/m/ weeb killed his family over a cam girl.
/m/ weeb killed his family over a cam girl
He was a K-ON fag
>over 250,000 on camwhore
No, ok? Just fucking no, jesus christ.
Set up #1
Holy fuck, what a good set up gone to waste.
virgin footwear
>stop cooming
3rd setup. Why 3 different computers?
He went to a maid cafe
He's proof he's from /m/. Gundam SEED Destiny model kits.
This just shows that material possessions are ultimately unfulfilling this dude had everything he could ever want in his room and he still wasted 250k on some e-sloot
Sad to see how Satan has deceived the world into finding fulfillment from materials.
Seriously. An opioid/heroin addiction is 10x more rewarding than being a fucking deplorable cam cuck.
Needs decoy comps to hide the SEE PEE
Everyone is a k-on fag. Anyone who claims otherwise is just in denial.
>He lifted US$150,000 (S$202,800) from his parents, Chad and Margaret
lmao, great genetics there, chad
Imagine being paid hundreds of thousands of dollars just for being a female
What is wrong with the west and their """"""""men""""""" who have a cartoon girls fetish? Just imagine waste your life and jerking off to 2D characters.
His dad's name was "Chad." The meme is real, Jesus Christ.
>Since last June, he had been communicating with a Bulgarian woman - who has not been publicly identified.
>They met on Cam Girls, a live-streaming pornographic website. In three months, he had paid out more than US$200,000 to interact with the woman.
are you illiterate?
>he had paid out more than US$200,000 to interact with the woman
Jesus fuck. I've never seen so much money in my life.
uh, I looked so hard for that Yui in akihabara and didn't find it
Jesus. I don't know how big are expenses in burgerstan, but I guess you can sleep with at least thousand different hookers with this money, that is if you won't die from aids after a tenth one or so.
>he looks exactly like the coomer wojak
Well, let us do the math real quick. A round trip flight to Thailand would have cost him about $600 USD for a round trip. The average Thai escort will range from $30, $60, to $90 depending on where you go, streetwalkers vs bar girls vs gogo dancer girls. For the sake of simplicity, let's say he goes for the midrange of $60 girls. The cost of food in Thailand for one month is around $200 if you're moderately cheap and like to eat out once a week. The cost of lodging near a red light district is around $450 for a month. The guy spent $250,000 over the course of three months just talking to this female. So the cost of him staying in Thailand ($1,350) for three months, the round trip flight ($600), and food for three months ($600) would have cost him around $2,550 in accommodations. That leaves him with $247,450 to spend on escorts, and since we stated that he would stick with the midrange girls priced at $60 a girl that means he could have been with 4,124.1667 women. We can round that down to 4,124 for the sake of convenience. But for the same price that he spent on one female for three months, he could have lived in Thailand and had sex with over 4,000 women.
>/m/ fag
>mostly shitty Fate and FOTM figs
Nah, he's just a boring normalfag. If he was an actual /m/anbaby, most of his income would be put towards more Gunpla and modeling supplies instead of shitty figures and some stupid camwhore. I respect the Vira model though, but that's it.
imagine paying a painfully average looking girl 2-4k to have dinner with you and not get laid when you could just pay a smoking hot escort $300-500 to fuck your brains out
How did this guy get $250k and spend it in three months? Did this fuck get a loan just for someone to look in his direction? I get that he stole from his family as well but where did the rest of the money come from?
I hate K-ON
i dont think that post was related but the story says he stole the money from his family and also stole their identity to open credit cards and took out loans
Ah yes the mentally ill CONSOOMER
i want his K-On's. burn the fateshit though
White people can have the whole world and they would still chimp out.
should've just shaved it bro
This is an attack piece on incels.
He knew how to purchase things and knew how to do anything else, and still couldn't control his impulse to murder. This shows that even successful people can murder
I just don't get it. How can you be this engrossed in animu yet still lust over 3D roastie? Could've bought a harem of waifu sex dolls with that money.
>police discovered inside the family home the bodies of Chad, 59, Margaret, 61, and Cody, 31
kek. it seems the other brother was just as much as a neet weeb loser (his room looked very similar). Chad didn't have just one, but TWO screw-ups.
there is literally nothing wrong with k-on
>Spain, Romania and Austria love granny porn.
Wtf man
After posting this the mods at /m/ are on full damage control. They're deleting any thread related to /m/urders.
>"omg im such a weeb i have 6 gorillion figurines uwu"
>pays $250k to some ugly 3D slut for nothing
Disgusting, probably was a Discordfag.
Fuck how do I stop being this meme? I put myself down in my head all the time and I'm too depressed to commit to anything or build discipline
Not sure about him being a discord fag but he was definitely a /m/urderer. Mods from /m/ are currently doing everything in their power to remove all traces of him. It's pretty crazy right now.
What are those black cases supposed to be for?
>Demanding thousands of dollars to be taken on a date with the option to bail if things don't look good
>Behave like a passive aggressive cunt
>But men are totally entitled
i was in a mental hospital when that 2chan autist burnt down kyoto animation last year, i was on an ipad 16 hours a day
i read everything, read all of the automotive board here, went to 2chan and used google translate to hear them
They let you use devices in there?
He understood how to set up computers and display his figures, but he couldn't control his impulse to murder.. failurechamp
His dad was a born Chad but as an Amato he could never live up to his father's legacy and decided to take them out
Based and legendary
Great. Just great, now normalfags have another excuse to try and ban anime.
This guy would've gotten so much pussy if he just went to Asia. BAKA
do you retards honestly think the bottom part is real? it sounds like someone from here wrote it
what the fucks wrong with materialists? low iq
this but unironically and original oregano
He could have had sex with over 4,000 women but he chose to only talk to one that didn't even want him. How fucking sad can you get? Then he spergs out and kills his family over an E-thot. Truly, he was Yas Forums incarnate.
>his dad was Chad
oh nonononononono
Meme magic is real, and don't you ever doubt its power.
This is old as fuck, faggot
anyone remember MR. Anime?
crime scene piccies
nsfw obviously