
these all describe audrey perfectly
>these all describe audrey perfectly
Dunno who is she. I am not from the USA or western Europe.
thats a guy
>You have been muted for 2 seconds, because nigger.
Wants daddy's approval. Pick her, prime abuse material.
she does look very masc in some of her pictures
Are you single and will you be my friend (for now)? I enjoyed reading declassified publications from WW2 and I like reading about tactics and stuff. Hermann Balck is my fave probably.
No I mean he genuinely has a penis
Prime breeding material if he was a she, but that thing has a donger.
i dont see a bludge user....
Ck2 is the superior paradox title.
You do realize that isn't a girl right?
must have a tiny donger then
until I see vag I will not believe
One can always hope. Maybe I am lucky this time.
They like pain.
user...I... do you think that poster is the girl mentioned ITT?
>with girls like me
At the very least they are ambiguous about it. But sealing the deal on r9k is tricky. I've talked to femanons from here before though, so they do actually exist.
hello audrey. hope you are doing well friend.
I honestly have no idea who that is. Is that poster a user of this board?
yup thats audrey - you can tell by her smell
>imagining the smell
HNNGGGG in my dreams
Nutter with giant daddy issues
not sure about the first one but the last two are dead on wtf
enjoys military history, iconography, guns, warhammer, etc
She may have had an upbringing like that OR was a token girl in a nerd group OR is just interested in those things.
it means she is a tomboy and she is perfect
alot of variety user, just like the true nature of life. these girls typically have 2 friends in high school both of them boys. they walk in the forest at lunch time. she has a crush on one of them. but secretly its actually the other boy who likes her back not the one she likes.
inner tomboys > outer tomboys/rest of girls
I want to make Audrey pregnant so fucking badly.
I'd wager on autism and more of a male brain.
I want to lick her perfect poreless skin and give her some seed skincare routine
TFW no Imperial German Waifu...
>seed skincare routine
I would not waste a single drop of my seed by allowing it to spill anywhere except her womb.
Yes. And sure, user. I don't know much about Hermann Balck but I'd like to learn. In exchange I can tell you almost anything about the DDR since I've been studying it recently. But I most enjoy reading about medieval russian (and soviet) history, as well as history politics.
Where are you from?
i love audrey's voice so fucking much its music to my virgin ears
Where can I listen?
>that lewd shit
why are there no non-lewd women any more
lol what lewd shit?
tongue and the mention of cum
thats a edit of a pic
I hope it is, I cannot bear any more disappointment.
imagine her giving birth to an entire SS division and an equal ammount of literal goddesses in the image of audreay and yourself
tfw beautiful army angel audrey will never give birth to a family of future NKVD officials NERHHNNNNN HNNGNNN WHY GOD WHY
I thought she had a video of her explaining aviation on YouTube?
seriously tho she looks like the main character from some 1950s film about commie partisans
>more lewd shit
why must women be like this
even the weird ones here on Yas Forums are lewd trollops like the normie women
I will never find a non-lewd woman
"I fucked ur mom lol" isn't really lewd. That's shit me and the guys said to each other in middle school. She's not trying to be sexy. She's being facetiously immature.
Dude, if that is "Lewd" to you then you are lost. Get back on the trail buddy.
>I (likely) share a timezone with the audrey poster
She has autistic autism
>Dude, if that is "Lewd" to you then you are lost.
I am fine, it is the world that is lost.
How is she so perfect holy shit i love her
I am sorry but she should be gassed
I'm not him, but I am curious about military history, European history, and other stuff. What do you know about the Gehlen Org?
She reminds me of the girl from Three Colours Red
back to pol >>>
back to your basement >>>
It's not like I want to gas her, it'd make me sad.