Women need to get over rape #2 Fuck the mods eidtion

Im not surprised my othert thread got zucced. The jannies and mods are nothing but a bunch of pro r3ddit, e-thot enabling faggots. Every thread on the main oage violates the boards rules and even with reporting you cunts do nothing. You are pathetic, traitors and cunt enablers.Im gona re post this everyday.

Seriously getting raped isnt a big deal, femoids are literally designed to take cock. So what is was against your will, how is it physically any different to what cuntoids do every other weekend?

"Muh innocence was taken"
Boohoo get over it, be thankful something real wasnt taken from you. Be thankful you weren't murdered ir beaten within an inc of your life because you looked at some guy the wrong way in the pub.

Women fantasize about rape,they act if out with the chads they sleep wit. They literally get off on it ffs. Women dress provocatively and act in such a manner akin to throwing meat to sharks. Why are they surprised then they get bitten? Why stoke male sexual urges i you arent willing to satisfy them?

TL;DR women deserve rape and need to get over it.

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Based. Fuck the mods and jannies. Also fuck cuntoids





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Incredible image. My pp is actually hard right now.

>durrrr tranny filth is allowed but edgy shit isn't
Hope those new janny applications they got weren't from resetera

you are mentally iII

>>durrrr tranny filth is allowed but edgy shit isn't

No actually.





Get off my board then cuntoid. Filthy rape meat.

You need to bait a lot harder than this to scare fembots off.

not everyone who doesnt want women to be murdered and raped is a female bro

Absolutely based thread. Keep fighting the good fight you glorious bastards

Women enjoy rape though. Why would you threaten women with something you enjoy? You would just be giving them pleasure anyway. Which makes you a simp, lmao.

Not really. The response on FDS discord say otherwise.
Then theyre normies, equally unwelcome. Always kill a traitor before and enemy.

>filthy rape meat
imagine some weak manlet saying something like this

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This whole thread is an embarrassment.

Im 6ft1. Ive also had sex. Although I dont fuck chestlets.

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Imagine seething this hard.

Go back to r3ddit and complain there.

Young white males are prime fuckmeat material.

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man the reddit incel stowaways needs to fuck off to somewhere else
jesus christ you guys are annoying

>Then theyre normies, equally unwelcome

bro judging by your post you have not been here for over a year

the retarded shit your spewing has little to do with the robot culture that was here way earlier
your just a dumb retard
please go back to your incel website
thank you

>"Muh innocence was taken"
Boohoo get over it, be thankful something real wasnt taken from you. Be thankful you weren't murdered ir beaten within an inc of your life because you looked at some guy the wrong way in the pub.

You cant argue with this. Assuming there was no physical trauma or ongoing issue such as pregnancy or STD then you cant really complain. Men are attacked, killed everyday for trivial shit. Women arent.

Why are her tits fused in the middle?

>bro judging by your post you have not been here for over a year
12 years and counting for this board. 14 for the website as a whole. You werent even on the internet back then nucunt.

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>noooo you cant just rape womerinos the hootin goodgirls the frikkin ladirinos!

if you told this to "chad" or "a real man" that you fantasize to be, he would curbstomp you on the street

>Assuming there was no physical trauma or ongoing issue such as pregnancy or STD then you cant really complain.

Of fucking course there is a risk of injury, getting pregnant or STDs if you are raped. Are you retarded?

>men are murdered everyday

Yeah, by other men, shit-for-brains. 96% of violent crime is committed by men. Men are the niggers of the sexes.


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I refuse to believe that anyone who posts these threads is above the age of 15, and I am positive that you are lying right now. You need to go back to Yas Forums with the other literal children if you're mad that mods deleted your gore threads.

this meme doesnt work user.. not everyone who disagrees with your psychopathic beliefs is a female

>Of fucking course there is a risk of injury, getting pregnant or STDs if you are raped. Are you retarded?
Not if you wear a condom and only go for the vagina which as Ive stated, is designed to be traumatized.
>Yeah, by other men
Doesnt change the fact men are more victims than women and of worser crimes. Deal with and it and get over it.

Fuck your pussy
You need to go back to FDS and straighten your tampon.

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Like all inkwells you are probably a cryptofaggot who wants to get raped by Chad and hates women because they fuck Chad and you dont. Would explain why Chad lives in your head rent free so much. Update us after you have transitioned then commit sewer side, sissy faggot.

It does actually. Stay mad you filthy bitch cunt.


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>Like all inkwells you are probably a cryptofaggot who wants to get raped by Chad and hates women because they fuck Chad and you dont

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>Doesnt change the fact men are more victims than women and of worser crimes.

Maybe stop being violent niggers then? Also, worser isnt a word lmao, are you 12? Evolve you retarded cumbrain.

I am user.
I am not a female. I am a male.

There you go I simplified my post so you can understand it

>are you 12?
I'll have you know OP is 14 and is now in high school.

Maybe stop asking for it then cunts
>i wear it for comfort
No, you, dont.

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Men will rape their own mothers and grandmothers. Men will rape goats. Men will rape babies. Literal niggers of the genders. You deserve to be castrated and sissified, and then there would be almost zero rape or violence.

imagine being called a retard by literally everyone and still trying to act as if your right

its not even a good troll its just retarded

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>Men will rape their own mothers and grandmothers
Source please
>Men will rape goats
Niggers arent humans
>Men will rape babies
Serbian film was funny aye
>Literal niggers of the genders
Ok cuntoid.
>You deserve to be castrated and sissified
Come on then. Im waiting
>and then there would be almost zero rape or violence.

You are so mad. I am so happy and proud of myself.

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Imagine having a cunt and thinking anything you say matters.

This is literally all women are.

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based and truthpilld

Women hate rape because it reduces their market value. Its essentially theft. Women use sex as power but when its revealed that men can easily just take it from women it shows how weak femoids really are.

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should it be legal to rape inferior men?
im coming for you op

Imagine being a sub-9/10, below 193cm male with a sub-9 inch dick and thinking anything you say matters. Lmao.

Faggots are not welcome on r9k. Gay boi.

name one thing wrong with being gay right now
if you can rape girls i should be able to rape you

Now this is some quality Yas Forums posting thank you op today you are not a fag

And the post is 100% true if you think otherwise your a faggot


Imagine not being able to come up with any OC on he OC board.

Later roastoid.

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>user saves pictures of instagram roasties in hotel rooms with breakfast in bed, the morning after fucking Chad, and wishes it was him taking the picture

Sad, many such cases.

as soon as this female rape legislation is passed im gonna come rape you op
you cant stop me from LEGALLY entering that bunghole

>name one thing wrong with being gay right now
Its gay.

Now fuck off AIDS boi.

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then ill make you a girl bro ill put you in your effiminate place
then it wont be gay

Yes we get it you no have no tits and flat ass.

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im gonna come rape you op
quit ignoring me i can smell your fear

Go hang with your AIDS friends. Tranny nigger.

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Even if only female rape was legalized, Tyrone can just stick a wig on him and claim he is a tranny. His own fault for waving that boipussy around.

you wont be saying that when my long john dong is legally ravaging your sphincter

>female rape legislation

That doesn't make any sense. You can already rape females, no legislation required lmao.

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yeah you can go ahead and rape a female as long as you want to get raped by a tyrone afterwards

Wearing a dress doesnt make you a girl tranny.

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>as long as you want to get raped by a tyrone afterwards

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wearing a dress wont impede me from legally giving you aids and spitting in your mouth you inferior male
you exist for my dicks pleasure
you too white boi

And men can already rape other mens boicunts, so whats your argument? In fact, in prison, nobody gives a shit about you getting assraped. The guards even encourage it. Normies celebrate it. Thats how little society thinks of all non-Chad men. Really makes you think.

Same person you fucking fag cuntoid. lol
>And men can already rape other mens boicunts
Thats gay and unnatural. Women are designed to take sexual trauma. Men are not. In reality only men can technically be raped.

>s-same person haha
that all you got? out of soijak images?
pathetic effeminate white boi, the second you pass the 'grab your free poon' law im coming for yours