Fuck you doomsday preppers

>run out of toilet paper
>go to your local store
>there's not one roll of tp left

I wanna punch every toilet paper hoarder in the face for being stupid, scripted low IQ assholes.

We have 5G Internet that never disconnects but we can't have toilet paper. Wow modern society sure is advanced.

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Just wipe your ass with a rag

Get a squirt bottle and use that to clean your butt.

the napkins are still left

Dumb pieces of shit must've never heard of SARS or the swine flu, and now they're fucking concerned about Corona-chan, where she only has a two percent chance of killing you?!? Fucking normies.

>"we'll probably live on the Moon by 2020"

>2020 actually happens
>we don't have toilet paper and people are idiots

you could always buy a bunch of cheap shitty tshirts and use those to wipe your ass and throw them out

I've actually had to wipe my ass on paper napkins because of this.
Feels weird cuz the paper is so thick.

Tough guys wash their ass with a bidet or typical shower and scrub it with their hand using soap.
No paper needed.

If any cute girls run out of toilet paper, I'm willing to help

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I would like to share my wisdom, as others have done with me. Eat more fiber, spread your ass a la goatse, get a bidet or wash your butt in the tub.

>teehee I kind of forgot to wipe

Stupid bitch!

>Accidentally bought an extra 12 rolls a couple weeks ago thinking I was low
>Currently have about 20 rolls now
Whew of all the things to worry about, I'm glad toilet paper isn't one of them

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>bought 6 packs of 24 rolls and 6 backs of baby wipes the other day just so other people and their faggot babies can't have them

Should have hoarded toilet paper mr poopy butthole

The masses are literally SO DUMB the can be provoked to compete on anything. Now they're racing to see who has the most toilet paper.

Yet the masses now have a comfy supply of TP while has none. So who's the dumb one, really?

but everyone who went to get tp is undoubtably infected due to being around all the other people buying tp

>Yet the masses now have a comfy supply of TP while has none. So who's the dumb one, really?

This doesn't really affect the premise of my argument.
You sound like one of those idiots who hoard toilet paper like it's gold or a sign of victory. You seem retarded to me based on your post.

It's a chain reaction.

American Mr Fatty hears that others are hoarding toilet paper, so Mr Fatty rushes to buy as much tp as he can get so that others won't buy it all.
This goes on until every single low IQ idiot is lining up to buy tp for years to come. Never questioning why they do it.

This is why my life on this planet is hard. I'm not running scripts or programming inside my head. I'm not sub 100 IQ

>a month later American idiots realize they have a garage full of toilet paper

>they either leave it to rot, or they throw it away thinking "why the fuck did I even get so much?"

I'll enjoy their regret.
If you get corona quarantined it's over in 14 days. Yet these Amerifats think you need a year's supply of toilet paper.

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>The masses are literally SO DUMB the can be provoked to compete on anything. Now they're racing to see who has the most toilet paper.

Taking away from this, the entire premise of your "argument" is that the masses are stupid and you're not because they can be easily persuaded to horde toilet paper and make a competition out of it but you can't be. What user says is a valid counter because he's pointing out you're hypocrisy, you call others dumb for hording TP but you're equally dumb for not getting enough TP in time to sustain your ass wiping needs.

>capitalism crumbles under even the slightest of stresses

It is a sign of victory, or rather a yet another sign of defeat and inferiority on your part. I have enough TP while you don't. TP doesn't have a shelf life so if next week the stores are full of it again, I haven't lost anything.
As always, you think you're smarter than the rest by not "conforming" to the dumb masses, man, yet all you do is hurt yourself in the process.
I bet you also smugly called this whole thing a nothingburger a month ago.

>buy a months worth of toilet paper
>everything gets fixed
>oh no now I dont have to buy toiletroll for a month the horror

>you're equally dumb for not getting enough TP in time

Uh.. no. Let's say low IQ people start hoarding bananas next. It happens in a matter of minutes. Every banana in the world gets sold out.
How am I "equally stupid" for not having foreseen the banana shortage?

neither matter because the shops will just restock
people are still working

You now realize China did this on purpose to fuck up the west.

You do realize stockpiling needlessly large amounts of tp makes you an idiot and part of the problem, right?
I bought ONE pack of tp to make sure there's enough for everybody. But no some fat fuck just bought the shelves empty after me.

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When Corona is over I'm gonna post here about all the TP I have making me super powerful.

TP will hold its value even when this has passed, right?

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Because bananas aren't essential, if they are for you then you should start monitoring their supply.
As it stands now you (or OP) are in dire lack of TP due to your own extreme lack of foresight/smugness over the common man. You/OP is clearly mad since he made this thread about it. All you had to do was at least buy a couple packs, you can fit them under you fucking bed if you live in a studio apartment, don't tell me you don't have the space.

I bought 50 rolls a week ago because everyone who's not an idiot could see this coming a mile away. So I literally had no effect on the current shortage at all.
Always this black and white outlook on things with you incels. There's something in between not being prepared at all and getting thousands or rolls. Honestly you should always have a supply of a couple weeks of essential hygiene and food products anyway, at all times.

Imagine if someone had told you in the 90's that in 2020 humanity will RUN OUT OF FUCKING TOILET PAPER AND IT BECOMES A STATUS SYMBOL

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see you on
once the toilet paper market crashes

>bananas aren't essential, if they are for you then you should start monitoring their supply
Bananas are heaps more essential than low quality paper designed for wiping the ass. I have a bidet shower and I'm never in any dire need to have paper to smudge shit around my ass with. The shower is in fact more efficient, yet this is probably something you fail to understand.

>dire lack of TP due to your own extreme lack of foresight
Nobody can be expected to foresee something that follows no intelligent logic or correlation. Einstein is not stupid for not understanding stupid people. That's the only thing a smart person cannot understand.
Nobody saw this coming. People who use social media the most just got to the tp first. I don't spend all my days on social media so naturally I didn't hear about this. If your next argument is "being alert on facebook and reddit 24/7 is survival so natural selection favors me" I'm going apeshit.

>black and white outlook on things with you incels
Oh this is about having sex now? Holy fucking shit man.

Luckily I've still got easy access to toilet paper through nepotism but yeah a lot of people are going to have poopy butts because of this.
I'm glad I got a few weeks of non perishable foods stored away because that'll probably be gone soon too I recommend you get some before it's too late make sure you get some alcohol too your gonna need it.
most of the normies are still fucking retarded about this and haven't realized that there's about to be food shortages yet so go to a place that sells shit in bulk and stock up now.
also in most cities there exists stores that sell supplies like toilet paper in bulk to business's and such go see If they are out of tp as well.

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banannas are not the only type of food

I pray you get the worst case of swamp ass imaginable.

>there's about to be food shortages yet
people are still working their jobs
the shops are going to get restocked

>I have a bidet shower and
Then why are you so mad lol
Not everyone loves to dry shit water off their ass with a towel they then have to wash all the time

>Nobody can be expected to foresee
Yet most people did
>Nobody saw this coming
Most people did, it's called common sense

>more blablabla
OK Spock lmao

>Oh this is about having sex now?
Not my fault that you sound like a stereotypical smug incel faggot.

1. Tp is not the only means for cleaning your anus.

2. Do I really need to post a picture of FUCKING TOILET PAPER to prove to you that I'm a "man of status" who owns the holy grail known as toilet paper?

Body soap does not disinfect you are just rubbing shit all over your legs. You also need to bleach the shower out.

>bananas are more essential than TP
Ehhh. A source of potassium which you can acquire through a large variety of other foods or a means of cleaning your asshole after shitting to avoid snus infection. I'll take the TP.
>shower is more efficient
No, that's fucking retarded. Simply wiping your ass with toilet paper which is within arms reach takes about 30 seconds and disposal is as simple as flushing it down the toilet along with your shit log. Getting into the shower and scrubbing your ass clean (which will have varying degrees of shit in it) is a waste of time, effort and is unnecessary. You have to get in, clean, dry off. What a hassle.
>Nobody can be expected to foresee something that follows no intelligent logic or correlation.
There's a viral pandemic going about which will likely cause a quarantine. Obviously you will need toilet paper to avoid shitty asshole infection like I stated above. You're just a fucking retard sitting on a high horse of false intellectual superiority. Anyone with half a brain seen this coming, don't be mad now because you're a brainlet who can't think ahead beyond the next 12 hours.

Scat fetishes are hot and all but when you actually go through with it you'll feel terrible after you cum.
I've gone as far as eating shit before and boy did I ever regret it afterwards I'm still perfectly ok though health wise but I'm definitely not doing it again.

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>Nobody saw this coming
>>Most people did, it's called common sense

Just fucking stop this, okay?
If people "foresaw this", why didn't they buy tp a month ago?
They literally rushed to buy it when they heard others were doing it.

Also, corona and toilet paper have no correlation so it still doesn't make any sense.
Does tp cure corona? Does corona give you diarrhea? No.
>but if you get quarantined you can't go out to buy tp
You can't go out to buy anything else either. Why not stockpile on absolutely fucking everything then?

And like I said before I actually DO HAVE TOILET PAPER. I just think the masses are fucking morons for buying a year's worth of toilet paper for a disease that nobody has and lasts 14 days at max. That's panic mentality, not common sense.

1 IN 10 DIED

>lasts 14 days max
This fucking retard has no idea what he's talking about lol. You clearly have done no research on the SARS-Cov2 pathogen.

>shower is more efficient
>>No, that's fucking retarded.
You fall face first in dogshit. Do you wipe it with paper OR WASH IT WITH SOAP?

>Obviously you will need toilet paper to BLAH BLAH BLAH
Oh look another American. I'm from Scandinavia and nobody here gives a shit about toilet paper. In a few weeks you'll feel stupid about spending 500 bucks on tp.

>You clearly have done no research on the SARS-Cov2 pathogen.

believe it or not but I have a life I don't spend 8 hours a day on social media researching what's going on in the world at any given moment.
You Yas Forums NEETs are so smug about always "knowing everything first" but really you're just out of touch smartphone zombies.
I have a job.

I bought 2 packs because quarantine will likely be about 2 weeks. Also, falling face first into dog shit is a lot different than performing a biological function out of your own fucking asshole. God you're a retard, Sven.

what was it like?
Just dissapointment in yourself after you cum like after a shameful wank, were you masterbating while she shit in your mouth then?

14 days is how long for you to start showing symptoms

>If people "foresaw this", why didn't they buy tp a month ago?
Many did faggot. Holy shit visit Yas Forums some time and get educated

>Also, corona and toilet paper have no correlation so it still doesn't make any sense.
It's common sense to be prepared with essential items for a crisis like this and there are countless example where TP sold out in similar situations

>Why not stockpile on absolutely fucking everything then?
Yes ideally you should as I've said already, which is what people did and are doing, it's just that TP takes up lots of space on the shelf and people rarely buy that much of it. Supermarkets are 95% food and less than 1% TP so it sells out quickly, although lots of types of food have also sold out, but it's unlikely that all the food sells out everywhere because supermarkets have much larger supplies of them. But yeah of course you should also have water and non-perishable food for a few weeks holy shit do you need to be told everything

Stop using the words "stockpile" or "hoarding" for common sense one month supplies of essential items in an exceptional crisis situation you holier-than-thou faggot.

Good for you, though a minute ago you called people using it stupid, maybe get your story straight there buddy

>hurrr I have a life because my corporate overlords told me you can only have a fulfilling life if you wageslave for them
>hurrr I go slave away and have no free time while you get to do whatever you want all day but somehow that means I'm better than you
Absolute retard

you're gonna block your shower with poo and then have poo water flood the bathroom

Yeah that factor was part of my point. Lol?

Yeah I was supposed to reply to the other guy

Why didn't merchants get more tp ready if they saw this coming?
I would've opened up a goddamn tp shop last month if I had known tp was going to be worth its weight in gold.

>I don't spend 8 hours a day on social media researching what's going on in the world at any given moment
Translation: I don't follow any news like a normal well-adjusted person, I don't talk to people either, I just go to my job stocking shelfs and then go back home to watch anime and not leave my room and feel smug about myself for not partaking in society.

People think that just because they live in 2020, somehow they won't ever experience shortages of goods and economic collapse. As if they're different from the population of the 20th century, because now they have fancy phones and funny memes.

You are not anymore immune to blight in 2020, as those alive in 1914, 1929, 1945, and 1960 and no higher power will save you if you forgot that and didn't prepare

why didnt the (((merchants))) get more tp ready
because they want white people to have poopy buttholes

Yes and yes I had mouthwash on standby but it wasn't enough to get all of that taste and slimy texture out of my mouth so I had to brush and floss a lot too it was a lot of work.

shut up loser i'll throw my poo in your garden

There's enough fucking TP in existence it's just they can't get it to the stores and stack it fast enough retard.
And you wouldn't make much money because most people safe for a few retards like OP have enough of it already, you won't get rich selling TP at a 20% premium. Should've bought face masks two months ago if you wanted to make some morally reprehensible money.

I think about this a lot. Should I adjust with the times and spend most of my free time (and breaks at work) on social media?
But then I enter social media and realize everyone there is a fucking low IQ retard and choose to not even know what's going on in the world.
Yas Forums is one of the best social media sites. People here are considerably smarter than plebbiters and facebook soccer moms. But even Yas Forums is cancer.
There is no good form of social media. The Internet makes people idiots. The Internet itself is cancer.

>...you retard

Time and time again I realize a huge portion of Yas Forums posts end with this word: retard.

Is it an American thing? I'm European and nobody here ends all their messages with "retard".
Or is it just that low IQ people can't communicate without the sense of superiority they get from putting down some anonymous person they're replying to?
I'm worried about this phenomenon.

Seriously, shut up Spock. You're not smart, you sound like a faggot and you're shit's all retarded.

god tier post
tp is a scam

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