Catholic Thread

Hello everyone, hope you are all doing well and healthy. feel free to talk or ask questions about anything related to Christianity.
If you are Christian please say the following prayers:

In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen
Our Father, Who art in heaven,
Hallowed be Thy Name.
Thy Kingdom come.
Thy Will be done,
on earth as it is in Heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil. Amen.

Oh my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, and lead all souls to heaven, especially those in most need of your mercy. Amen.

Mary, Mother of God, pray for us
Saint Joseph pray for us
Saint Peter pray for us
Saint Joan of Arc pray for us
Saint Thomas Aquinas pray for us
Saint Augustin pray for us
Saint Jude pray for us
Saint Mercurius pray for us
Saint Louis IX pray for us
Saint Rita of Cascia pray for us

In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Also, if you would like a Saint added to the list feel free to ask, I had a list going before but, I lost it so I'll have to start over, I'll make sure to save it this time.

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based thread. My faith is one of the few things that keeps me going anymore. thanks for posting friend.

Why Catholicism and not some other sect of Christianity? Catholicism always kinds turned me off because they tend to look towards the church and the Vatican more than they do towards God and Jesus. That said, Catholics do have the best looking religious imagery

*shloop* *shloop* *shloop* *shloop* *shloop* *shloop* *shloop* *shloop* *shloop* *shloop* *shloop* *shloop* *shloop* *shloop* *shloop* *shloop*

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I'm a convert to Catholicism and my main reason for that is because I believe that it is the Church that Jesus Christ personally founded and this is easily historically verifiable. The visible institution of the Church is important in maintaining orthodoxy in teaching, this is very easily seen when you compare it to Protestants, where they have literally thousands of different denominations which a massive variety of views. But, I believe it would be incorrect to say that we 'look to the Vatican over God.' God is at the center of everything we do, he is present in the Eucharist at the front of every Church, we hear his words in the scriptures at every mass. The vast majority of things Catholics do in their everyday life have almost nothing directly to do with the visible hierarchy, the Pope and Bishops and that type of stuff is mostly just something that sits in the background and makes sure the Church doesn't stray into wrong directions.

Fuck your non-existent god,religion is the leash for stupid people,unless you keep everything fully private and inside your head.Then I guess that you are fine unlike those christcucks yelling "god is punishing you" and shit like that.It's true that communities are able to ruin everything after all huh?

God is not real. Hell in the bible was taken from greek mythology and then translated to the modern word hell. In the old Testament there is no mention of hell , but sheol, the grave.

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Jesus is my lord and savior. God is king. have a blessed day friends.

>It's not in the old testament, so it isn't true
ok kike

People in the old Testament would of died without knowing that there was a hell.

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>Allah is the almighty God!
>Jesus is my lord and savior!
Doesn't prove that your God is real.

What makes your religion true? I am not trying to troll, im genuinely asking. The bible is filled with so much contradictions, the papal system is flawed, and christianity is used to spread hatred in politics. What makes your religion so good?

St. Daria was one of the first Catholic Saints.

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If you're an atheist I'm not sure why you care about debating the specifics on afterlife theology but, we can do that if you'd like. It's true that the word 'hell' is not in the Bible originally but, neither is the word 'the' or 'God' or any other English word, because yes, the Bible was written in Greek, not English. The word that is used in Greek is 'hades,' the term hell was eventually. Yes it is true the word 'hell' was gotten from Scandinavia I believe, but, I don't know what difference that is supposed to make, you can use hell or you can use hades, they are both words we use to communicate the same basic concept of 'eternal damnation,' the specific word doesn't really matter much, I imagine in Chinese the word they use was probably originally used in Chinese mythology.
But, as for your basic point, I am sure there was influence between Christian and Greek depictions of the afterlife but, it is blatantly wrong to say that the Christian idea was just 'taken' from Greek paganism. Wikipedia has a good basic description of it, the Greek belief was that the souls in the underword were in a basically neutral state, they could play games and stuff but it was very far from the eternal damnation of Christian hell or the eternal reward of Christian heaven. The only main similarity is that there was an afterlife in general.

Orthodoxy is based. Frick catholics.

im not trying to prove hes real to you. Matter of fact i dont give one single shit if you think hes real. im going to heaven loser.

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For such a holy, God-sanctioned organization, you people sure love spending Catholic donations on legal defense for a bunch of homosexual child molesters huh? Get real, all religion is about power over the weak masses and Catholicism is so popular because it exerts the most power over its people. No other religious sect strays so blatantly from it's source text and still expects people to believe their bullshit.

>I'm going to heaven loser
see,it's self entitled christcucks like him that piss you off,they just encite you to start mass murdering everyone to show them that heaven is only the final flash you see at the end of the barrel of a gun

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I was under the impression you wanted a sincere response, we can talk about the sex abuse crisis if you want or Catholic theology but, if you're just going to fling around insults I don't think this will be a productive conversation.
What do you think from Catholic theology is 'blatant straying from source texts?'

Can someone please answer me? I actually want to be convinced, i will genuinely convert if anyone convinces me christianity is true

Hey sorry, I am writing a response it just takes some time and there was something IRL I had to do.

That comment was meant for you.

Hello my brothers and sisters in Christ, op says that this thread is also for anything related to Christianity, so I'm here to shill for Orthodoxy a little bit. I won't be showing the faults with the latin church, althought they exist, only showcasing to those passing by the Holy Orthodox Church.

Since it is the season of Great Lent and despite the recent outbreak of the wuhan virus, I echo the wise words of the Greek Patriarch and urge you all to rush to Christ. I know a great many western parishes are not serving communion, or even worse and stopping services, but I ask you all this: how can that which is not perfect, disease, sickness, exist in that which is perfect, the Eucharist, the literal Body and Blood of Christ? If you truly believe that it is the Body and Blood of Christ, and if you don't then I question you as a so called Christian, then rush to Christ.

If you are still frightened of corona, which you really shouldn't be, then simply pray for St. Nicephorus to protect as he said he would.

Also here are some Orthodox prayers:
>(Prayer Of The Heart/Jesus Prayer)
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.
>(Lenten Prayer Of St. Ephriam)
O Lord and Master of my life, take from me the spirit of sloth, despair, lust of power, and idle talk. (Deep bow.) But give rather the spirit of chastity, humility, patience, and love to Thy servant. (Deep bow.) Yea, O Lord and King, grant me to see my own transgressions, and not to judge my brother, for blessed art Thou, unto ages of ages. Amen. (Deep bow.)
>(It Is Truly Meet/Hymn To The Theotokos)
It is truly meet to bless you, O Theotokos, ever-blessed and most pure, and the Mother of our God. More honorable than the Cherubim, and more glorious beyond compare than the Seraphim, without defilement you gave birth to God the Word. True Theotokos we magnify you!

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I'm also gonna post another icon here to remind everyone of our destination during Great Lent.

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CORONAVIRUS now gives you tetanus in your eyes we all are gonna die in agony make your camp outside hospital now maybe you will be offered a small patch of ground on the pavement we are all doomed fuck fuck fuck ahahahahhha DOOM

And an icon of the Theotokos our Protectress.

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Did you ever read the bible?
I don't think I can convince anyone, mostly because I also have my doubts, but check out the BibleProject on YouTube. They made many animated videos that explain how to read and study the bible. It's a more grounded way of seeing the bible and it's teachings.
My only problem starts only at the part of the 'spiritual beings'. I keep trying to understand but it just doesn't make sense. I basically can't bring myself to believe in the super natural.
I was brought up as an orthodox christian, eventually became an edgy atheist and finally just agnostic of the whole situation. The thing is, I've grown to appreciate Christianity, especially when looking at something barbaric like Islam.
Start with their playlist on How to read the bible.

You say christianity is better than barbaric islam but i dont see it, you both practice the same things
It got so bad that priest molestor became a stereotype
>donations to the pope/imam
Same shit

Etc. I dont see any difference

Not him, or a Christian, but there is a difference. Look at countries that are mostly Christian and compare them to countries that are mostly Islamic. There is barbarism in Christianity, but at this point most Christians have gotten passed most of it. The same can't be said about Muslims

Thats because those countries are secular. Try using a country that uses fully christian values, like certain african countries

To start with the basics, I started with being convinced by the existence of God the two arguments that I found very convincing were the unmoved mover and the argument from morality. I can expend on them more if you want but, I'll just explain the first one for now:
>All things are either contingent or non-contingent
>If a thing is contingent it relies on something else for its existence, if it is non-contingent it relies on nothing to exist, it exists by itself
>The things we see around us are contingent things, all of which had a cause
>A chair is made by a carpenter and the carpenter is made by his parents and his parents by his grandparents and so fourth in a chair of causes going back longer then we can remember
>Time must have either go back infinitely (called an infinite regress) or there must be a beginning to time
>But, an infinite regress is logically impossible because the distance from the past until now would be infinite and it would be impossible to have arrived at 'now'
>Therefore time must have had a start
>So, in the chain of causation the chair, and the carpenter, ect, must have had an original cause, going far back enough
>If all things are contingent or non-contingent, at the beginning of this chain of causation, there must be one thing which all other things are contingent on
>This thing is the sole thing in existence which exists in itself without any external cause, and this is what we call God

Doesn't that fact that most secular countries were founded by Christians tell you something?

With that argument as well as some other things I was convinced of the existence of God. But, as to why I was convinced by Christianity there are multiple things. I thought if God existed then it was reasonable that God would reveal himself to us and ultimately I thought that Christianity was the most convincing religion.
One, basic reason is I found that the Christian conception of God fit perfectly with the argument above, God's name in the old testament is 'Yahweh' which literally means "I am," because God is the only thing which is in itself exists or 'is.' You would probably say that well yeah, Christians made the argument so it obviously fits with their God, but, that isn't even true, the argument was made by Aristotle though it was certainly picked up on by Catholics, primarily Thomas Aquinas, later on.
I also found the idea of natural law theory very convincing, which is a core part of Catholic teaching, because it provided an explanation for Christian morality that wasn't just 'do what God says.' Natural law is basically the idea that the things we do have 'natures' and that much of morality is based on fulfilling the nature of our bodies or our actions. For example, the reason why gluttony is a sin is because it is abusing the purpose of food, food exists to sustain our bodies but, overeating is ignoring the core purpose of food and using it for pleasure rather then for what our body needs it for.

But, those are still pretty abstract concepts, some more core reasons why I was convinced of Christianity specifically is I found the historical witness of Christianity compelling. Most other religions had some sort of spiritual leader becoming powerful and attracting a large following and ended up dying, Islam is a good example of this. Muhammad eventually became a warlord and dead either of a fever or poison. But, Jesus became a religious leader who was killed for his preaching and his followers were all also brutally killed for following him. It seems like very good evidence that Jesus and his apostles weren't fooling around, they all very sincerely believed what they were doing if Christ and 11 of the 12 original apostles were willing to die for what they were preaching. And, we don't need to just trust Christian scripture for this, we have non-Christian accounts of some of the closest people to Jesus being martyred. For example Josephus explicitly records the death of John the Baptist and James.

And? The middle east had an islamic golden age and was a cradle of civilization. Stop shitting on other faiths for no reason, you wont convince me to be a christian by telling me "well its better than the rest". Use a real argument

I'm not trying to convince you to be a Christian. I'm just saying that today, Islam is doing more harm than Christianity

But thats not because of islam though.

in its earliest days Christianity was undoubtedly a religion of martyrs until it got corrupted with impurities as time went on especially in the west after the move towards Latin. Did Christianity stop after the corruption? No but it certainly became harder to separate the wheat from the chaff.
Then it's because ...? Islam. Yeah, Islam IS different. Getting beyond the scope of this thread, but why do you think Islam is the only religion responsible for the majority of terror attacks? Oh maybe because the central figure in the koran is a war lord.

You started off by saying "look at their countries" and I told you that it isnt islam's fault, because all issues in the middle east are mainly political. The syrian war, americans killing saddam, americans invading afghanistan etc. I dont care eitherway, i think both islam and christianity preach the same things

taking knowldge from that website is like going to a rabbi to ask him about Jesus, the reason why there are many Islamic terrorist fundamentalist groups is because back in the cold war, during the invasion of afghanistan bu the soviet union, the U.S asked saudi arabia to start spreading and advertising a more extreme jihadist form of islam known as wahabism, they used wahabism to rail muslims against the soviet union but after the invasion ended, the ideology still remained and create groups such as al-Qaeda and ISIS and now their enemy was the U.S.

Yeah. And if christians really are such martyrs and good people, why arent they helping their brothers in abrahamic faith?

Do you think that the middle east is the only place that has political problems? These two religions are diametrically opposed. Did you ever read the bible and the koran?

the CIA, established by Roman Catholic KoMs, having so many papist members that it was dubbed the Catholic Intelligence Agency has its fair share of blood in its hands if not more

I have. Both of them literally preach the same things. Love your neighbour, give to the poor, do the right thing etc. Nowhere in the quran does it state you have to kill for your religion. Again, its political, not a religious issue

>why arent they helping their brothers in abrahamic faith?
they don't owe muslims nothing, just like muslims don't owe them nothing. plus there has been numerous historic wars between the two.

Muslims have helped christians and jews before though. Back in world war 2, muslims actually fought against the nazis in north africa. Even now, christians are helping out muslims in syria. Whats so hard to understand about loving each other and helping each other? Were all human, were children of some creator

>Nowhere in the quran does it state you have to kill for your religion
"Fight everyone in the way of Allah and
kill those who disbelieve in Allah." -Muhhamad
Maybe the article read before pretending to have read the koran? It's laughably pathetic.

A quote from muhammad is not the quran though

Also your website is blocked in my country, because it registers it as a hate site lol

can you source which hadith book that quote is from? does the article say?

It's literally in the koran. Read the koran and come back later. thanks
Open your eyes please.

Go read the Hebrew bible, thats all whats going to take to make you see through these jewish proxy religions, its clear that "God's" plan was never to have the messiah sacrificed on the cross or make the last prophet be an arab in a far away desert. Jesus and mohammed aren't even mentioned in the Hebrew bible.
t. ex-muslim

Could you tell me which page it is? I have a quran right next to me, and can look it up to see if youre bullshitting or not. I know you already probably are, but Im willing to give you benefit of the doubt. Also youre defending christianity really feverently for someone who is supposedly atheist

all these taking points have been refuted already multiple times, the fighting verses were given to the early muslims who were persecuted and driven from their homes. its basically telling them to go and take their lands back. I don't see how this violence is worst than the old testament were there are commandments to the israelites to slaughter infants

I never said Im an atheist lmao and I haven't really defended christianity that much yet.

Again, your meme website is blocked in my country. Type it here

>meme website
Ever heard of a vpn?
Quran (8:12) - "(Remember) when your Lord inspired the angels... "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them"
This is from the Noble Koran translation.

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is doing drugs and drinking heavily a sin?

google the context of the verse, this was during a fucking battle. again how is this worse than old testament verses?

Ok but youre missing the point though. I was talking about what the quran preaches, not the stories it has. Christianity has the same shit with the plagues in egypt. Good job on making yourself look like an illiterate idiot

imagine still believing in god in 2020 with all the literally free information we have today

haha islam apologists btfo. yeah, sure, its not about what is literally in the almighty koran, but what it preaches. no no no you dont get it it was during a battle guys. Just chop their heads and figers during the battle and you're good. god job defending a barbaric religion.
Educate yourself. It's embarrassing to defend Islam today.

Do you not realise the irony? Were talking about accepting all faiths here and being tolerant and loving your neighbour, now iu the only christian here is trying to start hatred for no reason. God job on making me hate your religion even more

Not muslim anymore, christcuck. but your arguments are straight retarded. the verse you mentioned were during the Battle of Badr. I'm pretty sure the muslims had the right to defend themselves, right? or were they supposed to just bend over and get killed?

>trying to start hatred for no reason

How am I starting hatred? Am I starting hatred by exposing the violence in Islam? Is this your best counter argument? Am I a bad christian because I don't accept/tolerate VIOLENCE? Haha.

No youre a bad christian for failing to follow what your book preaches.