US man spends over $250,000 on 'cam girl', kills parents and brother for trying to make him quit watching porn

US man spends over $250,000 on 'cam girl', kills parents and brother for trying to make him quit watching porn

Here is a google drive of the crime scene:

>room full of anime figurines
>had a gun

It's obvious that he posted on /g/. What the fuck is wrong with you people?

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Other urls found in this thread:

This is the most /g/ room I've ever seen.

So this is the lair of Florida Man.

forgot pic

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why did i click that and anyway how is this /g/ related

Damn, that's a lot of damage. Also looks like low income with honest parents who sheltered him too hard. Coombrain rot, not even once.

dang weebs man they're killing everyone

Doesn’t this guy write Trump’s speeches?

Life of the average fa/g/ poster

ok let's see the Bulgarian woman's pussy it had better be worth it

>tfw I'm 29 as well
I'm a fuckup but it is soothing to see people far beyond fucked than me

where can I go to buy his figures?

right? in comparison i'm doing prettty good

this guy should be the new face of "der coomer" he took it to the extreme.

I always knew they were dangerous

rate my battlestation /g/

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looks more like anime to me

F/a//g/ it is then.

Why buy so many anime figures if you're not even gonna open them or look at them?


His room was a lot cleaner than I expected.

it's worth it
t. Bulgarian

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not bad. had lots of money even if hes all of those listed things

did you read it? he stole from his family and sold their stuff

Where did these photos come from? Police leak?

How did he even steal that amount of money, it makes no sense to me.

what kind of house hold is that?? wtf

looks a bit fake to me. The guy is wearing a holstered gum on his belt
The only explanation must be that his brother was "quick on the draw Mcgraw".
Unless of course the moral of the story is that if we all had anti-schizoid drugs we could have prevented this

Someone in the house is a medfag.

puffs palace / 100000000000

what's a medfag

Have you seen a desktop thread lately? These subhumans are everywhere on this board.

A medical student or a physician. One of the images show books of pathology, pharmacology and obstetric anaesthesiology.

>all fateshit and gachashit

Go figure

i have never seen or looked in a desktop thread

Was he Yas Forums too?

lmao i just watched a really interesting video on that guy yesterday. It includes his questioning by police.
What an utter faggot.

was posted on /r/ConsumeProduct one of the last no pozed subreddits.

He is the medfag
Read the article

Seems like his brother who got clapped was a weeb too.

i dont know he seems really weird why did they let him near guns

>low income
The house is at least 2x bigger than the one i grew up in, not to mention very modern and fully furnished with lots of luxuries.

yeah we should ban all weird people from having guns

pretty nice setup he was a true /g/entooman

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think that is the brother's setup, I think the room with the two coomstation is his

said it before, and will continue saying. Anime is a sign of mental illness.

i dont get it he could have obsessed over his anime waifus instead of some 3d pig. it doesn't make any sense

This but unironically

Fucking awful taste. We're better off without him.

why are subhumans so cucked that they advertise cunts of their whorish females to the world?

>SEED gundam
>spent Ferrari money on an e-thot

i literally cannot imagine being this fucking stupid and tasteless. good riddance. at least his family doesn't have to live with the shame that he exist(ed).

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>He lifted US$150,000 from his parents, Chad and Margaret. His brother Cody lost US$60,000; when that was gone, Amato allegedly stole his brother's guns and sold them. Amato even allegedly took out a US$65,000 loan on the house
>parents give him a slap on the wrist, ask him to go to rehab but let him keep living on their dime

I get the feeling this whole situation could have been avoided if his dad had kicked his ass into the stratosphere as soon as he touched his credit card.

How can someone delude themselves into believing a camthot cares about them? Also, why didn't he just kill himself instead of murdering his entire family?

>tfw Pravetz 8D

>his parents, Chad
oh no no no no

coomer brains work in mysterious ways.

>not opening the boxes
Fuck you
Fuck collectors
Incased in cardboard and plastic is now how you enjoy a damn statue. pull it the fuck out of the box or don't buy it in the first place.
piece of shit.
man I'm more angry about this than him killing his family, what a faggot. If you want to buy something that will increase in value over time buy stocks, retard!

What's the point of taking it out of the plastic if it's just something to sit around and look at anyway lmao

are you fucking retarded?
what's the point of buying it then? don't even pretend like there's an argument here, it's better in every way to have them out and independent of a damn cardboard box.
If you don't care get a randombox and print out images of the actual box paste it on them. apparently to you it's the same

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