Why do they keep pushing this?

Why do they keep pushing this?

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because they want to kill all white people
why you ask? good question

Its called playing both sides of a war you created

It's part of a much wider (((narrative))) that's become almost impossible to ignore. It will get worse. It's much worse now than it was 10 years ago. We can only assume it will be much worse in 2030 than it is now, as the certain population shrinks. In all likelihood (((they))) will deliver some sort of death blow to the few remaining once that happens. The plan has been in action for the past century, so (((they))) are playing a multigenerational long game that they don't expect to be fully realized in their own lifetimes; it's incremental. I mean, they built up to restoring their homeland for almost 2000 years. They can do this, they're very intelligent.

Based on current rates, I would say that they're aiming for a total extinction by the close of the century. At least you won't be around to see it.

Yeah, more or less.

wtf is it illustrating anyway. It's not even anatomically accurate.

How to racemix: the peasant's guide

cause racism exists. and it'll never cease existing. no matter or how they push that agenda. and they can't get it through their thick skulls. so they do cringy shit like this and feed it through the system

it's not even the proper word, humans will always have that feeling of belonging to a group no matter what it is sex, color wealth , class A class B, team kittens vs team doggies, they'll find a way locals vs foreigners, earthlings vs aliens etc. they can't blend them in a pot and the more they push it the more it'll create an opposition

Have you guys just considered mixed raced couples exist and the textbook is just a reflection of reality. Like what do you guys want, for mixed raced couples to never appear in any form of media?

The media only pushes one type of interracial couple and that's black male and white female. No other pairing has this amount of representation.

Yes, that's a good start

I don't know, as a shitskin, this makes me feel better. Probably isn't indicative of reality, though.

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Nice race bait.
Now let's sit and watch the top minds of r9k that still believe in race iq and shit despite being refuted 1 million times before.

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in such small numbers? why not show what majority relationships are. idk where you live but nearly every ad in america is a mix relationship mostly involving a black man and white woman

also black men are 6% of the us population

Black male white female is not even the most common INTERRACIAL pairing, and compared to homogenous couples it is in fact rare. However, it makes up 90% of commercials and advertisements. Do you not notice this? Are you actually blind and dumb? I don't think so, just conditioned from birth.

Actually engage your mind, think about what you're being shown and why it is being shown to you. What is being promoted to you - blatantly and subliminally - and why is it being promoted? Just think about it for a while. Criticize everything being displayed to you. Open your mind to critical thought and empathize with whoever constructed the program beaming into your brain. Imagine their thought processes and why they deliberately did what they did. It is no accident. Every commercial has a lot of money thrown behind it, they need to write a script and hire actors and cameramen. It's all a deliberate process. Therefore it's worth considering why they make their choices. And why does a specific pattern show up again and again?

who cares about your shithole country, we were talking about france + that's false i've watched enough american media to notice that nearly every black is paired with someone of their own race (despite whites being a majority and dating them would be most likely)

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white women are naturally repulsed by them and they would say so in the past, they would have reactions like eww a black guy but now its being beating into them.

I don't care, I just want to have sex.

What the fuck American media are you watching?

The recent sonic the hedgehog movie had a white Chad with a black woman.

>Open your mind to critical thought by believing in racism
WOW -1k IQ

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You are so fucking stupid if you actually fall for this weird pandering shit.
If it's not an anti-white conspiracy, then it's just some "welcome to the country, you can have sex with our women, see?" thing which is almost worse (and still anti-white).
The only difference is if this was made by Jews or weird literal cuckold whites.

Its just a drawing. Imagine reading this hard into a drawing you think its some kind of jewish psyop. Take your meds, jesus

based user senpai
I don't think it's a conspiracy theory though

How is it racist to notice a trend in media that is obviously pushing something race-related?
Being anti-race mixing is inherently not racist.
Also, kys tranny, I may not hate blacks but I do hate your kind.


Unoriginal? based

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>obviously pushing
Ah yes,every female is going to get a black boyfriend now. Fucking lol

i don't think women really like black love interests in their media either desu. these two where forced into some teen show and it got a lot of shit over it

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Probably the same as you. Only that I as non american wasn't conditioned to accept segregation as natural unlike the people from your racist shithole.

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How can you prove its agenda pushing? All kinds of couples are on TV, but as soon as its black/white then it's an agenda?

Nothing wrong with racism.
Fuck off heeb chew on some bloody foreskins

I- what?
Do you not know what propaganda is?
It is pushing it by completely over representing it in media. The most common interracial pairing in the USA is White Male/Latina Female and vice versa. How often is this shown in the media? Not often at all. if you're gonna "btfo" by posting a single picture of the pairing, at least show like 5 cause I can easily recall 5 times a movie/show has been spoiled by shoving BLACK MAN SEXY in your face idk why I'm even responding to someone as blatantly stupid as you.

Im not jewish, youre retarded if you think a drawing of a black man having sex is going to make all white women want black boyfriends. You need to take your meds, you might have an actual mental illness

they are putting the thoughts into their heads

Yes, because women are sheep who cant think for themselves right?

Trends are certainly going up. It's not as bad as the cuckold retards say but yeah they are going up thanks to the propaganda. It's not even hardly stigmatized anymore.

I've always lived in an area with a lot of blacks but before like 2010 there was barely any racemixing, we just didn't do that in my town and people would get shit from their parents for it, I myself almost went out with a black girl when I was 13, but both of our parents told us no. Now they are everywhere. The propaganda works. It's crazy how much can change in 10 years. And the single motherhood now is disgusting because nogs don't stick around.

If there was an agenda the sonic movie would've had a black guy with a white gf

Not him, but pretty much, yeah.
All women are extremely exploitable to the media. This is exactly why they're always advertised to, much more than men.
I don't want to go as far as to call them stupid, but (edgy or not) sheep is a good way to describe their NPC mindset.
definitely same person.

Have you ever met a woman...?


>thanks to the propaganda
Its not though you retard. Why do white people never admit its their own fault for once, i hate how i belong to a race of such entitled autists. The reason women dont like white men anymore is because the average white guy is alcoholic, a neet and abusive

Exactly right, you retarded fucking nigger.
Women are barely above animal intelligence and are at the whim of social media and all types of propaganda.

Right. No wonder women find you repulsive

"They" aren't pushing anything. White women themselves make a peddle this shit because white women love to racemix. Racemixing white women LOVE to shove it in everyones face and love to be single mothers of shit babies.

>It's not propaganda if they're of the same race!
Your logic is fucking retarded. Not only that, but there are plenty of "fellow white people" pushing this garbage.

>HAH there was 1 exception to the rule, that means the rule doesn't exist so stop noticing things!
Yeah you're a genius there bud. I guess if you step in dog shit every day for a month but then one day there's no dog shit in that spot, it never happened right? Mong.
And it's still a racemixed couple that will produce the same result.

>definitely same person.
There you have the guy who THREE TIMES has posted anti racism bait with FUCKING ANIME PICS
and you say same person...
Low IQ folk, get the fuck out of the board.

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Cool rebuttal you scumfuck smoothbrain. Maybe in the future try responding with something that isn't a canned "lol ur incel" reaponse, people might take you seriously.

No i can clearly see why women dont like you, you sound like an unironic foam at the mouth lunatic. I bet you creep out women and you got mad, now you turned into a racist cause of it

white guys go to the sonic movie
you are starting to see more asian women with white guys though because thats who white guys generally interracial date with if they do

sous vide pussy.

Another incel response?
You're fucking pathetic. I'm torn between proving you wrong and taking the bait or just continuing to tell you to come back with an argument.

>The reason women dont like white men anymore is because the average white guy is alcoholic, a neet and abusive
Lmao. As compared to blacks? Shut the fuck up you absolute retard. No male in the world is as irresponsible, abusive, or substance abusing as blacks and everyone knows that. They overwhelmingly abandon their kids too. If this retarded """argument""' were true then white women would be going to Asian and Indian guys. But that isn't happening, is it? Nope. Only blacks. Guess who's promoted in the media? Lol it certainly isn't Asian and Indian guys dating/fucking white girls on TV is it? Nope.

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Truth hurts doesnt it oreg

I could ask you the same thing, mongoloid. Women are fucking stupid, and considering your piss poor responses, I'd wager you're one too.

Correction: American Blacks

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>Low IQ folk, get the fuck out of the board.
The second reply didn't have an anime picture...
Are you retarded? Only retards mention IQ this often. I'm sorry you're so insecure.
Anyway, here's (You)'re dopamine hit.

Im talking about europe. I dont care about your new world "country" shithole

Can't speak for him buy I've never had trouble with women. The key is just not to talk about this shit with women. They're almost totally absorbed into the heebosphere, however even my gf noticed the black male white female propaganda push a while back and made note of it to me. I never said anything to her about it prior.

If you push something so hard that even women notice it, you done goofed.

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isn't it the same shit being advertised though?

Yeah Africa is a wonderful place.

The USA's globohomo agenda is where all this bullshit is emanating from.

Is Yas Forums media, cuz that shit is pushed a ton all over on here too?

The OP image is from Yurop you mongoloid. And I find it hard to believe niggers are any better over there than they are anywhere else in the world.

I'm mentioning that i'm the only one who is posting anime girls in this thread and that he can't make that correlation that maybe those post are all made by the same person instead he chooses to confuse me with that user who doesn't post anime pics.
-1k IQ

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They are. Its the culture, not the race. The reason why american blacks are apes compared to ours is because of your awful culture

All the white "supremacists" itt need to do is explain to me why non-white men from all over the world illegally enter your nations and don't speak your langauge, don't share your religion, don't have money or a job, don't share your "liberal" values, don't tolerate feminism, actively hate your nation and people and believe that you should be destroyed, actively believe that their religion and people are better than you, actively beat and pimp white women, actively and openly rape the few white women that don't want them with no punishments, ALL that and yet they EASILY fuck white women and get fuckbuddies and gfs in your country while you're an incel virgin loser that white women don't want to touch.

Explain it to me. How is it possible that white women prefer men that are 100% foreign and the anti-thesis to everything they claim to believe in and want and actively denounce and shun their own brothers, sons, and neighbors and the men that share the same heritage and culture. Explain how it's possible how Africans and Muslims fresh off the boat can plow European women with ease. Explain that.

Maybe the white race is a crock of fucking trash humans and white women want REAL men to fuck and impregnate them. I mean, white men are turning gay or are quickly becoming trannies to get fucked by non-white men anyway.

>racial difference in IQ has been disputed.
No it hasn't. Substantiate your bullshit claims, animeposter.

>It's not the race
Well goddamn. I should have known Africa was a bastion of technological prowess, and Aboriginies in Australia make up a majority of scientists.

Lol. Good bait origa

As a black guy I'm OK with this

Makes me think the letters I've been writing to various companies asking for more black representation in the media have been paying off

Is that why there are huge bands of blacks sleeping and shitting on the streets of Paris and attacking truck drivers to steal all their shit, Pierre?

Theres nothing wrong with race mixing, all you people do on this board is bitch about black people



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Yes it has, poltard, you just need to read actual scientific stuff instead of jacking off to molyneux and co.

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>moving goalposts
Ok retard. Take your meds, and there are many africans who contributed to society

Name me some example movies to the contrary then, since there's so many. And I'm not talking about movies where the mixed race nature of the relationship is the plot of the film, obviously those will have that in

The answer starts with J and ends in EWS

Ah yes, my favourite part, a retarded american who never set foot into my country telling me about it

Jackscrews. I knew it.

If I had to guess it's because non-whites and non-white acting blacks feel very little shame and do whatever they want and women mistake that for confidence, or maybe it actually is confidence, but it's the confidence to just approach whatever and be persistent, the shit that women say not to do and us insecure retards listen to them and end up alone.

Whites are reaping what they've down, they have no right to complain

I fucked 12 white women without condom when I went on vacation in Sweden lolol they love black dick

It's already been clearly stated that it's the propagandizing efforts you retard, why not try reading the posts? As I said, you never see them go after Indians or Asians who would actually be good choices by comparison. Curiously, Indians and Asians are typically emasculated in the media and are never promoted as partners for white women. Weird, don't you think?

You said it wasn't about race, and I gave an example of how it is. That's not moving goalposts dipshit, it's refuting your claim. Want to compare the amount of Africans who have contributed to society in comparison to other races, per capita?

The problem isn't under-representation of certain races or minorities, it's trying to shoehorn them into places they don't fit. Imagine a film set in Sudan, the blackest country in Africa, where the main character is white. It would be ridiculous and offensive. Racial representation should be informed by context. Is this educational material about single motherhood and black-french incarceration rates? Sure, that's perfectly appropriate.

Forcing representation where it doesn't belong as a way to virtue signal is racist and problematic.

wtf are you on this board then for.

Again, to fill out the example. Imagine a film set in south africa. It's about apartheid and features rich white men leading the country by force. That's appropriate. It's about context.

Its bait berdo

to role play as someone who did that