Shit, I think the 4-aco-dmt mixed with DXM gave me some sort of mania, and I also got some of the meth energy of tweaker bro last night as well. 8/10, did not expect the substances to mix like this.
>Drugs you've tried from best to worst >Combos you've tried from best to worst >If you could create a drug, what would it be like?
>if i created a drug It would be a derivtive of LSD that removes the batshit emotional overdrive from the whole experience.
Robert Thompson
tweakster here. feel like shit and my dick has turned a weird shade of brown idk whats up. i was cooming for like 5 hours straight and my dad walked in. my crotch is so fucking painful
>my dad walked in How did he react to you being on meth and cooming the whole time? Also, you made my high a lot better last night
Henry Hernandez
with super heightened senses, put back my dick and closed out of the porn before he came in, but i was sweating hard. he thought i was stressed, asked me what was wrong and i dismissed him. legit had a straw and empty baggie on my desk, he didnt even see it.. am feeling the psychosis hard, have work in 2 days and i dont know how im gonna do that shit. also acne is springing up cause i was sweating so much. its fucking winter here yet i was overheating. weird shit
Luke Morris
Drink a lot of water, It'll get better as the days go on, by the third day you'll feel much more fine. Also, eat a fuckton of vitamins and shit.
These threads (at least these last 5-10, I stay away from Yas Forums these) are the best anti-drug PSAs anyone could ask for. The problem is I want to do drugs. Seeing the literal faces of meth in one thread and a thread about some tripfriend ODing because her boyfriend was too high to help her adjacent to it in the catalog really doesn't help.
Jack Ross
It shows which drugs to stay away from/what to expect with certain drugs, and which ones you should stay away from
Henry Williams
>make any drug a drug that removes my autism and adhd with no side effects and no tolerance buildup
How to into kratom? I've ran out of drugs, and I've been thinking about getting some kratom but I have some questions. >What strain to buy and where (mainly looking for euphoria/music listening) >How much should I take >How deos the tolerance on this thing work. Also I'm a poorfag, so if you know some decent cheap kratom tell me.
>If you could create a drug, what would it be like? ketamine that is as efficient to take orally as it is to snort
Xavier Perry
>Drugs you've tried from best to worst >S Tier 1,4-Butanediol / GHB / GBL DMT 4-AcO-DMT / Psilocybin / Psilocin Oxycodone >A Tier Salvia Divinorum Tramadol Tianeptine Kratom Hydroxyzine (as a potentiator) >B Tier Hydrocodone DXM (Powder) THC / Cannabis Pregabalin Phenibut Diphenhydramine (as a potentiator) >C Tier Poppy Seed Tea Blue Lotus DXM (RoboCough) Phenethylamine Harmala Alkaloids (by themselves) Alcohol Nicotine >D Tier Wild Dagga LSA (Extracted) DXM Gelcaps/Syrups Codeine >F Tier LSA (Not Extracted) >Combos you've tried from best to worst Haven't done many combos. Mostly just opiate + downer, and MAOi + tryptamine >If you could create a drug, what would it be like? Mildly hallucinogenic opioid that didn't cause tolerance or withdrawal.
Kevin Myers
>always wanted to try LSD >gf said I shouldn't, she was scared I was gonna go insane or some shit >found out she cheated on me so now I don't really care anymore how is LSD for a first timer? I just want to try something that makes me see weird shit. also, is it a bad idea to do it when I'm sad? is that gonna make me have a bad trip?
There are some 2C-x drugsl ike this This honestly sounds like a glowing recommendation of meth. I'll have to give it a go. Thanks based coomer user Phenibut Meth Alcohol Benzos I used Kratom every once in a while. I'd say red veins. They feel the most like traditional opioids, are euphoric and relaxing. 4-8 grams is good for getting stoned. Tolerance builds just like an opioid in my experience. Begone softcore nigger >He hasn't gone to a new universe and met God himself. begone newfag.
if you drop in any state of mind, that state of mind will carry over to the trip. also, keep in mind, how you feel, will translate to what you see. take it with friends that you completely trust. ONLY play good vibe tunes. if you have a friend that likes to fuck with people (and hes the only one that thinks its funny) stay the fuck away from them, i know guys that got put in dog cages while tripping hard, thats fucked up shit.
I suggest doing a tab on the 150~ range as a first time dose and smoke weed right as you hit the peak (around 1 - 2 hr after you drop)
>I just want to try something that makes me see weird shit. sure, after you smoke the weed and reality starts blending in with your mind, just let your eyes wander, and let them focus on what they want to focus on, the lsd will show you many cool things when you just relax and stare at your ceiling like a wacked out meth head. closed eye'd visuals + nice music is amazing as well.
David Rodriguez
take it in a good set/setting, and start with a dose sufficient for a first timer (don't go above like 150ug) and you should be fine. feeling sad shouldn't mess with your trip really. taking acid is like going on a day long vacation, unless you're suicidal or depressed to the point where you can't do anything but lay around all day you likely won't even think about what's making you sad during the trip I'd recommend not smoking weed like says, that could fuck you on your first time (especially if weed makes you anxious like it does for me), plus you should get a feel for how acid specifically affects you before combining it with other stuff. smoking on the comedown after like 8-10 hours isn't a big deal though
Logan Ramirez
>1,4-Butanediol Redpill me on this. Can I stop all alcohol use and switch to this?
>Can I stop all alcohol use and switch to this? From what I heard it's better than Alcohol the only real problem is that it's super potent and you can easily OD on it. Also a bit more addictive.
Tyler Roberts
>Oxycodone is S tier whereas Hydrocodone is B tier Aren't Oxies and Hydros pretty much the same though?
John Williams
>Harmala Alkaloids >by themselves Wait, they have psychoactive effects? I thought they were just MAOIs used for eating DMT
Thomas Russell
>studying chemistry Do you by any chance know how to convert (pic related) into Mescaline? I can get (pic related) but idk what to do with it
Here's a picture of Mescaline for comparison, like how does one change the N and the two Oxygen atoms into NH2? In terms of RC's I can vouch for the Indole Shop, I've bought from them, they're legit but take long to ship
>Drugs you've tried from best to worst >S Tier kratom (>6g) >A Tier kratom (B Tier cannabis lsd dxm >Combos you've tried from best to worst cannabis + anything just makes it so much better >If you could create a drug, what would it be like? basically a high dose of kratom but like forever and no tolerance. all social anxiety and fatigue are gone and i feel like a different person
Aiden Cook
who here amph degenerate? fuck as soon i get hold to some i just dont fucking stop. should fucking save some for a boring quarantine and fap to 90 different tabs meanwhile only thing i will eat is a can of beans each 4 days, some water and vitamins of course.
Grayson Russell
>Kratom >S tier What vendor do your kratom from? I've been trying to find one but they're either overprices or sketch
Dylan Mitchell
I use Kraken Kratom but have also heard a lot of good things about Botanical Bunny. There's a lot of bullshit regarding kratom like vein and color bc all that shit doesn't matter. Kratom is kratom and anyone who says otherwise has fallen victim to a marketing scheme. That being said, cheap kratom != more expensive kratom. Harvest quality is the biggest factor in determining how good your powder is.
Ayden Perez
>should fucking save some for a boring quarantine Yea, everyone should right now. I wonder if my local drugstore still has DXM syrup due to the panic
Josiah King
Is Mystic Island a good vendor? I've been looking at them but idk
Kayden Peterson
25g for 3$ seems suspiciously low to me, usually they run for 8-15$ but idk never heard of them before. Use your best judgement.
Jordan Brooks
I've never had kratom that I was sure had an affect on me, but then again I prefer weed to the coke I've done so maybe I'm just stupid.
Isaiah Sanders
i dont really enjoy weed on it's own. it always feels like something is missing which is why i usually love to combine it with something else and it potentiates and complements perfectly
Jacob Wilson
I hope I manage to take all the drugs I want comfortably before coronachan rapes me
Amen, im not going to get drunk for 2 weeks. Im fucking tired of it and The sheer thought of being completely bored our of my mind for minimum 2 weeks is not in the question. Rather hang myself.
Brayden Williams
b-but what about corona chan? now is the time to get fucked up before we go or prepare for the shit show. do you not believe?
More like >>how much do you take to feel like a puking braindead shit
Tyler Peterson
going to pick up some surely fent saturated shit from my dealer, who else /ghettofieldtrip/ here
Dylan Peterson
NOT GLORIFYING DRUG USE actually im sober besides weed but thays just to sleep and im bored. Dont do drugs unironically dont try these if you havnt already done them
>Drugs youve tried from best to worst >S Tier psillocybin nitrous (when combined with dxm or other hallucinegen) percocet/oxy/strong opiates
fuck i didnt notice there was more questions >if i could create a drug a pill that makes me not lonely with no negative consequences
Ayden Foster
I've been doing lines of speed for 13 hours straight now, I can quite literally feel my descent deeper into madness. Plus, I'm writing all these rather cringy and long-winded paragraphs on r9k using for whatever reason somewhat unorthodox vocabulary for these parts; and annoying the shit out of sober people on discord by the speed-fueled oversharing that I myself cannot help but cringe at, yet it just keeps coming out. Also, it's getting a little bit harder to breathe now... In the time, I've smoked about an entire pack of cigarettes, plus a couple of joints and several beers. It is now 6 in the morning, I'm supposed to meet my parents for lunch at 2 in the afternoon, and I will most likely have to cancel that, due to my currently rather erratic state of mind, and the fact that I've got my nose filled to the brim with speed, to the point that literal chunks of speed fall out if I only breathe out a little harder. On the other hand, I feel like this slow descent into madness is opening some other doors for me, and I may finally progress with my writing. Hell, maybe I'll actually write something that'll make me millions... Alright, this entire reply was way too much stream-of-consciousness to be fully comprehensible (I think that may be why I write in this somewhat formal or literary manner, to help make it at least somewhat more comprehensible), so I'll just stop talking now
Landon King
does dxm cause brain damage? can i do it like once a week and be fine?