Continued from last thread Also to add for conversation:
Women can be robots. They have an easier time getting sex if they just wanna spread legs for any guy. But actually getting commitment and love? Also alot of being a robot is a mental issue. Hot people can be robots, alot of us here are products of abuse and neglect, dont act like its all because of looks, iv seen several of you and several femanons. Its a mental/social thing.
As outcasts and robots we realize people are cruel while acting like they arent. For example anons can be joking about niggers and genocide or other fucked up things while laughing and not being cruel to eachother. While normies act all polite and "nice" while laughing at lonely and ugly people or other such things. Iv seen guys and girls bully full on autismos, not just people like us but non functioning types. Normies are the worst.
Now lets take a look at fembots, you say they get attention easier and sex, maybe both of those are true. But consider when you into discord or talk to a femanon pretty much everyone on discord is going to try to "get with" or have sexuals with these girls. Its hard for them to socialize because literally everyone is either simping or trying to look like they arent simping/playing chad. Very few vehemently dont give a fuck. Fembots have a hard time making real friends that dont just DM them without asking and then starts asking all sorts of sexual questions.
Fembots are ostracized socially because they have various interests and or have social anxiety ect. Then they are effectively treated like shit by "nice guy" types on discords for us.
TLDR Females are robots, they have slightly different issues than most male robots but they are robots nontheless. This makes sense genders are different.
>inb4 i get called a simp or whiteknight. Idc im just pointing out something that I think is overlooked and want to add to the conversation.
neat thread op. i made a similar argument in a thread yesterday (or the day before? idk) and the argument back was pretty much "so you're just changing the definition of robot to fit". i don't know what to say to that. yeah, i guess? of course men and women have different problems.
i'm a traditionalist that doesn't equate robot with incel. just because the occasional rando wants to fuck you because you look like an insecure/easy girl doesn't mean you have a flourishing social life. plenty of dudes go after lonely and/or ugly girls because they think it'll be a quick fuck.
i regularly have suggestive comments said to me at work and otherwise get hit on. it doesn't change the fact i have aspd and crippling existential crises that keep me from developing any meaningful/long lasting bonds with people.
Christopher Morris
>Women can be robots. No they cant >They have an easier time getting sex if they just wanna spread legs for any guy. Thankyou for proving my point. Also not my problem. >But actually getting commitment and love? Also alot of being a robot is a mental issue Beggars cant be choosers and choosers cant be robots >Hot people can be robots Get out >alot of us here are products of abuse and neglect Too bad also so are most robots and most robots are also ugly. Ge3t off my board > >inb4 i get called a simp or whiteknight. You arent a whiteknighr or a SIMP youre a larping coping cuntoid trying to demorslise anf roce change the culture of r9k. Normies, cuntoids will never be welcome here. To be a robot you must be a male and incel.
You proved yourself wrong and me right in your opening paragraph.
R9K is nevergoing to change. This is not /soc/, gets cant be robots, girls are not welcome here. Daddy fingering you and chad rejecting you is not our problem.
>most robots are also ugly No they're not. >R9k is never going to change It already changed a few times, newfag.
Bentley Richardson
>of course men and women have different problems.
And womens problems are not Yas Forumss problems. Cahd not fucking you doesnt make you an incel. It also doesnt mean you are etiutled to sympathy.
You cunts are like people complaining about the quality of their food to starving people. Its an illogical fallacy. You may not like what you get but its better than nothing so stop whinging about it. >just because the occasional rando wants to fuck you because you look like an insecure/easy girl doesn't mean you have a flourishing social life. Not our problem. >plenty of dudes go after lonely and/or ugly girls because they think it'll be a quick fuck. Wow must suck having guys flocking to you. >i regularly have suggestive comments said to me at work and otherwise get hit on Damn that sucks soo much roastie. What a hard life. >it doesn't change the fact i have aspd and crippling existential crises that keep me from developing any meaningful/long lasting bonds with people. In other words >Chad wont fuck me
Want a non virgin fembot to bully me for my small dick desu
Charles Clark
>No they're not. Something a normie would say >It already changed a few times, No it hasnt >Newfag Ahuh. My 12 years of posting experience maining r9k totally pales in comparison to your 4 years here. Go back to r3ddit.
where anywhere in that post did i mention wanted to get fucked by a chad? are you retarded?
Benjamin Parker
Get the fuck outta you dumb normie.
Jose Morris
>I have to literally utter the words for them to be admissable >What is an implication.
Get off my board cuntoid. Your entire post said it.
Nicholas Morgan
Just because you're ugly doesn't mean other people are the same, retard. Get real, normies have already got into this place years ago. You're delusional for thinking it's still the same as before.
Bentley Phillips
you people don't understand just how it is to not even so much as hold someone's hand, it's on a totally different level to what you describe. For many robots some girl who's fucked several guys coming up to you and telling you how bad she also had it is insulting. Even if it wasn't it's still emasculating to be around people like you, it makes us feel like simps. It's like me getting a failing grade and you coming up to me to tell me how bad your B- is. I don't relate.
Camden Adams
>Women can be robots Stopped reading. Kys
Evan Sullivan
Yas Forums was never an incel board. not all robots are incels. sure, many are, but there's more to being a robot than not getting laid.
Ryan Turner
>Just because you're ugly doesn't mean other people are the same, retard Still means youre not welcome on r9k.Stop trying to gate keep the idea that r9k has evolved to accept failed normies and cunt hurt roastoids. It hasnt. Go back to /soc/, r3ddit, twitter and bitch about your problems there. >Get real, normies have already got into this place years ago 1. youre not supposed to admit that 2. They havent, just because they are here doesnt mean they have accomplished shit 3. Like I said above, GTFO.
Why would yous want t come here? Ih wait I already know, because you are scared of incels and r9ks reputation. LOL imagine being this much of a dipshit r3dditor.
Give it up and fuck off cunt. I hope you get raped. Seriously I wish for it.
>For many robots some girl who's fucked several guys coming up to you and telling you how bad she also had it is insulting. >It's like me getting a failing grade and you coming up to me to tell me how bad your B- is. I don't relate. This. But they wont listen. Stupid roastipids just want to ruin another boys only club because they cant handfle the fact men have their own spaces.
personally, i wouldn't care if women were also genuine losers. but even among losers they have a privileged status and that's what really bothers me. this is an anonymous image board and we're all supposed to be equal via anonymity but that's clearly not the case because "fembots" have to make it known to everyone that they are female and as a result guys can't help but simp.
this ruins the board dynamic and if "fembots" are treated differently than other robots, then honestly they're anything but a robot.
Thomas Harris
Yeah An anonette I was talking to last thread and the resulting spergout is what made me make this thread. I think part of it is anger and part of it is actual confusion, women cant understand all of mens problems fully and men cant understand most of womens problems. Having been accepted into a social group for a bit just to be used and then thrown out I think thats why I have sympathy for fembots especially with the culture of lying to get laid. I mean women lie too to men all the time but as robots I think we should be honest.
>no they cant Okay retard. Also since when does incel= robot. I see several times a day robots talking about getting laid at some point. I was molested, does that mean im not a robot because i guy touched me as a child? Now consider the differences in men and womens sexuality, women being used or molested as a masturbation tool is a huge problem and happens to even the most socially reclusive women. The biggest thing that indicates a robot is a hard time socially, loneliness and inability to get intimate relationships.
>larping cuntoid I assure you im a man with mommy issues like the rest of you I just can have some nuanced approach to issues.
also your def a newfag. this isnt camwhoring retard.
Adam Brown
I need a virgin autistic fembot gf on the east coast or willing to move into my neet house right now pls
Caleb Ortiz
>Cahd doesnt doesnt etiutled Fuck right off until you can use English. Your complete illiteracy means whatever opinion you are trying to articulate, is garbage. This forum is for incels and autists, not mongoloids
Charles Hughes
>Yas Forums was never an incel board. What are you gona say next, thats it an OC board? Yeah show me ANY oc that you cuntoids post.
Every boatd has its own core axiom and culture. For r9k it was based around mysoginy. Thats the only reason this place got a reputation and the only reason you cunts come here. >not all robots are incels. Yes they are. Anyone else is a normie. >but there's more to being a robot than not getting laid. Like wut? Having 40 girls apporach you but you turning them all down because they arent chad? Dont think so honey.
Most women dont say they are fembots most of the time. But there are times where its neccessary or useful for the thread. Dont sperg out when its necessary info for the idea to get across.
Connor Young
not that user, but what are typos? you're probably the illiterate one if you can't read that.
Henry Lopez
>Okay retard. Okay slut. >Also since when does incel= robot Since the sky has been blue. Nufag. >I see several times a day robots talking about getting laid at some point. They arent robots, THEY ARE NORMIE LURKERS LIKE YOU. >I was molested, Not my problem bitch, go cry about it on FDS. You were asking for it anyway. >does that mean im not a robot because i guy touched me as a child? Pretty much >Now consider the differences in men and womens sexuality, No. You want that, go to r3ddit. >women being used or molested as a masturbation tool is a huge problem and happens to even the most socially reclusive women. Not r9ks problem. Its also your fault for fucking bad men >The biggest thing that indicates a robot is a hard time socially, loneliness and inability to get intimate relationships. Do not speak for us. AND you dont sound like you fit any of those. >I assure you im a man with mommy issues like the rest of you I just can have some nuanced approach to issues. Says the cuntoid with daddy issues. Again dont speak for us AND if you hate us that much then why are you here? >this isnt camwhoring retard. Rules state not socials /soc/, meetup, discord or personal pictures. I suggest you read them you blind stupid cuntoid.
Cleary female education was a waste of time
>muh spelling hurr duur >Fuck right off until you can use English. Typing errors are not spelling errors, youde have to be retarded to not see what I meant.Im replying to multiple people at once in a thread thats bumping at a quick rate. Make it easier for me and leave.
again, you're on a different level to us which is where the resentment comes from. We're not equals.
Hunter Johnson
No, don't make excuses for the stupid. See the little red lines under each word that gets misspelled? if you ignore those, your opinion gets ignored. Stop trying to normalize lazy and stupid behavior.
Benjamin Martinez
Also on the off chance the anonette I was talking to in the old thread I wasnt any of the responders I was busy and away from the thread for too long and it got archived.
but to respond to your post im def okay with that Id like friends :3
>You're not supposed to admit that >Doesn't mean they have accomplished shit Yeah so you're saying the board hasn't changed but you're also saying normies are shitting up the board. Make up your mind retard lol. >Trying to associate Reddit with me because you ran out of things to say Whatever you say, brainlet.
I'm done with this website, thanks for making the decision easier, simp.
Samuel Hernandez
bump i'm getting sick of being alone
Levi Cox
>But there are times where its neccessary or useful for the thread No thats literally NEVER a thing. >Dont sperg out when its necessary info for the idea to get across. You have no ideas to get across you dumb thot. Stop posting a board where you bullshit isnt welcome.
Femanons are no different from normal girls, they want the cream of the crop. All that would happen is that we will be at each others throats trying to be chosen by the few girls here while they bask in the attention. The funny thing is in the end they will choose the guys who are the least like a robot. If people wanna use this place to hook up then fine, but its not any different from the real world where the best men will get all the girls.
Kevin Lopez
>Yas Forumsnigger fake-bots shit up yet another thread
Christian Harris
>Make it easier for me Typical fucking millennial. Makes excuses for dumb behavior, then wants a free pass on the rules of communication because its too hard to keep up. You literally make me sick, you entitled little shit.
Anthony Rodriguez
Based. Lol get off my board cuntoid. SIMP. Grow some balls kid. >Yeah so you're saying the board hasn't changed but you're also saying normies are shitting up the board. Yes. You mad? Posting bullshit isn an accomplishment you 15yo cuntwhore >Whatever you say, brainlet. Something a r3dditor would say. I love you didnt deny being from r3ddit. Give ivy my love on FDS. This is your home brother.
Cameron Campbell
yeah ok, i believe you. it happens frequently enough without there being any real reason to mention you're a female. what with avatarfagging or namefagging, or the numerous fembot here threads. like you can say those are just trannies or whatever, but that's besides the point.
David Jones
>Roastoid FDS cunt-bots post another shitty thread
Dont get angry zoomer you'll have another acne breakout. >Makes excuses for dumb behavior No thats what roastoids do, like after they let 15 assholes rail them off tinder then complain there are no good men left.
>get off my board oh look, more entitlement >shocked.png
Xavier Powell
>Posting bullshit isn't an accomplishment It means the board has changed because it's noticeable enough that you're now complaining about it. It has changed enough there are so many normies posting about getting laid, trying to get laid, and you still think it's the same as before. >You also didn't deny being from Reddit You didn't either, so I guess you're a redditor as well, right?
Camden Parker
Because shemales are not women, they dont loom like women, act like woman, speak like women, smell like women or feel like women. If youre not a fag you WILL notice and it WILL make you feel disgust.
What the fuck is that. Looks like a wet shit coming out her pussy
Landon Thomas
Get off my board cuntoid. You are entitled to respect.
>It means the board has changed No it doesnt. Also thanks for admitting your gand plan. I dunno what kind of shitcunt youde have to be to get together your friends and shitpost on a website every day for 4 years. Lol. You sound pretty sad. Enjoy your tampon bitch.
Anthony Cruz
>>Makes excuses for dumb behavior >No thats what roastoids do No, that's exactly what you are doing >.Im replying to multiple people at once in a thread Holy fuck you're dumb. I'll give you a pass on the spelling, since you seem genuinely special needs. You are doing a very good job on the internet. You will get a gold star, but not one with sharp edges
Nathaniel Myers
>What the fuck is that. Its a typical roastoids roastie Fine examples right here^
>No, that's exactly what you are doing Get off my board cuntoid. > I'll give you a pass You dont give passes sweety. Get off my board. Filthy roastoids.
when talking about women or women issues ect saying "im a fembot" is perfectly acceptable. Yeah theres alot of attention whoring but if every female always announced it youd see alot more women on this site than you think.
Easton Green
Can't argue content, argue style 2/10 try harder
Ayden Sanchez
Fembot is a forced meme, if a woman posts here stating she has a vagina she is an attention whore, simple as that.
Joseph Rodriguez
that's what you're doing, but whatever
Parker Miller
Go to tinder or /soc/. Otherwise fuck off >never realizing he'd be first on the train to Dachau The camps werent real lol stay mad
>when talking about women or women issues ect saying "im a fembot" is perfectly acceptable No it isnt because 1. fembots dont exist 2. cuntoids are not welcome to post here
Why is this concept so fucking hard for wimps like you to grasp? >Yeah theres alot of attention whoring but if every female always announced it youd see alot more women on this site than you think. And thats not a good thing.
Yas Forums is supposed to be an OC board. Why lonely people flock here is a mystery to me.
Dominic Bailey
I wouldn't date a girl from R9K for the life of me.
Zachary Cruz
>Yas Forums is supposed to be an OC board Wheres the OC then roastoid? What do you cunts contribute here other then femoid feels, incel bait, anime pictures with the above mentioned, discord threads, 'girls can be robots too' and tranny bait?