Why aren't Americans taking this virus seriously? They're all just standing there even with the police telling them that it's not safe to be out right now.
Why aren't Americans taking this virus seriously...
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You guys realize this is just the new world order trying to lock down you freedoms right? It's 9/11 all over again
people, even supposedly "smart" ones, seem to fall for the same trick all the time
it's normies, user. they literally, LITERALLY PHYSICALLY can't stay home for one week.
it doesn't matter that there's a global pandemic ravaging the world right now. it doesn't matter that they could end up dying or killing other people by spreading the virus.
they are unable to to stay home for a single week, hell even just a couple days. they HAVE to go out and socialize, even if it kills them. even if the government tells them to stay home. going to bars and drinking is more important than anything else in the world to these people.
Well, there are two strains of the virus identified right now. One is less easily spread comparatively but with much more severe symptoms while the other one is the most common one in the world. I'd rather not catch it at all because it's still quite a bit worse than a common cold and I also don't want it to mutate inside me.
Dang ol' dummies. So long as you have the freedom of Jesus and George Washington protectin' ya, you don't have to worry 'bout no Gott danged virus.
It's a trick by Hillary Clinton to get you indoors and watching Jew-made Netflix series that will brainwash you into drinking the fluoridated water and turning you into an effeminate cuck boy that plays Nintendo switch all day instead of hunting elk.
>there's a global pandemic ravaging the world right now.
How do you know this? Has your neighbor died of corona? You just believe this fucked up hype this is literally 9/11 2.0 it's a FALSE FLAG. However just like on 9/11 how they really crashed a real plane into a real building. This is a real virus. I'm NOT saying it's not real. It's a boogeyman
I'm in california and shockingly theres been a lot less people
Disneyland is closing, bars and clubs are closing, restaurants are gonna limit capacity, I've seen much less people on the streets. Not sure what's going on in other states but shockingly we're doing okay for once
>think of dumbest person you know
>there is someone dumber than that and they are the majority of all people in the US
Woohoo, 24th place education with the 3rd largest economy.
SoCal, thats because this state is home the most brain dead fucking 51% shitskin fucks
All very true I hate this state, but it's nice to see the normalscum suffering and having to stay indoors
I'm just frustrated cause this whole thing comes right in time to cancel the only plans I've had in more than a year, Miku Expo with a friend from out of state
>think of dumbest person you know
>this is literally 9/11 2.0 it's a FALSE FLAG
Found him.
>there is someone dumber than that
Eh, I don't know about that.
>haven't you heard!?!?
>thousands of 80 years around the world are dying a few weeks earlier
>ruin more lives of people in their prime to give them some more time
Trust me there are dumber people in the US. Even some special ed kids were smarter than some of the people that I met from the South or came from Cali.
We don't have to prepare for it. If we get sick, our healthcare system will- Oh, right. We're fucked.
if youre on bourbon street, you dont really care about dieing or killing other people
thats how you get gfs user
Fucking voluntary self-policing and rejoycing at police-state like measures because of some fucking flu.
Your blind trust in the establishment drove you completely retarded.
As long as you're under the age of 50 and drink clean water, you're not gonna die
Obviously I wash my hands after using the bathroom, but that's mostly to prevent me from spreading it to other people if possible
I'm not gonna stop going to Chipotle because of it, I have a bigger chance of getting E Coli
Just don't be gross and you won't have to worry
- because of muh freedoms
- murricans think they can fight everything with their guns
>thinking daddy establishment is working in one's interest
for once, the murricans are sane ones here
Because white men in america have been drip fed such obscene privilege and a total lack of challenge in their lives that they literally can't comprehend something awful happening. Because stuff like this "only happens to people in third world countries".
I hate war, but sometimes I honestly wish that there'd been a war recently in america. Other places, that are used to armed conflict happening in their immediate history, understand that peace is incredibly fragile. Whereas these fucks are so completely removed from the concept of real conflict that they make up their own. (muh great replacement, etc.)
They all need to be slapped right in the face and shown what the rest of the world looks like in times of true strife, and that there's no reason that it can't happen to them.
>muh fucking white males waaaaahhhh
What a fag. Stop lurking tumblr for a day, scum.
Because the cancer of Libertarianism infects the US to its core.
it's her constitutional right to spread corona
not muh heckin sportsballerino
>boo hoo evil white men are privileged and baddddddd
I fucking love reading this shit as a white man who has a godawful time in life because of my mental illness. Hope you get run over by a dump truck you insufferable cunt.
look at those faces
I wish you edgy brainlets were old enough to die from Coronavirus like you deserve.
i guess the silver lining is that this will wipe out 90% of Trumptards before the next election.
Because our country is jam-packed with people who are not only complete fucking morons but have no concern for others whatsoever.
"i'm not going to die of coronavirus, why should i care about other people?"
every single day from a young age 'muh individual freedoms' was shoved down my throat. took moving abroad to realise that wasn't a very smart way to live
admittedly i still didn't give a fuck until i started reading about the economic downturn that would affect ME. fuck old people for the most part.
good on them having fun, frightened hoarder liberal are triggered
And possibly even Trump himself.
We can only dream although Pence would probably be a worse President.
Pence could be controlled, because he isn't as shameless as Trump is and doesn't have a fanatical cult of personality backing him.
They'll start shitting bricks in 2 weeks. That's how far we are from Italy's levels.
I seriously doubt even we will reach Italy's level. They have a 7.3% mortality rate right now. That shit is insane.
It will if normalfags don't control their normalfag urges to go out and normalfaggize. That's what happened in Italy and Spain.
Italy also had 'Hug A Chinese' day to prove they weren't xenophobic.
At least it's them getting sick.
>not relishing this moment because of reasons like what said
We could use some more breathing room in this obese shitpile.
Holy fuck lmao
Godspeed, idiot.
>imagine canceling a moon landing because of a virus
You mean exactly like what happened to Ken Mattingly? Do conservitards just have an increased capacity to spew irony?
Imagine not doing your part in spreading the boomer remover.
Its why I still show up to work personally.
People see others doing so for them it mustn't be bad. I went to town and saw a heap of people grouped, I got out of there but unless you stay home for 3 months its going to be hard to avoid. Even if you go into a room where an infected person was then you can get it, I would rather be outside even if is with a small amount of people. Unless you can get time off work you don't have a choice. I have an appointment soon so I will be forced to go into a closed space that other people have been in, its not much choice unless I don't want to be paid.
We aren't the only ones.
Stop with the U.S. hatred.
Remember Canada refusing to close their borders?
Remember France encouraging people to go to a fucking smurf rally?
Remember Britain's herd immunity strategy?
Hate the U.S. when it's reasonable, but the entire commonwealth done fucked up this time.
What a stupid fucking tweet. The veteran's family probably had some die to the Spanish flu. He'd understand.
>Normalfags are so fucking incapable of not living the most normal usual lifestyle that they're willingly going out and spreading shit everywhere during a pandemic just so they can continue their status quo 24/7
I mean, the virus isn't very scary but that doesn't stop the fact it's spreads insanely fast which may be a bigger problem in the long run, literally just fucking stay in your homes for two fucking weeks, is it really that hard?
Why do normalfags even have homes at this point? 2x2m room with a single fucking bed would be enough to support their lifestyle.
So the virus is going to be a thing forever?
They're not taking it seriously because it's not serious. Young people are practically immune to it, just like the normal flu, and it's only 2.5x as lethal as swine flu, which most people don't remember. This is the same bullshit we go through every year in New England when a snowstorm comes and everyone starts screaming armageddon and I wake up in the morning to find FUCKING NOTHING and my ass still has to go to work. The media is trying to scare you and it's working, because you're a fucking idiot.
Population density in the us is far below that of Italy and we started our preventive measures earlier. It's not impossible to reach Italy levels but it's unlikely
the jews want population expansion
the jews want the borders open
the virus does the exact opposite of what the jews want
>the great replacement isnt true
when does immigration stop then? because if the population increases every year due to immigration then eventually whites become a minority
and its happening in every single white country on earth
when does immigration end user?
>lets just keep the borders open and hug infected people to own the conservatives
if you get infect you have a high chance of male infertility
let normalfags spread it and then impregnate their wives when it all blows over