
Wagies sleeping, getting ready for seething edition.

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Footage of when the LICE took SCEA to prison


Andrew ye tubby balding nonce

Why did nubs rape those people?

Not forgetting "Nubs" has a boyfriend. She calls him her "companion"

universal credit appeal and a job interview this week
looks like my days of neetdom are numbered
the outside world is all scary and shit
might pretend i've got a cough and self-isolate

So lads, how many of you are up at this ungodly hour because uni has closed?

Wonder how much samefagging Nubs does

>personality drama

night anons

>Watching an episode of the X-files where a killer eats fat women
>The fat women are all listed as like 160 pounds
>Average weight for american women is now 170.6 pounds

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Cannot believe they're forcing my brother to go to work with this virus raging out there. He works in a Job Centre (ironic, I know). You would think they would be one of the first places to close since it's a social hub.

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Just found a rare image of Shipnonce going in for his annual appraisal. Looking good shipnonce.

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Now heaven would be a DJ
Spinning dub all night long
And Heaven would be just kickin' back
With Jesus packing my bong
And if you don't believe in Jesus and Mohammed or Buddha too
And while the world is warring
We'll just sit back and laugh at you
If I die before I wake
At least in heaven I can skate
'Cause right now on earth I can't do jack
Without the man up on my back

Just rolled a big FAT SPLIFF. Who here /spliffgang/?

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ever heard of silver the hedgehog?

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Chinaman coughed next to me on the bus today

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mate thats fucking cringe

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haha nice meme lads

Is this virus the end of us lads?

Still shocked to my core that ebin was the #noncenest leader all along.

Hey guys, yea man, where do i go? i haven't been here before, oh? whats that? im a simp? uuuh okay? hey hey, COME ON EILEEN, haha

I'm the only one who had the balls to stand up to them directly. I'm expecting a lot of fallout and aggression.

Do you still speak to Tilde? Any chance of you two getting back together?

pretty fucked up lad desu, my boss was trying to make people go in but every day more and more are just saying they're working from home

Been baking my sweaty socks and smelly under my sheets for a good while, fucking stinking it is but it got me wondering if there's a girl out there who finds the smell of my man musk intoxicating.

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Nonce shagger

Smelly smeggy boxers*

>Ireland haa the 4th largest GDP per capita in the world

How the fuck did that happen?

Thought you were mates with moni. How come you fell out?

Hibernian Kabal and Pharmaceuticals

Tax loophole for Apple, Google and Facebook

Theres a rumour going around Portsmouth that DM and Andrew are a pair of nonces

The lack of (you)s I find infuriating

snoop dogg pays a guy between $40,000 and $50,000 a year just to roll blunts for him. that's all he does. roll blunts. he gets to travel with him all over, gets tons of free stuff as well. all expenses paid. he also gets to smoke as much as he wants from snoop dogg's weed.


Probably a mate of his, I guess. Snoop dogg is a funny one though, he has one, just one, classic hiphop album. He is basically a meme living off that one good album

>he gets to travel with him all over
sounds a shit job desu, basically giving up your entire autonomy for what's actually a shite wage in america

>what's actually a shite wage in america
It's wild how much money Americans make lads. Like, holy fuck. You forget that they are the richest country in the world sometimes.

American teacher working in the UK said that in the US she earns as much as the headmaster in the UK.

then why are so many teachers in america having to work 2 jobs and can barely afford a basic living? i know it's not everywhere, but seems like it's an issue across loads of their states.

the doggfather was good too, shut it

Right, I'm off to get some sleeps. Busy day tomorrow. Night lids.

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sounds grim

>then why are so many teachers in america having to work 2 jobs and can barely afford a basic living? i know it's not everywhere, but seems like it's an issue across loads of their states.
Depends on the state and the area. Housing in places in Los Angeles is wildly expensive and just impossible to live really.

Pro tip: If you have something very valuable, store it in the freezer. Burglars will never look in the freezer and if the house burns down those valuables should still be safe and recoverable in there.

What about my antique piss bottles?
Won't they explode in the freezer?

but most of the complaints are coming from other states with waaay lower housing costs and rent. i dunno, seems like, for me at least, it would be better or safer to be a teacher her.

Coronavirus is the best thing to happen to me in like 5 years.

>got addicted to beer
>cocaine the last 3 years, using weekly

Ive been drink free for 3 weeks, no porn, exercising regularly, losing weight, getting work done. Ive gambled but thats it. Working on my health and trying to quit gambling completely too.

All my upcoming obligations have been cancelled. I had plans to go to the EUROS, go on holiday, lots of gigs planned etc. Its like ive found a new lease of life. Im postponing all degenerate behaviour forever and hoping to be a new man. Lets hope I dont go too far and get too normie for r9k eh lads


yeah no one actually gives a fuck mate

Had to vent it somewhere and my mates think im an annoying cunt if i mention self improvement so I chose here

Lay off the coke, lad. As fun as it is, if you've already detected problems, you obviously can't ever be a responsible user of it from now on. Can you drink responsibly though? Like twice a month?

I was joking lad I enjoyed it

Hello friens I have let myself go so I'm embarking on a water fast for 21 days. Going to weigh myself now and will continue posting for accountability


FUCK, thats catchy enough to stick.
I would to add I bought up the cunny posts to poleaboo.

cheeky shoutanonce post

>college is still open tomorrow
pray for me frens i may not make it

> shut it
Or what?

Start coughing as soon as you get there.

Woke up after 2 hours covered in sweat, always happens my mum is mental she puts the heating up real high and then goes to bed, and then I wake up and turn it off every single night. have to splash cold water on myself but then can never get back to sleep.

first time heading to the dole office tomorrow after being let go.
didnt need to go but i also paid my taxes and ni contributions

I have to sign up for it is it hard?

spent the entire night playing the tregion map mod for ETS2 (now that i found a 1.36 compatable version) pretty comfy but its only one road but still has the feel of a "real" road

its a 2:1 scale map of the netherlands for anyone who doesnt know but as i said, not much of it done at all yet

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A wee DM is a nonce post for the Iadz