Canadian man spergs out on subway at young brown girl

So this is the power of Yas Forumstards...

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dude looks pretty autistic but hes right lol

Dumb peon, as if he would be allowed to decide what kind of society he lives in. Work, slave!

>what does it mean to be canadian?
>it means to speak english!
lol what a retard

>conveniently doesn't show what she did to agitate him

maybe read the tweet

He doesn't seem like a Yas Forumstard. He seems autistic, he probably browses this board desu.

Holy shit, he made some good points and was surprisingly articulate. She had nothing to say when he made the rape comment. Scoring this one for whitey.

she was wearing a niqab/burka or some other shit to cover her face by the convo and guy snapped, rightfully so for perpetuating and bringing backwards ideologies to western countries

He was getting mad at 2 kids speaking spanish to each other.

>Yas Forumstard
are they not one of the same

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Lol the guy isn't even super based he is just a center-right 'um, brownies please speak English and don't kill women' type.

Rightfully so. They are neo-colonizers.

>rightfully so
Is this the new reddit meme?

he literall says that shes covering her face by "wearing that thing" 1.40 in the clip you cuck you didnt even watch the clip or read the tweet correctly

no idea dont browse that place

I did though. You're the one who didn't read it properly. He was staring at her because of her niqab but she didn't really care. She only started to intervene when he got mad at two random kids speaking in Spanish.

He seems pretty reasonable to me

If speaking English means to be Canadian does that make me one too even though I was born and live in Australia? Also if what he says is to be true then what makes of Quebec?

fair enough. more based to harass a niqab/burka lady than to harass people for speaking different languages tho
dont have problems with people speaking differenent languages but full blown trashbag disguises dont belong in the west

>conveniently doesn't show what she did to agitate him

So? You're just excusing shitty behavior.

It means to be white but he didn't want to say that because it's distasteful.

>more based to harass a niqab/burka lady
Ah yes, harassing random people is so based. This is why nobody takes you or your fringe politics seriously you moron.

t. nonwhite

i wouldnt condone it but out of the two options presented in the vid it would be the more based choice as it has some validity after all and i could see his frustrations more

>This is why nobody takes you or your fringe politics
implying i would condone harassing people like this other than online memeing if i were involved in right wing politics

>you moron.

I am white and I'm willing to bet I'm whiter than your entire genetic lineage has ever been. But you're retarded if you actually condone what happened in this video.

>I am white and I'm willing to bet I'm whiter than your entire genetic lineage has ever been
too bad you are a lefitst though which negates that

>But you're retarded if you actually condone what happened in this video.
i dont condone spazzing out like an autist on public transports no but he has more balls than 99% of pol though

>She wants people to doxx him for wrongthink

>She'll get away with it scottfree

like it or not, Yas Forums is the most sexually successful board

reminds me of this dude


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that kid was unironically based

The problem is that demographic replacement is happening not only in canda but in every single white country on earth to the point where in 50 years time, whites wont even have a single country on the entire planet where they are the majority

we're going to end up like the native americans in every country
united kingdom
United states
and the list just goes on
every single white country is targeted for demographic replacement through mass immigration every year until we lose our countries

if it was just happening in canada, the us, australia countries that are not homelands then there would be much less of a backlash, the reason people are angry is because its happening literally fucking everywhere
its genocide simple as

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fuck off civnat
demographics are destiny
look up how your based spanish speakers vote

they are not you and will replace you in your own land

He's 100% right.
>Arab calling anyone else a colonizer
Literally most some of the vile "people" in the history of the planet, raped and enslaved and terrorized more than any other race.

>bomb the shit out of middle eastern countries
>destabilize goverment and install extremist pro west despots

you made your bed

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None of the things he said are his own opinion. A product of the machine, just like everyone else.

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does anyone really defend this fag? whether hes right or wrong doesn't matter. he tries to argue with children who probably never spend more than 2 braincells on this subject.

>america does something bad
>every single white country on earth must have their demographics irreversably changed until the natives are a minority

you're a phsycopath
go attack america if you must but leave europe alone

ww3 on america when?


Kys. Dude is fucking gr8

literally the entire problem is that brown people fucking hate white people and will be rude as fuck to you

i grew up in a 99% white community, interacting with brown people they are always pissy cultural marxists literally buying into the concept that they are a cancer here to replace people

fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

No one just acts like that. No doubt this stupid hoodrat mudslime did something to aggitate him and then after she started to record. What a fake ass bitch. She should have her throar stomped in to be honest.

Its literally an invasion into every white country
any other generation would have fought to defend their homes, but we do nothing, infact our governments and media want it to happen

oh no no no why would he do that?

because every white country on earth is being invaded and soon whites will be a minority in every single country on earth

how do you reach that conclusion? he brought up trust based societies and commons. that's a pretty far right talking point. further right than pol even as you never hear that there.

fuck off norman

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hes basically on the tommy robbinson teir counter jihad movement
which is controlled opposition because they dont actually care about race, only about culture

>its fine if we get replaced by foreigners in our own land and become a minority as long as islam isnt the dominant culture

Youre not white, you dont type like a white person

yeah i agree but these Canadians are still cucks who vote for trudeau

Yeah this.
Putin should stop being a bitch. He wants USSR back. Then at least complete one of main goals of USSR. NUKE THE YANKS! !! NOW! REE! !!

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true but its not like any of the chocies of candidates would have stopped the invasion

almost every political party in the west is compromised
here in the uk we have the choices of
labour: more mass immigration
conservatives: more mass immigration
lib dems: more mass immigration
greens : more mass immigration
snp: more mass immigration
ukip: less eastern european immigration but more indian and pakistani immigration to make up for it

you cant vote your way out of genocide

I love how another muslim girl encountered him and said don't worry, he's just some crazy fuck and this twitter warrior manages to get into an argument with her too.

You're right user the West is better.

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atleast thats attractive
ninja women arent

Now remember, america is the puppets of the puppeter. Americans are are slaves to their master, to do their bidding. You must save ISRAEL at all costs

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Lay down your lives, pump billions of dollars into them
Middle eastern wars was ((((only)))) for oil, remember

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He's 100% right, unironically.

White people go to every damn country injecting their language, religions, politics and way of life. Then brainwash people to think all of that is better than their native land's and now are upset they're following you back to your countries.

It's super ironic whites are pissy about this and the language thing considering some places don't even have their native tongue anymore due to whites forcing English to be the standard.

But I guess that's "good" they're speaking the "superior" language. It's just super bad for you that people also want to hold on to their cultures as much as possible instead of erasing it and fully pretending to be your own...while whites still treat them like second class citizens anyway for not being 100% European.

But yeah think of all the poor white descendants who have to hear another language on their poor white ears. aww

does that fucking whore have to make noises every 2 seconds? cant she let him fucking speak?

>has an annoying high pitched nasal voice
Why do Yas Forumsyps always sound like this?

>Quebec isn't Canadian

>America does something "bad"
>every single nonwhite country on earth must have their history, demographics, language, religion, culture and government changed so the natives can be an "acceptable" type of minority who can't amass more power than whites, have less regard for their own culture in favor of whites and have their people watered down with whiteness

But when whites did it, it was colonialism, conquering, superiority, civilizing people...