>70 Percent of Singles Would Rather Date iPhone Users
>70 Percent of Singles Would Rather Date iPhone Users
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I'd rather kill myself than be a normie scum
esquire polls liberal women who are trash
Good thing I bought an Iphone 11 Pro a few months ago then.
2nd one I've owned since the 5. Pixel 4 was a disappointment so I made the conversion.
>"Phones are classier, when I think of Samsung I just think it's kinda bummy," said one respondent
>tfw have Xperia 1 and iPhone X
It be that way
I don't even have a smartphone.
nice trips
i had an iPhone through high school and fell for the android meme when the S8 came out. I was suprised with how terrible the ui was. very buggy. pathetic
I have a 3 y/o Iphone SE, but before that I had a nexus 5 and the battery was terrible
they are the trips of truth
Only thing I miss is being able to root, and getting basically every app for free on Android.
I know you can still jailbreak iphones, but meh. I also like that they have physical stores for easier customer service + the resell value.
Android phones drop by like half price in 6 months
Who else Huawei Chad?
I dont even care if chinks are stealing my data, imagine all the Chinese spy qts shlicking to my naked mirror selfies.
imagine actually believing this I do not have a phone and I pick up girls all the time you people are just looking for a cope.
no you don't you larping loser
i don't use any apps other than like banking and uber and they are free
Whatever you want to believe faggot but I am just trying to help you pathetic queers but continue your cope continue living in fantasy world were your cell phone choice is keeping you from having a girlfriend.
1) i have an iPhone 2) you come here to feel better about yourself because you are a failed skinny fat normie who gets mogged on a daily basis but at least here you can feel superior
Consumerism is fucking terrifying
like it or not the iPhone is like a BMW and an android is a 98 civic
Then why not have both?
Makes sense. Whores only want your $$$
No I am a fucking shut in but even as a shut in I am not as pathetic as you fucking faggots I just am a neet with far too much time on my hands so I enjoy all the boards here even this one full of coping faggots. I am probably a bigger fuck up then most of the people here yet I have gotten plenty of girlfriends and get laid when I want to I just hate most people so I essentially avoid them and refuse to participate in society. I am anything but a normie
because 98 civics are ugly and break down
I wouldn't date a woman that cared about something as stupid as a phone brand. I would rather die alone than live with somebody like that.
>i don't use any apps other than like banking and uber
Then why pay so much for an Iphone then?
The app experience for those should be the same on Android
I would absolutely rather be single than be with a shallow I-thot. Apple is trash and anyone who falls for their shit is not worth being around
? My 99 civic has 435k miles on it. It's way more reliable than my E39 bmw by far. Not to mention my E39 costs way more to fix.
God fucking save you if buy the wrong fabric conditioner.
i meant additional apps, obviously i use defaults phone, facetime, messages, facetime. not to mention ui on android is terrible. iphone runs seamlessly
poor confirmed
Ah I see.
Also another reason is fuck Google. Privacy is another reason I stick with apple.
Sorry man i just don't like new BMWs. But ain't no excuse for BMW to not make a car as nice as my 540i anymore.
Thats a lie. If I even say I dont have snapchat, girls look at me like im a freak
no trust him hes a bigboichad!
>BMW to not make a car as nice as my 540i anymore
lmfao not a fan of the m cars?
>caring about what women say that they want
>trusting polls
Women understand women less than even men understand women.
Damn good thing I have an 8 plus
cope of extroardinarily poor gentlemen
NPC normies are what's terrifying
I like the E46 M3s but I don't know man, I drove my friends M4 around and I didn't like it one bit. It feels so disconnected and like I'm driving a faster commuterbox.
Dude why the fuck would you even bring up some faggot shit like snapchat to a women. If they mention something like that you give them some bullshit answer you say you do not value such measles things you pass it off as if you are some contrarian artist or some shit and you say that people need to learn to get back to being with each other it is so easy. Maybe it is because I go for alot of college arthoe types but if you give a bullshit answer that sounds even semi intellectual or like you do not give a fuck girls eat that shit up. Play the rebel and women tend to be drawn towards that. Even if I am broke and just lying women are ridiculously easy to manipulate.
But I also haven't gotten pussy since 2003, so these mfs lying
>I drove my friends M4 around and I didn't like it one bit. It feels so disconnected and like I'm driving a faster commuterbox.
what on earth are you fucking talking about? the m4 the best m car ever made. how could you not like driving it? it handles so well
said the virgin as he licked dorito dust off of his fingers
take the checkra1n pill kek
I barely use my smartphone, I mostly use it for Spotify and playing Flow Free in my lunch break. Not much else.
keep coping faggot I am sure it will totally get you laid
he angrily typed as he lathered his right hand with ky jelly
My triumph GT6 handles better but that's for a different reason. So I know what good handling cars feel like and the M4 is one of them. The problem is that the M4 feels like I'm driving a shitbox that's just fast. There is almost no steering feedback at all and compared to the rack on a E46 you can't even compare the two. Electric steering is the sole reason I absloutely dislike the M4.
to each their own i suppose but as far as feedback im surprised to hear you say that. bmw's eps beat its hydraulic steering in in a feeldown test. at any rate performance wise the m4 blows the e46 out of the water
>More expensive = better quality
This is what Applelets believe, plus brand loyalty. Cook is a hack who has butchered the company (especially customer support) after Jobs died. The iPad Pro is the only competent product Cook has been involved with.
>t. Google Pixel 3a owner
Yeah it does. But I own my cars because they're fun to drive. My GT6 is loud doesn't have AC and no sort of power assists and I would rather drive that thing than an M4 any day of the week. Reason being is while an M4 is fast and all that it's fucking boring to drive. Same with my civic it's so much fun to drive a car that's lightweight has nothing other perhaps an AC but that's all I need.
quiet andropoor
Idk user, I just got a bf and we both use Nokia.
quiet tranny larper
good thing i'm not looking for gf then
i'm not a norman
Used to have iphone 3gs, never again
>Chink phone has 90% of the features for 40% of the price
Just throwing money into the trash with iphones.
I also have a problem with shitty safari and ethics about freedom. I want to use a better browser. I want to choose my maps program. I want to change keyboard.
Can't do any of that on Crapple locked down ecosystem.
Some ranting:
At work doing websites, Apple is the platform with most bugs and problems so far. Since on iOS they force even Chrome to use the shitty Apple Webkit.
Sometimes the shitty Apple can't even connect to our site at all. Been happening for months and no idea why.
poorfag coping
Not poor but I'd despise using one every day.
Currently using Kiwi Browser. Having the URL bar and controls on bottom of the screen makes browsing a lot better. Can't go back to Chrome or Safari way anymore. I want that choice.
ur poor and coping
Tell me how to make iPhone into a usable phone pls. I'll buy one if I can make it good.