/Creative General/

Post your recent creations here and discuss others' creations. Please be nice to each other.

What have you drawn, written, produced, baked, cooked, crafted, or created lately? Anything you've created counts.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Still taking a break from music. I think I have enough material to start working on the next album but I just wanna do something else for a while


Now I'm waiting for an order to arrive so I can start painting. Bit nervous about that to be honest

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Threadkiller incoming.

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Im a rapper

Here's one of my most popular albums youtu.be/SVe61F1WW8Q

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new mediocre improv.

I killed the thread with my shitty art. Go figure.

Im trying to make the most depressing music i can.


Lofi goth. I started this album after my mum died.

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>I started this album after my mum died.
Welcome to the club I suppose. You've got some great stuff there. I personally don't dig the lo-fi aspect too much but I still like it

Eh, I wouldn't call it shit. It's a bit too busy if you ask me but it's nothing bad

Here's my latest edit, I kept it simple: youtube.com/watch?v=48k10WIVXPo

Posted here another day. Heres some more. Song not mine and here the link for anyone int soundcloud.com/pvssionate/summer-vi

untitled is the best
distortion outta 10
very cool thanks
i fucking love asahi

if thi sthread fucking dies

r9k is too full of consoomer zoomers, no one really creates anything

vegan chocolate chip cookies! i use my mom's recipe and replace the eggs with a powdered egg substitute by a brand called red mill. instead of dairy butter I use a vegetable oil based butter.

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There needs to be something on this board other than belly aching and low effort race bait. Good thread.
What programs do you use, I've made a few beats on a free online program but I want to get serious about it.


why vegan tho

I'mI just use drum machine samples, no particular program. For real drum sounds you could go torrent addictive drums 2.

fun fact most egg substitutes are usually just egg whites

because i'm vegan! i think humans are supposed to eat meat/animal products, but the way we currently produce them is both inhumane and unsustainable.

this is a vegan sub is made with onions flour
>inb4 hurrr onions

stop being so rational or the vegan spammer will crucify you

> i think humans are supposed to eat meat/animal products, but the way we currently produce them is both inhumane and unsustainable.
fair and reasonable.
I'm looking for higher quality meat, but I keep an eye out for vegan dishes because the good meat is pricey.

Those look amazing user! Are the chocolate chips vegan? or did you use dark chocolate? I made some cookies too. They are brown butter, toffee, pecan, chocolate chip.

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>the way we currently produce them is both inhumane and unsustainable
To think that my parents were used to eat meat once a week, at best.

>the good meat is pricey.
It should stay that way. Let them enjoy their colon cancer.

Too dark for my taste.

I don't think I could ever play in front an audience.
>untitled is the best

Too saturated, that said, who's the cutie on the sleeve?

Ya didn't use any animal products, but the slave labor it took to produce the chocolate in there means you're still an asshole.
Jokes aside, Id try them

Do you guys seriously think [untitled] is the best?
Did you listen to the rest? Man everyone keeps saying Teeny Weeny and the last track are their favorites. No one has said [untitled] yet.
I got progressively more drunk as the jam went on by the way.

That's just the way it is. I've experienced the same thing. Sometimes people just like the things you don't particularly like about your work

Yeah I thought it just jammed more. Everyones different, so hey for your audience it might be the worst

My latest beat, its quite dope if I do say so myself.


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Oldish picture, freshy bump.

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tried lmms for a few days sometime ago, i completely lost motivation and stopped.

Pardon my ignorance, but what's the meaning of lmms?

Not him but lmms is a free program for creating music.

Cheers pal, you're quite the fine lad.

This thread isn't dying, there's actual content in here.

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Once I get home, I'm gonna start working on my new quake map "Unholy Mines"

Hyped for Doom Eternal, beat Doom 2016 on Nightmare recently and made this commemorative drawing

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How do you make cookies look more aesthetic? Mine always look like that too. I want to make them look all crispy and decent instead of flat and sad.

Teach me your ways, for that is top notch shading.

I know that feel user, but don't give up! It's important to keep going. Also, pirate yourself ableton or FL
Here is a link to some FL crack, don't know if it works:
httpswwwdropboxcom/sh/cacmm32ws20yrmr/ AADz8tU1yCd5NKWx94AfnMvfa?dl=0

My youtube channel (nothing particularly new as of lately, all old videos)

Well I guess this is a new video from mine, but I just looped like three clips for the whole duration.

I might finally torrent Ableton and do something, cause corona.

quite a few chocolate chips are vegan just don't mention it in the label! I usually search through a few brands until I find an unintentionally vegan one.

try a little less butter! cookies can come out flatter because of too much.

>try a little less butter!

Thanks, that actually makes a lot of sense chemically. I've only ever had one batch that came out as well as yours.

I shall use the resurrection spell on this thread

Thanks! Lots of studying 90s comics to get the style right. Look into War Machine, Venom, and Spidey Comics from that era. Should be a big help!

I will not have this thread get killed by another fucking race bait thread.

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I remember your picture, you have posted it couple of times. What's the backstory?

Thanks for the tip.

Just in time for page 10.
Maybe this year, I'll complete the first chapter.

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I took it for a battlestation thread if I remember correctly.

This thread cannot die

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Interesting! Is this your comic or are you just translating it? Id love to see the rest of it either way!

Definitely not mine!!
Sakuraichi Bargain made the art, it's the manga adaptation of a study written by Nakamura Atsuhiko.
I'm just translating, mind you I've only got the 20 first pages in my possession.

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Some user got started on the typesetting the other day, it looked rather legit.

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You'll find them in the archives, it's in a previous edition of a /creativegeneral/.

Forgot the picture, how typical.
I'll surely zip them once I'm done.

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I never really got around to complete this set but who knows. This year feels special.

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For the record this was published in 2016.
Only French and Portuguese translations are available.

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It's a total amateur work.
I've got to thank Jim Breen for his online dictionnary.
I evaluate the accuracy of my work at 70%.

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Wonderful stuff! Ill definitely be saving these to read later. Im guessing Chinese isnt a first language if youre referring to a dictionary?

Whoops. Meant Japanese

The verb is often found at the very end of the sentence. I mostly work my way up to the begining of the sentence.
I try to render nuances as best as can be.

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Nope, you assumed right!
I learn basics at Uni and ended up putting that aside.
Translators are paid by the word, depending on the language you could assume that you're getting 20 cents per word.
If you're freelancing half your salary will be taxed. Not to mention that you're supposed to have enough interpersonal skills to build a reliable customer base.

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