notalgia edition, time to get comfy
>no radio cunts
Other urls found in this thread:
Watch Amer Hussein/Poleaboo/Poley/Pakiboo/Noseslaw/Moni/Monica White get btfo (in real time!)
Anyone got the link to last night's radio?
be sure to check out poley radio every saturday. check youtube for past eps
The world has now learned of the worst yet to come.
On the brink of an end, Apu learns to run.
How'd you love, or could you, Mr. Fren of the Year?
Walking tall with nothing to fear.
Don't pass up this chance,
Oh, go tear down the walls.
No CCTV watching, no one cares enough at all.
This world needs now an ending, as it did from the start.
Feel Street keeps on pretending,
It won't go.
Don't cry no more, fren.
You've got another side of your life, so enjoy.
We'll move out the front door,
Get our last ever snacks
But we'll no longer be haunting here,
We're not coming back.
The world must know our story,
So long Help Helper
Please drive me home one last time.
Radio has been the topic of 2 of the last 3 OPs, it's infested /britfeel/
>Mentions it
Alllllllllrighhhhhty then.
I do indeed, lad. Was funny, wasn't it?
I shidded and farted and pissed and came
Why doesnt everyone talk about me instead? Im quite a character.
How do mentally ill girls and women treat non-Chads?
what car do you lads drive? mine was written off last week, and I need a new one asap
Remember, silence is the most damning ansewr
uhhh errrrrh yeaaah, oohm ahhh it was hmmmm interesting?
Literally perfection lads, all I want is to protect
Why did nubs lie about being raped lads?
Why is she hooking up with submissive guys on /soc/?
>cunny ones? *head slaps*
My mum is 65, got to keep her safe, even if that means prolonging my NEET life style a while longer. Flu aids will not take us!
badly, avoid bpd
Why did Andrew meet a 15 year old tranner?
Having homemade chicken curry with rice for dinner. What about you lads?
Prove she did you boring nonce.
2005 peugeot 206 1.4
Nippy little thing.
No rape ever happened.
Misread that as 6'5. Would have prayed for giant mum.
Ah yeah all pretty new stuff. I have not been on this site in a while. I need to go through the cards I have and see if I need to edit the prices and re-list.
If the chance of a 20-29 year old (which im assuming most of us are) dying of corona is 0.2% will a britfeeler die from it? We have lots of chumba wumbas so the odds are probably higher
Do something whacky for us quite the character user.
I'll be interested to see how she looks post op.
How's your weekend been?
I've got the book of you ever want to borrow it. I haven't seen the film. I cried at the book. Very moving and touching. I adore climbing but would never do extreme mountains like these crazy lads.
What stick insects does he have? I'm always happy to share tips and species with budding entomologists. Check out amateur entomologist society :)
driving is for nonces. only the finest arriva buses for me, la
>Why did Andrew get to meet her and why wasn't it me? It's not fair!
can't believe nubs got raped by a big, black, stick-insect
>states opinion
Ahuh, good one mong boy.
great site lad, honestly, its all UK which makes it easy and the prices are always solid
.. dios mio... la ambassadarrio....
are you guys getting lock downs in Britian because of the coronavirus?
Parents ended up enjoying the film. Tipsy and full of curry. Comfy birthday
>prove this thing never happened
Yikes lad, reasoning 101.
where do you buy stick insects from? cant remember ever seeing alive ones in a pet store
No it wasn't that specific it was to them all.
*radio silence*
get out
>What stick insects does he have?
I have no clue t b h, i'll have a closer look next time I visit him, his very young so it's mainly the parents looking after them.
Reading comprehension lad. You said she was lying. Prove it.
Is that why she crushes them all in her hands?
Ok ebin lad *slaps head*
i got my first proper job offer lads
wish i had someone to celebrate with, but you lot will do i guess
Good stuff lad. Glad you've enjoyed yersen.
gonna eat a pizza then innabit gonna have a good wank
>what car do you lads drive?
bout to get a VW Up
You do not have to say anything. But it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in Court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence.
Y-youre just jealous
Been meaning to get this off my chest for a while now lads
white women BTFO. Another base lad found himself a superior Asain wife
*spends the last of his money on a bidet*
>superior Asain
If you are attracted to asian women you are a pedofile
>a superior Asain wife
I don't think white women are too upset about this lad. Also she looks like a parody of gooks
Thank for the advice to avoid BPD
Cool it with the anti-asian remarks fellas. My girlfriend is half asian.
Who has being sending pizza wizza to my lovely Monis house?
anyone else bullshitting having corona so they can self isolate
>she dresses up in cute outfits and puts make up on
>is happy to be pregnant and doesn't immediately talk about getting an abortion when the condom splits
Now THIS is the kind of gf I wanted. Not the one I have.
Your kid will be 100% mutt
But yeh asians are pretty cute
I'm not he lad. Actually found it good at times listening to them though. Genuinely found it funny.
And I'm not 1 of the other members of the 4some, nor a follow of theirs.
lads to post your best wmaf or jap porn you got, white ladies don't cut for me anymore.
I hope Moni enjoyed her 100% vegan halal pizza from Dominos.
Are you close to climaxing
doesn't this bloke make cringey dancing tiktoks now?
The first scene with the white guy. It's so real. That could literally have been me.
That's pretty sensible what with the current toilet roll shortage.
KEK, is that why you were after his dox?
*walks outside and uses the garden hosepipe*
Popin a cuple ov pitas in the toaster lods
Wahey, what am I like
Any of this sluts work, eimi fukada.
in its current state i wouldnt think so but we dont know how bad its going to get
if the hardy, stalwart Bazzas are not safe from the virus, the humble neet is going to be struck low.
Wish tapestry lad would come back/start makig new tapestries again.
gonna get corona and infect normies so they can feel isolated like me
am a right fucking villan
Mixed race people are generally very attractive mate. Our babies will be beautiful
Pure miss this era of MDE. Sam's unwatchable now
>Hark! Mine GF has had but 3 pints!
Moni is having a full meltdown could you PLEASE STOP ordering PIZZA WIZZA to her HOUSEY WOUSEY
Not for the forseeable future as they are heading to EUROVISION! it gets cancelled
>I've got the book of you ever want to borrow it.
Thanks for offering. You recommended it a while back and it is on my "to read" list. When I was a teen I dreamed of climbing K2. Crazy teen I was.
Someone tell the conspiracy pages
going to start collecting these, lads
posted a new titok today lad
Ohh Dear
Ohh nooo
Tfw you have almost reached your bullking goal of 13 stone
I don't have tiktok mate I'm not a nonce or whatever but good for them
Oh the irony of a well known predator asking another predator to justify his predatory actions.
>having tiktok makes you a nonce
>good for them having tiktoks
pro nonces like you should get out
Nonces get off on it, they proudly tell each other what they did to get them nicked in paedo wings. People underestimate how vile these mongs are.
post physique big boi x