When r9k attempts suicide

>when r9k attempts suicide

Attached: 1584325300765.webm (300x400, 1.91M)

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What is wrong with this OP, did she do it wrong or something?
Otherwise, this is pretty sad. It's clear that she wanted to live. Suicide webm thread?

>expecting something funny to happen
>video just cuts off during the struggle

you aren't supposed to hold on the rope with your hands? stupid

This made me feel bad, hope she is okay, but what she was expecting?

At least it's less to clean up. Splattering blood, bone and brain everywhere is decidedly less considerate.

>she can't pull herself up
The weak must die.

She put her hands in between the rope and her neck instinctively and so it didnt totally cut off her airway or blood flow.

Embarrassing way to be found.

All niggres must fucking hang

Attached: 1577216577765.gif (220x227, 88.75K)

someone should post the second half.
her mom comes and saves her. dad and some other woman come in too. clearly super upsetting for the family but she lives.
seeing this made me really rethink hanging myself. the panic when she starts screaming for her mom is heartbreaking. I think I would want her, in those last moments, to come save me.

Here it is, full version. She makes it.

didn't think it would hold you without a slipknot, I expected the head to just slide out and fall on her ass

depressed 14 year old decides in the moment to commit suicide
kicks stool, noose tightens and she is flooded with panic and regret

I found my mom like that. She died. I will never forget the screams that came out of my fathers mouth when we found her. Please dont do it user if you have any love for your family in your heart dont do it

your supposed to jump and get a good snap so you die faster and don't feel the pain.

Her father was telling her to do it again
Wew lad

stupid bitch didn't even make a correct knot.

Bullshit, anyone translate to confirm?

I won't, I'm doing much better now. Not suicidal anymore.

yes that is apparent
it's not funny though
op is a fag

AN old schoolfriend of mine's mother killed herself by cutting open her that with a pair of hedge shears

Father's lines
>don't scream, be quiet, don't yell at anyone
>if hell is tempting you then be quiet
>Did it hurt? then do it again
>Do it again
>Do it again, stupid
>You think it's good, do it again stupid
>do it again stupid it's good
>(replying to woman) I didn't know it was her

>Otherwise, this is pretty sad.
>This made me feel bad, hope she is okay, but what she was expecting?
Kys you white knight faggots.

>but she lives.
That's unfortunate.

dads can be such emotional retards

Why did she scream for help?

white knights try to get laid by defending girls
anyway, nobody is saying take it down or stop joking about it. people are just acknowledging that its a sad video. it's ok, user. you can feel it too.

How is it sad? Its just a girl pretending she wants to die.

>people are just acknowledging that its a sad video. it's ok, user. you can feel it too.
Do you really think I feel anything, faggot? I've seen thousands of the most gruesome, brutal, twisted deaths on camera that would make a sensitive cuck like you cry. I've seen hundreds of suicides and "sad" videos like this.

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>Why did she scream for help?
Because she was going to die.

Attached: 1549032423826.png (342x395, 182.58K)

>She makes it

It takes two seconds to search how to make the proper knot

When r9k attempts suicide we use shotguns and stream it. How new are you?

wow youre so edgy and unemotional wow youre so cool
here are your brownie points for being so cool and unemotional, anonymous pepe poster.

>she can't even do one chin up


I remember I found my mom dead in her bed, she shot herself in the head with a revolver. Entire mattress was soaked in blood. My dad also let out a cry of anguish when he arrived home. I didnt cry though. I was shook but over it immediately.

I don;t know why people do this cruel self destruction where they leave a corpse for the people who love them. Just go to the beach.

>going to the beach magically solves one's all problems

I thought he meant to kill yourself at the beach away from your familys home.

>I thought he meant to kill yourself at the beach away from your familys home.
haha, yikes

you are a monster

beaches are lame. Jumping off a bridge is much better since there is less cleanup

>your a monster
I was born with a more open 3rd eye. I innately know nothing is truly ever gone. My mom, her name, thoughts, memorys and being is all a construct. She returned to the oneness.

Let this be a lesson to ensure you jump from a high enough ledge so the rope actually snaps your neck.

Kill yourself you normscum cuck faggot.

the parents dont seemed alarmed or worried, just annoyed and sick of her shit

And dont' forget, if you go even higher, it's likely to tear your fucking head off. Which is more metal.

Who the fuck cares you're dead the world might as well not exist anymore after that

didn't seem*

Umm no, you're supposed to make a proper noose that tightens under your weight and not put your hand in there. To break your neck you'd need to fall far beyond a lil jump

>hangman's noose
That's the problem. Despite the name, it's not good for hanging.

God, Brazil...
Actually it's normal when you do something wrong or stupid the parents say "do it again"... Suicide here isn't something that people take serious.. Sad

You will become an anguished ghost and relive the pain of your last moments for a long time, then when you cross over you will be faced with the karma of the horror you inflicted on your loved ones.

With a heavy rope and a proper drop it is.
Also that is not a noose.

>muh spooky ghost

Not my proudest fap
I wish I was joking

>You will become an anguished ghost and relive the pain of your last moments for a long time, then when you cross over you will be faced with the karma of the horror you inflicted on your loved ones

Almost nobody snaps their neck during hanging. 99% chokes to death. Still a fucking horrible way to find someone you love, and not a pleasant way to die.

>Believe in karma.

So are you saying the suicidal deserve their shitty lives?

>I was born with a more open 3rd eye
this is so funny but also you do you user im glad you know she's with the oneness

Even worse, they desired them.

it'd be hotter that she's immediately filled with regret but it's too late and she eventually just dies.

I heard this was a transfaggot, which explains alot.