Why do women hate virgin guys so much...

Why do women hate virgin guys so much? Is the thought of having sex with a guy who hasn't gotten laid really that disgusting?

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Women don't inherently hate virgins user. If your 30 plus and haven't had sex then there's a quality about you that women don't like. It's not THAT you haven't had sex, it's WHY.

When I had my first relationship I admitted to being a virgin but she said im hot and apparantly good in bed? Idk if that part was bs but if ur a virgin admitting it isnt a huge prob. Now I was 19 so this advice varies also broke up and sheet. Depression is a hell of a drug.

>Is the thought of having sex with a guy who hasn't gotten laid really that disgusting?
It seems like it is.
They find it kinda cute up to when you're 20-21.
From then on they see you as garbage and a complete failure as a man.

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Yeah idk but they hate it. First time I had sex the chick stopped before hand and was like "you know what to do right? You can handle a woman right user?"

Tf kina guilt trip these roasties running. It ain't rocket science lemme get a couple practice nuts bitch

And that WHY is because they're ugly and that's literally it. It's impossible for Chad to not get laid, no matter how many other undesirable traits he has. Women like having sex with attractive men, and they hate ugly guys. That's why ugly guys are virgins. That's it.

As a virgin, I think it would be ideal to lose my virginity to another virgin. It would be sweet to learn about sex together.

as someone who's not a virgin, I hope you lose your virginity to a girl who isn't. it's better to be with someone with experience who will actually teach you.

That still means they inherently hate virgins, idiot.

that only works one way

experienced girls don't teach

>experienced girls don't teach
do YOU have experience about this?

I got lucky and ran into a chick some 11 years older than me (am 22) that had a fetish for younger guys. Hell, she got more excited for taking my virginity than I did. Plus, being so nervous the first time that I literally couldn't cum for three hours seemed to have caused her some joy (and amusement, tbqh)
From what I understand, it's the basic circuits of the female brain (everyone's actually, though not always in the same context, but females' in particular in this context). Notice how women seem more drawn to taken men? They see something another women has expressed interest in, something another woman has, and immediately feels the need to have it for herself. Of course, not all of them at all times, but the ones looking are more likely to be drawn towards a man that they see other women expressing interest in. And on top of that, getting to have him in the end, in their eyes (though subconsciously) raises their own status.
The reverse is true for the virgins. Women see a man with no experience with women, and they see a man that no woman has ever shown interest in. Accordingly, they themselves tend to at that point become less interested, or lose interest altogether.
Does that make sense to you, user?

>be me, 23
>on first date with first/only gf who is 18
>gf asks if I'm a virgin
>be honest and say yes
>her eyes go wide and she looks confused/concerned
>ask her what's wrong
>she asks me why
>tell her I just havent met the right girl
>awkward silence while shes trying to process
>ask her if she is, to break silence
>she looks offended and defensively says "No!"

It was awkward as fuck. I'm still a virgin, the relationship didnt last long and wasn't worth the time and money

I don't want experience. I want exclusivity. Why is it so hard for this coomer culture to understand that esexual experience is not the top priority for everyone?


take it from me don't believe the faggots who tell you it's okay to admit it. girls had more pity on me thinking i was just a bad lay than a no-lay.

Can confirm, this chick taught me months worth of fuckin' in about three weeks it lasted. I got (normal) friends (well, a friend) that's been fuckin' since 14, and I ended up trying a lot more things he never got to, all of those initiated by her.


user, I am a girl. Like said, experience isn't a top priority. We can learn from each other without being self-conscious about inexperience, since we both are.

well I'm sorry for you, I had an experienced girl teach me
>I want sex but I don't want good sex
ok buddy

in my experience, doing it with someone with experience is way better than with a virgin

>Why do women hate virgin guys so much?
Wat? Really!? Oh welp, there goes my chances to get laid one day :/

>>I want sex but I don't want good sex
Yeah, I pretty much don't care. I have no interest in pornstar tier sexcapades, I just want to sleep with someone I love. Sorry your sex-obsessed mind can't fathom that.

What's it like being a low testosterone, high estrogen faggot?

I dunno, you teII me

>it's better to be with someone with experience who will actually teach you
No one wants to teach someone how to have sex.

>I know you are but what am I
Grow up you fucking fairy

Great. I'm not interesting in fucking a sleazy himbo.

You don't know that. You're not omnipotent and omniscient. There are over 3.5 billion females on this planet. Don't make retarded baseless claims like that.

I don't have any intention of responding seriously to someone who says "HURR YOU NOT A REAL MAN" when I express my desire for love over pleasure. Yes, I'm very much aware that I'm not normal by now. I really don't see why that should bother you.

lol, what could she have probally taught you that you couldn't figure out with a virgin in a month?

This isn't a fucking RPG game where you have level caps.

>I want sex but I don't want good sex
>Implying I can't have good sex with a virgin after a few sessions.

It's just manwhore cope, no big surprise there.

I meant it for both genders. Congrats on finding your unicorn, but most normal people just want to fuck, not be a teacher.

What bothers me is your feminine nature and faggotry. It's weakness and needs to be cleansed from the gene pool. Life's ultimate goal and purpose is reaching biological perfection, and your candy ass is hindering the progress.

>it's better to be with someone with experience who will actually teach you.

who the fuck wants to teach a nearly 30 year old guy sex? maybe it's novel if you're still 18 or even early twenties but once you're as old as a lot of robots i dont think there are any girls who want to deal with it.

Thanks for telling us about your fantasies of killing people you deem lesser, but who the fuck asked?

lost V with a girl who had one partner before
didnt teach me shit
one time she got pissed at me when i literally couldnt make her orgasm even after she made me lick her nips and started masturbating, she enjoyed it in the past. im not even fast coomer and not terribly short either, i lasted 20 minutes and even tried cuni which she wouldnt let me for some fucking reason. it felt really pathetic when she got angry because i was willing to do anything and kinda loved her. probably the lowest point with a female i've ever had.

>I really don't see why that should bother you.
You did, inadvertently.

Oh, good point. But still, I hate the stupid macho male culture just like I hate the slutty modern female culture. I don't want to be chad, I don't want to be a sex god. I want to be myself.

Okay, then be yourself. Just know that you're a biological failure and I would cull you the second I had the chance

>that only works one way
>experienced girls don't teach
t. fuckin virgin lmao

you must understand the psych of women to answer your question. women like images, and the image of dating a grown up virgin (which implies that the guy has some issues with socialization) instead of a better male is repugnant to them.

I cant really blame them, would you settle for an inferior option?

how am i wrong?vf

Other virgin women don't mind though, in fact they want a virgin guy cause they don't want to be jealous of the other girls and want to be their first

You would never have the power.

>Other virgin women don't mind though
Virgin girls care almost the same if not more. You're delusional if you think """"fembots""""" represent even the slightest mentality of normal girls.

Wanna bet? I could kill you with my bare hands and the only thing preventing that are the repercussions. It would be easy killing you. Especially with a weapon.

>I could kill you with my bare hands
And I could kill you with a gun. Remember, I don't give a shit if it isn't fair, because I don't care about showing off and being macho in a fight. You do, which is why you'd die for it. The game has changed, neanderthal.

Its not about 'weakness' but survival. Being a cockroach, fly, mosquito or maggot is better than being an 'alpha lion'.

Its only 'human selection' which has nothing to do with nature that goes for what you mention.

Nature favors non-macho insectoid people who are able to use biological, nuclear or chemical warfare.

Your bare hands would be of no use if mustard gas or a virus that takes weeks to show and relies on 'being a pussy' to avoid was used.

In some wars 'feminine men' used biological warfare to hit then run as the society of macho men were killed off by a plague.

Faggot like you disgust me. There is nothing more repulsive than the thought of entering a woman that has already been used. To actually promote that degeneracy over the sweet bliss of exploring each other for the first time, is supreme cuckoldry. Die in a fire.

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I unironically believe that it has to be some kind of crabs in a bucket mentality, why else would you advise AGAINST having your first time with another virgin? Unless you're a massive coomer beyond repair.

I'm not sure why it matters so much to you. It's the same either way. Sex doesn't make love better, love makes sex better.

No it isn't, that's fucking retarded. Weakness doesn't lead to survival, strength does. It's a cruel world. Think about what you're saying before you post it, retard.
You're completely changing the goal posts. You're disconnected from reality, you got comfortable within these confines of ease and forgot that nature is just outside your city limits. It' a cruel, dog eat dog world. You're a feminine man and therefore you have an inclination to defend, as you feel you are defending yourself. You are weak. You would also be culled, Brando.

Howcome cockroaches are 'weak' and survive so well then?

The fact still stands that bug people or if humans become like that will survive the best.

No matter how many you cull they will keep reproducing hundreds or thousands and are very hard to kill.

kk see how well your 'strength' does against ebola virus or the plague if somebody uses it against you. Or if you just get nuked, shot and mustard gas thrown at you.

We have technology, guns and those things. They're not going away anytime soon and it will lead to 'bug people'.

Let's see how you deal with 'bug people' then.

Cockroaches are weak on the macro scale because we can only observe them through our eyes as they are. On their macro scale they are strong, they live in an unforgiving world. They are the epitome of strength. In the real world, there is not a single weak creature thriving. They die out and the strong inherent life.

We can get genetically modified to become closer to 'bugs' and survive in ways you cannot do like cockroaches.

If that wasn't the case then 'feminine men' wouldn't have ruled Ancient Egypt. Their entire society championed feminine qualities in males and men being the givers of life rather than women.

Ancient Egyptian men even had feminine hips and faces, invented makeup.

Cockroaches are not muscular and large like lions. Neither are they 'dog eat dog'. Same for mosquitoes or flies and maggots. They don't have testosterone.

But humans aren't bugs and never will be, we have a 9 month incubation period and 60 year life span. Your entire logic lies in a world of falsehood. In reality, true, cold reality, I would deal with those bug people the same way I deal bugs. I would squash them.

It takes away the magic of the first time. And that choice is permanent: there will *always* be that other man who deflowered her before you, and you will *never* lose your virginity to another virgin. And that's just the first time: You'll have to cope with the idea of another man having seen her naked; of another man having felt her clamp around his body, sweating, breathing heavily, shaking, of sheer pleasure; of another men who entered her moist, longing, virginal hole; and you'll have to cope with it until you either die or break up.

The world is different now. We've created a new reality and your anachronistic instincts will only serve to kill you quickly. It is the planning, plotting mind which has power, else man would have lost to the bears and lions back in the jungle. The gun defines a truly human man, not the fist.

We can change that with technology and genetically modifying humans which is already on the 'agenda'. We can make humans lay eggs or incubate in less than 9 months.

You will squash some but there will be hundreds more in a short amount of time that would overwhelm you.

Those dynasties didn't last. It's like when they were subjugated by Nubians. Like the cockroach, they scurry and hide in darkness when the light turns on, but in the darkness they return and thrive. It is not always dark, you cannot rely on constant darkness. Lions have testosterone.

And Ancient Egyptian men survived well in a low technology world. They essentially had minds almost identical to today's females. Hence men being the giver of life and not women.

They were not very straightforward at all just like 'women' and difficult to figure out.

>In reality, true, cold reality, I would deal with those bug people the same way I deal bugs. I would squash them.
In reality, they would kill you with ease because you refuse to accept that man fights in a different way. Yes, even in the jungle they would beat you, because you would exert all your energy trying to brawl when all they have to do is keep running around until you tire out, then smash your head with a rock when you pass out.

Neither do most masculine dynasties. They still lasted awhile, expanded alot and did alot of things before that.

The planning, plotting man will always be defeated by the planning, plotting man with strength. I meet your gun with a bigger gun and I force you to meet me in fisticuffs. The reason we defeated the bears and lions is because men were strong AND smart. These are the true men, perfection, not the bugs

>I force you to meet me in fisticuffs
I would never let that happen. I would just shoot you the moment I detected life threatening danger.