I'm still looking for you my V, I won't give up. I hope you're ok.

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It's me Victoria, i just want to say that black people don't exist.

Sorry I accidentally logged out and forgot my info so was locked out. After seeing how obsessive you have become of me I think it is better we don't talk anymore. Sorry

I haven't become obsessive. I was worried and wanted to know if you were ok.

If you ever want to talk again.

Can you stop being weird user it's irritating.

You have become obsessive. The fact that you made even one thread about me is sad. I knew that trying to date a robot was bad but I was lonely and you made me feel good about myself. Now I know better. Thank you for opening up my eyes. Goodbye

Imagine being this naive. Do you even have proof that this is your person?

I'm obsessive? You're the one who spent hours reading our conversations.
How else was I supposed to know that you're still alive without making a thread?

suspicious, very suspicious

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>orbiting a girl other than kasper or audrey
cant be me

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Discord drama is gayer than gay sex.

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>orbiting any girl at all
the absolute state of you fags

>he doesnt jerk off to audrey every day and every night

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ladies and gentlemen, the hypocrisy of women.

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This has gotten out of hand. You're so quick to believe some impersonation of me and this is how you react? Now that I see what you're capable of I've truly realized my mistakes. Especially in regards to my information. Go ahead and ask these other posters something only we'd know. They couldn't tell you.

You know there's an IP counter below right? You're the same person that made those posts.

ladies and gentleman
retard 1 and retard 2

we are all the same poster user

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These are the only two posts I've made.

Chad checking in. All yall needa go outside.

Your information is safe with me. Only your name has been disclosed.
How many times have I told you how naive I am? Yes, I believe everything I read.
I cared, and you wanted me to care, so I did. And what do I get in return?

This makes my day Im not even her but even she thinks youre obsessive. Its beautiful.

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I'm not Sleepy, she is.

Reciprocity and a misunderstanding that I would've cleared up if this hadn't gone down the way it did. But what do I get in return? I get someone off their hinges as demonstrated here. Foolish on my part to get into this anyways I admit. Also that post that's been deleted, I seen that, I wonder what else you would've posted about me had I not shown up right now.

If you are this sleepy girl you should probably stay away from discord relationships. Unless you want orbiters like this then do your thing, If not this is all youre gonna find.

also my discord is egirlorbiter#1234

Why would I intentionally try to hurt you or doxx you? You helped me get over my ex and I'm thankful for that. I uploaded a picture that only you'd recognize and I had no bad intentions. I really wish things hadn't gone down this way. I'm still willing to talk and clear things up before we say goodbye, but I won't make another post here or come back to this place. You know where to find me.

At this point I can't be sure of your intentions. It's best to put things to rest right here as I've already deleted the account. Bye F.

I deleted that thread right after posting it because I regret it. And I regret every single thing that I did to hurt you. This year has been the worst year of my life and you were the only one who could make me happy. I'm truly sorry V.
I'm sorry for being your first one, and I really wish you had been my last one.

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I still love you, ok? Give me another chance.

The most pathetic thread I've ever seen in the history of r9k. Even the faggot e-girl orbiters have more dignity than you.

this thread is so fucking originally cringe holy shit lmfao

>all of these pathetic faggots who worship a discord tag

Attached: Devin2.gif (245x135, 292.74K)

She's not just a discord tag.

god please be quiet, or at least make your incessant threads filterable
no one wants to see this

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Whites sure are pathetic. Can't wait for them to be genocided

This thread was fucking based, get cucked beta OP

I know this chick, I fucked her brains out last week

its a guy so i suppose you're gay now

I'm deleting my account later.

should probably kys too while youre at it you waste of flesh and resources

I'm not any of these things, I just got attached to a girl. That's it. It was inevitable since she made me feel complete again.

Yea alright buddy, good luck with your e whores.

Attached: Devin.gif (245x170, 1.94M)


Yes, that's why I suggested moving this conversation to discord.
Why do you bump the thread if it makes you so angry?

Somebody kill me before I die of chest pain.

>Why do you bump the thread if it makes you so angry?
guys should i tell him?

you should cuz i originally wont

Get out of my thread. Let it die already.

user you deserve a better ending. here. take this star with you.

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One? he's been doing those threads its been a week

Well, that's what you do when you care about someone and don't care what other people might think.

>be user
>met a whore from /r9k
>we chat and trade discord (yuk)
>we somewhat constructs a bond
>decide to go on date
>whore has second thoughts
>ghosts user
>user gets desperate
>it's the first time a girl gave him such attention he lack so much
>user makes several threads
>more than 6
>whore finally shows up
>ghosts user for the final time
user i..

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yea but she doesn't cared about you at all, she was probably trying to get something from you like all woman wake up faggot, for all i know "she" could be a man with mental illness

She's not a whore. I'm still thankful because she helped me. I really wish I could talk to her again. I'd trade anything for that, even my blankets.

I know friend, but I thought she was different.

Oh my god, you are so fucking pathetic. This is why I don't talk to men from this board.

right woman are only for opening their holes to man, if you want to have sex and move along drop you contact,i can fly to your location, i have money, if you are not interested then fuck off whore

You wouldn't originaly understand.

you are nothing but a simple life support to your vagina

nice greentextt m8te