Amerimutts wiII defend this

>Amerimutts wiII defend this

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I love seeing normalfags squirm.

It was never the survival of the fittest, just the survival of the right place and right time.

>the world stops accountants


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>muhhh pandemic

> The measure includes two weeks of paid sick leave and up to three months of paid family and medical leave, enhanced unemployment benefits, free virus testing including for those who lack insurance, additional food aid and federal funds for Medicaid.

Kys Berniebro

Honeslty yes I will defend it. Employees are allowed to quit and give notice, and they often do. Hell some employees even walk off the job and quit on the spot. So why cant employers do the same thing and lay you off if they need to? Both the employer and employee have the right to terminate the relationship whenever they feel like it.

>amerimutts actually believe this

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>he doesnt have a 6 month emergency fund
>he isnt eligible for unemployment
>he doesnt have a professional network which can hook him up with a new job within a few days

>gamer with an opinion
>pasty wh*te
>subhuman chink gf
like pottery

If you don't have enough saved up to keep you afloat for at least a year in case you lose your job or can't work, you deserve what you get. Maybe you should have put some of that money you were making away for a rainy day instead of buying an iPhone and Starbucks every day.

Sure he isn't Puerto Rican?

since this is a wagie we can be sure that is not his child


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shut up retarded incel

Why post this on Twitter? What the fuck does he expect us to do about it?

Boomers are going to be the lat American generation that retires, anyway.

How much do you have in rainy day savings?

based. fuck wagecucks and fuck married normies

The dynamics are 100% fair ground I guess would bring the counter argument. Having other necessities like health insurance being tied to work gives an unfair power balance. 401ks are even better off than IRAs contribution wise. Otherwise if the premise was only work for money and nothing else, then yeah I'd agree with you 100%. Like seasonal retail jobs? Yeah 100%. If I'm a kid looking for cash with some down time. I can leave whenever, and if I suck you fire me whenever.

Maybe he should just pull himself up by his bootstraps

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He's a twitter basedcuck so I don't give a shit what happens to him

yeah I lost my job today because of the Wuhan virus. this is starting to feel like a recession.

No, they're going to be the first generation to die early.

>this is starting to feel like a recession.
You have no idea what that feels like.

and you're an r9kuck now what's worse

time for one of those third trimester abortions you keep hearing about

Lived through two of them during my lifetime.
You probably arent even old enough to fucking vote.

I don't understand what he expects anyone to do about this. Does he expect the government to put more unfair regulations on companies? What does he think will happen if people stop making companies because of these retarded regulations?

Not the one you're replying to, but this is nothing like the bank bailouts. Shut up lmao. Literally logistics companies are hiring everyone they can at the moment. Look at the stock market, why are distribution companies in a pattern showing growth?

You are so dumb like forreal you are soooooo dumb lmao

Everything is crashing, retard.
>Muh companies growing
The government just shoved 1.5 trillion dollars into the stock market

Logistics companies are always hiring because the turn over rates are so stupidly high and the stock market is in utter chaos right now.
The DOW alone took several hits in one week.
Are you a trucker? Would explain why you're such an oblivious moron.
>guh there is no recession cuz I gots a job hauling freight for 30 cents a mile!

deserves it for breeding knowing full well the world is shit

>nonsensical claims without any facts
Even if...

What does any of this have to do with a wallstreet shutdown and bank bail outs

Be more specific saying buzzwords and mentioning the Dow not being stable like it's something new is like saying the sky is blue.

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Gold post right here, folks. The true nature of this world and why we are where we are isn't a function of politics, personality, or ethics. It's just random, uncaring chance. There's nothing special about the rich, you'd be rich too, with the right starting conditions. Or hit by a bus, whichever.

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Logistics =/= truckers

Research companies in the silicon valley are not were billy ray drives his big rig. It's too much of a broad term to be categorized as a truck job. You're calling a tomato an entire sandwich dont be dishonest now user...

>retirement fund
>fall back for a month or so

So like 2k or something? Why do these poor fucks have children?

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Just stay in your lane and let adults worry about real world problems and go fight over a parking spot at loves moron.

Irregardless you still are an idiot that chats up shit he knows nothing about.

Am*rican society is evil and sociopathic
What else is new


That's not a word. You're the idiot

Huh, so you are a Jew or crypto-jew. Interesting. Slither back under your rock before you're exposed and crushed under heel you reprehensible kike.

I'm chatting shit. You or the other idiot is comparing this to the bank bailouts...

Lmao neck urself my guy

Oxford dictionary says otherwise my mentally challenged friend.
Come on now, I know you truckers arent that bright but you have no excuse to be this much of a dullard.

No one even mentioned bank bailouts except you retard.
There were other recessions in the last several decades.
Before you smugly try to act as if you have some kind of high ground you may want to avoid falling into fallacious pitfalls like putting words in other peeps mouths.
Dumbfuck truckerfag.

utter chaos

What was the last most recent devastating recession. You are right I should I assume you are 100yrs old and know what you are specifically comparing it to..

Wait what are you comparing the Corona virus recession theory to?

I'm waiting....
Just so we are the same playing field friend.

>I wont be specific and just pull straws"

Lmao you funny user....

Jesus, at least read Yas Forums if you're going to act like you know what's going on

"Cats make meow noises"


fuck salaried wagies
fuck middle mgmt who are incompetent wagies who kiss ass
fuck rich assholes making 7 figures as "executive of wellness"
fuck anyone who isnt an engineer, directly interacting with customers, the guy who called 50 banks to put together the companies finances

>retirement fund
>1 month

Survival of the fittest means the ability to move into something else's environment and outbreed them, it has nothing to do with this

Is it illegal to fire people with pregnant wives in Yurop?

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>during a pandemic
>it somehow matters
this retard ended up getting a shitty job because he's retarded, as proved my this tweet of his
it wouldn't have happened if he kept going to school and/or tried harder

or either he's retarded, or he's begging for brownie internet points using corona as some shitty excuse

Why should we have to pay for you to have a fucking job? Maybe you should stop working such shit jobs.

He's right, they should have been forced to provide for him and his wife regardless of whether or not they could afford to

Da FREE MARKET Will save them

dun gedd it
is "company" supposed to pay you when you dont work and break its banks financing you while its in the red?

Different user here, but I can easily go a year without working without dipping into my retirement accounts, because I'm not a brainlet and I know how to budget.

I know my monthly food cost, rent cost, etc., and I have added all those up x12 and have that amount in a high yield savings account I don't even look at.

Agreed, this is 100% the retard's own fault. I have zero sympathy for him, only for the child.

Pretty sure Tony Soprano coined that term