How does it make you feel that people are panic buying and mass stockpiling milk and bread?

How does it make you feel that people are panic buying and mass stockpiling milk and bread?

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It makes me feel like the government should intervene and arrest anyone caught doing it. People need a fucking kick up the ass. Its a prime example of why we should ban social media because all the original panic buyers were typical stay at home moms who spend all day on twitter inhaling bullshit.

Even if the world is gona end, stiff shit. Youll stay in your home and starve like a good citizen.

Smug as fuck, since I'm lactose intolerant and I make my own bread. No one's buying flour and I'm gonna try and make raisin bread during quarrantine.

I'm sure the massive stock of olay face cream will come into good survival use.

Fat, annoying shits who would benefit from a 2 week water fast.

>No one's buying flour
Umm, everyone is. That was the first shit to go a week and a half ago. You might wana start camping outside grocery stores dude.

Not here, they aren't.

Who even has enough space for all that milk lmao, fucking dumb bitch

Milk goes out of date fast, why would you ever need that much milk?

By the time the first gallon is done the rest will have expired and gone sour.

Because the media said that the nasty cough cough virus is coming to get them so they should go to their local supermarket and stock up on supplies fast! Buy everything before someone else buys everything out! So they do.

It simply makes me hate more.

I think that people shouldn't take more than they need. If this is really a crisis then the last thing we need to do is panic and fuck each other over. If this really does spiral into every man for himself Armageddon then the last of your problems is going to be toilet paper to wipe your ass with. If I was well off enough to stockpile goods and paranoid enough to think I needed to, I'd probably be putting my money towards general survival and self-defense tools instead in case shit goes down. If someone wants to stockpile goods they should at least order it online so that people who don't have internet access or can only travel to local stores have access to necessities and the things they need. It's especially annoying to see people who are otherwise well off and wealthy mass buying cheap stuff like rice which poor people need to survive. I say all of this because I can only shop at one single store and it's the only way I can get resources because I walk everywhere.

>tfw no money to stock up

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The funny part to me is they all buy PERISHABLE goods during a panic that they don't know will end.

*when will end.

Unironically this + they're only panic buying junkfood and toilet roll here.

Im fucking mad these niggers bought all the good bread and left the really cheap bread and my sandwiches are ruined

>People who stockpile more toilet paper than they stockpile food to shit

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That woman has a wonderful skintone.

You can freeze milk and it'll last about 3-6 months.

topped off my ammo stores awhile ago
wipe your ass while you can, preppers im comin for your soft white rolls

You can freeze milk and bread.
Frozen milk can keep for up to 6 months.

i stocked up on crackers and whiz cheese
and some chef boyardee. dunno what to do if it gets bad though and the quarantine lasts for months.

>freeze milk
but when the power station shuts down and the freezer does too all you have is a smelly box

this makes me mad for believing in my dad when he called me crazy for wanting to get into prepping when i was younger.
i had a bugout bag and was stocking up on mres and he ate them every time i got one to stash it away. my bugout bag was taken as well. probably thrown away because my dad thought i was going schizo or something crazy like that.
these were things id pay for too with money that i earned too.
now i have to hold back my anger during the quarantine because my dad is gobblemonster who eats everything. but its ok.

Now who is being irrational

I don't give a shit because I'm fully stocked and ready for lockdown.

Can you imagine how scared the massive obese scooter jockey fucknuggets must be that they won't get their daily 200 mcfatfuck burgers? Lmao fucking hate obese shitstain slovenly bovine-looking bastards. They should starve.

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One the one hand, milk and bread don't store well long-term. She has 30 gallons of milk, within 15 days it will be souring and within 20 it will be putrid. Unless she's making yogurt or cheese at home she is basically paying to throw 20 gallons of milk in the trash, which is stupid.
On the other I am in a large family and when all of us lived at home mom bought 10 gallons of milk and 6 dozen eggs because that was 2 weeks worth.
Some people are just shopping

very regional.
In the stores on the north side of Atlanta = tons of flour.
South side? No flour

>this makes me mad for believing in my dad when he called me crazy for wanting to get into prepping when i was younger.
Same, everyone always acted like I was a freak. Prep Gang.

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Your dad is first to go
>nooooo I am not as prepared as you dont be a dick DX
This man will win

Once efpos and banks close I am gonna start looting. Give it another month and people will start tearing each other apart. Good luck boys, the fun is about to begin.

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Same. Fuck society, fuck civilization, and fuck globalism. Most of all, fuck humanity.

That's literally always how it works. And then the normalshitstains that dumped on you for it will take advantage of you when SHTF. Have you seen the Trolls movie? I watched it with my nephew, that exact thing happens and it triggered the fuck out of me. Normalfags aren't worth the air they breathe.

You could say that corona made them... GOMAD

Based misanthropist

I feel like most people are fucking retards

>nooooo I am not as prepared as you dont be a dick DX
No he is correct, if dickheads hoard all the supplies it will disrupt the supply chain and some people will be left without any food, which is going to be a real problem because they're going to need to resort to stealing and committing acts of violence for what they need to survive.

POC buying milk? Wait i thought they're all lactose intolerant

At least it's edible, so less dumb than toilet paper hoarders.

99% of Americans at least are idiot fat goyim who believe whatever the talmudvision says and pay money to be brainwashed.


If everything is gone to shit (end of days scenario with no supply chains or money) and people end up doing that than the problem will come anyway. Better prepare beforehand. Boot in fucking doors while you are at it. You will be first to get fucked

>nooooooo you cant you have to share
fuck off commie

Thanks for reminding me. Fuck the media too, fucking sensationalist bastards.
I wear it proudly.

>Already buy everything in bulk
>Have enough TP to last me a few years
>Ton of none perishable food
I hope all of you retards die from starvation or suffer from the worst case of swamp ass imaginable, cunts.

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She probably lives in a house with 30 other people.

door off the hinges within daaaaays

>tfw no freezer or space in the tiny room i rent to stock up
If i had the options i would've stocked up two weeks ago. I saw this shit from miles ahead. But alas, i have nothing.

You got it my guy. Take what you need when the time comes

>already a hikki NEET who stays inside and never goes to restaurants or stores
>saw an article about how people who self-isolated for 6 weeks in China will have long-term mental health effects

I'm not going to be doing that myself. I'm a paranoid misanthrope so I've always had tons of supplies and guns my entire life and always been prepared for societal breakdown since I was a kid roleplaying such things. I'll be the one defending my stuff not going after others'. But I'm speaking from the perspective of normalfags who get left out in the cold from this huge consumption spike. They're going to get hungry then get angry, desperate and violent. It's much better to make sure everyone is good so we can avoid violence as much as possible. The asshats hoarding everything all at once are going to drive many into desperation.

It's called sarcasm you dumb sack of filth. Jesus christ.

My bad bro I was agreeing with you

true but you aint going to feed everyone that shows up anyway. No matter how "violent" they are. Take what you can because that cunt might outlast you.

pretty retarded. that shit will spoil in a month, tops. probably more like a couple weeks. are you really going to use those 12 gallons of milk?

You really think she doesn't know how long milk lasts?

you really think she's going to use all that milk?maybe if she's a professional baker or something.

The produce section of my supermarket has been wiped clean but the frozen vegetables are still full. We have never run out of fresh produce before. The local lardasses don't eat vegetables anyway except for when they think the world is ending

Because thats all they've been conditioned to buy. Its the consoomer meme, they think just buy more is a good thing to do, rather than see what you're buying when it comes to expiring. Essentials only, don't just swamp everything or its a waste of money and you're fucking others over too.

This is not the end of days. There are no problems with the supply chain. This is a man made crisis caused by people being afraid to wash their hands