Why do Non-Whites Love White Guys so Much

Why do Non-Whites Love White Guys so Much
and Why Does This Piss White Fembots Off

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White foids have been spoiled by there fathers and society so they expect to own white men. It's harder to own something that has better options.

this they even have that bullshit if hes not MAN enough to simp for us he must be pathetic mentality

?-? I exclusively date White and this has never been an issue

No idea really sorry.

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its true they like white men but white men prefer white women or asian women

What race are you i think they mostly just seethe when its wmaf since dating black girls is "woke"
Nice vid
so what got you into white cock

Nothing wrong with vanilla.

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ive been seeing a phenomenon of asian women dating more indian and middle eastern men recently

I'm Caribbean so maybe, but all my white friends don't mind. They even encourage it.

Lick em, serve em, tounge their ass
Make out

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LMAO nice try chang no ones that stupid

You a femanon or a mananon

White enough? Put me through a black and white and the only change is my pic nipples and flush dick

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chang you got that pic off of bdsmlr youre really just making asian guys look worse by pulling these kinds of stunts

Ah you know my from BDSMLR?! I do post a lot of sissy, faggy, bbc stuff.
Happy you recognised me
Strange your looking at that stuff, we can talk about sweetie

Fembot pls and ty.
Yikers this kinda stuff is always so sad to see. I don't even think he's Asian user it's usually black guys who are super insecure.

white women will be the wests downfall

Holy shit I just looked at the catalog this dude is spamming threads now. How insecure can you be user?

I'm not even white dude. It's not white guys who are your issue it's your insecurity.

I dont think ive posted in any threads with a pic in ages tho?

source plz asap!!.

Oh I see it, not me though, some other guy who probably isnt actually white unlike me

wtf are you talking about? whites are losing their countries

It's not insecurity, it's border security.

user go outside and quit being so insecure about white guys. If you where more confident and nice to be around you could easily get a gf.
Guys like you are why I just stick to white boys now. I don't need your baggage.

I am white. White people made great countries, because they're great, then they let in not-great people, who made not-great countries, because they're not-great, and what are those great countries becoming? Not great.

This has nothing to do with sex.

Stop posting about being a fucking woman tits or gtfo, and they better be black ebony udders or you are a liar.
This board is so shit now they go along with your delusion.
If you are a woman follow the rules and we'll believe it

I am white you tranny fag. I would vote for David Duke if I could

All this Yas Forums shit is so I N S E C U R E

White guys and reasons why
>Good Career
check (dont @ me you fucking weirdos)
>Interesting hobbies
>Interesting life
check check check

And they wonder why
t. chink princess

Tits or gtfo.
You'll never be a pretty white woman, you belong with chang.
Scratch that you'll never be a woman full stop

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Wanting to protect your country from being destroyed by invaders is not insecurity.

Yah no go jack your little rice dick to this

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good stuff femanon

Time stamp
And you hating your "own" race is ugly, theres more to life than race

I'm not taking any new pics for a virgin loser post an Amazon gift card and if I can redeem it in time I might

Cause white girls are addicted to black cock and saturate the BBC market

I like how big their dicks can be

chang seething so hard today
how do you feel about asian dudes obsessing over BBC

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>online dating stats
Oh sweet summer child

My dick is apparently the ideal size for Asian girls. Maybe I should racemix after all.

How bigu are you?

how sad does it feel to go into public spaces and see how accurate it is

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>white guys
>outside of moms basement

oh dude really you that dumb im just gonna go ahead and put you on mute now
tfw 9inch BWC but this is the internet so it really doesnt matter

That's huge and scary desu. Most Asian girls can't take in a dick that big.

This had 400 reblogs mostly from white sissied and betas, why do you all claim chang makes these threads or posts?

Also saying you like white guys then talk about bwc as if most white guys are smaller than 6

>@s me
>its more fag virgin shit

that surprisingly happens a lot in asia and gaijin hunters are essentially like black spades in america who hunt for black men but for white men and way more numerous

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plenty have and plenty will although there was one japanese girl who couldn't but she could barely take a finger

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Shove that down my throat.


Actually I just measured it and it's closer to white women ideals. My dick just looks really small flaccid so I always underplay it.

I wish I had a huge dick. It's not ideal for women and I actually think it looks gross when a girl is being destroyed by this monster cock, but you probably have a lot of confidence because of it. No one's ever even going to see my dick even though it's close to ideal according to Prause 2015.

This is why I like white guys...
White girls can go fuck themselfs

Whys does this look so natural? Like it just looks like how things are supposed to be.

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Any asian fembots like the idea of having a large family with a white guy?

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wmaf is the porn to watch if you want to see love making desu

Asian girls deserve white boyfriend's

Can you guys fucking stop just because girls prefer skinny white boys doesnt mean you have to be posting these threads

I don't know. Every time I look on /gif/ it's Southeast Asians, not Northeast Asians. There's a big difference between them. They're more genetically distant than whites are from Arabs. You can reason a Northeast Asian is dating to the side, or even up, but a Southeast Asian is dating down. Might as well fuck a Latina at that point. The only good Northeast Asian webm I can think of is that "it tasted too good" girl.

But then I see AMWF webms and the girls are gorgeous.