Catholic Thread

Hello everyone, I hope you are all doing well in the apocalypses. Feel free to post anything related to Christianity and ask any questions.
If you are Christian please say the following prayers:

In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen
Our Father, Who art in heaven,
Hallowed be Thy Name.
Thy Kingdom come.
Thy Will be done,
on earth as it is in Heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil. Amen.

Oh my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, and lead all souls to heaven, especially those in most need of your mercy. Amen.

Mary, Mother of God, pray for us
Saint Joseph pray for us
Saint Peter pray for us
Saint Joan of Arc pray for us
Saint Thomas Aquinas pray for us
Saint Augustin pray for us
Saint Jude pray for us
Saint Mercurius pray for us
Saint Louis IX pray for us
Saint Rita of Cascia pray for us

In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Also, if you would like a Saint added to the list feel free to ask, I had a list going before but, I lost it so I'll have to start over, I'll make sure to save it this time.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Why do Catholics believe in the holy Trinity? How does that difference come in Protestant and lutherism ?

How big was Jesus' pp?
Why was he a "he" and not a "she"?
Did he really screw with Mary Magdalene and had a daughter?
Was he really the son of a roman soldier?
Is Christianity just a lie blow up out of proportions to cover some woman's mischief?

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Why do you people believe the pope can act as intwrmediary between humanity and god? Im not trying to troll, i just think its a very corrupt system to have. The pope essentially becomes god and controls everything

What do i have to do for God to grant me a miracle?

>How big was Jesus' pp?
The Catholic church used to venerate multiple genuine Jesus foreskins at one point, so we can assume that it was pretty big.

Wow bro, so woke. You just haven't bothered with reading the Bible, have you? You are more interested in the edgy talmudic takes, aren't you?
user is an edgy boi, LOL :P

We believe in the trinity because it is clearly taught in scripture and the Church that Christ personally founded infallibly defined this concept. There are many verses that are relevant to the concept of the trinity but the easiest one that shows it most explicitly is the beginning of the Gospel of John.
>In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
In this verse we see that there is this thing 'the word (the logos)' which is is God but, it is also distinct from God. It says both "the word was with God" showing that it was distinct from God and also "the word was God" showing that it was God. The basic belief of the trinity is that there are three persons, all of which are fully God and all of which are distinct from each other. The trinity is very complex and there is a lot more that can be said about it but, this is the basic concept.
>How does that difference come in Protestant and lutherism?
For one, Lutheranism is just a form of Protestantism, they were the first Protestants but, there are thousands of different Protestant groups today so there are many differences between them.
I don't know if you're talking about with the trinity or just what is in general the difference. Between Catholics and Protestants there isn't any disagreement on the trinity, both groups agree completely on that concept. There are other groups like Mormons, Oneness Pentecostals, Jehovah's Witnesses which all deny the trinity but, they are not usually considered Protestant.

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The Pope is only a man. A fallible man. To venerate him as if he were a God himself is blasphemy. Repent, oh misguided brothers, for you are surely loved by God just as you are pitied by him, for you are a righteous flock led by a blind shepherd.
Convert to the Eastern Church of Orthodoxy. Jesus' triumph was not in death but in resurrection; any man can die. But who other than the Son of God has been reborn like a phoenix from the ashes?

Why do yoy retards get baited so easily but ignore actual questions asked in this thread? I swear christcucks are so insecure

>all of which are fully God
Debatable. Filioquism is not settled yet.

Well I don't think you really understand what the Pope actually does so I'll explain that but, first, the reason we believe in the office of the pope is because of the promise that Jesus makes to Saint Peter in the Gospel of Matthew 16:17-19
>And Jesus answered him, "Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah! For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven. And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven."
Catholics believe that this position of holding the keys to heaven were not just held by Saint Peter, but, have been passed down to each successor of Peter from the first man who came after him all the way down until today. The Pope is the single, supreme, visible earthly authority in the Church. Christ is of course the High Priest and the head of the Church but, the Pope is his highest ranking servant on earth. The role of the Pope is to settle disputes and ensure that the Church continues to teach a consistent teaching passed down by Christ and his apostles. The office of the Pope is necessary because without a single head of decision making people will inevitably stray off into different directions and no one will believe the same thing. We can see this very clearly in with Protestants, there are literally thousands of different denominations with many radical disagreements between them. Even if you just want to point at the major groups between Protestants, such as: Presbyterians, Lutherans, Evangelicals, Pentecostals, Methodists, Anglicans just between those groups there are massive differences. Having a visible hierarchy and a visible head of our Church, established by Christ, ensures that we believe the same teaching.


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God isn't a magic genie, he won't just give you want you want if you ask him the right way. If you truly devout yourself to God he will fulfill all your desires but, he will also change your desires to conform to his. He isn't going to just give you a car or a gf or whatever because you pray enough. Ask God to make you the man he wants you to be and obey his commandments.

Your ancestors are Christian, smelly neckbeard.

Post jawline. My ancestors were pagan for thousands of years before fags like you tried to destroy their culture.

So I just work and devote myself to him for life and get jack shit in return? That's some bullshit.

How is Lucifer the bad guy when he never told anyone to commit genocide and god did?

God will save your soul and give you everlasting joy, he is not a gumball machine that will give you cool things when you ask. God knows what is best for you and what will bring you happiness better then you.

All sin, suffering and death in the word is a result of Lucifer and the fall of man.

>The Pope is only a man. A fallible man.
Yes, that is what the Universal Church has always taught. The Church does not claim that the Pope is free from error or that he is semi-God, he can make many errors, he can be evil, he can sin and he is 100% mortal 0% God.
The doctrine of Papal infallibility simply teaches that thanks to the holy spirit Pope, when acting as the head of the whole Church and defining a aspect of the faith or morals, cannot teach error. It is a natural extension of the fact that the Pope is the chief earthly figure in the Church and the fact that the Pope cannot teach error. The Pope is still free to make errors all the time and sin and do all other sorts of bad things. Yes, individual men can be infallible in specific instances, if you are Eastern Orthodox you agree with me. The writers of scripture were all infallible when they were writing scripture, thanks to the holy spirit. That does not mean that they were generally speaking infallible, just when performing that one specific action, they were all still capable of evil and error and sin in other actions.
>To venerate him as if he were a God himself is blasphemy.
We do not venerate him as God, that is just wrong.

How is that Lucifer's fault? He wasn't the one who created everything god was. Also how come an all powerful god not get rid Lucifer?

That means he ain't gonna give me dick. If he wanted to give me everlasting joy, he'd already have granted my wish.

Oh right, Jesus was a jew. I can only imagine how happy was the guy who cut of his foreskin.
That props another question: If Jesus was jew then, wouldn't Judaism be the one and only true faith?
>You just haven't bothered with reading the Bible, have you?
I was raised as a catholic and forced to assist church for 18 years so...
>You are more interested in the edgy talmudic takes, aren't you?
>user is an edgy boi
So your kind can't answer a few simple questions and therefore I'm edgy, right? Classic religious people... baka.

>I was raised as a catholic and forced to assist church for 18 years so...
So? I know people who went through the entire algebra syllabus from elementary to highschool and, to this day, struggle with basic math.

>So your kind can't answer a few simple questions and therefore I'm edgy, right? Classic religious people... baka.
What questions? If I told you that jews worship Satan would you be compelled to prove me wrong?

It's a fact that your ancestors have been Christian for hundreds/thousands of years. Paganism doesn't exist anymore. Thor is cool though, I liked the comics too as a kid and Hemsworth's a good actor. I can see why he appeals so much to an immature rebellious teenage neckbeard with father issues.

oh for fuck sake, can you christianfags get the fuck off this site and hang yourselves already? I am fucking tired of you faggots going around waving your dick about jesus and how big of a dick that faggot had. seriously, off yourself you worthless fucking retard

>We do not venerate him as God, that is just wrong.
yall still be praying to him though.

>If Jesus was jew then, wouldn't Judaism be the one and only true faith?
No, because judaism does not acknowledge Christ as the Messiah. How is this even a question?

Sin and suffering did not exist before the fall but humans were given the opportunity to make choices. Adam and Eve were lead by Satan to choose evil. God didn't create evil, he simply allowed humans the ability to choose.

>What questions
The ones I originally did?
>If I told you that Jews worship Satan would you be compelled to prove me wrong?
Why would I? I couldn't care less for what those degenerates do.

>paganism doesn't exist anymore
Objectively wrong.

Feel free to leave then.
If you feel like you need to come into the thread to tell us to leave, then there is something seriously wrong with you. Not surprising though, considering what you are here for.

Bread quenches your hunger only for a short period of time but, the everlasting bread of life that God can offer you can quench your desires for all eternity. A car or a girlfriend or a job or whatever you want won't make you happy forever. God can do that but only if you give up your selfishness. You are obviously not even close to a position to do that currently but, I hope that one day you will have a softer heart.

Then why was he a jew? Just going with the flow? Was he a poser and therefore a sinner? Why call him a God then?

Ah I get it.
The answer to all of those is No.
Satisfied? I mean, if there was no implicit claim in your queries then, it should suffice.

Why would god create a being that he knew would corrupt his creation and lead to unimaginable suffering. Is god a sadist?

Then why was he a jew? Because that was the religion before it was amended, by the Messiah.
Really, how is this not obvious?

>That props another question: If Jesus was jew then, wouldn't Judaism be the one and only true faith?
The religion of Judaism that existed when Jesus was around does not exist anymore. several hundred years after the time of Christ a new religion called rabbinic Judaism was formed which was inspired by the old one but, it is not the same thing. Jesus was born a Jew, he also founded a new covenant and he told people to be baptized not circumcised.
And no, there is no proof at all that Jesus' dad was a Roman soldier, that is some random slander that was invented by Jews long after the time of Christ that hated him.

>How big was Jesus' pp?
>Why was he a "he" and not a "she"?
Oh... I see. So he was a she after all? Or just one of them traps folks?

>Gotiiicccchhiaaaaa hhhheeehu huuuuhhee....

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No we do not pray to the Pope, that is just incorrect. We pray for the Pope and our individual Bishop in ever mass, we are not praying to them, we are asking God to bless our clergy.
Yes we do pray to Saints, some of which are dead Popes, and if you are the Orthodox guy you should understand that because the Orthodox do the same thing. The word 'pray' literally just means ask, that is it. We 'pray to Saints' which means we ask Saints to ask God for stuff on our behalf. In the modern context pray is almost only used in a religious context but, if you go back a few hundred years by reading old books you will see people use the term pray all the time to refer to just asking someone something. You will see lines like 'I hope the king will hear my prayer' and they aren't talking about a religious prayer, they are talking about a request they are making to that person, that is all we mean when we say we pray to says, we ask them.

>cuck porn thread
>Christian thread
>incoherent rage
The sinner SEETHES in the presence of the holy. Go back to your Blacked and your Bleached you atheists.

But if he's a almighty, omnipotent god, then he knew Jews were wrong, correct? Then why join them?
... to much for your faith boi?

The fall of man was a natural consequence of the free will of man. Satan didn't force Adam and Eve to do evil, he just encouraged them to do it.

>But if he's a almighty, omnipotent god, then he knew Jews were wrong, correct? Then why join them?
That's why I told you that you didn't bother reading the Bible. Or if you did you certainly didn't understand a word of it.

>to much for your faith boi?
So much... so much..

>But if he's a almighty, omnipotent god, then he knew Jews were wrong, correct? Then why join them?
Judaism wasn't a false religion, it was an incomplete religion. Christ was fulfilling the covenant that God made with the Jews and creating a new covenant.

>No we do not pray to the Pope, that is just incorrect.
tell that shit to my catholic grammy rip meemaw

>to him
You mean for* him, every Catholic needs to be prayed for, every prayer should be addressed to God asking for something in accordance to His will. Praying to anything that is not God is a pagan practice and not taught by the Church.

Absolutely based


If he didn't get that from the fact that there is an Old testament and a New testament, he is not gonna get it from anyone here.

It isn't the end of the world...

However it is fun to think so.

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What, does she just sit in her room and say "Oh Pope Francis, please bless me and pray for me." Because she is just a weirdo then, that is not a normal practice at all. The Pope on earth has no ability to hear your payers like that. That is just a stupid heretical practice, that is not a normal thing that Catholics do. Though I would say there is probably a good chance that you just don't know what you're talking about and you're mistaking her praying for him as her praying to him but idk your grandma personally so who knows.

You didn't answer my question. How could a god that claims to be loving allow unimaginable suffering to exist?

You're mistaken on terminology here. The term 'pray' literally just means 'ask.' We don't pray to the current Pope because he has no ability to hear those prayers but, we DO pray to Saints in heaven because all that means is we ask (pray) them to ask (pray) God for something.

>That's why I told you that you didn't bother reading the Bible. Or if you did you certainly didn't understand a word of it.
Well, it's a book full of locusts with human faces and a dude who fuck his own mother to impregnate her with himself so he can save mankind from himself :/
Then why God just didn't make it a complete religion from the beginning?

I hate your religion with a passion. I wanted to marry a girl who was the love of my life, but her godfather decided I can't marry her because I come from a different country than her and don't have the same faith. I hope you all burn and die like the vermin you all are.

way to cathsplain the dumb shit a lot of catholics do like worshiping the pope. she died a few popes ago but she was 100% praying to that kiddie fucker

Because free will is good and it is a necessary consequence of free will some people will choose evil and that is where suffering comes from.

Okay user, I'm assuming you just don't know what you're talking about. You can ask literally any Catholic Priest in the world if you can sit in your bedroom and pray to the Pope and I am sure without a doubt that 100% of them will say no. If your grandma picked up some stupid heretic practice, which I doubt, that that was directly contrary to the teaching of the Church.

Why not allow free will without suffering? This god of yours seems to enjoy death and suffering.

>pray to Saints
The prayers "to" saints I have seen always address them to ask them to pray for us, even during Mass.

Because God didn't want his creation to be slaves of His will. He wanted His creation to choose virtue willingly.
When Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, they corrupted their nature and triggered all the subsequent suffering.
God could choose to violate free will and end our suffering our teach us the way out of it. He chose the latter. The beauty of it is that He chose to not abandon his children, despite our mistake. He, as a loving father would do, took it upon himself to lead his children to happiness and making us understand that we are recipients of His love (at least those of us who want to understand this).

Shitskin BTFO. Absolutely based godfather.

But seriously why didn't you just convert, dumb dumb? Unless you're black that should have fixed the issue.

>Well, it's a book full of locusts with human faces and a dude who fuck his own mother to impregnate her with himself so he can save mankind from himself :/
You have to work on your reading and on your comprehension skills.

I am white, I'm just atheist. I did tell her I would convert to please her christian autism, but her godfather said no.

>Then why God just didn't make it a complete religion from the beginning?
Because education is a process. Ours was first interrupted and the serpent persuaded Eve to eat the forbidden fruit.

Because suffering comes from evil and free will necessitates the ability to pick evil.