How do you feel about nudists III

How do you feel about nudists III
post pics if you got any

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You keep posting this to trigger the gooks, don't you user?

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it is a great coverup for pedo stuff its supporters are useful idiots

You can find pics of white dicklets like this on /hm/

Found the triggered gook with a micropenis

I just find it dumb, it's like people don't realize they're ridiculizing themselves; whatever tho, i stopped caring about all the stupid shit people do nowadays, it's useless trying to understand.
Btw why tf would u save this stuff? Sometimes i don't get u motherfuckers too..

lol what arent nudist communities/areas 18+

If everyone was a nudeist nudity would be less suoght after and provacative. Which means e-thots couldn't get beta bux. Women would have less value and equality would be more if a thing. Maybe nudism is the cure for roasties simps and incels.

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user i think you might actually be on to something here

Nudists are weird but we shouldnt judge them

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Im something of a nudist myself actually

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Whats with the completely irrelevant jew porn?

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Pic related
Asians deserve chastity especially if they go into public.

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user, if rice dicks get locked up they can't breed any more daughters for white men to fuck. This is a bad policy.

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unironically off urself

I'd be comfy to be nude somewhere in nature with my GF, but the through of being naked around people makes me unconformable.

I go to a lake for vacations with barely anybody around and taking a skinny dip is the best shit ever.

In a perfect world only there most feminine men and women are allowed to breed then we keep there excess most desirable stock for fucking and slave work after they've been properly made infertile
think of them like dogs you got your breeders and your pets

or even better like cattle where you fist the girly boys for there seed and shoot it into the females

rice dicks should never touch a women

Can you guys fuck off asian cocks are cute, and this is a nudist thread go find some BBC thread if you crave big dick.

that has to be photoshopped, no?????????/

google nudism

Thats just what normal asians look like youre probably use to porn star asians.

based and summer pilled, really

Why the belt

This have you ever gone skinny dipping its on its own level.

My gran was a naturist while I was growing up so it gave me a very relaxed opinion of nudity.

Its a fanny pack in reverse.

Nudism is counterculture taken to the extreme. It's like Yas Forums supporting political extremism because history told them not to, except replace political nuance with having a healthy upbringing. From what I've read, nudism at it's base is a hypocritical subculture which disproves any claim of nudism being liberating or for tearing down outdated social boundaries, it's just rebelling for the sake of rebelling.

Nudism is the true red pill read

>nudism at it's base is a hypocritical subculture which disproves any claim of nudism being liberating or for tearing down outdated social boundaries, it's just rebelling for the sake of rebelling.
What? No? Many nudists have reasons similar to what you describe. What you're talking about is exhibitionism, which isn't too bad either.

Holy shit, the second and third results look like some sort of FBI bait.

holy shit wtf those two are some risky ass clicks

No, normalfaggot, most of us haven't gone skinny dipping.

nothing is stopping you dude
you dont need friends to go hiking and find some hidden spots

I know many robots on here who practice private home nudism. It's pretty comfy.

Nudism tips:
>Take a shower, hygiene is important, be sure to clean your butt and butthole!
>sit on a towel, you don't want your butthole touching stuff like your seat, and although you've showered, better safe than sorry
>have a heater nearby or have your blankets at hand if it's cold!
>if living with parents, close the door to your room and lock the door
>if you want to try nudity outdoors, be safe and put on some sunscreen, be sure to apply it all over you.
>If horny, fap. If on no-fap and you don't want to be a degenerate coomer-max, take a cold shower instead or wear a condom so that pre-cum doesn't make a mess, this is only for people starting out and are a bit horny from the thought of being naked
>if you're a very lewd, perverted, and ecchi person, and you will be boner max the whole time, that's ok! Boners are natural, theres no need to be ashamed. If you make enough pre-cum for it to drip, wear a condom or keep a hand rag nearby to wipe.
>prepare a hot drink, put some music on, and just relax!

one of my aunts runs a naturist retreat in australia, it's pretty embarrassing. She is also into all of this spiritual shit like when she came over to my moms house (before she started running the retreat) she ended up going all around the house telling us which rooms had evil energy in them and trying to remove it. Shame of the family

What the actual fuck are those male clits

Idk crazy wine aunts are chill as fuck you just got to vibe with her flow and not take her to seriously

Dont be an ass those guys are pretty chad.

Has anyone tried clicking the links?

But what if you have to fart?

I used to go to a nude beach a lot, I love bing naked outdoors and I loved the feel of the sun on my skin. Plus it really is a freeing experience and will boost you're confidence and overall opinion about your body. It may not be for everyone but I think everyone should try it at least once.

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I prefer home nudism myself im worried people might complain when i get hard. How do you deal with surprise erections?

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Kek got to love the silly race-baiting. Let's keep things to nudism please

race baiting? thats just a picture of me at the beach???

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honestly its not really a problem, despite most or everyone being nude its not really a sexually charged environment. It's nudity in a completely different context, its more casual, not arousing. If thats what keeping you from a beach I wouldn't worry so much about that and just go try it.

just give it up already you been trying to racebait all day go have sex

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that chubby-ish guy's body is so appealing to me. fug.
personally i think nudism is kind of impracticable in most work situations even if everyone is totally mature about it. its more of a at home leisure time thing.

Nah, just wear fanny packs or sidebags if you want pockets.

>sit on a towel
wear clothes
>have a heater nearby or have your blankets at hand
wear clothes
>close the door to your room and lock the door
wear clothes
>put on some sunscreen
wear clothes
>wear a condom or keep a hand rag nearby to wipe
wear clothes
what the fuck is the point of being a nudist if 1, it's not safe or comfortable to be nude because you're spreading germs everywhere and you're cold as fuck, and 2, getting a boner still makes everybody uncomfortable even though I agree boners aren't necessarily perverted. I even read once male nudists carry towels around to cover themselves up if they become hard. If you're not going to commit to your beliefs just own up to being a self-righteous hypocrite and put some clothes on you fucking hippies

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I honestly think it has to be at least a little sexual.

I wouldn't mind going nude myself

small dicks are the cutes especially on chubby boys

if you work in a factory theres no way you could do it newd, same for medical and any laboratory based job. the most compatible would be business setting but nudity is decidedly unprofessional that and you'd only get you watch and shoes to flex on coworkers.
no way to know what their dick size is if theyre growers. i think a lot of asians are growers which lends itself to the stereotype.

none of the sites stream the videos, they require you to download it
it's definitely some sort of honeypot

>no way to know what their dick size is if theyre growers. i think a Iot of asians are growers which lends itself to the stereotype.

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If we're talking hypotheticals here, then if nudity wasn't seen as unprofessional, it would fit well. Plus, with a bunch of offices closed due to the coronavirus, and more people working from home, we probably have a lot more nude workers out there.

true enough. i doubt it will happen though. there is way too much shame involved with nude bodies atm. maybe there'll be a rebound effect socially but who knows.

I like being nude in some situations but I'm not into the full time nudism thing. I'd go naked in any kind of situation where people would normally wear a swimsuit if it were socially acceptable here, though.

Some people say they "enjoy it in a non-sexual way" but it's a fetish for everyone to some extent

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>tfw 6 inches so all this dickposting does is make me cringe because I'm straight and don't like looking at male dicks