What's the hottest thing a girl has ever said to you?

What's the hottest thing a girl has ever said to you?

For me it was
>I'm your little bitch, Daddy

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My sister told me if we weren't related she would probably fuck me.

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>I'm turning nine in May

"You're tall..." Granted this was back in freshman year. Chick's with an absolute unit now, of course.

"your father will be home in 15 minutes, if you're doing this do it now"

Good boy. She even pet my head.

there's just no way
calling bs

My gf said the same to me opie
I made her say it though

"Go for it, then".
Original sentence was told in French.

Not necessarily the hottest but the most impactful when she told me she loved me just the way I am.
But then I fucked up right away because that shit made me cry and she left me for another guy like 2 months later so that's my own fault.

>I would marry you in heartbeat
My dick was so hard it was hurting me, I coomed so hard that I legitimately thought my dick exploded.

>imagine I sat on your lap and pissed and had it seep through our clothes on your dick

No way holy SHIT !

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"I adore you"

Once in college I had a guy tied up to my bed and was riding his dick and I started telling him I wanted to make him a DILF and I hadn't been taking my birth-control lately. He started crying.


Did you still make him cum inside you? How big was his dick?

Not your fault for having feelings, she obviously didn't mean it if she left you anyway. Fuck em, find someone who actually cares about you.

this regularly

>I love your dick daddy
I cringed but it grow on my

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He came yeah. He wasn't really sure if I was serious and when he would ask I would just say I was but in a facetious tone until he started getting upset and cried. He was pretty big probably 7 inches and kinda thick.

Age?(you and hers)
That's hot

"would you like a receipt?"

>I farted. A lot.
I don't think she had any idea

>He was pretty big probably 7 inches and kinda thick
Was he the biggest you've had?

No but my fault for showing them. There is little that's a bigger turn-off for women.

"what if instead of being a full on slave I would just be required to swallow your cum anytime you got off?"

t. knows nothing about prostitution

Biggest was similar to 7 inches in length but a bit thinker.

>Biggest was similar to 7 inches in length
Do you prefer bigger ones like that?

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PLS can u post pictures of urself i want to coom to u

Some girl a talked to on discord said i was cute and wanted to see my penis. Only one i can remember.

Yeah I guess I like them big.



>damn im so wet right now

>those veiny breasts

>Yeah I guess I like them big.
How many guys have you been with? Also how do you feel about really small ones?

Oh look another attention whore
Post ass, nobody cares about tits

I hate this place. Its a shell of what its supposed to be.

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congrats youre a rapist

I didn't actually expect you to post a picture, it was an ironic COOM post. I'm in a relationship.

Dumb whore, how does it feel knowing you will never be a decent female and that nobody will want to marry you if they knew you posted this shit online?

"Do you want us to take our clothes off"
"Want to see me kiss her"
True story.
Happened when I was 10, it was an older girl and her sisters who were just teasing me and my friend
An hour later she punched me in the face

Thanks. I've been with 8 guys total.

Really small doesn't seem appealing.

You're right user, my apologizes.

The times they are a changin.


Oh user you better go before your GF kicks my ass.


"oh yea fuck me darling, touch my lungs!"

>thinks that there's anything out there that females can do that would make them unmarryable
That's not how modern society works user

please fembot tell me how to get a gf

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there's literally nothing wrong with incest if your cousins or something
sister maybe kinda somewhat acceptable

Would this be big enough?

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Haha we got her reddit well done

>touch my lungs!

What, she means for your dick to touch her lungs? That's an odd descriptor but sure

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im rock hard and will cum to this thanks

Thatss your fault for letting women vote and not hating simps

that's it? i get called tall all the time and get my shoulders complimented but that's it

8.5 dick here
will impregnate you for a double whopper meal and an uber

fucking cringe kill yourselves

She said I was adorable and hugged me and my face went into her boobs while she ruffled my hair. Probably the most profound moment of my life.

Back in high school i was 13 i think a girl said if she wasn't dating she would take my virginity for me, God i wonder how things would turned out if that one thing happened when i was so young, now i feel like shit remembering my life when i was younger and discovered this website in 06 that probably molded me the way im now

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Post more whore, post at least 10 pics otherwise you won't get that attention you want

kill yourself nasty slut

yes that's what she meant
when I first put it in her moments before she said it felt like my dick was rearranging her organs and she loved it
girl liked it deep

>I've been with 8 guys total.
That's a decent number how many of them did you let cum inside you?

>Really small doesn't seem appealing.
Would you turn a guy down if you knew he was like 4 inches or under?

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Kill yourself you disgusting simp.
You're everything wrong with the world

>hey stinky, you wanna a bf or not?

Not bad user. You got a GF?

Cool. Hope you have fun.

If you really got 8.5 you'll never need an uber again because you're not leaving my basement.


I'll do it coach.

But I won't do that.

All I think.

Hm, probably. Not to be mean or anything.

How'd that happen lad? Why did she punch you?

>But I won't do that.
well we will just need to wait for the new AIDS then

Is your feet cute?

Hey whore, I want to let you know I'm saving your pictures, but that doesn't mean I respect you.
Now post more ass since most people here are amerimutts

i want to breed those jewish milkers

I hope you get pregnant from a nigger and when you go after him to take care of the his kid he beat you and leave you to take care by yourself

>All I think.

>Hm, probably. Not to be mean or anything.
What if you found out after seeing it, would you laugh? Would you be into bullying a guy for being so small?

>I shit all over
indeed she did

It's a 9 actually I like to be humble, but I like my flat, my kitchen and my shitter so my penis will stay forever distant I am afraid.

Look at this fucking retard trying to respect a whore who just want attention, she will not fuck you virgin retard

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You just know she's taken BBC.

>he thinks I want to be fucked
I want to be bullied

>being this unashamedly a cuck

he got called racistt in greggs