Women spend an incredible amount of money each month

Ever lived with a woman? They spend a fucking fortune. At least 80 dollars a day. The cash is forever running out and they need more and more and more. My wife has a phobia of driving so she'll just call taxis everywhere. That's about 20-30 dollars a time in cab fare. They spend spend spend on takeout food, makeup, online clothes shopping, groceries, alcohol, smokes, starbucks, mcdonalds, it never fucking ends.

I'm spending about 400 a month on family groceries (we have 3 kids) yet my wife will never utilize these groceries and make her self some breakfast or dinner. She will cook it for me and the kids and then demand cash to go to the coffee shop or cafe and get a cooked breakfast ready made.

When i talk to other guys they say the same thing, that their girlfriend or their wife spends hundreds and hundreds of dollars a month on stuff that is not essential.

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yea my friends wife an absolute minimum of $100 a day

Just find a woman who makes her own money and you don't have to worry about it.
I'm a woman and I spend probably $1500 a month on my credit card on average. I also pay it off every month. I have never once asked someone else to pay my bills. I work hard for my money and if I want to spend it on things I don't need but want, or even burn it in a pile that's my business.

Start collecting bills for a few months then pile them all neatly up and say she gets her shit together or you leave. My ex was a piece of fucking shit and worked my lower class manual labor wage to the bone. I save 50% of my wage now and I moved to a place that costs me twice as much in rent. Current gf is financially self sufficient so she doesn't burn a hole through my wallet, pocket and soul by being an insatiable materialist.

Rich hubby here. My wife hates me, hasn't had sex with me in 2 years and calls me names and has left me three times but i know she'll always come back because the other guys cannot compete with me financially. She even admits that she'll only divorce me if a rich famous man like Tom Hardy (her dream man) wanted to marry her. Since that's evidently just a pipe dream (she's a 5/10 fattish mother of 3 kids) i'm secure in the knowledge that she will never truly leave me because she absolutely cannot live without all the useless trinkets i give her money for.

Have you considered tightening the purse strings to control her? I imagine if I were you I'd use the money to get to hatefuck her even if I wanted nowhere near her 5/10 fattish mother of 3 coochie.

>Women spend an incredible amount of money each month.
Gfs' and a wifey are expensive breh, lets not even talk about daughters they will wreak your bank account.
I got neither but my sis who works mind you is single handily fucking over my credit score.


Fucking corona virus lock-in is causing boomers to appear on my board.

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>Not dating a poor bitch with a family who barely gave a shit about her so she isn't
>Marrying a white bitch.
That's what you get my guy.

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>*Isn't entitled

Women do 80% of the spending in the US economy. Think about that for a second. Nearly all the money that is spent is spent by women.

Now consider that men pay for women to exist (pic related). Men spend their lives working, paying taxes, and most of their taxes go towards allowing women to lead their luxurious lives and basically do whatever they want without consequence.

Is it any wonder that so many men are opting out of society when the previous reward (a wife to bear his children) is no longer a realistic prospect. The state has replaced men as the provider in women's lives.

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Women make more money than men on average now being the first of many why this is wrong.

It is cheaper to just be a loner and fap. At least do this until you actually buy a house. Savings money is absolutely impossible when you are with a female.

No that doesn't make it wrong. It's over their lifetimes. Women make more in their early 20s only, and then they have kids and have maternity leave and work part time and generally don't care about their careers and become a net recipient of benefit payments.

How do you feel about househusbands?

it's pretty obvious. if you've ever walked around a mall or a regular street in a city like 70% of the stores are catering to women

Meanwhile I just NEET it up, gymcel and fuck your wife. I've fucked 3 wives in my life. None of them cost me a dime.

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Yep, that's because this has been known in economics for some time. If you want to sell things, you market it to the women of the household. They make most of the purchasing decisions, usually using men's money, although that is starting to change.

If you are not simply baiting wagies, nicely done!
However, most seduced women still prove a major investment if you are honest. Only your effort is in time and attention toward her instead of sucking Boss Shekelbergs dick.
Much more fun spending it on a female imo, but the wagie has the plus side of being able to buy other shit. Only the rarest female will simp enough to buy stuff for you.

not interested. i don't want to be dependent on a man, i also don't want him to be dependent on me. a relationship shouldn't be propped up by that kind of thing. either party should be able to leave at any time if they choose.

>if you are honest
Ah, therein lies the secret. I am dishonest and tell them I love them, they're special, deserve better, etc.
>Only the rarest female will simp enough to buy stuff for you.
I don't really want anything from them, but I have received things. The trick is in going for insecure women who talk about being dissatisfied with their marriages. They want some excitement and good dick. You simply give it to them. Very easy. I take antidepressants so I sometimes literally couldn't coom even if I wanted to and was blessed with the big benis despite being autistic.

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I spend 200 pounds a month on make up x

Men like you are disgusting

my girl is not like this at all. very financially minded, she doesn't even buy name brand food stuff unless they're on sale.
just the other weekend I took her out to a local coffee shop and got her a fancy chia tea drink or some shit. it's close to her work so she goes 'I could walk down here and get one everyday if I wanted!' but then, immediately and with no prompting from me said, 'but that's like 5 bucks a day, 5 days a week so it'd be 100 a month, so that's not gonna happen'. then she laughed and enjoyed her drink. she also packs her lunch everyday.
just don't date fucking spoiled idiots and you'll be fine.

good mindset

Everyone with a fifteenth of a working brain knows women are retarded with money. What do you think sexual liberation and workplace emancipation were about. You... you didn't ACTUALLY think major corporate and banking interests wanted women to work because hey "like" women, right!? You'd have to be retarded! They wanted them working because women are horrific with money and go into more debt than men, spend more than men, and need to borrow more than men while also being far too, well, immature to understand what the problem is. Women do not understand where money comes from. Like children, like Hispanics and niggers, they just see it as an infinite resource to be spent instead of, theoretically, a conversion of time/labour into value.

Most men, even lower intelligence men with decent impulse control, will view money as "time" and subconsciously calculate how much "time" a purchase actually "costs" based on their wages/hours worked. Women don't do this and just spend because it makes their tummies feel fuzzy.

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women are the consumers and men are the producers. also falling for the vagina jew meme.

That problem is hardly female only desu.
More then enough zero impulse control males about and naturally the power that be only encourage that weakness.
Living over your means and being in perma debt is bad for you, but good and even necessary for
>muh society
One could go full Yas Forums and suspect that is why certain people are encouraged to breed while others are shat on and made out as undesirable for girls...

>earn about 65 Bong a day
>money saved goes towards the inevitable death of my car
>buy just out of date bread for 11p for my food
>public transportation will make me work at a loss
>can't afford to move out of my parents house
>literally cannot afford to have a gf
>some cunt is spending God knows amount on little bottles of perfumed cement
I know this is just a bait post but this shit really does happen and makes me livid.

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How is it bait, ill post my products. Boo hoo, your a bloke, u get a haircut once a month and maybe if ur lazy grow a beard.

I fucking hate how expensive things are, but men only want attractive women, my friend is blonde with green eyes and guys have literally ignored me whilst talking to her, its fucking rude. It made me feel so small

>I am owed attention!
This is amazing bait because it perfectly captures the female mindset of entitlement. You have this whole "pretending to be a stupid cunt" bit down pat, dude. Nice.

>once a month and maybe if ur lazy grow a beard
Closer to once every 3-4 months. Haircuts are expensive. Shaving blades are expensive so it is easier if you keep a beard and use a thinning electric shaver.
If you were a woman (which you aren't), you could just open tinder and have all the attention you would like, no matter how abominable the woman looks like. Why should I feel any sympathy if their only complaint is "Boo hoo, I can't get Chad".
Final reply, Mr Baitposter.

I don't understand people who spend money in general. I've spent less than 150$ this year on non-essentials (video games, books, etc.). How do these people, especially poor people, justify their level of consumption to themselves?

>I fucking hate how expensive things are, but men only want attractive women
Funny, just 90 min ago or so I had a girl getting all huffy about me because I purposely overlooked her while walking past her.
She was VERY attractive, granted. But she also was a damn fashion poodle and recognizable as a brand-whore from 200m away. Which means that is one girl I would only have trouble and heartbreak with.
Then again, you will assume she was bitchy because I am undesirable and that is a real possibility.

I'm glad I learned to cut my own hair as a NEET. You'll completely fuck it up the first few times but a NEET doesn't have anywhere to go anyway.

How was that origial?

I don't get how some people (i.e. OP's wife) can be so irresponsible with money. One thing to spend on entertainment but my gf's nowhere near so ridiculous about it, I'd feel weird about it even if I was a richfag.

The more money I have the more anxious I am about losing it. The psychology makes sense to me. If you only have a dollar in your pocket it's not going to change your life for the worse if you part ways with it, but if you have a hundred it very well could.

I can't find a job anymore and working makes me want to kms anyways.
I don't believe in divorce either, so if we're really settling in then it's permanent. By that point we should have a good idea on if we want to be together or not, that's that dating is for.
Plus, I'm good with kids, and you'd probably get maternity leave for a while if you're the one providing.

A lot of girls get ruined by daddy who forks it over whenever asked, creating the false impression that money is endless.

Make sure to live that Pretty Woman life and pick up a poor girl with more sensible tastes.

I used to be a lot more tight with it when I made less money, now that I make more I feel okay splurging from time to time. But I'm a single man, so even my thoughtless expenditure levels aren't much.

She's definitely cheating on your pudgy ass brotha
Just find another woman preferably someone that's not financially draining

>my gf, my wife
Fuck it I'm going to wiz, r9k is dead

If she's caught cheating that's grounds for divorce without alimony, no? I know women don't consider consequences especially when it comes to getting fucked by Chad but still she should be hesitant.

Why should I keep up false pretenses in an ocean of faggot shit, tranny shit, racebait shit etc.? Really, people having relationships is what broke you, my man? This place died like 5 years ago. I take a shit in Yas Forums's open mouth.

if your situation was real you would know that about that better than us.
Also wtf is a wife that does not fuck you and even disrespects you openly good for? Hardly an accomplishment to keep that around and pay for it ffs.

Good for you, I'm only saying this because I haven't been here in ages and when I do it's filled with norman garbage like this? Fuck that, there's better image boards than this shithole. I don't know why I came to 4cuck in the first place

You shouldn't come here at all, there is literally no reason to whatsoever. There is nothing redeemable on this entire board. TBQH

I only had one gf and she was even more frugal than me, she's Asian though and grew up relatively poor, had to share a small room with her sister.

I'm a woman and I spend about 1000 britbux a month all in. Thats just bills and shit. To be honest I wish I was the sort of cute stacy who could afford to care about makeup and shit

Delicious. Finally, a based fucking post.

My gf spent $400 in the last few days on 'coronvirus prep'; but she mostly just bought

>make up
>toilet paper that she found on ebay for twice the price even though she WORKS at a supermarket because 'it has cute ducks on it'
>3 trays that you bake muffins in (i don't know why)
>maybe $100 of actual food
>lots of that food is extra virgin olive oil

women are not trustworthy with money

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protip. If you go to morrisons self checkout you can scan cheaper items as others. They dont seem to have weight sensors. This works best for already reduced items so try and find out when they put them out.

this knowledge has helped me save a lot
sound mindset. also in my opinion that isnt enough to comfortably support two people, you'd have to cut things out and start resenting him.
Nobody wants to work. you arent special you bum. suck it up like the rest of us

same roughly, thats with 3 dogs, running a car and But I also splash on a couple of treats a month. could be something like a soft toy or a nice wine. Little spots of happiness in the dark. I genuinely wish I could afford to be frivilous, but thats only for a select few bimbos.

No point in being a wageslave for pennies, especially with the economy collapsing around our ears.
Hell, this whole problem started with feminism, wages lowered when the workforce doubled. Women make more than men now on average so there is literally no point in working as a man in 2020.
So if I can't be a househusband I'll just off myself, no point since I can't survive any other way.

literally my wife. At least we got everything we needed before the stores got packed though.

Do you want a younger girl on the side? Discord or kik?

That's the trade-off when you get married or into a relationship. You get sex, she gets all your money...and then some.

This has been true since the 1950's and probably even before that. Women have always done most of consumer spending. Its the prefect plan really:

>Saddle women with college debt
>Give women make work jobs
>Women spend almost all of their income on bullshit
>Also get credit cards and buy more bullshit
>Keeps economy going in short term
>Debt slavery

In the long term this sucks because your population is fucked but hey, you have immigrants right? Eventually it will all come tumbling down but hopefully you're on your way out by then.

this is why im never getting married or having kids. literally just chains of slavery and financial lampreys. how do you live with yourself knowing your just an ATM?

>how do you live with yourself knowing your just an ATM?
That thought is one of the reasons I simply stay a NEET. If a girl requires me to have a career before she wants to stay with me then I already know what she really 'loves'.
Still waiting for a girl I might surprise with suddenly going full workdrone, but I am pretty sure I'll never need to.

Yea. I had a gf once and I went from spending like 150 on groceries a month to 30 a day. She would always ask for exotic nuts and other superfoods, fancy candles, expensive oils, take-away for dinner every evening etc. It was my fault too for being a wimp and never refusing anything, but she knew exactly how much I make and never once questioned if it was okay that half our monthly budget was going to luxuries. I wasn't able to save any money during the time that we were together and occasionally had to withdraw some money from my savings account to make it through the month.
I'll probably never have another gf again, since she was mostly with me because of severe mental illness and the fact I enabled her lifestyle, but if I do she's either going to have to be a lot more frugal or make her own money.