Idubbbz's girlfriend

Why are men accepting their women being literal prostitutes while still dating them?

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Do you really think that this is a new trend? A lot of guys realize they cannot do any better, so they stick with whores

because m*n are subhumans. They exist to be slaves.
white m*n are like worker ants, even more so than chinks

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This, whites are subhumans

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And you are a dumb beta fag virgin

She's not even hot or desirable. Why are stupid men paying her money? Porn is free. Bunch of dumbasses.

You are mad as fuck cumskin

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idubbbz is honestly fucking up by staying with her
that's what i think, of course i can't know that for sure. i think idubbbz is repressing the part of himself that doesn't like this. he has made far better content to be deserving to endure such an ignominious thing

this bitch is plane jane as fuck with an unimpressive tit job I dont even get why anyone would pay anything to see this. walk down the street and you'll see several girls just as attractive that you can fuck for free. Simps are pathetic, but also this is why prostitution needs to legal so these retards can see that these bitches arent worth shit.

Cause it's the current meta
You wanna get cancelled??

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Idubbbz has become a cuck


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She looks like an ogre and her stomach moles are gross.

At first I thought it was just a prank. Oh well

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i want to see mr metokur get on this
he'll fix er up good

god, fake tits look like shit
why are women even paying for this kinda shit


Why would he give a shit that his gf is siphoning free money from horny retards?

Hahaha holy shit. Those tits look horrible, and her body looks awkward.

Those implants are fucking nasty.

>people actually pay for this sorry sight

My belief that fake tits are bad has been further proven true, yikes

shes actually quite ugly and those are such low effort pics

As if no one here would smash that

Everyone here think blonde, blue eyed girls from Scandinavia only count

>people on r9k calling other people ugly
mega ayyy lmao

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believe what you want but I'm actually rather handsome.

Because of the degenerate normalization of deviant kinks and cuckoldry in the public eye. This came about through a mixture of online porn making even niche weird shit regularly avalible and degenerate liberal culture advocating for the general public to fall for the sex is everything meme under the guise of sexual acceptance

I'd definitely smash, but if you're a kinda famous person, people know who your gf is and she wants to sell nudes online, you either give her a serious talk or rather dump that shit.

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she's a "sex worker". being attractive is her livelihood. criticizing somebody for not being good at what they do is perfectly valid, it's not akin to criticizing random girls on the streets.

Dude nuggets share their women with the boys. Why do you think STDs rates are so high amongst them ?

That is not attractive.
Fucking fridge body.

Why would anyone pay to see this. This is nothing special, just a topless whore

I really want to see him address this in a video or break up with her or something. Im going to lose any interest I had in his videos if he just keeps pumping out reaction content and stays together with his ewhore titcow without really ever addressing anything

big time fridge body

even for ewhores, this girl is really unattractive. face nor body is anything special

Fridge bod with fake tits that haven't even fully healed yet. And ol' Idubbbz is scared to say no to his first gf.


Serious question I wanna know this isnt just me, are her eyes askew to anyone else that shit grosses me out so much.

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>she didnt even shave her ape arms for the photoshoot

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So how do you effectively argue against
>it's her body
>if he has a problem, then that's just HIS problem
>he's actually a chad because he has a faithful girlfriend that people pay to see
without resorting to buzzwords? I don't agree with these, but it's hard to articulate a reply.

>wacky laughing reaction image
struct a nerve, didn't he?

>it's her body
so? does that argument also apply to when somebody cheats on their partner? Just dump her dummy LMAO
>if he has a problem, then that's just HIS problem
he's a public figure, people talk about those all the time.
>he's actually a chad because he has a faithful girlfriend that people pay to see
sexual intimacy is intimate, obviously. if your partner goes around spreading their sexuality in exchange for money that is very degrading to you as their partner. obviously this is also a subjective issue, as some people don't mind things such as polyamory or cuckoldry, but most civilized people will agree.

>then that's just HIS problem
yes, she is his problem now
he needs to fix her or dump her
>he's actually a chad because he has a faithful girlfriend that people pay to see
can't turn a ho into a housewife

Wonder if she's ever been knotted by big boss in the background

He's trying to cope simping and him being a cuck with humor

Oh God she is so hot.

Yo, Ian, when's the next Content Cop?

>Paying thousands to let your girl get shit tier, bolt on fake tits
>Letting her sell nudes of her shitty bolt on tits to thirsty beta orbiters
>Being supportive of all of this

idubbuz should just an hero out of shear disgrace. All his content cop videos or any video where he called out or made fun of anyone just ring completely hollow now. He's now a bigger clown than most of the the clowns he has ever made fun of.

God I'd like to fuck her so bad.

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What's with the spots on her body? Is she like super Indian?

AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA Imagine simping after someone who looks like a fucking troon!

You're never gonna be black, little white bitch, worship this dick!

they're moles you dumbass. a lot of white people have them...

also lmao idubbz.

At least Ethan's (h3h3) wife doesn't whore her body out for $

>8/10 tits
>6/10 face
5/10 overall because those moles are fucking disgusting

It's weird to me. Not because of guys like this existing, but because of famous and wealthy guys doing this. That Destinyfag is also a massive cuck despite being a millionaire.
Is it maybe related to people being gamers? Do we get subconcious messages constantly when playing games that work on 10-20% of guys to turn into cucks?

Idk I think she is hot. At least 7/10. You guys are only giving her shit because of the idubbbz situation. If she was some random Yas Forums whore most of you would have already creamed their pants.

Meanwhile you faggots simp girls like this fat fridge body with 10 foot head. Literally posts porn style thigh slapping videos and cucks her boyfriend while bragging about lusting over multiple men. Why?

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Has there ever been a bigger fall from grace? icuckzz will never recover

Tonya Mongoose got the last laugh after all

>8/10 tits

>6/10 face
Double Yikes

I wouldn't. Much easier to fuck qt Latinas or Asians.

A worse example is Sam and Tolki from SGDQ 2014. She had sexual relations with like 20 guys at the event and he still took her back lmao

The seething ian fangirls have arrived.