What would you say are some red flags that apply specifically to girls you meet on Yas Forums, or more broadly, girls you meet online?
Here's mine:
>Anime fan
>Persona fan
>Danganronpa fan
>Relates to Menhera chan
What would you say are some red flags that apply specifically to girls you meet on Yas Forums, or more broadly, girls you meet online?
Here's mine:
>Anime fan
>Persona fan
>Danganronpa fan
>Relates to Menhera chan
Using Yas Forums is a red flag for any woman.
>uses discord or responds to discord invitations
Because I used to be like that desu. Applies to guys as well.
Why is discord regarded as this black hole of despair.
>relates to a sticker set
Fucking dropped.
Here'r some obvious ones:
>posts contact in threads
>is part of servers
>uses discord nitro
>posts pics of herself online
>has lots of "guy friends", little to no female friends
>does drugs
>likes the saniro "aesthetic"
Stay safe from e-hoes, my brothers
when it comes to Yas Forums servers it applies but if its some youtuber thats different
What is it about games like danganronpa that attracts so many fucking BPD chicks.
>uses Yas Forums
>denies being a tranny
>uses discord cos trannies gotta be trannies
If by online you include Tinder, then my own pet peeve would be "gamer girls". I love girls that play video games, I play games with my girlfriend for example, but girls who identify themselves as "gamer girls" were never that interesting to talk to (even about games, somehow) and it always seemed like they felt like they were doing me a favour by going out on a date with me and they'd interacting with me like I'm some sort of fan instead of a date. Like, I get it, if you're used to swatting away horny boys after you, that's bound to seep into all of your conversations with gaming fans, but I personally don't like unbalanced relationships where one party feels like they're above the other.
Any real woman that uses Yas Forums is likely quite significantly mentally ill. But then again, so are you.
Yeah but why. I always expected an Yas Forums server to either be incels venting or awkward dudes talking about their latest amateur game dev project or something. Yet they literally have such a bad reputation it makes Yas Forums look wholesome.
The ones with exclusively male users are essentially like that. The ones with female users attract simps, e-chadlites and pedos in droves.
All who use it as a social platform should delete it. If you're a disenfranchised teen/young adult, it's a very easy way to avoid growing and trying to have a social life.
t. someone who used to think she was asocial and was happy without irl friends thanks to the existence of image boards and discord
If they exist on Yas Forums at all, especially looking for dudes, that's one huge fucking red flag. Don't fall for them robro.
those "redflags" are kinda what I want in a girl
I'm actually very happy for you that you grew out of it. I know a lot of fembots who are stuck in the place you used to be, and more or less get stuck there well into their 20s. This usually takes its toll in the form of casual sex with e-boys and hundreds of risky nudes.
Hopefully you didn't do anything like that.
>I hit a nerve
Find me one normal, mentally pure, completely productive member of society in a high-end job that posts on Yas Forums. You didn't "hit a nerve", it's just that this is a board for autists. I'm sorry you can't acknowledge that.
Correct. You need only look at the dysfunctional dependencies all these people develop. Even when it's supposedly between female friends. Ciara looked up to Marky for example, who was an unemployed slut. Kasper looked up to Bianca, who was a deranged, broken slut. When you're looking up to same-sex people who have no life beyond the online world and absolutely nothing to recommend them in terms of achievements or skills beyond the fact online guys want to fuck them then you're broken.
What do you mean by "red flags", do you mean signs that a Yas Forums or e-girl will hurt you or ruin your life somehow?
>do you mean signs that a Yas Forums or e-girl will hurt you or ruin your life somehow?
Based self aware fembot. If only most girls here had half your capacity for introspection.
I don't want to date a girl from Yas Forums, I have met some nice girls here but ultimately they're just not for me. I prefer to just hang out with bros from Yas Forums and doing stuff with them, I often meet up with near shut-ins and neets who dont' get out much and do stuff with them so they're not as lonely.
Discord is not great because it's abused by certain women. Most women here are mentally ill, and you aren't going to have a good time trying to have an LDR with them. They're either malicious or broken. Why else would they spend time in a place like this?
All girls think Hello Kitty is cute, fuck you.
This is reddit tier advice. Care to tell me what is so good about irl friends? From what I have seen, most normies only have friends to serve as drinking buddies or people they can borrow money from, and most secretly hate their friends too, all I heard is normies bitching about how their friend transgressed them. Theres a reason people become less social as they get older and its because they realize its mostly a fucking massive waste of time.
Yas Forums has been normalfag central since 2015, its just that even those retards arent dumb enough to try and date someone from here so all thats left are the lowest of the low
the ones that allow women in them just become a place for fags to orbit an egirl
if she doesn't like sanrio she's a pickme whore and THATS a red flag.
everyone loves sanrio.
>Pick me whore
We don't allow pink pill/FDS cunts here. Fuck off.
Tell me what's so good about Yas Forums friends first. From what I can tell, most of them are failed normies who just enable each other's deviancy and drug abuse while also periodically fucking/cheating with each other's egirls.
At least my irl friends would call me out if I started popping xannies.
>Is a tranny
>Long distance "relationships"
If she's not in my state then it's an immediate rejection from me
>uses discord nitro
Burst out laughing at this one. It's 100% true.
Half of them are e-whores with bpd and daddy issues
Identifies as 'trad' or 'red-pilled'. Easiest way to spot a crusty hambeast/old skank who used to be the town bicycle for skinheads but got dumped after they grew out of it and got families.
Struck a nerve there, didn't it roastie?
>Meeting up with fellow autists
That sounds interesting and potentially fun, but stay safe out there, robots aren't usually that stable
Really the same as any ordinary girl.
>Has kids below the age of 25
>Does not want to ever have kids.
>Does drugs stronger than weed.
>Is a tranny
>Is a communist.
I've honestly met some of the coolest guys imaginable from this board. No joke. Also not the guy you're replying to.
One proviso I'd add is that they have to be somewhat functional. But the drunken nights I used to have with an old Yas Forums friend at the pub discussing everything from religion to Ernst Junger to vidya were some of the best.
Can't have that sort of connection with a foid. All they want is sex.
Op said girls not mentally ill men
I usually talk to em a little bit before meeting up, but I'm not the kind of guy that has to worry for his own safety when meeting up with people. It's usually the same kind of guys, who when you get to talkin to em are fun to hang around but are just missing that little bit of confidence or a friend to go out with. Would recommend trying it at least
I honestly think of you steer clear of orbiter discords, cliquey discords and places with a high female population, most men on here are pretty functional.
The problem with these standards is that you'd still end up including 90% of chan egirls within the criteria.
I mean it is but incorporating it into your everyday aesthetic is an e-girl thing.
im a genuine fan of persona (innocent sin being my favourite) and i would consider myself passionate about it. goes for smt as well. although im not as big of a fan as i used to be, i've liked dangan before the release of v3, and used to do voice acting for a fanganronpa. so what you're saying is im defaultly effed because i love these games but they're associated with a bad crowd
>innocent sin being my favorite
Please be my gf, or bf at this point, I don't even care anymore. Innocent Sin>Eternal Punishment any day of the week.
Depends whether you hit any of the other marks: BPD, sleeping with guys you meet online etc.
Did you used to post on cgl? I remember someone with that name there.
2CB and MDMA are great though. You are just a goody goody fag.
So what you're saying is only normies do drugs.
>social media
>no drinking
preferably writes fanfiction, i think that's cute
>girls you meet on Yas Forums
that right there
I'd love to crush your spindly arms with my fists, then get to work on your face, e-boy.
>Cluster-B personality disorders lead to 3.5x as many sexual partners and more offspring (Gutierrez et al. (2013))
Die cunt.
Its not really that strict. I doubt its 90%, maybe 40% of people who claim to be women. But not 90%.
Trannies likely make up 1/3 of all people who claim to be women on Yas Forums, and they also cant have babies and tend to be commies. So there is a lot of overlap with my standards.
they relate to the sociopathic murdering characters in it. Avoid anyone who likes the cartoon especially any that idolize pic related by posting pics of them or using them as an avvy
completely agreed. eternal punishment isn't at all terrible, but my god is innocent sin a masterpiece and imo you cannot compare the two
no, i don't hit either of the marks and im far too socially inept and shy to even meet an online friend in real life. also no, i don't even browse cgl :))
don't have a personality disorder, just crippling insecurity and the ed i've had since i was 11 :}
Why are female BPDs obsessed with identifying as cartoon characters? Why are they so obsessed with anime?
the worst one by far
No can't you read faggot. Actual legit based opinion of solid drugs. But what would I know I just get fucked up on GHB nowadays.
Because it allows them to believe there is a world where mentally being a child and having the mood or impulse control as a child when at an adult age is normal.
BPD is a massive red flag, definitely the worst