ITT we discuss

Why we hate femoids

Why they are scum

Why they need to get the fuck off Yas Forums

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Why they need to get the fuck off Yas Forums
There are no women here

They wear makeup to add 5 points to there sms
They need to ban it

>Why we hate femoids
They won't let me stick my penis them
>Why they are scum
They won't let me stick my penis them
>Why they need to get the fuck off Yas Forums
They won't let me stick my penis them...

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i hate foids because they fuck their dogs.
case in point

foid hate threads are the best

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Gentleman, I feel a burdensome need to inform you of something important. Namely, ALL WOMEN ARE WHORES.
Thank you for your time, gentleman. I hope you enjoy the rest of the evening.

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gentlemen, this is a based thread, i really hope old food hating Yas Forums will be back
good morning i hate women

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*foid hating
fuck auto correct

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>ITT we discuss
>Why we hate femoids
>Why they are scum
>Why they need to get the fuck off Yas Forums

Because you can't get laid or have some serious psychological issues

It is rape for men to have an academical or political position independent of women. Policy and culture will continue to reflect this until the bitter end.

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Fuck off u simp piece of shit

Get some fucking help,you fucking autist

Good morning brother we need more men like u instead of these pussy worshiping simps

If u dont hate fem u need help u fucking moron

No,you need help ,because you're a paranoid autist


Lmao paranoid alright kiddo

Yeah,either are paranoid or have some sort of major problem.

Personally I despise women. I have fantasies about killing all the women at work and then myself.

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In what way am i paranoid you retard

Good im glad my friend

Frothing at the mouth and spouting hateful shit about half of the people that live on this planet makes you look pretty paranoid.

>Men use rape to bully women and oppress them and this issue extends to all matters of public policy as seen in this example sequence of events.

Omg omg omg i didnt realise u had hacked my computer and can see my mouth frothing right at this moment teach me ur ways please

It's not literal you fucking autist. you just sound so angry from your replies that one might jokingly think you're fronthing at the mouth while writing them.

Im actually laughing at how retarded you are

and I've been laughing at the pathethic social retards like yourself that make threads like these for years.

>pathetic social retard

Go fuck off back to snapchat fella

no,I'm staying here to piss you off.
Kill yourself,autist.

We hate them because this is a board for gay males only, and men will always be naturally born gay

Stay as long as u want ill still never get pissed off also why would i kill myself im the happiest ill ever be

Happy people don't make women hate threads on sites like these.

Thats a very bold statement as i am very happy and also hate women

>young women of today

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you wouldn't waste energy making threads like these and hating women if you were happy.

I make threads like these to talk to other likeminded anons it has nothing to do with happiness lmao

because they do what is wrong even though they know it is wrong

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you wouldn't feel the need to beso negative and hurt such a large number of people if you had no issues. It's that simple.

So u cant be happy and hate people what fucking fantasy world are you living in i really want to know

yeah, you can't. Seethe; rent free; etc.

You are fucking delusional making rules on whether people can be happy and hate lmao

>So u cant be happy and hate people
If it drives you to the point that you make shitty seething threads like this one. no,you can't.

Imagine simping as hard as this. Nobody likes you.

No,nobody likes you.faggot. Otherwise you wouldn't participate in this bullshit.

Leave roastie normalnigger. we only accept homosexual love here

I just showed up you stupid cunt. All you will ever do in life is sabotage threads on Yas Forums.

And what threads do you make? I could take a guess it would be about worshiping anything with a pussy

this user has a point, no one lives in a utopia.

no,pussy worship is equally stupid.
Just make threads about positive things you enjoy,hobbies,entertainment,what ahppens in your life etc

No,I'm about to get a college degree,I work out,get laid and have hobbies.
eat an entire mountain of dicks.

>about to get a college degree
>crusades to promote the surrender of all agency in matters of male sexual and emotional culture and policy to feminist overlords.

It checks out bros.

>hurr durr you don't hate women,you're a SJW feminist

Kill yourself,you stupid fucking autist.

Literally, every culture in human history has known that women are completely worthless shit, and the ONLY reason anyone has ever put up with them is one: because some of them are pretty to look at
And two: they shit babies from their vaginas, and for some reason people think that's a good thing to perpetuate the human fucking species, whatever.
Cunts never ever and I mean EVER take accountability or responsibility for their own fuck ups and faults. Cunts are narcissistic by nature. They are always liers. They are greedy, selfish and cowardly. They have no sense of loyalty and will leave you or betray you in a heartbeat if they think it would benefit them in anyway. They either do not believe in or do not comprehend things like common sense, or logic, or reasoning or truth. They are spiritually retarded, and can not be trusted or relied upon. Yet, the only reason they rest on a pedestal above everyone else, is because men are so weak minded and WHIPPED by the woman's pussy.

Present any facts, any logic truth or common sense to a woman or a simp. It will be completely disregarded. They don't believe in it. But they depend on it. Because they are hypocritical.

They will attack this post with the usual ad hominems of incel and virgin. As predictable as the sun rise.

100% based user i hope to see u around in future threads

>women are completely worthless shit,
>men are so weak minded and WHIPPED by the woman's pussy.
So men can be so easily controlled by something not worth shit? The ancients knew of the power of pussy so thats why they kept women on a leash.

The power of pussy won't mean anything once artificial wombs are invented. The power of pussy is a meme. Women are truthfully actually scum, and like the analogy of a pink elephant in a waiting room that no one acknowledges, no one wants to admit this because they are afraid of being deemed ineligible for the access of sticking their peeper in some whore's cunt. That's what pussywhipped is, being so mind controlled by the possibility of having sex that you would almost literally eat SHIT if you could only have the privilege of sniffing the stench of some bitch's cunt. That is the definition of being a weak minded simp.

The only weak mean are the ones mind controlled by women.

What's the point of hating foids?

>This thread is about hating women
>kill yourself autist
>You are hating people autist
>kill yourself
>hurr dur
This thread is about the descent to barbarism caused by feminist influence in western academia and politics. It takes place on a board devoted to the community and mutual wellbeing of our meek and gentle, yet marginalized participants. Since as expected, this thread is outright condemned by rightthinkers as extremist and misogynist, it just isn't reasonable for you to demand pretense or tact regardless of how politely you ask for it. Lurk moar newfag.

is there anything more simpish than obsessing over women as incel spergs do?
rent free

Real misogynists only have love for men!

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laughing at you does not mean we want to be you.