>ISTPs are usually the chad-likes of non-normie online chatrooms
>keep poking people for fun
>get eventually banned because people couldn't take the heat
>ISTPs are usually the chad-likes of non-normie online chatrooms
>keep poking people for fun
>get eventually banned because people couldn't take the heat
Other urls found in this thread:
intj. if i can't figure it out or control it, it's not worth my time.
Istps how accurate do you find this to be
That also explains why some ISTPs are likely to have gfs but no friends. Their agression AND low Fe make other males intimidated while females get aroused if they get past your autism.
That is, if you are a least average looking, not an abomination like me.
As an ENTP this is the only S type I've ever felt like the conversation was on a normal level with.
Its adequate for explaining istp to other people.
But it will irritate some istp in weird ways that non istp cant easily understand. Although that is fine, they dont need to understand why, just what.
very accurate, where is it from?
some are true but that "sees self" and "seen by others" made me laugh
>poor grammar
I'm not reading this.
On another note, I don't understand why people are so grateful for me when I do my fucking job. Yeah, you were going to let me clock out early, but you just then remembered a task you forgot to give me and it's not a hassle because it's simple and I can still work the rest of my shift. Quit treating me like a fucking hero.
Mr Bump checks these and saves this
Most ISTPs switch back and forth from INTP to ISTP. You cannot be only a sensor or intuitive, you must have both frameworks. Thus INTPs and ISTPs should unite!
Also most ISTPs are pic related.
ISTP, type most likely to abandon their wife and kids
INFP checking in, and I know.
I don't think that most istps are huge redditor faggots
N-no one calebrated Pi Day~? :(
That's kinda okay; I didn't either~! ^.^'
>506 replies as of this writing
...and we did it! I :-^*~knew~*^-: it!!! \(^o^)/
UwU /mbti/ can be such a powerful bunch of we all put our minds to it!!! >the type you would want to be, if you had to be another type
ESTP-A, ESFP-A, or maybe ESFJ-A! If all of those were taken, I'd pick ENFJ-A! UwU
>>the type you would least want to be
>if I was depressed I'd see zero need to tell anyone like at all.
M-me neither - except on Yas Forums! ;w;
ISTP-A is the most Chad-like introvert! \(^w^)/
Is this because both of you have good Ti? ^w^
Because you're good at it and we needed your help! You saved our dayyyyy~! You ARE our *hero*!
To be continued...
...continuation of !
Thanks for saving, Mr. Bump! You're my hero, toooooo~!!! (>^_^)>
Who am i, just took the test and it came up as INFP-T, last time i did this test i got ISFP, some time before that i remember getting ISTJ can personality change that much in like 3 years?
I am fairly new to MBTI but have done the test multiple times over the past 3 years with the result always being INTJ, whilst making sure not to project what I want to be as opposed to what I am (some kind of self-confirmation bias effecting results). Are there any further, perhaps more accurate tests?
pic last result
>Are there any further, perhaps more accurate tests?
>have very few goals or long-term plans
>erratic as fuck sleeping patterns
>often miss meals because i forgot to eat
>can't save money to save my life
why is being a perceiver such a shitfight?
imagine not being ENTP-A
>being a pretentious grammer retard
Fuck you
i am ENTP-T
i think A is right since it stands for asshole haha x
fuck assertives
fuck sensors
and fuck niggers
>grammar nigger
>takes pride in being a wagecuck
Sure you aren't ISTJ, champ?
havent seen the fag yet but lemme say fuck that retarded nigga centaur just in case
What does A mean?
nah you are just meantally ill
Has anyone tried that new Typematch app thats an MBTI dating app?
>People think I get wet and can't stfu about fixing cars
>Would rather clean cars than fix them; enjoys removing rust and grease from wheel rims.
We're more human than your uncaring extroverted ass could ever be.
ISTPs have wife and kids???
Fuck YOU!
I'm pretty sure you can go fuck yourself with that ISTJ accusation. Just because I want to make money and fuck bitches (escorts...) doesn't make me an ISTJ. ISTJs are workaholics because they want to feel worthy about doing something productive, not because it pays well.
Why do that when your INTJ husbando is right here?
ISTP men are rageoholic assholes who will eventually leave their family and move somewhere else and start a new life because they are bored
ISTP women are high test fuckoholics constantly looking for men who are more dominant than they are and end up broke and alone in a hospital almost beat to death by their nigger boyfriend and tells her other boyfriend she was mugged
A > T
I > E
N > S
T > F
J > P
im ISTP and i have an iq of 80. is this normal?
You're lower than me.
Are INTPs any good?
Can all INTJs of the world join together and channel their autism into one point to fucking obliterate this gay earth
>just turned 18, still in hs
>popular, have good grades
>love going to school
>no school for at least 2 weeks because C*VID-19
I doubt the next couple months of you last semester in high school really matter. Just study what you've learned so far, so you can pass your final exams.
For us yes
Thankfully intelligence quotient doesnt mean much as long as you mean well
Most inventions were discovered out of luck and love, not pure intelligence
Nope, ISTPs are usually high IQ similar to INTPs
I can see ISTPs being kinesthetically or spacially gifted. INTPs are usually abstract in their intelligence. It's not really measurable and most INTPs come off as retarded. Most ISTPs however have a cool, physical swagger about them that you can tell is physically active. Their lizard brain is intelligent which comes across whereas INTPs have a more weird intelligence to them.
no can do, each INTJ is focused on their own very specific goal user
How do the other functions start a conversation? Ti in particular would be relevent for this thread of course but I want them all.
Yeah but because of Ti dom, both are good at pattern recognition, INTPs mind just wander more with irrelevant bullshit
Ne isn't as random or irrelevant as you think in the 2nd slot. Ne dom is. 2nd slot Ne is a slave to Ti in INTP which means it's always governed by Ti things. It's Ne within Ti Si and occasionally branching out of it.
>someone makes some sort of joke
>almost never find it funny
>someone shitposts "UOOH UOOHH AHH AHH *flings shit at you*" with a funny photo of a monkey
>laugh my ass off
i don't understand why my humor is so off
You might be ISTP. That type of humor is boring to me. The only jokes that get my INTP brain laughing are funny inside jokes that require previous information to understand or clever abstract jabs.
Maybe you just have a specific type of humor, idk.
It finally happened. I slipped from based ENTP to cringe INTP. I know/knew how to talk to people and could always read people and situations, but now I'm fucking retarded and clam up the second a slightly longer than average pause in the conversation happens. I know what I want to say, but I can't make the words come out. How do I fix this?
Start by understanding MBTI, you can't just change your whole function stack just because you are going through a lonely phase
>Most inventions were discovered out of luck and love
I used to be able to read people as a teenager and say whatever I wanted to them. Now I've been isolated for 10 years and am firmly INTP from what I can tell. Better get over that anxiety or fear or whatever hump that is. I've stayed in that place for 10 years now and dealt with it by avoiding it like a retard. Wish I dealt with it sooner.
yes that's the x thread
r9k mbti is nicer
Yes and i am ready to defend that position
I see INTPs sorta like a ENTP in a cage, fully able to see the interesting abstract shit that's intuited but having that introverted function first makes you incapable of communicating the majority of your genius to the outer world
>Now I've been isolated for 10 years and am firmly INTP
>I slipped from based ENTP to cringe INTP.
As a ENTP that has literally deleted all my social apps and hasn't talked to a single friend in 6+ months with the intention of learning a skill basically 16 hours a day, 7 days a week, so that I will be financially independent for the rest of my life, I can confirm you two were most likely INTPS before you rage quit life
When socially isolated the ENTP goes more into an INTJ like state, like most of my Introverted functions turn into extroverted functions, because the calm makes them bubble to the surface, things get planned, learned and processed much more effectively when there's zero social distractions. (Ne/Fe).
>Yes and i am ready to defend that position
Cool, I'd love to know of an invention that was Invented* (not discovered*) during a lucky love event involving a retard.
Did someone with trisomy 13 accidentally invent the first sexdoll because of their mental inability to distinguish alive from dead?
The SP failed normies look like THIS?
Yes. It's a chart that is mostly accurate about what our types are like. Now, if you don't mind, go fuck yourself.
Surgical gloves.
Dude invented them because he saw his wife with chapped hands after surgery, in his own quotes, love is the mother of invention or some shit like that
>being disingenuous
You know exactly what i meant by luck or love, playing dumb and using a strawman is a kike move, seriously.