So what kind of mental gymnastics do you go through to delude yourself you're a good person despite paying for animals...

so what kind of mental gymnastics do you go through to delude yourself you're a good person despite paying for animals to be raped, enslaved and killed for your taste pleasure?

vegans are morally superior because we dont pay for animals to be enslaved, raped, tortured and killed for our taste pleasure

and meat eaters literally do delude themselves with mental gymnastic garbage into thinking they are good people, and in the pretense of vegans they get mad because it causes them cognitive dissonance because theres someone who doesnt pay for animals to be tortured and killed for their taste buds

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Other urls found in this thread:

I got a good vegan recipe, not a troll

Tofurky chikn
And plant ranch all in a taco

cringe fag lmao

I'm fine with that, I'm not a good person.

They dont want to admit that animals have deep emotions like us. Their emotions are even deeper because they dont have logic to cope like we do.
The human slave argument comes to mind as well, humans understand we need them to pick food while animals will never understand why they're turned into food

I NEVER get a fucking response. here is why im not vegan: same reason why I dont ride a bike to work, but instead drive my car - although riding a bike is more moral (less population, noise), its too much to ask from me - too much skin off my personal ass for not enough good done. likewise with veganism, these things are too much to ask for from the individual, and can only really have any meaningful impact when done by collective (legislative) action. otherwise, joe smow is just living a miserable life so more chicken can be thrown into the wallmart dumpster/have 00000000000000001% less population output

>more chicken thrown in the dumpster

I thought anti vegoons were eating all of the animals to spite us? It was wrong..

>you're a good person
I'm not lol.

it's tasty and vegan food doesn't really make me feel fell

>these things are too much to ask for from the individual

ah, you are saying that its too hard to stop eating animal foods?

>its too much to ask from me
i understand its hard to quit eating meat, especially fast food, but it can be done. im sure rapists dont like the idea of stopping raping people, but these are all moral issues

>and can only really have any meaningful impact when done by collective (legislative) action
thats not true at all. your impact is immediate, its called supply and demand. by not buying animal products, you deduce the demand of it, which, over time, will statistically mean that the grocery store will order next next meat over the next 6 months, to account for your lack of business

peter singer, a princeton professor, explains the idea behind supply and demand in the first 3 minutes of this video

>joe smow is just living a miserable life so more chicken can be thrown into the wallmart dumpster/have 00000000000000001% less population output
the problem is when you pay money for these products, it gives an economic incentive to keep making them. for example, dairy has been getting less business due to the increase in plant based milks, and they are hurting financially because of it

not to mention you are appealing to futility
>waaa animal abuse is always going to happen so might as well keep doing it

using this logic, police wouldnt patrol the streets because there will always be crime, and doctors wouldnt try saving peoples lives because there will always be medical deaths. its hypocritical to appeal to futility in this moral issue because you wouldnt appeal to futility in other moral issues that are futile to stop, you obese pig

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>you obese pig
Imagine using the word pig as a slur, bigot.

i made awesome vegan chocolate chip cookies last night. i think a lot of people don't go vegan because they don't realize how easy it is now. there's now an indistinguishable vegan replacement for pretty much anything.

also, i don't think many non-vegans consider the environmental impact of factory farming. maybe you don't feel bad about the animals, but you should definitely consider how your diet impacts the planet. even eating locally sourced meat from a farmers market or hunted meat is better than conventional options.

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Do you have to make this fucking thread every goddamn day? No one fucking cares nigger

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>morally superior
>good people
imagine determining ones morality on whether someone eats meat or not

This is why we hate you faggots, not because you don't eat meat. But because your whole life is centered around veganism and muh tortured animals. You live in a fucking bubble shielded from real life problems 90% of the world faces, but unfortunately for you that bubble is about to burst.

yup, thats what I said

some things are just too demanding. theyd be nice if we did them, but there isnt a absolute imperative there to do them. such as riding a bike to work instead of driving your car

if joe smo stops buying meat, diddly shit will happen. these things have to be done by collective action. im not going to stop eating meat just to see everyone else continue to eat meat.

>peter singer
atleast name a moral philosopher who isnt a utilitarian

exactly, thats why we need legislative action rather than individual action. same for recycling, same with car population.

>waaa animal abuse is always going to happen so might as well keep doing it
atleast quote the things which I said instead of putting words into my mouth...

It's still a good idea to bump this thread because vegans love being TOPPED and we need even more people like this!


>claims to love animals
>uses pig as an insult
also the difference there is that having doctors and police aren't futile, but 1 single person stopping eating meat would be. also
>morality existing
LMAO jump off a bridge you moral fag v*gan fag

Look OP, I'm not against veganism nor am I for factory farming. Quite frankly, I understand where vegans are coming from seeing as how much livestock is killed only for the food has gone to waste. I worked in the meat department for a while and the amount of rotisserie chickens we has to waste at the end of the day was sickening.

Regardless of any kind of diet (unless you harvest the food yourself) you will have to kill animals. Farmers have to kill many pests and animals to grow their crops. Not to mention the pesticides used for their crops, which are effecting the bee population. With the rise of veganism, more pollinators, rodents, and wildlife are being killed so sustain the crops.

Either way, we are killing animals. There is no safe haven to be completely cruelty-free as far as our nutrition goes. It would be great to have a world where we could just completely stop the suffering, but that word doesn't exist and nor will it ever.

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This post is full of shit and you know it.

paused at the perfect time....

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shouldnt you be orbiting ethots and posting in your tranny discord you faagot? because those are the most popular threads

>imagine determining ones morality on whether someone eats meat or not
>imagine determining ones morality on their actions and inactions

wow, what a concept

>But because your whole life is centered around veganism and muh tortured animals

shut up you mental gymnastics faggot. if people were torturing and eating german shepherds, all you normie faggots would be outraged, yet you ignore the suffering of pigs cows and chickens

>You live in a fucking bubble
well, you live in a bubble that is the blubber burlging out of your stomach and thighs

>such as riding a bike to work instead of driving your car
this is a bad comparison because they are not the same thing. a better comparison would be a gas car and an electric car

>diddly shit will happen
also FACTUALLY WRONG, you ignorant cunt. less animals are bred into existence over time, you save animals the unimagineable amounts of suffering they endure for your obese taste pleasure

>thats why we need legislative action rather than individual action
legislative action doesnt happen when vegans are a small small minority of the population. the more people go vegan, the more people will start voting against animal slavery and murder

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>shouldnt you be orbiting ethots and posting in your tranny discord you faagot? because those are the most popular threads
Based sissy!

Oh it's clearly bait, still thought it was worth mentioning that this fucking utopia vegans want will never exist.

Most based insult in the thread, even just supporting veganism gives you the brain power to make this.

Go back to making bdsm threads on s*c and thinking your sex partners will marry you

dont tell me what i can and can't eat. i don't give a fuck about your "morality".

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Yeah retard, animals go into a factory and die no fucking shit. Posting this animal gore shit achieves fucking nothing. Humans will eat what humans have been eating for the past few millennia and it will stay that way no matter how much you piss your pampers over it. Kill yourself.

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Interesting article OP, thanks. As someone interested in psychology this has made me realise a lot of people who hate vegans are just coping. I'm not vegan at all but I'm thinking of going pescetarian.

>its a bad comparison because I can respond to it
demonstrate why its disanalogous otherwise shut the fuck up and buy a bike

wow 1 person buys no meat
aka they get fucked so more chicken is thrown in the trash

this last point is just factually wrong. it isnt murder. the meat industry is legal, and hence, murder is a term which you cannot use.

dont you think its funny just how INSANELY HYPOCRITICAL r9k users become when exposed to the suffering the cause animals?

half of this board is being morally outraged at being mistreated by the hands of normies and chads and your parents and roasties and society


then you faggots turn around and laugh at the suffering of pigs and cows who die for your TASTE PLEASURE. in the same way that other people abused you and laughed at your suffering like you were nothing, you turn around and abuse the weak for your pleasure

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I don't care about the animals. And if I was ever in the tram dilemma but with 6 vegans on the track I would choose multi-rail drifting.

you're a retard in every sense of the word. Human life is more valuable than a pig's. There are children in africa and china being sold for sex slavery and being put through worse torture, while still having the mental capacity to understand their surroundings. Unlike mere livestock. I will blissfully turn a blind eye to factory farming so I can get my chicken tendies.

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Lmao I love these threads. As a vegan it's so entertaining to watch people experience the doublethink and cognitive dissonance that I used to experience, and understanding the psychology makes it even better.
Keep it up OP.

What doublethink and cognitive dissonance? There's is nothing wrong with killing and eating animals. Humans being nothing more than mere animals is just an assumption that you hold so if there's anything troubling your conscience it's your own problem.

why the fuck are these faggot vegan threads popping up so often

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It really is like watching a small child try to explain something like why the sky is blue, except they're saying it with aggresive confidence

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If anything vegtards have cognitive dissonance because they straight up deny that their food production exploits animals.


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Vegans are actually right and logical. We dont need meat. But who cares anyway? This world never was about the right thing, its about freedom to do what you want. Meat eaters are retarded but theyll continue to be retarded and there isnt much you can do about it. Just like there isnt much you can do about how many wars humans caused, how many murders, how many unecessary lies etc. Were shit creatures who share a miserable existence. Just turn your brain off and enjoy the ride

>We dont need meat.
Who are "we"? Rich liberals with personal dietitians?

>their food production exploits animals.
you obviously dont understand the definition of exploit, you FUCKING MORON. exploit is to take advantage of for your benefit. we dont take advantage of animals when we harvest plants, but we do kill them

this is because they are invaders who are stealing our food, you FUCKING MORON. we kill them in self defense, because if we didnt they would literally eat all of our food. we HAVE to kill them. same with a home invador who is stealing you stuff. its perfectly justifiable to shoot and kill a home invador because its self defence, you FUCKING MORON

not to mention, many more animals die in the harvest of crops needed to feed cows, because something liek 13 kilos of corn make 1 kilo of a cow. its much less cost effective to feed cows crops to get it fat. if you cut out the middleman and eat the crops yourself, it results in less harvesting deaths

kill yourself you fucking faggot

vegans dont pay for animals to be EXPLOITED, but you do, you fucking RETARD

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Humans. Human beings can survive on a vegan diet, its not impossible and actually has a ton of benefits.
Are you for real? Meat is and dairy is more expensive than a plant based diet

I'm actually a white Buddhist and animal testing isn't an extreme bother to me, unless I were to witness it doing ill. Many human traits are the direct result of the next couple years when those that stay on Earth instead of travel the stars mutate among the animals in above-usual gamma radiation. There is a time and a place for everything, so says the Buddha.

>argument is based on morailty

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>Human beings can survive on a vegan diet

*laughs in rich, both dietary and financially*

you really have no clue about how your food is produced you fucking moron
just confirms how much you're trying to cope

And be healthy. But if youre going to use nitpicking words and being a pedantic 12 year old retard as your main argument then ok

>Veganism is healthy!

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Oh, I don't have to nitpick anything since your argument that plant based diet (healthy one too) is cheaper does not check out where I live. I just thought that it's funny to point out that you used that word.

a properly planned vegan diet is nutritionally adequate for all stages of life

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t, fag obese piggy piggy hamplanet hammie

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What absolutely amazing country you live in where a steak costs less than beans? Sounds like absolute heaven dude, take me there

Nice false equivalency. More like shitty liver and offal.

probably texas

Did you genuinely think this was actually a good argument to make? Christ dude

>Did you genuinely think this was actually a good argument to make?
You compared steak and beans completely disregarding price points, how's that a good argument?

>Oh, I don't have to nitpick anything since your argument that plant based diet (healthy one too) is cheaper does not check out where I live

the healthiest foods are whole unprocessed vegan foods.beans, lentils, sweet potatoes, brown rice, peanuts, walnuts, broccoli, strawberries, apples, flax seeds, carrots, etc

these foods are DIRT fucking cheap, and they are the healthiest. processed vegan foods are worse for you, and they are more expensive. beyond meat burgers taste good but they are processed vegan garbage. oreos taste good but they are processed vegan garbage. cocacola tastes good, but they are processed vegan garbage

vegan foods literally are cheaper, you fucking mouth breather

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>privileged ape telling me what's cheaper where I live
Based retard.

i wouldnt mind go vegan but i dont really care about the animals,i do feel empathy for them but at the end of the day i just dont care

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Bro I have a relative with a child who's on a vegan diet and they look HORRENDOUS. Their skin practically looks translucent, they already have the basedboy look going on, underweight with no muscle tone. Comparing a picture of myself at their age I looked 100x better. Why? I drank dairy milk and ate a fucking chicken nugget now and then. Infants should not be put on a vegan diet if it can be avoided.

Is she doing the raw plant diet with her child?

Give the kid veggie nuggets or unreal chocolate, and processed vegan food

>bro bro my anecdotal example shows that vegans are all malnorished and have bad skin
>see see see bro, see bro im right because of my single anecdotal example

well, if you actually looked around, you'd see that most kids are overweight or obese. you know why? its because they eat a lot of processed foods and animal foods. animal products like meat, dairy, eggs and fish cause diabetes and obesity. i like how you conveniently ignored all the fat ass meat eating children and just hyper focused on some ugly vegan

regardless of how ugly these vegan kids are, they are SKINNY, unlike the children of obese meat eating hammie flubber salad-dodging fucks like you

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not in this day and age its not difficult your just a whiner

So what do we do with the farm animals? Commit mass genocide on them? Sterilize them? We can't just set them free into the wilds as that will make some of them become invasive species.

>bro americans are fat therefore vegans are healthy or something

i accept that higher mammals have a concience somewhat similar to us, but my culture relies on colonising the rest of the world. so why should i care about some animals? three children died for my outfit.