Corona letter thread

letter thread

write letter here to someone who will never read it

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Other urls found in this thread:

Dear um chubby autistic girl from the netherlands with the huge pepe collection sorry things didnt work out between us you where pretty adorable when you werent being a weirdo
come orbit me again sometime but please be more obedient and willing k thanks bye
-the tall american with the curly dark red hair

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You are truly like a giant amorphous blob. Hard to discern.

Love when you do it, co-dependence when I did it.
Love when you do it, extreme when I did it.
Love when you do it, cringy when I did it.

As I see you are encryptively defrauding me as attempts to defraud me adheres as attacks at me as you aren't a threat to me as I authorize my officers to shoot you for trying to defraud me

What if I were to encryptively defraud the defrauders cryptively?

You spawn gigachrist. This is going to be a spooky thread today, I can tell.

Rather get tanked instead then.

As I see you are encryptively defrauding me as attempts to defraud me adheres as attacks at me as my adherence isn't for others to defraud me as you try to threaten me as I am stronger then you assume as I supressed my adherence as you are scum trying to sit on me as I can shoot you dead for trying to defraud me

I gonna take u for every penny youve got christ

What if I were to tell youthat I was bullet proof? As of yet.

What are the initials if you dont mind me asking?

hi michael m.,

i've been thinking about you a lot lately! i never got to thank you properly for the christmas gifts you sent me because i stupidly threw out the little papers that let you thank the gifter. the plant in the pot is growing really well!

i made a secret link because i really want to talk to you more and thank you properly, but i also dont want some random to masquerade as you. the password is the flag's country + the animal from the gifts you got me! (like, 'australia kangaroo')
here's hoping you see this. i'll try post it a few times i guess.

lots of love,
typewriter user

Where does a man who has outlived his only actual friends and has spiritually died go?

Dear H / S

I miss you so much, posting here is truly my only cope. I've been so lonely, to the point where I wish we had never met so I could have never experienced this level of loneliness. And because you would have been better off.

I don't really know what else to say, I'm a pretty pathetic person for latching on like this. I thought I'd be over it by now. I hope you're doing good above all else still.


I'm sorry I was such a mess. I'm sorry I still am.
I'm sorry I didn't notice. I'm sorry I couldn't save you.
I'm sorry you couldn't save me. I'm sorry I couldn't save myself.

fuck you this shits not real its all fucken huoo doo ovood dooo

render to sender ya

Probably find a new tribe.Have time and money on my side. So many false and useless people though.

No keys to the door.
The door that didn't exist.
Someone capable might use bulldozer to get there.
But in that there's a risk of serious injury.
Serious death.
Although, that does sound kinda nice I'll still stay here.
Together with Miss Pillow.

Okay ching chong , pussy on my big cock
I keep a bitch
I keep a big cock
You get hit
I tell her, "Ding dong"
Okay, ding dong,dick go flip. flop
I do not miss, you making dick hard
You think im cunt, i ain't no nigg
Though you was smoke
You ain't my dick, nah

[Verse 1]
She on my ding dong
She ain't never sucked both ways, but I make 'em ching chong
Left her condo for fades, you was at the SICKO
Might as well beat my meat, My cock filled tiktoks
I been beating all my meat, Hoe's needs to ching chong
Shopping all slaves, and we shoot big thots
Two flooded whole flex, they never ching chong
Lemme fuck yo loli, oh fuck she gonna fart
Niggas are behind bars

[Verse 2]
I gor them ching chong in my me, faggots
My cock made my whole team flooded
Sacks on fifth, Im ching chong
She buying my pp and Flanders
I kidnap her to waikiki
TV up her tiddies
Take her money, go lalamboughini
I call her to eat my pp
On my feet, you see my CC's
Ass cheecks u see my VV's
On my head u see my GG's
Treat that bitch likr ching ching
Big cocaine its a sleepy
Hit the repost like reeree's
Slap that bitch for tiddies
And the pussy on my ding ding

Okay ching chong , pussy on my big cock
I keep a bitch
I keep a big cock
You get hit
I tell her, "Ding dong"
Okay, ding dong,dick go flip. flop
I do not miss, you making dick hard
You think im cunt, i ain't no nigg
Though you was smoke
You ain't my dick, nah

Dear No one,

Should we do some therapeutic crafting today? I have my favorite star print kitchen mitten. I might give away a steam giftcard or something for guesses, just to make it extra weird.

- Trash

i did some baking myself today! some chocolate chip biscuits and a key lime pie in my favourite red pie dish.


What's the occasion? Sounds tasty. Post foods! I won't be baking, myself.


you should see a doctor about that

was in a bit of a depressive slum but i'm deciding to pull myself out with cleaning, baking, and other goodness :) i'll have to post a photo in the morning when the light is good (granted this thread is still up).
what will you be doing instead?

I'm playing the sims, making tiny houses, then I'm going to get crafting once I have the guts to do a little attention whoring, but what's the harm, eh.

ahh i love the sims. i wish i had money to buy all the new expansion packs lol.
what is your crafting? you're being rather vague :^)

I pirated them all, except for the one pack I actually wanted, which I can't find. Shh, I'm being vague on purpose! I look forward to seeing your cooking.

aw but annoooon, i'm so curious :3c

Me too, what has you in your slump?

brain chemicals mostly but also dissatisfaction in my lack of direction in life.

Sounds familiar. Have you ever had a previous direction? What did you want to be as a kid?

wanted to be an astronaut up until the age of 15 before realising my utter incompetence with maths and general retardation was going to stop me.

Nothing wrong with that, just means you had dreams. The thing about big dreams is you can break them down into piles of components, like aeronautics, engineering, astronomy, piloting, like 8 types of scientists. I'm not really in a position to dole out advice and nor did you ask for any, but you can still surround yourself with the essence of things you like.

Has it been a long time?

it's been too long to pursue anything in that area anymore without looking like a retard at uni hah.
thank you for talking to me, user.

>without looking like a retard at uni

Have people given you a lot of hassle? In my experience most people can barely see beyond their own noses, let alone pay attention to me being a retard.

Is it stupid to be with you if I know there's no future to it?

It's stupid to think you can tell the future.

no, but i suppose my anxiety gets the best of me in those moments. i might start looking into unis around me and see what's viable. if what i want doesnt work out, what do you think are some interesting degrees to do?

I'm a permaneet, I wouldn't be any use there, fug. Well, what sorts of hobbies and interests do you have?

haha, that's okay! my interests aren't worth sharing. tell me about yours instead.

Let's say the situation is the other person doesn't want marriage, kids and while I don't care for that either right now I probably will in the future. They guaranteed me they will never want that stuff though.

So is it foolish to stay and inevitably get heartbroken? Or should I continue as I have already, enjoying what we have now and taking it day by day?

Depends what you want out of it, anonymoos. Can you honestly say they'll always think of it that way? I used to hate the idea of marriage and rant about it, but after growing up a little, I adore it.

Are you sure you've tried talking to them about it enough? Can you reason or bargain? And if you won't, or you're calling the future of the relationship already, are you really suitable yourself for the marriage or kids you want?

I don't know.

>my interests aren't worth sharing
So vague :3c. Kidding, kidding. I don't know. Nothing and then everything I can get my grubby hands on at the same time. I feel a bit weird listing anything because I feel like I'm an imposter or something. I like tea and drawing, consooming anime and manga, there, that's a start, now you.

Dear milf fucker retard,
You fucked my life up. Actually you were the beginning of the end, everything that followed your betrayal was just awful and signs that showed me that I should really end it. You even encouraged me to kill myself all those times and I'd tried yet failed, even got warded. It was 6 times to be exact. Now I am here still fucked up and existing, painfully. Nothing can phase me and I feel inhuman most times. Why would you pretend you could be someone you weren't? The abuse makes you feel a little stronger I'd bet but in the end you really just tried to kill a vulnerable person who only tried to show you love and affection. I solemnly believe there must be a personality type that would define people as cynical and heartless as you but no one wants to admit it exists because we as people try to see the good in motherfuckers like you. There's nothing there though.
The noose I hung from faintly reminded me of something familiar. It was similar to your hands choking me before you were ripped off me. Too bad I was brought back again. There's something nice and comforting about slowly losing consciousness and all care.


Dox the cunt

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I don't know either. I'm the much younger and inexperienced one in the relationship so I'm a bit confused.

I'm thinking it over and I realise it's a bit dumb now to worry about these differences. You never know how long it's gonna last or what else is going to come up and how you're gonna think even in a year's time. I'll just take it easy...

That is awful shit they put you through. I'm sorry you're hurting
Truly a monster.

I dunno, Do your best, but you can't tell the future. I've seen some nasty betrayals from people using calling things early as a justification for projecting wants. I don't think you're being fair to him to call it early or from one side, there's a team involved in child rearing and marriage requires two minds and personalities, give them a chance to grow, or better yet, help them see your views. I think a lot of men who don't want marriage are really saying they may not trust the other individual with a marriage just yet. I have no idea.

To whomstsoever it may concern,

Let it be known that I was killed by globalism.

Knowing that I'm going to live the rest of my life never having been cared about, just makes the prospect of spending another year of it alive that much harder to swallow.
I don't even know what keeps me going, I don't have any hope that things will get better. Maybe I've just been so miserable for so long now that some part of me has started to enjoy it.
It's like I'm the trainwreck and I'm watching myself in slow motion, just out of morbid curiosity to see how much worse things can get.
If only I wasn't such a coward.

Dear N,

I love the living shit out of you, But I'm afraid that we aren't alike, but I'd be the happiest man alive if it did.

I can relate. I've been expended for the happiness of others. All I can do is show myself the same regard shown by others and end it before I have to witness myself become any worse.

I really miss when we were still frens, but fuck you for everything you've done to harass me. I can't wait until you're gone. Also, stop fucking stealing from me.

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Pls return my messages
How many years have you ignored me :( why would someone do this to a person they purposely spent everyday with. Why can't i talk to my best frend anymore :((((

>Truly a monster.

Seriously getting raped isnt a big deal, femoids are literally designed to take cock. So what if it is was against your will, how is it physically any different to what cuntoids do every other weekend?

"Muh innocence was taken"
Boohoo get over it, be thankful something real wasnt taken from you. Be thankful you weren't murdered or beaten within an inch of your life because you looked at some guy the wrong way in the pub.

Women fantasize about rape,they act if out with the chads they sleep wit. They literally get off on it ffs. Women dress provocatively and act in such a manner akin to throwing meat to sharks. Why are they surprised then they get bitten? Why stoke male sexual urges i you arent willing to satisfy them?

TL;DR women deserve rape and need to get over it.

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Dear A,

I never got to say goodbye, you moved away without any warning. You were my closest and only friend. My life is shit currently but who knows it might get better. I miss you.

Dear user That Feels Stupid,
I really didn't mean to be so harsh. I used to feel the same way so I guess I talked to you the way I talk to myself to get myself to do things. "Cater to your weaknesses" was a shitty way of phrasing it. My points may have been valid in a way but I should have been more careful and compassionate with my phrasing. That other user was right: you are hard on yourself.
And you're not stupid forever. It just sounds like your stagnating because you're bummed which is an easy pit to fall into and much harder to climb out. So I hope you do take my advice about writing it down. I only know because I had the same problem, you know? I hope you feel better about yourself and life soon and I hope you get a random burst of motivation. If it can be transmitted psychically then I'm sending you some.
Pop in an let us know how you are from time to time.

I hate you for abandoning me. We had the same problems but you slyly went behind my back while telling me not to leave you, resenting me, that you'd harm yourself if I did, while lining up something else. I hate watching you benefit from that choice, I should do everything I can to impede it. I should've cut you off when you were being a retard here. I hate all your damaged communication, the string of people you've cut off through the years, the trail of mess you've left, your calmness when it suits you, but not when you needed saved, how no one is off limits to betray for comfort, how emotion is for 'normies' until its your emotions. I hate how you're the example of how effective it is to be ruthless, because most people can't do what you did and you still find time to shit on others. I couldn't handle any of it and had to come up with all these ways, even when you had what I wanted suddenly one month, returning because you were in trouble somehow, I couldn't take it from you, knowing what you were up to and you still did it to someone else. I hate that these are my memories of what works. Seeing you put it down to diet and excercize for others, when your saving grace was offering your snatch to someone for housing and stability. I hate that this is the formative way things work.