I want my boyfriend to cut me

i have never been in a relationship with anyone and i have lived as a hikki neet since i was a preteen. but, i often fantasize about having a boyfriend who i can dedicate my life to. one that i can be with on an intimate and deep emotional level, like a soulmate, as if our love was one.
i fantasize a lot about a theoretical 'him' cutting my body with blades. maybe me getting to cuthim, but i dont think everybody would be comfortable with it. but just little cuts, like people do to themselves. i cut myself when i feel excited. its not even really about the pain the boy would inflict on me, but the intimacy. i dont want to make him hurt, because he would be my one love and my darling, who i would protect and love and give my soul too. but there is something so intimate about dragging the blade across their skin, and seeing the blood bead up and run, and then cleaning it gently and dressing it and you are marked by eachother forever. i want a boy im infatuated and in love with to cut me so bad.
its so intimate. i am not a person who dates around and sleeps around. my body belongs to the person who will love me and we will be eachothers other half, practically one as a person.
i want to be cut and marked like that so bad and kissed and cuddled so warmly and gently. its okay if he doesnt want to cut me, i wont make him, but i wish he would. it would feel so good.

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lol dude, get a life.

I can cut you, OP

would you be gentle? i dont love you, but if i loved you, would you do it gently and lovingly?

Yes, and I would allow you to do the same to me.

we all want different stuff in a relationship... me? I want a nice girl to hold hands with and take on romantic dates.
you do you though

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can i bite you until it draws blood instead?




that's really nice. you seem like a nice person. i would clean them off for you and make sure you were safe and comfortable the entire time, and then patch them all up and made sure they healed. you seem nice i hope you become happy one day.
i want this too, i just also want to be cut by the person i love. but thats a small portion of it, they dont even have to. i just want it. i also want to hold hands and be held by them and hold them and love them and go on cute dates, but it is what it is

i would be okay with that. i personally like the feeling of the razor cutting through skin because its sharp and it stings. but if you did this gently i would really be happy. but i would also like to bite or cut you
yes, my upbringing was not very fun but im okay now. its nit that weird

would you like to fall in love with another hiki that would happily cut you. I would not want to be cut but I would love to do it to you and make you mine.

I hope the same for you. Good luck finding the one you love.

that sounds really nice im ok with that, but you have to do it gently. i wouldnt want to have a vein cut open very much because its dangerous, but if someone would cut me gently and comfort me and hold me while doing it i would like that a lot actually. its very intimate


Im more into shock collars for intimacy but your imagery is making me like the idea of cutting.

I dont know if id be down for cutting someone else, at least not at first. But I would definitely let someone cut me if they wanted.

thanks user i hope you find them too good luck to you

That's called abuse, user. You should probably get professional help. If you seek out a relationship like this it will lead you to some terrible places. Please don't allow yourself to go down this road.

of course I would never go too deep I would just really like the aspect of how much trust you would put in me to do that. But I would take care of your cuts and would only do it gently and make them very clean. I would hold you very close and whisper in your ear how much I love you and ask you how much you trust me and I would show you the ultimate level of care. It sounds very intimate to me as well I think I would really like it it kinda turns me on.

I also want my boyfriend to cut his name into my thigh or above my pussy. But he is a nice guy so I dont think he would do it.

shock collars for intimacy? mine isnt even necessarily in a sexual setting although im ok with that it sounds nice too. shock collars seem fun, i havent been electrocuted before but it seems nice, if the person was holding me and comforting me too. i would be gentle very gentle if i cut you, and take good care. i hope you would do the same to me if you became comfortable with it, but also i have a question. how does somebody propose what im looking for to a boyfriend without seeming creepy? i know i'd probably have to find somebody kind of like me because to me, this is consensual and i only want it if my parner does too and i dont want to abuse them into anything like this.

no it would be loving and gentle. how is it abusive if i ask him too? i think that i would let them do it to me because they loved me. its an act of trust and love, like sex is too, but its not bad. im more worried about scaring the other person.
thats very sweet im glad people like you exist, i wish i could find people like this, but i guess its fair because i dont really go outside or meet people. but i dont think the people outside are ok with this kinds of stuff either. but you sound really nice thats really nice of you

where do you live cutie? I have been a hiki for years so I also do not go out very much just to walk my dog or get food and it would be hard to ever admit that you are into this stuff with someone but I really like how open you are about it.It is very endearing.

im from burger. meeting people from the internet is scary so i dont know if i could ever really do it. and south burger, you like dogs? dogs are really cute. i like how theyre fluffy and they let you pet them really nicely and gently. its really sweet

Age gap surgeon bf reporting in.

surgeon? thats really cool i think, because they would have nice blades that are sharp and can go through the skin easily and gently. i didnt think people who are in the medical field could be into this stuff too, but i guess they understand the love part too. thats really cool

For me, its the vulnerability of knowing my partner can hurt me at any time and the complete vulnerability. I mean yeah it would kinda be hot during sex but i mean just even around the house wearing it.

Also yeah I would want to become comfortable with it and take it slow. Part of the bandaging and taking care of my partner i would want to kiss their injuries and cuddle with them afterwards.

I live on the west coast in burgerland. Dogs are great friends I do not really get too lonely because of my dog. She is actually laying with her head on my feet right now they are such good companions. I get the stress about meeting people on the internet I have never actually done that myself but I think if I met the right person I could let my guard down a little. What else would you look for in a partner?

Proper cuts are craftsmanship, something you can be proud of. It isn't as easy as it seems and you absolutely can't mess up.
There's a reasons we earn so much.

i understand completely. my biggest fear is being bianca'd, but nothing else. if theyre the one i love everything else is okay,
i look for somebody who mostly would really be ok with letting me cuddle and hug them all the time and let me be very physically clingy. im also emotionally clingy, maybe, i think, but i would give somebody space if they wanted, because downtime is nice. but im ok with just silence and being able to be in their arms. as long as i have them with me ill do anything. i want somebody who can be okay with me giving my soul and everything to them and somebody who can be trusted to do so.

thats rraly nice user, thats really cool. i think if they cut me and took good care and were proud of it that would be so nice.

Also continuing this line of thought, id just be honest after a bit and asking them. But honestly your better off finding someone whos into it, because most people are gonna be put off by it. Also dont date anyone whos not willing to get cut themselves because they may just be doing it to use you. finding a BF whos been abused is going to exponentially increase the likelihood of them being a masochist or into it.

you sound like a real catch you really do. When you find someone you can just enjoy each other in a moment of silence where you hold each other and know they you both care for each other very much and you do not even need to say it at that point is when you know you find something very special. You are going to end up making someone very happy.

thank you thank you thank you i really hope i do. i just want someone to feel loved and safe with me and i want them to be able to be comfortable i.n our embraces in silence and be able to feel the love without words. it sounds so nice and soft and comforting and i hope i get to make somebody happy. you seem so sweeet and nice i hope you find somebody too and be happy

One day you will grow up and realize that serious relationships aren't based on fetishes.

it's not a fetish it's not sexual i just think it would be nice if i could have this intkmwcy

i wouldnt cut you softly or gently but reading this post makes me want to break ur fingers so i dont have to see this on my board anymore

that's mean i don't want aomebody to break my fingers just use a filter

knowing it exists, and that you will probably post something similar in the future for more attention, its gonna eat at me for the rest of the day and then im gonna think about breaking your fingers again when it happens, but im stuck behind a screen and dont know where your dainty snappable digits are and its gonna make me upset, youve ruined my day

are you a girl? If so I think I would really like to talk to you more

Also am south burger just dont date the extreme redneck who wants to cut you with a bowie knife, use things like scalpels.

uwu imagine you and your partner getting like a nice custom small knife or a matching set with your initials in a heart for you to cut eachother.

This is *probably* a larp (and I hope it is), but in the case is not:

Please be careful who you choose to be with, there are both a lot of men that either just want a excuse to get close and fuck with you/harm you or they really want to be with you/cut with you/etc...

I'd highly advice not to contact any robot, as they tend to be mentally unstable and you wouldn't want that in such intimate relationship

I hope you *somehow* find someone who truly wants to be with you and love you, but KNOW this; you will never find the right one at the first time, hell, you might never find this "soulmate", but you must keep trying, beware.

Good luck out there

yes i am, i know someone will come and say i'm larp but im not
i understand i get it and that's good advice thank you so much and also the part about the knives being engraved is really cute

thanks for taking the time to sya this i really appreciate it you're so sweet. i will definitely remember this and keep it in mind thank you very much. it makes sense

well you seem like a dream girl in alot of ways I know people on here are saying to be careful and I have to agree with them. I think if you ever do find this kind of relationship you really need to know the other person you need to be very close and have to go through things together. Because as people are pointing out it is something you would need to be sure about with someone. I wish you lived closer because I would love to see if I could ever gain a fraction of the trust that would be needed to do something so intimate.

you seem like a great person user i hope you find somebody you trust a lot like this and they trust you and you can have this kind of relationship. thank you for taking the time to talk with me it really made my night have a good night and have lots of sweet dreams

sophie?????????? last name W??

sweet dreams it is times like this where I wish I used discord or something so I could talk to you again. Hey make another thread here sometime I am usually always around

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no that's not me user i'm really sorry but i hope you figure it out
i will take care of yoirself and hope to speak to u again

I feel the need give you another suggestion: do NOT use discord, and don't contact any robots, you will end up not only hurt but harassed and simped too

Be careful out there.

thank you user i will remember this thank you very much

user, I won't hurt you or anything. I just see that you're online now and I'd like to talk to you. I seriously won't do anything and I don't care about a relationship. If you want you can post Discord or I can. Just tell me. And I swear,I won't do anything. I'm just lonely.

hope you find someone and they cut you too deep and you bleed out

i can add you if you post yours or if you really don't want to i guess i can post mine but i want to talk with you too if it is alright
that is mean but it is ok

Be cautious with this type of shit boss, it can turn abusive real quick. Get someone gentle and avoid Discord at all costs, you'll get simped, have rumors spread around, and be generally astrocized for "breaking up" with someone.

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One second, user. I have to make a new account. I won't try to simp you or romance you or go for a relationship or anything. Don't worry.

thank you user, i appreciate the concern and good advice. you seem like a good person. have a really nice night, i really will take the advice to mind

ok take your time

Do you know any way that you can verify it's you? I know for sure more than one person will try to add me.

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I have personal experience, Lady simps are fearsome to say the least, and If you're looking for someone don't be afraid to mill about and search for someone local at a coffee shop or bookstore if you want gentle. If you want to be really risky go for tinder or disregard my warning and go for local based discord servers where you can actually meet the person.

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i can try to give you a keyword ummm
or my tag ends in 56

I thought of something: you could one or two of the letters of your code and where they are in the code and maybe the first letter of your account.


Okay, user. Can you add me now? I posted it already.