
Violently coofing in crowded areas edition

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1st for veganism
2nd for Judaism

Nubs is posting under a new name called "Laura"

Hope ya nan gets corona

3rd for sofi beign my gf soon

will she post feet though? this is the question

Poleaboo is a complete no show.

Shut the fuck up you pathetic little cunt Sp

4th for trucker frens

To the user looking for mods



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you the underweight bloke who fucked his kidneys up because he was too stupid to fast correctly?

In the taxi boys. In a maximum of 45 minutes, I shall be cooming.

Nah that's was greggs lad.

whats your height/weight and what're your 1rm on all major compound lifts?

imagine being fucking circumcised lol, absolutely rekt

5'8 and 14 stone

So the tories' plan is for 2/3rds of the population to get corona to develop herd immunity. WHO says it's a dumb idea, and most think this "plan" will make the virus spiral out of control in the UK.

This is all a desperate bid to save boomers from corona.. if all the young people get it by being forced to go to work etc, going to school/uni, then the uk will gain herd immunity before too many old people die. This is so desperate and doomed to fail... Privately the gvt are willing to accept half a million deaths from this, but their "why contain it" plan will likely lead to >75% of the population infected within a few months.

Sigh.... I hate the tories so much. We're governed by eugenicists and idiots.

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what about lifting lad? how much weight can you shift on the bar?

How tf did you get obese as a vegan? fucking state of it lmao

probably a shitty vegan who doesn't cook his own meals and lives off junk food

What's heroin like lads? I remember when the Scottish lad who was an ex-scagg head was here. Good times.

5'10 84KG

OHP: 80
Bench: 135
I Don't squat as I have naturally large legs.
I don't deadlift because I don't want a blocky core.

I don't lift weights because my wrists are weak fella


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>height doesn't start with a 6

fucking incredible lads, now all we need is a fucker claiming to be him to "switch to" a secure trip to stop imitations and we'd have noway of knowing if it's him or not

Imitation is the highest form of flattery boys. Winner winner hummus for dinner.

>l don't lift weights because my wrists are weak fella

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I will never use a trip. The imitation makes me laugh. I don't do this for ego I do It to dab on all the fatcels and incels here.

Right tired of having the piss taken out of me, this is the REAL 1/8th Jewish vegan, accept no substitute



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>I don't do this for ego
get a fucking grip lad

Why have you come back? I remember you shit posting here a while back when lads would say you are SCEA.

I'd put you in an arm bar quick as fella, take the name off, because Im the real deal

Always changing. Ever evolving.
You cannot beat me. I never lose. I am the father, the son and the sexy spirit. You may imitate me, make a trip, copy my extravagant style. But you will never win. I am forever. Indomitable. Immortal. Ever present.

Just did some push ups and bodyweight squats. This is what it's come to, I'm not going to the gym before coronavirus dies down

hmm interesting how scea recently got rings rung around him so embarrassingly he's fucked off out of shame

Your mum loves my cock fella, she's absolutely begging for it. We agreed I'd keep shagging her until you stop using my name. She doesnt want either of us to stop

Yeah SCEA was made to look a right twit, wouldnt be surprised if they are one and the same

I have loved but I have never lost. I am Dominance. And you are my dominion.

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Check out this long boi lads

Need to take more pics in ATS tbqh

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absolute STONKER of a truck lad, wonder where it's headed?

>what's that bro, your gym is shut?
>y-you wanna use mine?
>I don't think so bro...

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They call me Patrick Bateman. I am lethal. On the verge of frenzy.

Don't come here enough to know what is going on anymore. Used to spend hours on here, now probably don't lurk/post for more than an hour a day. Just fed up of all the personalities and shit posting now tbqh

Night to all the lads except SCEA

fuck ya nan lad

He fears my methods because he doesn't understand my methods. You know, human nature, the unknown, sure- but relax. You know. I don't want all this I what are you doing? How are you doing it. No. Judge me by my results.

>tfw homegym chad already
what happens at the end of american psycho anyway? at the bit where he called his lawyer I'd had 28 units of rum and went to throw up

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>joked and told me dad I had corona
>he took it seriously
>I said I'm joking
>he went nuts
what did he mean by this

Means he's an old man who can't take a joke.

its meant to be ambiguous. All I know is that it is indeed hip to be square

Really just wanna shag a dumb blonde English slag.

SP is a nasty little virgin

With loads of money! Drinks are on SP. Waheyyyy.

Hello shippy you fucking nonce. Do you know why people are confusing me with you?

>just realised addicted to prescription drugs

Third Guinness kicking in. One left plus a can o Kestrel 9% special brew, that will do the job. Sneezing like a cunt tho, nasal congestion, got the old corona virus. RIP me.

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post setup laddo

Don't ignore me fucker.

this is what you sound like lad

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5th budweiser for me, cough getting dryer, think ive got it lads

OK so i just downed my fourth can. Fuck you want dick slapp?

any of you cunts want a fight in Milton Keynes?

>virus poLICE will arrest rule breaking delinquents

All you gotta do lads........... is 'cough' in their vile rotten LICE faces.

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>Milton Keynes

Name of that shit hole reminds me of leukaemia. I would never visit such a vile cancerous 'new town'.

woud you feel guilty if you got coronavirus and gave it to your mummy and killed her?

atleast it reduces the risk of secondary outbreaks