What are your thoughts on panicbuying?

What are your thoughts on panicbuying?

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>buying shrimp flavor
Desperate times....

The gayest retarded shit this side of retarded faggotville

The supply lines are fine.

Fucking stupid shit for the fat, stupid, boomers, and mexicans. My dad was going to grill some delicious tilapia but nooooo, all these assholes even bought all the fish. As if their unhealthy asses will even eat it.

Damn that hurts, shrimp is the only flavor I eat.

Desperate times call for desperate measures oreganos

Literally don't give a single fuck. I don't care or ponder on anything happening in society and politics unless it effects me directly.

It is idiocy. Buying lots of shit wont last you very long. Most people dont have what it takes to survive.

If they bought just a little extra at a time, there would be no shortage and they could still stock up before quarantines start(at least in the US). This scenario could have been avoided if the media didnt incite panic and instructed people to stock up in this specific way.

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t. Hikki NEET who hasn't left his house to buy fucking anything within the past 5 days.

just shows how easily the common man is controlled

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I can survive. I can also rape your succulent asshole. When the times comes, how are you going to stop me?

True. But what else are you going to do during this?

It's been longer than 5 days user

I couldn't get spaghetti noodles today because of these retards. Odds are you already have a month of food in your pantry.

It's stupid. People do it because they're scared of this big thing over which they have no control, so they try to find something they can assert control over. Like buying a bunch of bread and toilet paper.

lmao look at all those Hispani- I mean, Americans

Panicbuying is dumb but buying because everyone else is trying to buy stuff is fine.

Call for fucking dimes

The media literally said not to.

I bought animal feed corn just in case there is a prolonged shortage. I have enough protein powder to last a couple months as well. So if this retardation continues I will survive at least.

That pic is literally from Mexico

Personally Im pretty upset about it because as someone with chronic gastrointestinal ailments i go through a lot of toilet paper so thanks everyone for buying TP in bulk my medical condition wasnt bad enough

i find it very interesting. i went to the grocery store the other day to get some stuff before all the idiots bought everything. it was pretty neat how i could almost sense how tense and in a frenzy everyone was. it gave me an insight into what it would be like if we were all doomed in some way. i realized two things, that people are very attuned to how other people are acting, get enough people acting in a certain way and then everyone follows along, and i also realized that i can notice when i'm being overtaken by 'group' action. i noticed myself feeling more panicked as i walked around, but i didn't give in to it, it made me laugh a bit at how stupid it all was.
so idk, it's just more proof to me that i can't fit in with normies because i can't even catch a vibe in a panicked state lol

You can eat animal feed corn?

>wot else do?
Not panic and go about your life normally just being a bit sanitary.

Buy a bunch of spam, canned fish, rice and beans you fat cock sucking piece of rapetard

No, they said
>Its a plague! China lied, you will die! There is going to be a shortage because everyone is buying all the stuff! DONT PANIC EVERYONE IS PANICING!!!!
What do you think people are going to do when they do this?

Yeah, its just not sweet. They eat it in Mexico and thats what the indians ate.

You should eat some right now like the animal that you are.

Thats all sold out in my area. Even the corn was almost out of stock. This is just in case of emergency, I am still going to try to buy normal groceries.

>,< oh man panic buying gives me huge indigestion, I better buy 100 toilet paper rolls because I am about to M A X I M U M S H I T

Gotta buy shit because I don't know of there will be anything left at the store. They took my eggs, thankfully I still have some but it blows knowing I have to ration them until maybe I get some more. Due to that it just makes people buy more in bulk and clear everything out because they don't know if the next time they hit the store if there will be in stock or not.

Dude, based. I just found out tbat you can turn it into flour.

I am an amerimutt half white. My Mexican dad went to his little Mexican meat market store and it was well stocked. Try going to china town or Chico town they are based enough to not care.

my costco also looked like this. Its like 8% hispanic in this city and 95% of costco was light brown

Mexicans love deep fried tilapia.

A sickness that comes from capitalism over country and people. The Jews clutch their money tighter when you threaten their wealth.

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Its stupid, if you waited until now it was all your fault. There was so much warning but people didn't take it seriously. I thought it would just be a bird flu but I some things just in case, what harm was there to stocking up a bit. So I have a enoght tp to last a few weeks.

Also a good idea to have some backup tins of food, the whole supply chain is delicate and one link in the chain breaks and you are done.

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Are you sure? Shouldn't there be a lot more beheaded people and less lines?

What the fuck kind of shop is this?

>fucking fruit loops
>bottled water
>what appears to be milk

Super markets dont sell laptops, what the hell is this

people keep buying retarded shit, at my local market all dumb perishable shit was bought up. Tomatoes, meat, fruit, etc. all the long term food shit was stocked to the brim do these retards really think some strawberries and steak are gonna last them through a quarantine???

being prepared is fine up until a point. i'd say having enough food and supplies for 2 months is all anyone would ever need. if you need supplies that last longer than 2 months, well, everything went to shit and it probably won't be back. i never understood the people with those crazy bunkers, who would ever want to live like that and for what reason? just to survive? you have a couple years worth of shit and then you're fucked anyway unless you know how to hunt and butcher an animal for meat

costco, I don't think they really exist outside of north america

Pretty retarded, people are acting like they won't be able to leave their homes for the rest of the year. And honestly, panic-buying is a bit counter-productive too. If there is the risk of an infection spreading, then being around hordes of infected mutts makes you more susceptible to catching something.

It's America but probably somewhere near the border or a Hispanic neighborhood. Otherwise, the water containers wouldn't say 'bottles' and 'value' on them.

Yeah my parents are talking like I won't be able to go to school this coming fall as if this shit is going to last more than a few months at worst. last time I checked people aren't freaking out over the flu lmao.

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>who would ever want to live like that and for what reason? just to survive?
You say that, but if the moment ever came you'd be screaming and struggling same as anyone else.

A stash of a month or two is to get through supply line cuts where the supply lines will eventually return, like getting Wuhan-quarantined. If that's not the case, the next level of prep is to have a countryside retreat where you can survive indefinitely.


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nah im good ill just take a heroin OD instead of living in some post apocalyptic wasteland

are you shitposting in wallmart?

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And what the FUCK are the long term foods? Canned soup?

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It's pretty stupid, I'm not sure what they think they're preparing for. The hand sanitiser thing I can understand though, luckily I was a germaphobe before this shit started and already had a bunch.

>mfw we were actually running out of toilet paper but managed to get a pack off Amazon before it sold out

Fucking annoying. I went to do a casual shop for some deli meat, sandwich bread, and some other oddities on a Friday around 2pm. Fucking store was absolutely destroyed with people all getting full cart loads of shit. Took me twice as long to do anything and it's a super infection friendly environment.

Until people stop going full autism I'm refusing to shop besides at like 11pm when it's completely dead.

Also, anyone mass buying paper products to resell are fucking niggers and I hope they unironically get 3%'d by the virus and die amidst their hoard. Stores should be limiting such products to one or two per person each week and marking /checking ID

shit like rice, canned goods (not really the best but they work) frozen foods (the isles were literally full), anything with an expiration date longer than 2-3 weeks away.

Coronaviris causes pneumonia

all of the signs are in spanish

yeah so why are we not shutting down cities because of NON COVID RELATED PNUEMONIA???

Sounds like America to me but originally.

I'm just glad I'm lazy and buy certain goods in bulk because I don't want to go to the store every month or so to restock.
Haven't paid for Toilet Paper in almost a year, still have 3/4ths of a giant bag of rice I bought 6 months ago, and 8 more packs of wetwipes, and still have 2 more water filters for my brita sitting in the cabinet.
I honestly don't know why people don't just buy in bulk regularly so they don't have to worry about restocking shit constantly.

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>What are your thoughts on panicbuying?
It's natural and to be expected in times like these. Once some people start, others feel they need to follow out of fear of missing out.
Call me a doomer, but I have been storing supplies in a closet for years. There's really no reason not to. Some of the stuff doesn't expire, and the stuff that expires I just eat/change out every now and then. It's practically free and can mostly be considered "pre-buying" for consuming at a later date.
Although I really don't think this situation is going to last. The supply side isn't hit particularly hard. As long as your country is anywhere near self-sufficient regarding your food production you will be fine
You should be hoarding stuff that is made in china. Especially expensive electronics. China isn't going to be producing/shipping nearly as much of their stuff in the coming months, so that's where the money is.

Awesome dude. Awesome

>What are your thoughts on panicbuying?

Because people are vaccinated for those diseases. No one has immunity and this disease is very infectious. How many times have you had pneumonia in your life? Almost everyone will get coronavirus at some point in the next 2 years.

it's the worst fucking fish, its so nasty