How do you feel about men who are willing to date non-virgins?
How do you feel about men who are willing to date non-virgins?
Unless you're planning to fuck a nun or a child, you're an idiot for expecting to find a virgin.
Dunno, but a more important question - is a hydroponic garden worth the investment? I like the indoor appeal of it.
I feel that a """"man"""" who is a virgin past the age of 16 is really not a man at all, but a boy.
why does it matter?
(orig or not here i come)
good incel bait
Acceptable as long as they aren't willing to marry them.
date, eh maybe
marry, absolutely not and that's the big distinguishing factor.
I don't care. At this poing I only care about getting a girl.
My gf has a body count over 50
>inb4 cuck, idiot, etc
She has a fetish for short guys and huge milkers, those two things are so rare I don't even care she was a slut.
It's kinda hot, in fact.
This is such a coomer thing to say.
This most girl who reach age 16 are probably into two digit numbers unless they are children of psychopaths religious people and go to church on Sundays
There's no such thing as a fetish for tits, dumbass.
She *HAS* huge tits but her fetish is short guys.
As long as I get to coom inside of her, who cares?
How does she looks like?
Hmm I wonder why people want a virgin gf hmmm
>As long as I get to coom inside of her, who cares?
I hope you don't plan on marrying her.
are you a virgin is not something people ask outside of high school
Basically like this but she's 5"10 and has black hair.
>we like the same things
>she's fun to be around
>sex is great
>Idc about her past since we openly talk about it and roleplay
I won't marry because the laws are garbage where I live but I want to keep this relationship moving, yes.
It requires a lot of maintaince
I wonder why it dips down at 4-5?
Their relationship is doomed from the start and they only have themself to blame. Once a whore always a whore. People don't change.
Given the rarity of it and the general brainwashing most men undergo by society, I can understand how some men would do so. However, I have no respect for them unless they know what kind of sacrifice they're making and expect some HUGE concessions on her part to make up for her being a whore in the past, and he's justified in leaving her ass behind if she fails to meet his specific demands.
Who said I expect to find one? I simply demand it, I would rather die alone than ever date a whore, there is nothing she can do for me that would ever make up for that fundamental fact.
hey,as long as she has no diseases go for it my man
Kill yourself dumb fucking autistic social retard
I feel like they are lucky to be able to be happy without caring about that sort of thing, the same way I think dumb people are lucky for having so little to care about.
It's your choice, just don't feed yourself too many expectations and don't go crying when it's so hard to find a virgin woman past a certain age because you know what you're getting yourself into imposing such limitations to your dating pool.
It's an objective illusion that virgin girls are better relationship material than non-virgins because the quality of a person in a relationship depends on the actual person and her whole life experience of which sex is only, generally, a small part of.
It's also foolish to think there is only one person meant for you for your entire life and you should strike the iron while its hot, you will feed yourself tons of needless regrets in the long run.
Other than that, it's not my business and I'm not here to tell you what to do.
The problem isnt that shes a roastie. The problem is that roasties can only ever love and stay loyal to Chad. I wouldnt care about how much shes slutted it up if it weren't for the fact that the more partners a woman has the higher likelihood of infidelity. You gotta be Chad and have a big fat 10+ dick to keep them loyal. And that's another thing. Once a girl has had a huge dick theyll never be able to get off with anything else. Theyll always unfavorably compare you to all the monster cocks they've had and try to manipulate you into being a cuck
I'm 32 and I know it's already too late. I'm turning my life around, but by the time I'm done I know the oldest fuckable virgin will be 20 years younger than me. I just want to prove I can better myself and it won't matter.
But you're wrong about there being no difference. The happiest, most successful, most sexually satisfied marriages are between people who've only known each other.
>The happiest, most successful, most sexually satisfied marriages are between people who've only known each other.
Do you need a link to the wiki? How have you not read this?
Maybe that's the magic number where they realize they need to find a beta to provide for them and don't want to kill the cash cow. Lower than that and they're too cocky and want better, higher and they're just insane and mentally broken.
Not saying it's a good number by any means, just that being a self aware parasite is the midground between overconfidence and the deep end.
And that is why we need religion.
Damn, I forgot what board I was on and typed out the ackronym for 'first post best post', and then I got muted for 2 seconds because my comment wasn't original. Still, in this case the first post actually is the best post.
>I would rather die alone than ever date a whore
>not virgin = whore
Ha ha, nice cope incel. As if there was any chance you weren't going to die alone.
My father married a virgin
Both my grandpas married virgins
Pretty much all of my male ancestors did,as far as i know
Is it not logical and reasonable to desire the same thing?
I do not care whether i deserve one or not,all i know is that my pride wont let me settle for anything less
Id sooner die alone and without ever having fucked a female and still not marry a roast
It's not about expecting anything. I'm 32 and I realize there are no virgins within appropriate dating age range of me, but I can't help that's how I feel. I don't want someone's washed jockstrap. If I have to settle for used goods and being not THE best man, but ONE OF the best men according to a woman, then I'd rather be alone. Just kill me, lest I reproduce and make more boys who'll grow up to suffer like I am, and contribute to the further degradation of our society.
Honestly, this is what I fully agree with
Lmao, you ain't some novelty bitch, you're the town bicycle
Congrats on removing all value from your post
I won't marry a non-virgin. If this means I die without kids or a wife, I'm okay with that.
Don't know when to stop me. I've had numerous addictions, I take the piss out of people til they cry, beat people senselessly.
How do I learn boundries? I just want to be a normie tbqh, do normie things, speak to normans like a fellow norman.
But anything I do leads to trouble.
Even if its been one partner?
As a female khv, I feel that being a khv is actually more of a disadvantage at this point. Men generally don't seem like they want to teach a virgin.
Girls without virginities will never be able to have a soul to share btw, in case anyone in here still thinks they can settle and have love.
Look up the adoption curve charts, most NPCs will pretend but they will never experience love.
True love is 2,5% of all
It's like saying, "I've only molested one kid," or, "I only murdered one chick." Is it better than 2? Oh, yeah, for sure, that's a difference. But the biggest difference is between 0 and 1. If I met a girl and fell in love, would I stop liking her if I found out she was a slut? I can't tell you until it happens.
You mean non-virgin men don't want to.
>You mean non-virgin men don't want to.
Even virgin men don't want us because we're inexperienced. We went through this yesterday. It's not cute anymore for me to be a virgin, it's autistic.
That's retarded. Can't you see the thread you're posting in? It's men saying they only want a virgin woman.
Difference is they werent living in our shit society
>adoption curve chart
care to explain how this has anything to do with love?
>virgin men don't want us
if you're a virgin man and reject a virgin woman but are willing to fuck roasties there is no hope left. what is wrong with this faggot?
You're talking about normies, NPCs, people that don't matter that don't even know what love is and that like the idea.
I would never be with a non virgin girl.
Look up the adoption curve charts, it applies to everything.
Technology, how music gets picked up, but also how society is mapped.
The bigger percentage of people are NPCs, not conscious, beings that copy/paste, ''old ways are better'' because they're stagnant, etc.
Those are the majority of people also in relationship, that then break up, divorce, etc.
While in the doomed to fail and based on nothing relationships, they also pretend it's real and there were no issues, until after the fact.
It's the same with most celebrity relationships, especially ones based on superficial things, not famous because of skills through their own awareness and merit.
Now that to the side, the same percentage that creates, produces things, and is early to adopting technology, knows value, self growth, awareness, in other words, the smallest percentage of society, has a chance at love.
In other words, everyone wants love, but true love is obviously rare and the rest is based on narcissism, delusion, etc.
The smallest percentage of people will have true love within one life.
Now stop wasting your time in these threads and see if your chance rises.
These threads are the closest I come to interacting with women anything like me. Guys like me are supposed to go to college and get a pure, nerdy girlfriend there. I didn't go. Now I'm old and work with 90 IQ people in a dump. I can't meet melancholic people anywhere because melancholic people don't go anywhere.
I strictly fuck virgins. its become a game to me to sniff out virgins and fuck them and then return to my gamer dungeon where my dxracer awaits and i can place silver 5 in rainbow six
would be more convincing if u said past softmore year of college and not by choice
DESU i don't really care
People put too much weight on virginity.
I don't really care about sex in a relationship, it shouldn't be the main thing to focus on. Same with how attractive your partner is, as long as she arouses me in a way I don't care. If I love her then I love her.
Yeah why the fuck not.
I've fucked just-legal girls who barely had sex before with echoing pussies, and I've fucked "roasties" with thoroughly rammed yet tight as vice pussies. I am also a degenerate manwhore with little regard as to who was there before me.
>i want a virgin
>looks like pic related
i wouldnt mind if my gf is a non-virgin or even a slut as long as they have no STDs
but if i asked a girl if they were a virgin and dating was in the question and they responded like that, i would be instantly disinterested. there is nothing wrong with being a whore and if you arent confident in yourself i do not want to date u
Generally the large majority of men aren't virgins either, so I don't expect most women to be virgins either. I wouldn't sweat it as long as it was part of a relationship, rather then just fucking random people on Tinder or in parties (ie, actual whores). I'm not religious in any context, so finding a virgin for me is gonna be very tough unless I started going back to that bullshit again.